module Safe(
abort, at, lookupJust, findJust, elemIndexJust, findIndexJust,
tailMay, tailDef, tailNote, tailSafe,
initMay, initDef, initNote, initSafe,
headMay, headDef, headNote,
lastMay, lastDef, lastNote,
minimumMay, minimumDef, minimumNote,
maximumMay, maximumDef, maximumNote,
minimumByMay, minimumByDef, minimumByNote,
maximumByMay, maximumByDef, maximumByNote,
foldr1May, foldr1Def, foldr1Note,
foldl1May, foldl1Def, foldl1Note,
foldl1May', foldl1Def', foldl1Note',
scanl1May, scanl1Def, scanl1Note,
scanr1May, scanr1Def, scanr1Note,
cycleMay, cycleDef, cycleNote,
fromJustDef, fromJustNote,
atMay, atDef, atNote,
readMay, readDef, readNote, readEitherSafe,
lookupJustDef, lookupJustNote,
findJustDef, findJustNote,
elemIndexJustDef, elemIndexJustNote,
findIndexJustDef, findIndexJustNote,
toEnumMay, toEnumDef, toEnumNote, toEnumSafe,
succMay, succDef, succNote, succSafe,
predMay, predDef, predNote, predSafe,
) where
import Safe.Util
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Safe.Partial
fromNote :: Partial => String -> String -> Maybe a -> a
fromNote = fromNoteModule "Safe"
fromNoteEither :: Partial => String -> String -> Either String a -> a
fromNoteEither = fromNoteEitherModule "Safe"
abort :: Partial => String -> a
abort = error
at_ :: [a] -> Int -> Either String a
at_ xs o | o < 0 = Left $ "index must not be negative, index=" ++ show o
| otherwise = f o xs
where f 0 (x:xs) = Right x
f i (x:xs) = f (i1) xs
f i [] = Left $ "index too large, index=" ++ show o ++ ", length=" ++ show (oi)
tailMay :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
tailMay = liftMay null tail
tailDef :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
tailDef def = fromMaybe def . tailMay
tailNote :: Partial => String -> [a] -> [a]
tailNote note = fromNote note "tailNote []" . tailMay
tailSafe :: [a] -> [a]
tailSafe = tailDef []
initMay :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
initMay = liftMay null init
initDef :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
initDef def = fromMaybe def . initMay
initNote :: Partial => String -> [a] -> [a]
initNote note = fromNote note "initNote []" . initMay
initSafe :: [a] -> [a]
initSafe = initDef []
headMay, lastMay :: [a] -> Maybe a
headMay = liftMay null head
lastMay = liftMay null last
headDef, lastDef :: a -> [a] -> a
headDef def = fromMaybe def . headMay
lastDef def = fromMaybe def . lastMay
headNote, lastNote :: String -> [a] -> a
headNote note = fromNote note "headNote []" . headMay
lastNote note = fromNote note "lastNote []" . lastMay
minimumMay, maximumMay :: Ord a => [a] -> Maybe a
minimumMay = liftMay null minimum
maximumMay = liftMay null maximum
minimumDef, maximumDef :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> a
minimumDef def = fromMaybe def . minimumMay
maximumDef def = fromMaybe def . maximumMay
minimumNote, maximumNote :: (Partial, Ord a) => String -> [a] -> a
minimumNote note = fromNote note "minumumNote []" . minimumMay
maximumNote note = fromNote note "maximumNote []" . maximumMay
minimumByMay, maximumByMay :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> Maybe a
minimumByMay = liftMay null . minimumBy
maximumByMay = liftMay null . maximumBy
minimumByDef, maximumByDef :: a -> (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> a
minimumByDef def = fromMaybe def .^ minimumByMay
maximumByDef def = fromMaybe def .^ maximumByMay
minimumByNote, maximumByNote :: Partial => String -> (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> a
minimumByNote note = fromNote note "minumumByNote []" .^ minimumByMay
maximumByNote note = fromNote note "maximumByNote []" .^ maximumByMay
foldr1May, foldl1May, foldl1May' :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> Maybe a
foldr1May = liftMay null . foldr1
foldl1May = liftMay null . foldl1
foldl1May' = liftMay null . foldl1'
foldr1Def, foldl1Def, foldl1Def' :: a -> (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a
foldr1Def def = fromMaybe def .^ foldr1May
foldl1Def def = fromMaybe def .^ foldl1May
foldl1Def' def = fromMaybe def .^ foldl1May'
foldr1Note, foldl1Note, foldl1Note' :: Partial => String -> (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a
foldr1Note note = fromNote note "foldr1Note []" .^ foldr1May
foldl1Note note = fromNote note "foldl1Note []" .^ foldl1May
foldl1Note' note = fromNote note "foldl1Note []" .^ foldl1May'
scanr1May, scanl1May :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
scanr1May = liftMay null . scanr1
scanl1May = liftMay null . scanl1
scanr1Def, scanl1Def :: [a] -> (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
scanr1Def def = fromMaybe def .^ scanr1May
scanl1Def def = fromMaybe def .^ scanl1May
