{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} module Data.SBV.Program.Types ( module Data.Biapplicative, module Data.Bifoldable, module Data.Bitraversable, Location, SLocation, SynthSpec(..), SynthComponent(..), SimpleSpec(..), SimpleComponent(..), SynthesisError(..), IOs(..), Instruction(..), Program(..), toIOsList, sortInstructions, ProgramTree(..), buildProgramTree, buildForestResult, ) where import Data.Biapplicative import Data.Bifoldable import Data.Bitraversable import Data.Foldable import Data.List import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.SBV -- | Type used to represent a value from the __set of location variables__ \(l_x \in L\). type Location = Word64 -- | Symbolic 'Location'. type SLocation = SWord64 -- | Class for a program or a component __specification__ \(φ(\vec I, O)\). Type -- variable 'a' stands for function's domain type. class SynthSpec s a where -- | Number of inputs the specification function takes. specArity :: s a -> Word -- | An equation that relates input variables to the output one. The equation is -- build up either using '(.==)' or in a "tabular" way using multiple '(.=>)' -- expressions. See definitions from the Data.SBV.Program.SimpleLibrary module -- for examples. specFunc :: s a -- | Input variables. The list should be of 'specArity' size. -> [SBV a] -- | Output variable. -> SBV a -> SBool -- | A class for a __library component__. class SynthSpec spec a => SynthComponent comp spec a | comp -> spec where -- | Component name (optional). Used for naming SBV variables and when rendering the resulting program. compName :: comp a -> String -- | Component's __specification__. compSpec :: comp a -> spec a -- | Optional constraints to set on __location variables__ \(l_x \in L\). extraLocConstrs :: comp a -> [[SLocation] -> SLocation -> SBool] compName = const "" extraLocConstrs = const [] -- | A simplest __specification__ datatype possible. Type variable 'a' stands -- for function's domain type. data SimpleSpec a = SimpleSpec { simpleArity :: Word , simpleFunc :: [SBV a] -> SBV a -> SBool } instance SynthSpec SimpleSpec a where specArity = simpleArity specFunc = simpleFunc -- | A simplest __library component__ datatype possible. data SimpleComponent a = SimpleComponent { simpleName :: String , simpleSpec :: SimpleSpec a } instance SynthComponent SimpleComponent SimpleSpec a where compName = simpleName compSpec = simpleSpec extraLocConstrs = const [] instance Show (SimpleComponent spec) where show = compName -- | Possible failure reasons during synthesis operation. data SynthesisError = ErrorUnsat | ErrorUnknown String | ErrorZeroResultsRequested | ErrorSeedingFailed deriving Show -- | A datatype holding inputs and output of something. Usual types for 'l' are 'Location' and 'SLocation'. data IOs l = IOs { _ins :: [l], _out :: l } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor) instance Foldable IOs where foldMap f (IOs {..}) = mconcat (map f _ins) `mappend` f _out instance Traversable IOs where traverse f (IOs {..}) = IOs <$> traverse f _ins <*> f _out instance EqSymbolic l => EqSymbolic (IOs l) where l .== r = toList l .== toList r -- | A datatype that holds a 'SynthComponent' with inputs and output locations. data Instruction l a = Instruction { instructionIOs :: IOs l, instructionComponent :: a } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) instance Bifunctor Instruction where bimap iosF compF (Instruction {..}) = Instruction (fmap iosF instructionIOs) (compF instructionComponent) instance Bitraversable Instruction where bitraverse iosF compF (Instruction ios comp) = Instruction <$> traverse iosF ios <*> compF comp instance Bifoldable Instruction where bifoldMap f1 f2 (Instruction {..}) = foldMap f1 instructionIOs `mappend` f2 instructionComponent -- | A datatype that unites program instructions with 'IOs' of the program itself. data Program l a = Program { programIOs :: IOs l, programInstructions :: [Instruction l a] } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) instance Bifunctor Program where bimap iosF compF (Program {..}) = Program (fmap iosF programIOs) (map (bimap iosF compF) programInstructions) instance Bitraversable Program where bitraverse iosF compF (Program ios instrs) = Program <$> traverse iosF ios <*> traverse (bitraverse iosF compF) instrs instance Bifoldable Program where bifoldMap f1 f2 (Program {..}) = foldMap f1 programIOs `mappend` foldMap (bifoldMap f1 f2) programInstructions -- | Extract all locations from the program as a list, including locations of instructions. toIOsList :: Program l a -> [l] toIOsList = bifoldMap (:[]) (const mempty) -- | Sorts program's instructions by their output location. sortInstructions :: Ord l => Program l a -> Program l a sortInstructions p = p { programInstructions = sortOn (_out . instructionIOs) (programInstructions p) } -- | A `Program` converted into a tree-like structure. data ProgramTree a = InstructionNode a [ProgramTree a] | InputLeaf Location deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor) instance Foldable ProgramTree where foldMap _ (InputLeaf _) = mempty foldMap f (InstructionNode comp children) = foldMap (foldMap f) children <> f comp -- | Create a 'ProgramTree' for a given 'Program' by resolving its 'Location's. -- This function effectively performs dead code elimination. buildProgramTree :: Program Location a -> ProgramTree a buildProgramTree prog = buildProgramTree' prog (_out $ programIOs prog) -- | A variant of 'buildProgramTree' that builds from a specified starting point. buildProgramTree' :: Program Location a -> Location -> ProgramTree a buildProgramTree' prog@(Program {..}) startingOutputLoc = if startingOutputLoc `notElem` _ins programIOs then InstructionNode (instructionComponent (instsMap M.! startingOutputLoc)) (map (buildProgramTree' prog) $ _ins $ instructionIOs (instsMap M.! startingOutputLoc)) else InputLeaf startingOutputLoc where instsMap = M.fromList $ map (\inst -> (_out $ instructionIOs inst, inst)) programInstructions -- | Create a 'ProgramTree' for each unused output in the 'Program' buildForestResult sr@(Program {..}) = map (buildProgramTree' sr) rootOutputs where inputsSet = S.fromList $ _ins programIOs ++ concatMap (_ins . instructionIOs) programInstructions rootOutputs = filter isRootOutput $ map (_out . instructionIOs) programInstructions isRootOutput o = o `S.notMember` inputsSet