{- | Module : scan.hs Description : the standalone Haskell style scanner Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder 2010 License : BSD Maintainer : chr.maeder@web.de Stability : experimental Portability : portable the Haskell style scanner -} module Main () where import Data.Char import Data.List import System.Environment import System.Exit import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Pos import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Error import Language.Haskell.Scanner {- I do not import Paths_scan, because Data.Version is not portable due to the imported Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP that uses local universal quantification. -} -- | the hard-coded version string. version :: String version = "scan- http://projects.haskell.org/style-scanner/" -- | the usage string usage :: String usage = "usage: scan [-] [--] +" {- arguments starting with a minus sign are treated as options. files that start with a minus sign must follow an "--" option. -} -- | get arguments, separate options, and process files main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs let (optsOrFiles, files1) = span (/= "--") args (opts, files2) = partition (\ arg -> isPrefixOf "-" arg || all isDigit arg) optsOrFiles files = files2 ++ drop 1 files1 case opts of [] -> case files of [] -> mapM_ putStrLn ["missing file argument", usage] _ -> mapM_ (process True) files ["-"] -> case files of [file] -> process False file _ -> putStrLn "expected single file with \"-\" option" _ -> mapM_ putStrLn [version, usage] {- | process a file. A first true arguments only shows diagnostics. A first false argument writes back a modified file, but only if there are modifications. -} process :: Bool -> FilePath -> IO () process b f = do str <- readFile f let ls = lines str wcsr = map (checkLine f) (zip [1 ..] ls) wcs = map fst wcsr wfile = [ Diag (diagLinePos f 2) "windows (CRLF) file" ] noNL = not $ isSuffixOf "\n" str cs = case group $ map fst wcs of [True : _, [False]] | noNL -> wfile -- with missing newline x : _ : _ -> [ Diag (diagLinePos f (length x + 1)) "inconsistent unix (LF) or windows (CRLF) file" ] [True : _] -> wfile _ -> [] ++ concatMap snd wcs ++ checkBlankLines f 0 0 ls newStr = unlines $ map snd wcsr fs = [ Diag (diagLinePos f $ length ls) "missing final newline" | noNL ] prDiags = mapM_ (putStrLn . showDiag) case parse scan f newStr of Right x -> if b then let ds = showScan x in prDiags $ cs ++ ds ++ fs else let rstr = unlines . removeBlankLines 0 null . lines $ processScan x in if rstr == str then putStrLn $ "no changes in \"" ++ f ++ "\"" else do writeFile (f ++ ".bak") str writeFile f rstr putStrLn $ "updated \"" ++ f ++ "\" (and created .bak)" Left err -> do prDiags cs putStrLn $ showParseError err exitFailure -- | shows a parser error where the position is printed as for all diagnostics showParseError :: ParseError -> String showParseError err = showSourcePos (errorPos err) ++ showErrorMessages "or" "unknown parse error" "expecting" "unexpected" "end of input" (errorMessages err) -- | check for more than two consecutive lines checkBlankLines :: FilePath -> Int -- ^ current number of blank lines -> Int -- ^ current line number -> [String] -> [Diag] checkBlankLines f c n l = let p = diagLinePos f n in case l of [] -> [Diag p $ "trailing (" ++ show c ++ ") blank lines" | c > 0] s : r -> let n1 = n + 1 in if null $ filter (not . isSpace) s then checkBlankLines f (c + 1) n1 r else [ Diag p $ "too many (" ++ show c ++ ") consecutive blank lines" | c > 2 ] ++ checkBlankLines f 0 n1 r -- | removing more than two consecutive lists fulfilling the predicate removeBlankLines :: Int -> ([a] -> Bool) -> [[a]] -> [[a]] removeBlankLines c p l = case l of [] -> [] x : r -> if p x then removeBlankLines (c + 1) p r else replicate (min 2 c) [] ++ x : removeBlankLines 0 p r -- | create a position from a file and a line number diagLinePos :: FilePath -> Int -> SourcePos diagLinePos = setSourceLine . initialPos -- | check length, chars and end of a line checkLine :: FilePath -> (Int, String) -> ((Bool, [Diag]), String) checkLine f (n, s) = let r = reverse s (sps, rt) = span isSpace r (w, ws) = case sps of '\r' : rs -> (True, rs) _ -> (False, sps) t = reverse rt p = diagLinePos f n v = untabify p t l = length v trailBSlash = takeWhile (== '\\') rt in ((w, [ Diag p $ "too long line (" ++ show l ++ " chars)" | l > 80 ] ++ badChars p t ++ [ Diag (setSourceColumn p l) "back slash at line end (may disturb cpp)" | not (null trailBSlash) ] ++ [ Diag (setSourceColumn p $ l + 1) $ "trailing (" ++ show (length ws) ++ ") white space" | not (null ws) ]), v) -- | create diagnostics for bad characters in a line badChars :: SourcePos -> String -> [Diag] badChars p s = let h : r = splitBy (\ c -> not $ isAscii c && isPrint c) s in snd $ mapAccumL (\ q t@(f : _) -> (updatePosString q t, Diag (updatePosChar q f) $ "undesirable character " ++ show f)) (updatePosString p h) r {- | a generic splitting function that keeps the separator as first element except in the first list. -} splitBy :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]] splitBy p l = let (fr, rt) = break p l in fr : case rt of [] -> [] d : tl -> let hd : tll = splitBy p tl in (d : hd) : tll -- | replace all tabs by blanks in a string untabify :: SourcePos -> String -> String untabify p s = case s of "" -> "" c : r -> let q = updatePosChar p c in case c of '\t' -> replicate (sourceColumn q - sourceColumn p) ' ' _ -> [c] ++ untabify q r