module Data.Row.Variants
, KnownSymbol, AllUniqueLabels, WellBehaved
, Var, Row, Empty, type (≈)
, HasType, pattern IsJust, singleton
, fromLabels
, type (.\), Lacks, type (.\/), diversify, type (.+)
, update, focus, Modify, rename, Rename
, impossible, trial, trial', multiTrial, view
, restrict, split
, type (.!), type (.-), type (.\\), type (.==)
, Map, map, map', transform, transform'
, Forall, erase, eraseWithLabels, eraseZip
, sequence
, compose, uncompose
, labels
, unsafeMakeVar, unsafeInjectFront
import Prelude hiding (zip, map, sequence)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow ((<<<), (+++), left, right)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..), deepseq)
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Functor.Product
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.String (IsString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.TypeLits
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Data.Row.Internal
data Var (r :: Row *) where
OneOf :: Text -> HideType -> Var r
instance Forall r Show => Show (Var r) where
show v = (\ (x, y) -> "{" ++ x ++ "=" ++ y ++ "}") $ eraseWithLabels @Show show v
instance Forall r Eq => Eq (Var r) where
r == r' = fromMaybe False $ eraseZip @Eq (==) r r'
instance (Forall r Eq, Forall r Ord) => Ord (Var r) where
compare :: Var r -> Var r -> Ordering
compare x y = getConst $ metamorph' @r @Ord @(Product Var Var) @(Const Ordering) @(Const Ordering) Proxy doNil doUncons doCons (Pair x y)
where doNil (Pair x _) = impossible x
doUncons l (Pair r1 r2) = case (trial r1 l, trial r2 l) of
(Left a, Left b) -> Left $ Const $ compare a b
(Left _, Right _) -> Left $ Const LT
(Right _, Left _) -> Left $ Const GT
(Right x, Right y) -> Right $ Pair x y
doCons _ (Left (Const c)) = Const c
doCons _ (Right (Const c)) = Const c
instance Forall r NFData => NFData (Var r) where
rnf r = getConst $ metamorph' @r @NFData @Var @(Const ()) @Identity Proxy empty doUncons doCons r
where empty = const $ Const ()
doUncons l = left Identity . flip trial l
doCons _ x = deepseq x $ Const ()
unsafeMakeVar :: forall r l. KnownSymbol l => Label l -> r .! l -> Var r
unsafeMakeVar (toKey -> l) = OneOf l . HideType
impossible :: Var Empty -> a
impossible _ = error "Impossible! Somehow, a variant of nothing was produced."
singleton :: KnownSymbol l => Label l -> a -> Var (l .== a)
singleton = IsJust
pattern IsJust :: forall l r. (AllUniqueLabels r, KnownSymbol l) => Label l -> r .! l -> Var r
pattern IsJust l a <- (unSingleton @l -> (l, Just a)) where
IsJust l a = unsafeMakeVar l a
unSingleton :: forall l r. KnownSymbol l => Var r -> (Label l, Maybe (r .! l))
unSingleton v = (l, view l v) where l = Label @l
diversify :: forall r' r. Var r -> Var (r .\/ r')
diversify = unsafeCoerce
update :: (KnownSymbol l, r .! l ≈ a) => Label l -> a -> Var r -> Var r
update (toKey -> l') a (OneOf l x) = OneOf l $ if l == l' then HideType a else x
focus :: (Applicative f, KnownSymbol l) => Label l -> (r .! l -> f a) -> Var r -> f (Var (Modify l a r))
