## [2021-05-06] - Fixed a critical bug in certain values in `Dictionaries` that could cause segfaults. - Reimplemented and simplified `Subset`. - Adjusted basic type families to better handle simple cases (affected families are `.\`, `Extend`, `.+`, `.\/`, `.//`). - Export `mapSingleA` in `Data.Row.Variants`. - Improved kind polymorphism and simplify a few constraints ([Thanks Strake!](https://github.com/target/row-types/pull/73)). - Improved type checking performance ([Thanks UlfNorell!](https://github.com/target/row-types/pull/71)) ## [2020-09-12] This release has many breaking changes, specifically to `metamorph` and some functions related to `Variant`, hence the major version bump to `1.0`. However, users that only use basic features of records may not notice a difference. - Removed `metamorph'` and `biMetamorph'` in favor of generalizing `metamorph` over choice of bifunctor. - Removed "unsafe" functions (`unsafeRemove` and `unsafeInjectFront` from `Records` and `unsafeMarkVar` and `unsafeInjectFront` from `Variants`). - Removed `Switch` class, reimplementing the `switch` function using `BiForall`. - Swap the order of the result of calling `trial`, `multiTrial`, and `split`. - Added new functions to `Records`: `lazyRemove`, `curryRec`, `(.$)`, `zipTransform`, `zipTransform'`, `traverse`, `traverseMap`, `distribute`, and `coerceRec`. - Added new functions to `Variants`: `fromLabelsMap`, `traverse`, `traverseMap`, and `coerceVar`. - Added `Dictionaries` module, full of axioms that are helpful for using `metamorph`. Moved axioms from `Internal` to `Dictionaries` (in some cases, the type variable order has changed). - Added `ApSingle` type family as well as `eraseSingle`, `mapSingle`, and `eraseZipSingle` (thanks Jordan Woehr!). - Improved error messages. Note: GHC 8.4 and earlier are no longer officially supported in row-types ## [2020-05-20] - Renamed `toNative` to `toNativeGeneral` and `toNativeExact` to `toNative` for records and likewise for `fromNative` for variants. - Added a type family `NativeRow` which, when given any generic type that can go through `fromNative`, is equal to the row-type of the resulting record/variant. Note that `NativeRow` is defined separately (and differently!) for records vs variants, so it is exported at the `Data.Row.Records`/`Variants` level but not at `Data.Row`. - Added `coerceRec` and `coerceVar` to coerce the row-types of records and variants respectively. - Exposed `BiForall` in `Data.Row`, `Data.Row.Records`, and `Data.Row.Variants` - (Internal) Rewrote internal `Generic` code to use an associated type family instead of a standalone one. Note: GHC 8.2 and earlier are no longer officially supported in row-types ## [2020-01-29] - Added "native" classes as exports for `Records` and `Variants` (e.g., `ToNative`, `FromNative`) - Added more example hs files. ## [2019-05-28] - Added `HasField` and `AsConstructor` instances (from generic-lens) for `Rec` and `Var` respectively. - Added record-overwrite function `.//`. - Added `Generic` instances for Rec and Var. - Added mapHas entailment connecting `Map f r .! l` to `r .! l`. - Changed `Forall2` to `BiForall`. - Added `BiConstraint` type class for use with `BiForall`. - Added `Ap` type family that functions as `ap` over rows using zipping. - Added `mapF` to map a function over a record with an `Ap` row. - Added `toDynamicMap` and `fromDynamicMap` as functions to convert between `Rec`s and `HashMap Text Dynamic`s. - Added `toNativeExact` to convert a `Rec` to a native Haskell type without losing any fields. - Added `toNative`, `fromNative`, and `fromNativeExact` for `Var`s. - Added `unSingleton` for `Var`s. - Removed `unSingleton` from `Data.Row` export list. - Tightened the type signatures of `focus` (for both `Rec` and `Var`) to improve type inference when using `focus` in lens-like situations. ## [2018-07-11] - Fix a bug in the `Show` instance for `Rec`. ## [2018-07-02] - Update the `Show` instance for `Rec` to render valid code. - Add `toNative` and `fromNative` functions for records to easily convert between Haskell records and row-types records. - Make type families in `Data.Row.Internal` polykinded (thanks James Yu!) ## [2018-03-20] - Bug Fix: The type of `update` for both `Rec` and `Var` now enforce the newly inserted type is correct. - New: Add `restrict` and `split` for `Var`s. - Removed `restrict` from `Data.Row` export list. - New: Added support for universally quantified rows: `mapForall` and `uniqueMap`. - Added very simple test suite. ## [2018-02-12] - Initial Release