Here's our sample Haskell module for playing with the GHC AST

  -- an example from
  module A05 ( main ) where
  import Control.Exception ( evaluate )
  main = evaluate (f [1..4000000] (0 :: Int, 1 :: Int))
  f []     c = c
  f (x:xs) c = f xs (tick x c)
  tick x (c0, c1) | even x    = (c0, c1 + 1)
                  | otherwise = (c0 + 1, c1)

This is the usual way to show the GHC AST

(printForUser dflags stdout unqual . shown TypeChecker) typechecked

{Bag(Located (HsBind Var)): 
 (L {A06.hs:(14,3)-(15,44)} 
   [{Var: a},{Var: t},{Var: t}] 
   [{Var: $dIntegral},{Var: $dNum},{Var: $dNum}] 
    (ABE {Var: A06.tick} {Var: tick} 
         (WpTyLam {Var: a}) 
          (WpTyLam {Var: t}) 
          (WpTyLam {Var: t}))) 
         (WpEvLam {Var: $dIntegral}) 
          (WpEvLam {Var: $dNum}) 
          (WpEvLam {Var: $dNum})))) 
          (EvId {Var: $dNum})) 
          (EvId {Var: $dNum}))) 
         (EvId {Var: $dIntegral}))) 
         (WpTyApp t) 
         (WpTyApp t)) 
        (WpTyApp a)))) 
   ({abstract:TcEvBinds}) {Bag(Located (HsBind Var)): 
    (L {A06.hs:(14,3)-(15,44)} 
      (L {A06.hs:14:3-6} {Var: tick}) 
        (L {A06.hs:(14,3)-(15,44)} 
           (L {A06.hs:14:8} 
            (VarPat {Var: x})),
           (L {A06.hs:14:10-17} 
              (L {A06.hs:14:11-12} 
               (VarPat {Var: c0})),
              (L {A06.hs:14:15-16} 
               (VarPat {Var: c1}))] 
             (Boxed) (t, t)))] 
            (L {A06.hs:14:19-44} 
               (L {A06.hs:14:21-26} 
                 (L {A06.hs:14:21-26} 
                   (L {A06.hs:14:21-24} 
                       (EvId {Var: $dIntegral})) 
                      (WpTyApp a)) 
                     (HsVar {Var: GHC.Real.even}))) 
                   (L {A06.hs:14:26} 
                    (HsVar {Var: x})))) 
                  (HsString {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"})) 
                  (HsString {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"})) GHC.Types.Bool))] 
              (L {A06.hs:14:33-44} 
                  (L {A06.hs:14:34-35} 
                   (HsVar {Var: c0}))),
                  (L {A06.hs:14:38-43} 
                    (L {A06.hs:14:38-39} 
                     (HsVar {Var: c1})) 
                    (L {A06.hs:14:41} 
                        (EvId {Var: $dNum})) 
                       (WpTyApp t)) 
                      (HsVar {Var: GHC.Num.+}))) {Fixity: infixl 6} 
                    (L {A06.hs:14:43} 
                        (L {<no location info>} 
                            (EvId {Var: $dNum})) 
                           (WpTyApp t)) 
                          (HsVar {Var: GHC.Num.fromInteger}))) 
                        (L {<no location info>} 
                           (1) GHC.Integer.Type.Integer)))) t))))))] 
            (L {A06.hs:15:19-44} 
               (L {A06.hs:15:21-29} 
                 (L {A06.hs:15:21-29} 
                  (HsVar {Var: GHC.Base.otherwise})) 
                  (HsString {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"})) 
                  (HsString {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"})) GHC.Types.Bool))] 
              (L {A06.hs:15:33-44} 
                  (L {A06.hs:15:34-39} 
                    (L {A06.hs:15:34-35} 
                     (HsVar {Var: c0})) 
                    (L {A06.hs:15:37} 
                        (EvId {Var: $dNum})) 
                       (WpTyApp t)) 
                      (HsVar {Var: GHC.Num.+}))) {Fixity: infixl 6} 
                    (L {A06.hs:15:39} 
                        (L {<no location info>} 
                            (EvId {Var: $dNum})) 
                           (WpTyApp t)) 
                          (HsVar {Var: GHC.Num.fromInteger}))) 
                        (L {<no location info>} 
                           (1) GHC.Integer.Type.Integer)))) t)))))),
                  (L {A06.hs:15:42-43} 
                   (HsVar {Var: c1})))] 
           (EmptyLocalBinds))))] a -> (t, t) -> (t, t)) 
      (WpHole) {!NameSet placeholder here!} 
 (L {A06.hs:(11,3)-(12,30)} 
   [{Var: a},{Var: t},{Var: t}] 
   [{Var: $dIntegral},{Var: $dNum},{Var: $dNum}] 
    (ABE {Var: A06.f} {Var: f} 
         (WpTyLam {Var: a}) 
          (WpTyLam {Var: t}) 
          (WpTyLam {Var: t}))) 
         (WpEvLam {Var: $dIntegral}) 
          (WpEvLam {Var: $dNum}) 
          (WpEvLam {Var: $dNum})))) 
          (EvId {Var: $dNum})) 
          (EvId {Var: $dNum}))) 
         (EvId {Var: $dIntegral}))) 
         (WpTyApp t) 
         (WpTyApp t)) 
        (WpTyApp a)))) 
