-- |
-- Module    : Data.Ruby.Marshal
-- Copyright : (c) Philip Cunningham, 2015
-- License   : MIT
-- Maintainer:  hello@filib.io
-- Stability :  experimental
-- Portability: portable
-- Simple interface to parse Ruby Marshal binary.

module Data.Ruby.Marshal (
  -- * Decoding
  , decodeEither
  -- * Lifting into and lowering from RubyObject
  , fromRuby
  , toRuby
  -- * Re-exported modules
  , module Data.Ruby.Marshal.Types
) where

import Data.Ruby.Marshal.Get
import Data.Ruby.Marshal.RubyObject
import Data.Ruby.Marshal.Types

import Control.Monad.State.Strict (evalStateT)
import Data.Ruby.Marshal.Monad    (emptyCache, runMarshal)
import Data.Serialize             (runGet)

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS

-- | Parses a subset of Ruby objects serialised with Marshal, Ruby's
-- built-in binary serialisation format.
decode :: BS.ByteString
       -- ^ Serialised Ruby object
       -> Maybe RubyObject
       -- ^ De-serialisation result
decode = hush . decodeEither

-- | Parses a subset of Ruby objects serialised with Marshal, Ruby's
-- built-in binary serialisation format.
decodeEither :: BS.ByteString
             -- ^ Serialised Ruby object
             -> Either String RubyObject
             -- ^ Error message or de-serialisation result
decodeEither = runGet (evalStateT (runMarshal getRubyObject) emptyCache)

-- | Converts an Either to a Maybe.
hush :: Either a b -> Maybe b
hush = either (const Nothing) Just