-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Row
-- This module includes a set of common functions for Records and Variants.
-- It includes:
-- * Common constructors, destructors, and querying functions
-- It specifically excludes:
-- * Functions that have the same name for Records and Variants (e.g. 'focus',
--   'update', 'fromLabels', etc.)
-- * Common clashes with the standard Prelude or other modules (e.g. 'map',
--   'sequence', 'zip', 'Map', etc.)
-- If these particular functions are needed, they should be brought in qualified
-- from one of the Data.Row.*** modules directly.

module Data.Row
  -- * Types and constraints
  , KnownSymbol, AllUniqueLabels, WellBehaved
  , Var, Rec, Row, Empty, type (≈)
  , HasType, Lacks, type (.\), type (.+)
  , Forall, Switch(..)
  -- * Record Construction
  , empty
  , type (.==), (.==), pattern (:==), unSingleton
  -- ** Restriction
  , type (.-), (.-)
  -- ** Query
  , type (.!), (.!)
  -- ** Disjoint union
  , (.+), Disjoint, pattern (:+)
  -- * Variant construction
  , pattern IsJust
  -- ** Restriction
  , diversify, type (.\/)
  -- ** Destruction
  , impossible, trial, trial', multiTrial
  , type (.\\)
  -- * Labels
  , labels

import Data.Row.Variants
import Data.Row.Records
import Data.Row.Switch