   ({abstract:TcEvBinds}) {Bag(Located (HsBind Var)): 
    (L {A06.hs:(11,3)-(12,30)} 
      (L {A06.hs:11:3} {Var: f}) 
        (L {A06.hs:11:3-16} 
           (L {A06.hs:11:5-6} 
             (L {A06.hs:11:5-6} {DataCon: []}) 
              []) [a])),
           (L {A06.hs:11:12} 
            (VarPat {Var: c}))] 
            (L {A06.hs:11:16} 
              (L {A06.hs:11:16} 
               (HsVar {Var: c}))))] 
        (L {A06.hs:12:3-30} 
           (L {A06.hs:12:5-10} 
             (L {A06.hs:12:6-9} 
               (L {A06.hs:12:7} {DataCon: :}) 
                (L {A06.hs:12:6} 
                 (VarPat {Var: x})) 
                (L {A06.hs:12:8-9} 
                 (VarPat {Var: xs}))) [a])))),
           (L {A06.hs:12:12} 
            (VarPat {Var: c}))] 
            (L {A06.hs:12:16-30} 
              (L {A06.hs:12:16-30} 
                (L {A06.hs:12:16-19} 
                  (L {A06.hs:12:16} 
                   (HsVar {Var: f})) 
                  (L {A06.hs:12:18-19} 
                   (HsVar {Var: xs})))) 
                (L {A06.hs:12:21-30} 
                  (L {A06.hs:12:22-29} 
                    (L {A06.hs:12:22-27} 
                      (L {A06.hs:12:22-25} 
                            (EvId {Var: $dNum})) 
                            (EvId {Var: $dNum}))) 
                           (EvId {Var: $dIntegral}))) 
                           (WpTyApp t) 
                           (WpTyApp t)) 
                          (WpTyApp a))) 
                        (HsVar {Var: A06.tick}))) 
                      (L {A06.hs:12:27} 
                       (HsVar {Var: x})))) 
                    (L {A06.hs:12:29} 
                     (HsVar {Var: c}))))))))))] 
           (EmptyLocalBinds))))] [a] -> (t, t) -> (t, t)) 
      (WpHole) {!NameSet placeholder here!} 
 (L {A06.hs:9:3-55} 
    (ABE {Var: A06.main} {Var: main} 
   ({abstract:TcEvBinds}) {Bag(Located (HsBind Var)): 
    (L {A06.hs:9:3-55} 
      (L {A06.hs:9:3-6} {Var: main}) 
        (L {A06.hs:9:3-55} 
            (L {A06.hs:9:10-55} 
              (L {A06.hs:9:10-55} 
                (L {A06.hs:9:10-17} 
                  (WpTyApp (GHC.Types.Int, GHC.Types.Int)) 
                  (HsVar {Var: GHC.IO.evaluate}))) 
                (L {A06.hs:9:19-55} 
                  (L {A06.hs:9:20-54} 
                    (L {A06.hs:9:20-33} 
                      (L {A06.hs:9:20} 
                            (EvId {Var: $dNum})) 
                            (EvId {Var: $dNum}))) 
                           (EvId {Var: $dIntegral}))) 
                           (WpTyApp GHC.Types.Int) 
                           (WpTyApp GHC.Types.Int)) 
                          (WpTyApp GHC.Integer.Type.Integer))) 
                        (HsVar {Var: A06.f}))) 
                      (L {A06.hs:9:22-33} 
                           (EvId {Var: $dEnum})) 
                          (WpTyApp GHC.Integer.Type.Integer)) 
                         (HsVar {Var: GHC.Enum.enumFromTo})) 
                         (L {A06.hs:9:23} 
                             (L {<no location info>} 
                                 (EvId {Var: $dNum})) 
                                (WpTyApp GHC.Integer.Type.Integer)) 
                               (HsVar {Var: GHC.Num.fromInteger}))) 
                             (L {<no location info>} 
                                (1) GHC.Integer.Type.Integer)))) GHC.Integer.Type.Integer))) 
                         (L {A06.hs:9:26-32} 
                             (L {<no location info>} 
                                 (EvId {Var: $dNum})) 
                                (WpTyApp GHC.Integer.Type.Integer)) 
                               (HsVar {Var: GHC.Num.fromInteger}))) 
                             (L {<no location info>} 
                                (4000000) GHC.Integer.Type.Integer)))) GHC.Integer.Type.Integer)))))))) 
                    (L {A06.hs:9:35-54} 
                        (L {A06.hs:9:36-43} 
                          (L {A06.hs:9:36} 
                               (0))) GHC.Types.Int))) 
                          (L {A06.hs:9:41-43} 
                           (HsTyVar {Name: GHC.Types.Int}))))),
                        (L {A06.hs:9:46-53} 
                          (L {A06.hs:9:46} 
                               (1))) GHC.Types.Int))) 
                          (L {A06.hs:9:51-53} 
                           (HsTyVar {Name: GHC.Types.Int})))))] 
           (EmptyLocalBinds))))] GHC.Types.IO (GHC.Types.Int, GHC.Types.Int)) 
      (WpHole) {!NameSet placeholder here!} 