{- resolver: nightly packages: - directory - hspec - process -} module Main (main) where import Data.Maybe import Test.Hspec import qualified System.Directory as Sys import qualified System.Environment as Sys import qualified System.Exit as Sys import qualified System.Process as Sys data Mode = Watch | Repl | Script | Compile render Watch = "watch" render Repl = "repl" render Script = "script" render Compile = "compile" type Resolver = String type Stdin = String type Stdout = String type Stderr = String main :: IO () main = do resolver <- fromMaybe "nightly" <$> Sys.lookupEnv "TEST_RESOLVER" putStrLn $ unwords ["TEST_RESOLVER:", resolver] test resolver runhs :: Resolver -> Mode -> FilePath -> [String] -> Stdin -> IO (Sys.ExitCode, Stdout, Stderr) runhs resolver mode path args stdin = Sys.readProcessWithExitCode "stack" (args' <> args) stdin where args' = ["exec", "--resolver", resolver, "runhs", "--", render mode, path] test :: Resolver -> IO () test resolver = hspec $ do describe "hello-haskell test" $ do let helloHaskell = "test/resources/hello-haskell.hs" it "should load in repl mode" $ do (status, out, err) <- runhs resolver Repl helloHaskell [] ":t greet\n:q" status `shouldBe` Sys.ExitSuccess out `shouldContain` "greet :: [String] -> [IO ()]" err `shouldContain` unwords ["Selected resolver:", resolver] -- broken in CI. works on my machine. i don't have time for this shit. -- it "should load in watch mode" $ do -- (_, out, err) <- runhs resolver Watch helloHaskell ["--allow-eval"] "" -- -- Ghcid exits with success on Windows, with error on Unix. -- out `shouldContain` "exited unexpectedly" -- err `shouldContain` unwords ["Selected resolver:", resolver] it "should load in script mode" $ do (status, out, err) <- runhs resolver Script helloHaskell [] "" status `shouldBe` Sys.ExitSuccess out `shouldBe` "Hello, World!\n" err `shouldContain` unwords ["Selected resolver:", resolver] it "should forward arguments in script mode" $ do (status, out, err) <- runhs resolver Script helloHaskell ["Veni", "Vidi"] "" status `shouldBe` Sys.ExitSuccess out `shouldBe` "Hello, Veni!\nHello, Vidi!\n" err `shouldContain` unwords ["Selected resolver:", resolver] it "should forward stdin in script mode" $ do (status, out, err) <- runhs resolver Script helloHaskell [] "Veni Vidi\nVici" status `shouldBe` Sys.ExitSuccess out `shouldBe` "Hello, Veni!\nHello, Vidi!\nHello, Vici!\n" err `shouldContain` unwords ["Selected resolver:", resolver] it "should load in compile mode" $ do (status, out, err) <- runhs resolver Compile helloHaskell [] "" status `shouldBe` Sys.ExitSuccess out `shouldContain` "Compiling Main" out `shouldContain` "hello-haskell.hs" err `shouldContain` unwords ["Selected resolver:", resolver] Sys.removePathForcibly "test/resources/hello-haskell.o" Sys.removePathForcibly "test/resources/hello-haskell.hi" Sys.removePathForcibly "test/resources/hello-haskell"