focus (toKey -> l') f (OneOf l (HideType x)) = if l == l' then (OneOf l . HideType) <$> f (unsafeCoerce x) else pure (OneOf l (HideType x))
rename :: (KnownSymbol l, KnownSymbol l') => Label l -> Label l' -> Var r -> Var (Rename l l' r)
rename (toKey -> l1) (toKey -> l2) (OneOf l x) = OneOf (if l == l1 then l2 else l) x
trial :: KnownSymbol l => Var r -> Label l -> Either (r .! l) (Var (r .- l))
trial (OneOf l (HideType x)) (toKey -> l') = if l == l' then Left (unsafeCoerce x) else Right (OneOf l (HideType x))
trial' :: KnownSymbol l => Var r -> Label l -> Maybe (r .! l)
trial' = (either Just (const Nothing) .) . trial
multiTrial :: forall x y. (AllUniqueLabels x, Forall (y .\\ x) Unconstrained1) => Var y -> Either (Var x) (Var (y .\\ x))
multiTrial (OneOf l x) = if l `elem` labels @(y .\\ x) @Unconstrained1 then Right (OneOf l x) else Left (OneOf l x)
view :: KnownSymbol l => Label l -> Var r -> Maybe (r .! l)
view = flip trial'
split :: forall s r. (WellBehaved s, Subset s r) => Var r -> Either (Var s) (Var (r .\\ s))
split (OneOf l a) | l `elem` labels @s @Unconstrained1 = Left $ OneOf l a
| otherwise = Right $ OneOf l a
restrict :: forall r r'. (WellBehaved r, Subset r r') => Var r' -> Maybe (Var r)
restrict = either Just (pure Nothing) . split
erase :: forall c ρ b. Forall ρ c => (forall a. c a => a -> b) -> Var ρ -> b
erase f = snd @String . eraseWithLabels @c f
eraseWithLabels :: forall c ρ s b. (Forall ρ c, IsString s) => (forall a. c a => a -> b) -> Var ρ -> (s,b)
eraseWithLabels f = getConst . metamorph' @ρ @c @Var @(Const (s,b)) @Identity Proxy impossible doUncons doCons
where doUncons l = left Identity . flip trial l
doCons :: forall ℓ τ ρ. (KnownSymbol ℓ, c τ)
=> Label ℓ -> Either (Identity τ) (Const (s,b) ('R ρ)) -> Const (s,b) ('R (ℓ :-> τ ': ρ))
doCons l (Left (Identity x)) = Const (show' l, f x)
doCons _ (Right (Const c)) = Const c
eraseZip :: forall c ρ b. Forall ρ c => (forall a. c a => a -> a -> b) -> Var ρ -> Var ρ -> Maybe b
eraseZip f x y = getConst $ metamorph' @ρ @c @(Product Var Var) @(Const (Maybe b)) @(Const (Maybe b)) Proxy doNil doUncons doCons (Pair x y)
where doNil _ = Const Nothing
doUncons :: forall ℓ τ ρ. (KnownSymbol ℓ, c τ)
=> Label ℓ -> Product Var Var ('R (ℓ :-> τ ': ρ)) -> Either (Const (Maybe b) τ) (Product Var Var ('R ρ))
doUncons l (Pair r1 r2) = case (trial r1 l, trial r2 l) of
(Left a, Left b) -> Left $ Const $ Just $ f a b
(Right x, Right y) -> Right $ Pair x y
_ -> Left $ Const Nothing
doCons _ (Left (Const c)) = Const c
doCons _ (Right (Const c)) = Const c
newtype VMap (f :: * -> *) (ρ :: Row *) = VMap { unVMap :: Var (Map f ρ) }
newtype VMap2 (f :: * -> *) (g :: * -> *) (ρ :: Row *) = VMap2 { unVMap2 :: Var (Map f (Map g ρ)) }
map :: forall c f r. Forall r c => (forall a. c a => a -> f a) -> Var r -> Var (Map f r)
map f = unVMap . metamorph' @r @c @Var @(VMap f) @Identity Proxy doNil doUncons doCons
doNil = impossible
doUncons l = left Identity . flip trial l
