module Control.Concurrent.SCC.XML (
xmlTokens, parseXMLTokens, expandXMLEntity, XMLToken(..),
xmlElement, xmlElementContent, xmlElementName, xmlAttribute, xmlAttributeName, xmlAttributeValue,
import Prelude hiding (takeWhile)
import Control.Applicative (Alternative ((<|>)))
import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Data.List (find)
import Data.String (IsString(fromString))
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack, singleton)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Numeric (readDec, readHex)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Incremental (Parser, more, feed, anyToken, satisfy, concatMany, takeWhile, takeWhile1,
string, moptional, skip, lookAhead, notFollowedBy, mapIncremental, (><))
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Incremental.LeftBiasedLocal as LeftBiasedLocal (Parser)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Incremental.LeftBiasedLocal (leftmost)
import Control.Monad.Coroutine (Coroutine, sequentialBinder)
import Control.Concurrent.SCC.Streams
import Control.Concurrent.SCC.Types hiding (Parser)
import Control.Concurrent.SCC.Coercions (coerce)
import Control.Concurrent.SCC.Combinators (parserToSplitter, findsTrueIn)
data XMLToken = StartTag | EndTag | EmptyTag
| ElementName | AttributeName | AttributeValue
| EntityReference | EntityName
| ProcessingInstruction | ProcessingInstructionText
| Comment | CommentText
| StartMarkedSectionCDATA | EndMarkedSection | DoctypeDeclaration
| ErrorToken String
deriving (Eq, Show)
expandXMLEntity :: String -> String
expandXMLEntity "lt" = "<"
expandXMLEntity "gt" = ">"
expandXMLEntity "quot" = "\""
expandXMLEntity "apos" = "'"
expandXMLEntity "amp" = "&"
expandXMLEntity ('#' : 'x' : codePoint) = [chr (fst $ head $ readHex codePoint)]
expandXMLEntity ('#' : codePoint) = [chr (fst $ head $ readDec codePoint)]
expandXMLEntity e = error ("String \"" ++ e ++ "\" is not a built-in entity name.")
newtype XMLStream = XMLStream {chunk :: [Markup XMLToken Text]} deriving (Show)
instance Monoid XMLStream where
mempty = XMLStream []
l `mappend` XMLStream [] = l
XMLStream [] `mappend` r = r
XMLStream l `mappend` XMLStream r@((Content rc):rt) =
case last l
of Content lc -> XMLStream (init l ++ Content (mappend lc rc) : rt)
_ -> XMLStream (l ++ r)
XMLStream l `mappend` XMLStream r = XMLStream (l ++ r)
xmlParser :: LeftBiasedLocal.Parser Text XMLStream
xmlParser = concatMany (xmlContent <|> xmlMarkup)
where xmlContent = mapContent $ takeWhile1 (\x-> x /= "<" && x /= "&")
xmlMarkup = (string "<" >> ((startTag <|> endTag <|> processingInstruction <|> declaration)
<|> return (XMLStream [Markup $ Point errorUnescapedContentLT,
Content (singleton '<')])))
entityReference "&"
startTag = return (XMLStream [Markup (Start StartTag), Content (singleton '<'), Markup (Start ElementName)])
>< name
>< return (XMLStream [Markup (End ElementName)])
>< whiteSpace
>< attributes
>< moptional (string "/" >> return (XMLStream [Markup (Point EmptyTag), Content (singleton '/')]))
>< whiteSpace
>< (string ">" >> return (XMLStream [Content (singleton '>'), Markup (End StartTag)])
<|> return (XMLStream [Markup $ Point unterminatedStartTag, Markup $ End StartTag]))
entityReference s = string s
>> (return (XMLStream [Markup (Start EntityReference), Content s,
Markup (Start EntityName)])
>< name
>< (string ";" >> return (XMLStream [Markup (End EntityName), Content (singleton ';'),
Markup (End EntityReference)]))
<|> return (XMLStream [Markup $ Point $ errorBadEntityReference, Content s]))
attributes = concatMany (attribute >< whiteSpace)
attribute = return (XMLStream [Markup (Start AttributeName)])
>< name
>< return (XMLStream [Markup (End AttributeName)])
>< (mapContent (string "=")
<|> (fmap (\x-> XMLStream [Markup $ Point $ errorBadAttribute x]) anyToken
>< whiteSpace >< moptional (mapContent $ string "=")))
>< ((string "\"" <|> string "\'")
>>= \quote-> return (XMLStream [Content quote, Markup (Start AttributeValue)])
>< mapContent (takeWhile (/= quote))
>< return (XMLStream [Markup (End AttributeValue), Content quote])
>< skip (string quote)
<|> (anyToken >>= \q-> return (XMLStream [Markup $ Point $ errorBadQuoteCharacter q,
Content quote])))
endTag = (string "/" >> return (XMLStream [Markup (Start EndTag), Content "</", Markup (Start ElementName)]))
>< name
>< return (XMLStream [Markup (End ElementName)])
>< whiteSpace
>< (string ">" >> return (XMLStream [Content (singleton '>'), Markup (End EndTag)])
<|> return (XMLStream [Markup $ Point unterminatedEndTag, Markup (End EndTag)]))
processingInstruction = (string "?"
