{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax
           , NoImplicitPrelude
           , CPP
           , GADTs
           , TypeFamilies
           , RankNTypes
           , ViewPatterns
           , MultiParamTypeClasses

-- |
-- Module      :  System.IO.Internal
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2009 Bas van Dijk
-- License     :  BSD3 (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Bas van Dijk <v.dijk.bas@gmail.com>

module System.IO.SaferFileHandles.Internal where

-- from base:
import Control.Monad ( fmap , return )
import Data.Function ( ($) )
import Data.Tuple    ( uncurry )
import Data.Bool     ( Bool(False, True) )
import Data.Char     ( String )
import Data.Maybe    ( Maybe(Nothing, Just) )

-- from base-unicode-symbols:
import Data.Function.Unicode ( () )

-- from transformers:
import Control.Monad.Trans ( MonadIO, liftIO )

-- from regions:
import Control.Monad.Trans.Region        ( RegionalHandle )
import Control.Monad.Trans.Region.Unsafe ( Resource
                                         , openResource
                                         , closeResource
                                         , internalHandle
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Region.Unsafe as R ( Handle )

-- from explicit-iomodes
import System.IO.ExplicitIOModes ( IOMode(..)
                                 , R, W, RW
                                 , IO
                                 , FilePath

import qualified System.IO.ExplicitIOModes as E
                                 ( Handle
                                 , stdin, stdout, stderr
                                 , openFile
                                 , openBinaryFile
                                 , openTempFile
                                 , openBinaryTempFile
                                 , openTempFileWithDefaultPermissions
                                 , openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions
                                 , hClose

-- * Files with explicit IO modes as scarce resources

{-| A file scarce resource parameterized by the IOMode in which you want to open
the file.

Note that this module provides an instance for 'Resource' for 'File' @ioMode@. This allows
you to 'open' files in a region which are automatically closed when the region
terminates but it disallows you to return handles to these closed files from the
region so preventing I/O with closed files.
data File ioMode where
    File  Binary  FilePath  IOMode ioMode  File ioMode
    TempFile  Binary
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,2,0)
              File RW

          -- TODO: I need to review the handling of standard files:
    Std  Standard ioMode  File ioMode

-- | Should the file be opened in binary mode?
type Binary = Bool

-- | The template of a temporary file path.
type Template = String

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,2,0)
-- | Should default permissions be used when opening a temporary file?
type DefaultPermissions = Bool

-- | The standard files parameterized by concrete IOModes which work for the
-- majority of cases.
data Standard ioMode where
    In   Standard R
    Out  Standard W
    Err  Standard W

-- | Internally used function to convert a standard file to the corresponding
-- handle.
stdHndl  Standard ioMode  E.Handle ioMode
stdHndl In  = E.stdin
stdHndl Out = E.stdout
stdHndl Err = E.stderr

instance Resource (File ioMode) where
    data R.Handle (File ioMode) = FileHandle (Maybe FilePath)
                                    -- The optional file path is needed
                                    -- because opening a temporary file
                                    -- also yields the generated file
                                    -- path.
                                    (E.Handle ioMode)

    openResource (File isBinary filePath ioMode) =
        fmap (FileHandle Nothing) $
             (if isBinary then E.openBinaryFile else E.openFile)
             filePath ioMode

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,2,0)
    openResource (TempFile isBinary filePath template defaultPerms) = do
        fmap (uncurry (FileHandle  Just)) $
             (case (isBinary, defaultPerms) of
               (False, False)  E.openTempFile
               (True,  False)  E.openBinaryTempFile
               (False, True)   E.openTempFileWithDefaultPermissions
               (True,  True)   E.openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions
             ) filePath template
    openResource (TempFile isBinary filePath template) = do
        fmap (uncurry (FileHandle  Just)) $
             (if isBinary then E.openBinaryTempFile else E.openTempFile)
             filePath template
    -- TODO: I need to review the handling of standard files:
    openResource (Std std) = return $ FileHandle Nothing $ stdHndl std

    closeResource (FileHandle _ h) = E.hClose h

-- | A handy type synonym for a regional handle to an opened file parameterized
-- by the IOMode in which you opened the file and the region in which it was
-- created.
type RegionalFileHandle ioMode r = RegionalHandle (File ioMode) r

-- Utility wrapping functions

regularHandle  RegionalFileHandle ioMode r  E.Handle ioMode
regularHandle (internalHandle  FileHandle _ h) = h

wrap  MonadIO m
      (E.Handle ioMode  IO α)
      (RegionalFileHandle ioMode r  m α)
wrap f = \h  liftIO $ f (regularHandle h)

wrap2  MonadIO m
       (E.Handle ioMode  β  IO α)
       (RegionalFileHandle ioMode r  β  m α)
wrap2 f = \h y  liftIO $ f (regularHandle h) y

wrap3  MonadIO m
       (E.Handle ioMode  γ  β  IO α)
       (RegionalFileHandle ioMode r  γ  β  m α)
wrap3 f = \h z y  liftIO $ f (regularHandle h) z y

-- The End ---------------------------------------------------------------------