
A SwitchedArrow is very much like a StatefulArrow, in that it can specify a new form of itself
to be evaluated on each iteration.

Unlike a StatefulArrow, a Switched Arrow retains type information about itself
allowing any of it's delegate arrows to explicitly switch (and thereby terminate 
execution of the current iteration of) the switched arrow.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -farrows -fglasgow-exts #-}

module RSAGL.SwitchedArrow

import RSAGL.StatefulArrow as StatefulArrow
import Control.Arrow.Operations
import Control.Arrow.Transformer.Error
import Control.Arrow.Transformer.State
import Control.Arrow.Transformer
import Control.Arrow

type SwitchedFunction i o j p = SwitchedArrow i o (->) j p

The SwitchedArrow is really a special case of the ErrorArrow with ArrowApply.

newtype SwitchedArrow i o a j p = SwitchedArrow (ErrorArrow (o,SwitchedArrow i o a i o) a j p)

instance (Arrow a,ArrowChoice a) => Arrow (SwitchedArrow i o a) where
    (>>>) (SwitchedArrow sa1) (SwitchedArrow sa2) = SwitchedArrow $ sa1 >>> sa2
    arr = SwitchedArrow . arr
    first (SwitchedArrow a) = SwitchedArrow $ first a

instance (Arrow a,ArrowChoice a) => ArrowTransformer (SwitchedArrow i o) a where
    lift = SwitchedArrow . lift

instance (ArrowChoice a) => ArrowChoice (SwitchedArrow i o a) where
    left (SwitchedArrow a) = SwitchedArrow $ left a

instance (ArrowChoice a,ArrowApply a) => ArrowApply (SwitchedArrow i o a) where
    app = SwitchedArrow $ proc (SwitchedArrow a,b) -> do app -< (a,b)

\subsection{Switching operators}

A switchable arrow has two switching operators: switchContinue and switchTerminate.

\texttt{switchContinue} resumes execution using the new switch and a new input.  
It is possible for the new switch to switch again, even leading to non-termination.
\texttt{switchTerminate} ends execution, specifying the final output.  The new switch will not be
used until the next time this arrow is executed.

If the switch is \texttt{Nothing}, then no switch occurs.

switchContinue :: (Arrow a,ArrowChoice a,ArrowApply a) => SwitchedArrow i o a (Maybe (SwitchedArrow i o a i o),i) i
switchContinue = proc (m_switch,i) -> 
    case m_switch of
        Just switch -> do o <- app -< (switch,i)
                          SwitchedArrow raise -< (o,switch)
                          returnA -< i
        Nothing -> returnA -< i

switchTerminate :: (Arrow a,ArrowChoice a) => SwitchedArrow i o a (Maybe (SwitchedArrow i o a i o),o) o
switchTerminate = proc (m_switch,o) -> 
    case m_switch of
        Just switch -> do SwitchedArrow raise -< (o,switch)
                          returnA -< o
	Nothing -> returnA -< o

\subsection{The StatefulArrow form of a SwitchedArrow}

statefulForm :: (Arrow a,ArrowChoice a) => SwitchedArrow i o a i o -> StatefulArrow a i o
statefulForm switchedA = StatefulArrow $ arr (second statefulForm) <<< runStateful switchedA

runStateful :: (Arrow a,ArrowChoice a) => SwitchedArrow i o a i o -> a i (o,SwitchedArrow i o a i o)
runStateful (SwitchedArrow a) = runError switch handler
    where handler = proc (_,(o,newswitch)) -> do returnA -< (o,newswitch)
          switch = proc i -> do o <- a -< i
	                        returnA -< (o,SwitchedArrow a)

\subsection{Mixing SwitchedArrows and StateArrows}

These are the StateArrow-related combinators introduced with StatefulArrow
\footnote{Page \pageref{withState}}

withState :: (Arrow a,ArrowChoice a,ArrowApply a) =>
                SwitchedArrow i o (StateArrow s a) i o -> (i -> s) -> StatefulArrow a i o
withState switch2 f = StatefulArrow.withState (statefulForm switch1) (error "withState: undefined")
    where switch1 = proc i ->
              do lift store -< f i
                 RSAGL.SwitchedArrow.switchContinue -< (Just switch2,i)
		 returnA -< error "withState: unreachable code"

withExposedState :: (Arrow a,ArrowChoice a,ArrowApply a) =>
                        SwitchedArrow i o (StateArrow s a) i o -> StatefulArrow a (i,s) (o,s)
withExposedState switch = StatefulArrow.withExposedState (statefulForm switch)