>> return (XMLStream [Markup (Start ProcessingInstruction), Content "<?",
Markup (Start ProcessingInstructionText)]))
>< upto "?>"
>< (string "?>"
>> return (XMLStream [Markup (End ProcessingInstructionText), Content "?>",
Markup (End ProcessingInstruction)])
<|> return (XMLStream [Markup $ Point unterminatedProcessingInstruction]))
declaration = string "!"
>> ((comment <|> cdataMarkedSection <|> doctypeDeclaration)
<|> return (XMLStream [Markup $ Point $ errorBadDeclarationType, Content "<"]))
comment = (string "--" >> return (XMLStream [Markup (Start Comment), Content "<!--",
Markup (Start CommentText)]))
>< upto "-->"
>< (string "-->" >> return (XMLStream [Markup (End CommentText), Content "-->",
Markup (End Comment)])
<|> return (XMLStream [Markup $ Point unterminatedComment]))
cdataMarkedSection = (string "[CDATA["
>> return (XMLStream [Markup (Start StartMarkedSectionCDATA), Content "<![CDATA[",
Markup (End StartMarkedSectionCDATA)]))
>< upto "]]>"
>< (string "]]>"
>> return (XMLStream [Markup (Start EndMarkedSection), Content "]]>",
Markup (End EndMarkedSection)])
<|> return (XMLStream [Markup $ Point unterminatedMarkedSection]))
doctypeDeclaration = (string "DOCTYPE" >> return (XMLStream [Markup (Start DoctypeDeclaration),
Content "<!DOCTYPE"]))
>< whiteSpace
>< (name
>< whiteSpace
>< moptional ((mapContent (string "SYSTEM")
<|> mapContent (string "PUBLIC") >< whiteSpace >< literal)
>< whiteSpace >< literal >< whiteSpace)
>< moptional (mapContent (string "[") >< whiteSpace
>< concatMany ((markupDeclaration <|> comment <|> processingInstruction
<|> entityReference "%")
>< whiteSpace)
>< mapContent (string "]") >< whiteSpace)
>< mapContent (string ">")
<|> return (XMLStream [Markup (Point errorMalformedDoctypeDeclaration)]))
>< return (XMLStream [Markup (End DoctypeDeclaration)])
literal = (string "\"" <|> string "\'")
>>= \quote-> return (XMLStream [Content quote])
>< mapContent (takeWhile (/= quote))
>< return (XMLStream [Content quote])
>< skip (string quote)
markupDeclaration= mapContent (string "<!")
>< (concatMany (mapContent (takeWhile1 (\x-> x /= ">" && x /= "\"" && x /= "\'")) <|> literal)
>< mapContent (string ">")
<|> return (XMLStream [Markup $ Point unterminatedMarkupDeclaration]))
name = mapContent (takeWhile1 (isNameChar . Text.head))
mapContent = mapIncremental (XMLStream . (:[]) . Content)
whiteSpace = mapContent (takeWhile (isSpace . Text.head))
upto end@(lead:_) = mapContent (concatMany (takeWhile1 ((lead /=) . Text.head)
<|> notFollowedBy (string $ fromString end) >< anyToken))
errorBadQuoteCharacter q = ErrorToken ("Invalid quote character " ++ show q)
errorBadAttribute x = ErrorToken ("Invalid character " ++ show x ++ " following attribute name")
errorBadEntityReference = ErrorToken "Invalid entity reference."
errorBadDeclarationType = ErrorToken "The \"<!\" sequence must be followed by \"[CDATA[\" or \"--\"."
errorMalformedDoctypeDeclaration = ErrorToken "Malformed DOCTYPE declaration."
errorUnescapedContentLT = ErrorToken "Unescaped character '<' in content"
unterminatedComment = ErrorToken "Unterminated comment."
unterminatedMarkedSection = ErrorToken "Unterminated marked section."
unterminatedMarkupDeclaration = ErrorToken "Unterminated markup declaration."
unterminatedStartTag = ErrorToken "Missing '>' at the end of start tag."
unterminatedEndTag = ErrorToken "Missing '>' at the end of end tag."
unterminatedProcessingInstruction = ErrorToken "Unterminated processing instruction."