doCons :: forall ℓ τ ρ. (KnownSymbol ℓ, c τ)
=> Label ℓ -> Either (Identity τ) (VMap f ('R ρ)) -> VMap f ('R (ℓ :-> τ ': ρ))
doCons l (Left (Identity x)) = VMap $ unsafeMakeVar l $ f x
doCons _ (Right (VMap v)) = VMap $ unsafeInjectFront v
map' :: forall f r. Forall r Unconstrained1 => (forall a. a -> f a) -> Var r -> Var (Map f r)
map' = map @Unconstrained1
transform :: forall r c f g. Forall r c => (forall a. c a => f a -> g a) -> Var (Map f r) -> Var (Map g r)
transform f = unVMap . metamorph' @r @c @(VMap f) @(VMap g) @f Proxy doNil doUncons doCons . VMap
doNil = impossible . unVMap
doUncons l = right VMap . flip trial l . unVMap
doCons :: forall ℓ τ ρ. (KnownSymbol ℓ, c τ)
=> Label ℓ -> Either (f τ) (VMap g ('R ρ)) -> VMap g ('R (ℓ :-> τ ': ρ))
doCons l (Left x) = VMap $ unsafeMakeVar l $ f x
doCons _ (Right (VMap v)) = VMap $ unsafeInjectFront v
transform' :: forall r f g . Forall r Unconstrained1 => (forall a. f a -> g a) -> Var (Map f r) -> Var (Map g r)
transform' = transform @r @Unconstrained1
sequence :: forall f r. (Forall r Unconstrained1, Applicative f) => Var (Map f r) -> f (Var r)
sequence = getCompose . metamorph' @r @Unconstrained1 @(VMap f) @(Compose f Var) @f Proxy doNil doUncons doCons . VMap
doNil (VMap x) = impossible x
doUncons l = right VMap . flip trial l . unVMap
doCons l (Left fx) = Compose $ unsafeMakeVar l <$> fx
doCons _ (Right (Compose v)) = Compose $ unsafeInjectFront <$> v
compose :: forall (f :: * -> *) g r . Forall r Unconstrained1 => Var (Map f (Map g r)) -> Var (Map (Compose f g) r)
compose = unVMap . metamorph' @r @Unconstrained1 @(VMap2 f g) @(VMap (Compose f g)) Proxy doNil doUncons doCons . VMap2
doNil (VMap2 x) = impossible x
doUncons l = Compose +++ VMap2 <<< flip trial l . unVMap2
doCons l (Left x) = VMap $ unsafeMakeVar l x
doCons _ (Right (VMap v)) = VMap $ unsafeInjectFront v
uncompose :: forall (f :: * -> *) g r . Forall r Unconstrained1 => Var (Map (Compose f g) r) -> Var (Map f (Map g r))
uncompose = unVMap2 . metamorph' @r @Unconstrained1 @(VMap (Compose f g)) @(VMap2 f g) Proxy doNil doUncons doCons . VMap
doNil (VMap x) = impossible x
doUncons l = right VMap . flip trial l . unVMap
doCons l (Left (Compose x)) = VMap2 $ unsafeMakeVar l x
doCons _ (Right (VMap2 v)) = VMap2 $ unsafeInjectFront v
unsafeInjectFront :: forall l a r. KnownSymbol l => Var (R r) -> Var (R (l :-> a ': r))
unsafeInjectFront = unsafeCoerce
fromLabels :: forall c ρ f. (Alternative f, Forall ρ c, AllUniqueLabels ρ)
=> (forall l a. (KnownSymbol l, c a) => Label l -> f a) -> f (Var ρ)
fromLabels mk = getCompose $ metamorph' @ρ @c @(Const ()) @(Compose f Var) @(Const ())
Proxy doNil doUncons doCons (Const ())
where doNil _ = Compose $ empty
doUncons _ _ = Right $ Const ()
doCons :: forall ℓ τ ρ. (KnownSymbol ℓ, c τ)
=> Label ℓ -> Either (Const () τ) (Compose f Var ('R ρ)) -> Compose f Var ('R (ℓ :-> τ ': ρ))
doCons l (Left _) = Compose $ unsafeMakeVar l <$> mk l
doCons l (Right (Compose v)) = Compose $
unsafeMakeVar l <$> mk l <|> unsafeInjectFront <$> v