scanr1Note, scanl1Note :: Partial => String -> (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
scanr1Note note = fromNote note "scanr1Note []" .^ scanr1May
scanl1Note note = fromNote note "scanl1Note []" .^ scanl1May
cycleMay :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
cycleMay = liftMay null cycle
cycleDef :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
cycleDef def = fromMaybe def . cycleMay
cycleNote :: Partial => String -> [a] -> [a]
cycleNote note = fromNote note "cycleNote []" . cycleMay
fromJustDef :: a -> Maybe a -> a
fromJustDef = fromMaybe
fromJustNote :: Partial => String -> Maybe a -> a
fromJustNote note = fromNote note "fromJustNote Nothing"
assertNote :: Partial => String -> Bool -> a -> a
assertNote note True val = val
assertNote note False val = fromNote note "assertNote False" Nothing
at :: Partial => [a] -> Int -> a
at = fromNoteEither "" "at" .^ at_
atMay :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe a
atMay = eitherToMaybe .^ at_
atDef :: a -> [a] -> Int -> a
atDef def = fromMaybe def .^ atMay
atNote :: Partial => String -> [a] -> Int -> a
atNote note = fromNoteEither note "atNote" .^ at_
readEitherSafe :: Read a => String -> Either String a
readEitherSafe s = case [x | (x,t) <- reads s, ("","") <- lex t] of
[x] -> Right x
[] -> Left $ "no parse on " ++ prefix
_ -> Left $ "ambiguous parse on " ++ prefix
maxLength = 15
prefix = '\"' : a ++ if length s <= maxLength then b ++ "\"" else "...\""
where (a,b) = splitAt (maxLength 3) s
readMay :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
readMay = eitherToMaybe . readEitherSafe
readDef :: Read a => a -> String -> a
readDef def = fromMaybe def . readMay
readNote :: (Partial, Read a) => String -> String -> a
readNote note = fromNoteEither note "readNote" . readEitherSafe
lookupJust :: Eq a => a -> [(a,b)] -> b
lookupJust = fromNote "" "lookupJust, no matching value" .^ lookup
lookupJustDef :: Eq a => b -> a -> [(a,b)] -> b
lookupJustDef def = fromMaybe def .^ lookup
lookupJustNote :: (Partial, Eq a) => String -> a -> [(a,b)] -> b
lookupJustNote note = fromNote note "lookupJustNote, no matching value" .^ lookup
findJust :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> a
findJust = fromNote "" "findJust, no matching value" .^ find
findJustDef :: a -> (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> a
findJustDef def = fromMaybe def .^ find
findJustNote :: Partial => String -> (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> a
findJustNote note = fromNote note "findJustNote, no matching value" .^ find
elemIndexJust :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int
elemIndexJust = fromNote "" "elemIndexJust, no matching value" .^ elemIndex
elemIndexJustDef :: Eq a => Int -> a -> [a] -> Int
elemIndexJustDef def = fromMaybe def .^ elemIndex
elemIndexJustNote :: (Partial, Eq a) => String -> a -> [a] -> Int
elemIndexJustNote note = fromNote note "elemIndexJustNote, no matching value" .^ elemIndex
findIndexJust :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int
findIndexJust = fromNote "" "findIndexJust, no matching value" .^ findIndex
findIndexJustDef :: Int -> (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int
findIndexJustDef def = fromMaybe def .^ findIndex
findIndexJustNote :: Partial => String -> (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int
findIndexJustNote note = fromNote note "findIndexJustNote, no matching value" .^ findIndex
toEnumMay :: (Enum a, Bounded a) => Int -> Maybe a
toEnumMay i =
let r = toEnum i
max = maxBound `asTypeOf` r
min = minBound `asTypeOf` r
in if i >= fromEnum min && i <= fromEnum max
then Just r
else Nothing
toEnumDef :: (Enum a, Bounded a) => a -> Int -> a
toEnumDef def = fromMaybe def . toEnumMay
toEnumNote :: (Partial, Enum a, Bounded a) => String -> Int -> a
toEnumNote note = fromNote note "toEnumNote, out of range" . toEnumMay
toEnumSafe :: (Enum a, Bounded a) => Int -> a
toEnumSafe = toEnumDef minBound
succMay :: (Enum a, Eq a, Bounded a) => a -> Maybe a
succMay = liftMay (== maxBound) succ
succDef :: (Enum a, Eq a, Bounded a) => a -> a -> a
succDef def = fromMaybe def . succMay
succNote :: (Partial, Enum a, Eq a, Bounded a) => String -> a -> a
succNote note = fromNote note "succNote, out of range" . succMay
succSafe :: (Enum a, Eq a, Bounded a) => a -> a
succSafe = succDef maxBound
predMay :: (Enum a, Eq a, Bounded a) => a -> Maybe a
predMay = liftMay (== minBound) pred
predDef :: (Enum a, Eq a, Bounded a) => a -> a -> a
predDef def = fromMaybe def . predMay
predNote :: (Partial, Enum a, Eq a, Bounded a) => String -> a -> a
predNote note = fromNote note "predNote, out of range" . predMay
predSafe :: (Enum a, Eq a, Bounded a) => a -> a
predSafe = predDef minBound