isNameStart x = isLetter x || x == '_'
isNameChar x = isAlphaNum x || x == '_' || x == '-' || x == ':'
xmlTokens :: Monad m => Splitter m Text
xmlTokens = parserToSplitter parseXMLTokens
parseXMLTokens :: Monad m => Transducer m Text [Markup XMLToken Text]
parseXMLTokens = Transducer (pourParsed (mapIncremental chunk xmlParser))
dispatchOnString :: forall m a d r. (Monad m, AncestorFunctor a d) =>
Source m a [Char] -> (String -> Coroutine d m r) -> [(String, String -> Coroutine d m r)]
-> Coroutine d m r
dispatchOnString source failure fullCases = dispatch fullCases id
where dispatch cases consumed
= case find (null . fst) cases
of Just (~"", rhs) -> rhs (consumed "")
Nothing -> get source
>>= maybe
(failure (consumed ""))
(\x-> case mapMaybe (startingWith x) cases
of [] -> failure (consumed [x])
subcases -> dispatch (subcases ++ fullCases) (consumed . (x :)))
startingWith x ~(y:rest, rhs) | x == y = Just (rest, rhs)
| otherwise = Nothing
getElementName :: forall m a d. (Monad m, AncestorFunctor a d) =>
Source m a [Markup XMLToken Text] -> ([Markup XMLToken Text] -> [Markup XMLToken Text])
-> Coroutine d m ([Markup XMLToken Text], Maybe Text)
getElementName source f = get source
>>= maybe
(return (f [], Nothing))
(\x-> let f' = f . (x:)
in case x
of Markup (Start ElementName) -> getRestOfRegion ElementName source f' id
Markup (Point ErrorToken{}) -> getElementName source f'
Content{} -> getElementName source f'
_ -> error ("Expected an ElementName, received " ++ show x))
getRestOfRegion :: forall m a d. (Monad m, AncestorFunctor a d) =>
XMLToken -> Source m a [Markup XMLToken Text]
-> ([Markup XMLToken Text] -> [Markup XMLToken Text]) -> (Text -> Text)
-> Coroutine d m ([Markup XMLToken Text], Maybe Text)
getRestOfRegion token source f g = getWhile isContent source
>>= \content-> get source
>>= \x-> case x
of Just y@(Markup End{})
-> return (f (content ++ [y]),
Just (g $ Text.concat $ map fromContent content))
_ -> error ("Expected rest of " ++ show token ++ ", received " ++ show x)
pourRestOfRegion :: forall m a1 a2 a3 d. (Monad m, AncestorFunctor a1 d, AncestorFunctor a2 d, AncestorFunctor a3 d) =>
XMLToken -> Source m a1 [Markup XMLToken Text]
-> Sink m a2 [Markup XMLToken Text] -> Sink m a3 [Markup XMLToken Text]
-> Coroutine d m Bool
pourRestOfRegion token source sink endSink = pourWhile isContent source sink
>> get source
>>= maybe
(return False)
(\x-> case x
of Markup (End token') | token == token' -> put endSink x
>> return True
_ -> error ("Expected rest of " ++ show token
++ ", received " ++ show x))
getRestOfStartTag :: forall m a d. (Monad m, AncestorFunctor a d) =>
Source m a [Markup XMLToken Text] -> Coroutine d m ([Markup XMLToken Text], Bool)
getRestOfStartTag source = do rest <- getWhile notEndTag source
end <- get source
case end of Nothing -> return (rest, False)
Just e@(Markup (End StartTag)) -> return (rest ++ [e], True)
Just e@(Markup (Point EmptyTag)) ->
getRestOfStartTag source
>>= \(rest', _)-> return (rest ++ (e: rest'), False)
_ -> error "getWhile returned early!"
where notEndTag [Markup (End StartTag)] = False
notEndTag [Markup (Point EmptyTag)] = False
notEndTag _ = True
getRestOfEndTag :: forall m a d. (Monad m, AncestorFunctor a d) =>
Source m a [Markup XMLToken Text] -> Coroutine d m [Markup XMLToken Text]
getRestOfEndTag source = getWhile (/= [Markup (End EndTag)]) source
>>= \tokens-> get source
>>= maybe (error "No end to the end tag!") (return . (tokens ++) . (:[]))
findEndTag :: forall m a1 a2 a3 d. (Monad m, AncestorFunctor a1 d, AncestorFunctor a2 d, AncestorFunctor a3 d) =>
Source m a1 [Markup XMLToken Text] -> Sink m a2 [Markup XMLToken Text] -> Sink m a3 [Markup XMLToken Text]
-> Text
-> Coroutine d m ()
findEndTag source sink endSink name = findTag where
findTag = pourWhile noTagStart source sink
>> get source
>>= maybe (return ()) consumeOne
noTagStart [Markup (Start StartTag)] = False
noTagStart [Markup (Start EndTag)] = False
noTagStart _ = True
consumeOne x@(Markup (Start EndTag)) = do (tokens, mn) <- getElementName source (x :)
(return ())
(\name'-> getRestOfEndTag source
>>= \rest-> if name == name'
then putAll (tokens ++ rest) endSink
>> return ()
else putAll (tokens ++ rest) sink
>> findTag)
consumeOne x@(Markup (Start StartTag)) = do (tokens, mn) <- getElementName source (x :)
(return ())
(\name'-> do (rest, hasContent) <- getRestOfStartTag source
_ <- putAll (tokens ++ rest) sink
when hasContent (findEndTag source sink sink name')
consumeOne _ = error "pourWhile returned early!"
findStartTag :: forall m a1 a2 d. (Monad m, AncestorFunctor a1 d, AncestorFunctor a2 d) =>
Source m a1 [Markup XMLToken Text] -> Sink m a2 [Markup XMLToken Text]
-> Coroutine d m (Maybe (Markup XMLToken Text))
findStartTag source sink = pourWhile (/= [Markup (Start StartTag)]) source sink >> get source
xmlElement :: Monad m => Splitter m [Markup XMLToken Text]
xmlElement = Splitter $
\source true false->
let split0 = findStartTag source false
>>= maybe (return [])
(\x-> do putChunk false mempty
put true x
(tokens, mn) <- getElementName source id
(putAll tokens true)
(\name-> do (rest, hasContent) <- getRestOfStartTag source
_ <- putAll (tokens ++ rest) true
if hasContent
then split1 name
else split0)
split1 name = findEndTag source true true name
>> split0
in split0 >> return ()
xmlElementContent :: Monad m => Splitter m [Markup XMLToken Text]
xmlElementContent = Splitter $
\source true false->
let split0 = findStartTag source false
>>= maybe (return [])
(\x-> do put false x
(tokens, mn) <- getElementName source id
(putAll tokens false)
(\name-> do (rest, hasContent) <- getRestOfStartTag source
_ <- putAll (tokens ++ rest) false
if hasContent
then split1 name
else split0)
split1 name = findEndTag source true false name
>> split0
in split0 >> return ()
xmlElementHavingTagWith :: forall m b. Monad m => Splitter m [Markup XMLToken Text] -> Splitter m [Markup XMLToken Text]
xmlElementHavingTagWith test =
isolateSplitter $ \ source true false ->
let split0 = findStartTag source false
>>= maybe (return ())
(\x-> do (tokens, mn) <- getElementName source (x :)
(return ())
(\name-> do (rest, hasContent) <- getRestOfStartTag source
let tag = tokens ++ rest
(_, found) <- pipe (putAll tag) (findsTrueIn test)
if found then putChunk false mempty
>> putAll tag true
>> split1 hasContent true name
else putAll tag false
>> split1 hasContent false name)
split1 hasContent sink name = when hasContent (findEndTag source sink sink name)
>> split0
in split0
xmlAttribute :: Monad m => Splitter m [Markup XMLToken Text]
xmlAttribute = Splitter $
\source true false->
let split0 = getWith source
(\x-> case x
of [Markup (Start AttributeName)] ->
do putChunk false mempty
putChunk true x
pourRestOfRegion AttributeName source true true
>>= flip when split1
_ -> putChunk false x >> split0)
split1 = getWith source
(\x-> case x
of [Markup (Start AttributeValue)]
-> putChunk true x
>> pourRestOfRegion AttributeValue source true true
>>= flip when split0
_ -> putChunk true x >> split1)
in split0
xmlElementName :: Monad m => Splitter m [Markup XMLToken Text]
xmlElementName = Splitter (splitSimpleRegions ElementName)
xmlAttributeName :: Monad m => Splitter m [Markup XMLToken Text]
xmlAttributeName = Splitter (splitSimpleRegions AttributeName)
xmlAttributeValue :: Monad m => Splitter m [Markup XMLToken Text]
xmlAttributeValue = Splitter (splitSimpleRegions AttributeValue)
splitSimpleRegions :: Monad m => XMLToken -> OpenSplitter m a1 a2 a3 d [Markup XMLToken Text] ()
splitSimpleRegions token source true false = split0
where split0 = getWith source consumeOne
consumeOne x@[Markup (Start token')] | token == token' = putChunk false x
>> putChunk true mempty
>> pourRestOfRegion token source true false
>>= flip when split0
consumeOne x = putChunk false x >> split0
isContent :: [Markup b x] -> Bool
isContent [Content{}] = True
isContent _ = False
fromContent :: Markup b x -> x
fromContent (Content x) = x
fromContent _ = error "fromContent expects Content!"