module RichEnvSpec (spec) where import ArbitraryInstances () import Data.Aeson qualified as JSON import Data.ByteString qualified as B import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as C8 import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM import Data.List (sort) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.YAML (Pos) import Data.YAML.Aeson qualified as Yaml import GHC.Generics (Generic) import RichEnv (clearEnvironment, setRichEnvFromCurrent, toEnvListFromCurrent) import RichEnv.Types (Environment, Mappings (Mappings), Prefixes (Prefixes), RichEnv (..), Values (Values), defaultRichEnv, fromEnvironment, toEnvironment) import System.Environment (getEnvironment, setEnv) -- import System.Process (CreateProcess (env, std_out), StdStream (CreatePipe), proc, readCreateProcess) import Test.Hspec (Expectation, Spec, context, describe, it, shouldBe) import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck (prop) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (arbitrary), Gen) spec :: Spec spec = describe "RichEnv ops" $ do context "setting environment" $ do it "set a single environment variable through RichEnv" $ do clearEnv setRichEnvFromCurrent RichEnv { values = Values $ HM.fromList [("SOME", "var")], mappings = mempty, prefixes = mempty } testEnv [("SOME", "var")] it "set multiple environment variables through RichEnv" $ do clearEnv setRichEnvFromCurrent defaultRichEnv { values = Values $ HM.fromList [("SOME", "var"), ("OTHER", "othervar")] } testEnv [("SOME", "var"), ("OTHER", "othervar")] it "remaps existing environment variables" $ do clearEnv setTestEnv exampleEnv setRichEnvFromCurrent defaultRichEnv { mappings = Mappings $ HM.fromList [("SOME", "FOO")] } testEnv [("SOME", "bar")] it "remaps prefixed variables" $ do clearEnv setTestEnv exampleEnv setRichEnvFromCurrent defaultRichEnv { prefixes = Prefixes $ HM.fromList [("NEW_", ["PREFIXED_"])] } testEnv [("NEW_VAR", "content"), ("NEW_VAR2", "content2")] context "getting the environment variable list" $ do it "gets the environment variable list" $ do clearEnv setTestEnv exampleEnv testEnvList [("SOME", "bar")] defaultRichEnv { mappings = Mappings $ HM.fromList [("SOME", "FOO")] } it "gets the environment variable list with prefixes" $ do clearEnv setTestEnv exampleEnv testEnvList [("NEW_VAR", "content"), ("NEW_VAR2", "content2")] ( defaultRichEnv { prefixes = Prefixes $ HM.fromList [("NEW_", ["PREFIXED_"])] } ) context "working with YAML" $ it "parses a YAML file into expected results" $ do clearEnv setTestEnv fileTestsBaseEnv let res = Yaml.decode1Strict yamlTestCase case res of Left err -> fail $ "Parse failed. State: " <> show err Right actual -> testEnvList fileTestsCaseExpected (environ actual) context "working with JSON" $ it "parses a JSON file into expected results" $ do clearEnv setTestEnv fileTestsBaseEnv let res = JSON.eitherDecodeStrict jsonTestCase :: Either String TestType case res of Left err -> fail err Right actual -> testEnvList fileTestsCaseExpected (environ actual) context "invariants" $ do prop "parsing YAML from and to a RichEnv should end in the original value" $ \re -> do let yaml = Yaml.encode1Strict re C8.writeFile "./testcase.yaml" yaml let res = Yaml.decode1Strict yaml :: Either (Pos, String) RichEnv in case res of Left err -> fail $ "Parse failed. State: " <> show err Right actual -> do actual `shouldBe` re prop "parsing JSON from and to a RichEnv should end in the original value" $ \re -> do let json = JSON.encode re res = JSON.eitherDecode' json :: Either String RichEnv in case res of Left err -> fail err Right actual -> do actual `shouldBe` re -- context "Working with System.Process" $ do -- it "should work with System.Process" $ do -- clearEnv -- setTestEnv exampleEnv -- envList <- -- toEnvListFromCurrent -- ( RichEnv -- { prefixes = Prefixes $ HM.singleton "NEW_" ["PREFIXED_"], -- mappings = Mappings $ HM.singleton "SOME" "FOO", -- values = Values $ HM.singleton "OTHER" "othervar" -- } -- ) -- let envProcess = (proc "env" []) {env = Just (fromEnvironment envList), std_out = CreatePipe} -- out <- lines <$> readCreateProcess envProcess mempty -- sort out `shouldBe` sort ["NEW_VAR=content", "NEW_VAR2=content2", "OTHER=othervar", "SOME=bar"] exampleEnv :: [(T.Text, T.Text)] exampleEnv = [("FOO", "bar"), ("BAZ", "qux"), ("PREFIXED_VAR", "content"), ("PREFIXED_VAR2", "content2")] clearEnv :: IO () clearEnv = getEnvironment >>= clearEnvironment setTestEnv :: Environment -> IO () setTestEnv = mapM_ (uncurry setEnv) . fromEnvironment testEnv :: Environment -> Expectation testEnv expected = getEnvironment >>= (`shouldBe` sort expected) . sort . toEnvironment testEnvList :: Environment -> RichEnv -> Expectation testEnvList expected re = toEnvListFromCurrent re >>= (`shouldBe` sort expected) . sort newtype TestType = TestType { environ :: RichEnv } deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) deriving anyclass (JSON.FromJSON, JSON.ToJSON) instance Arbitrary TestType where arbitrary :: Gen TestType arbitrary = TestType <$> arbitrary -- Test cases that use Aeson's FromJSON/ToJSON instances yamlTestCase :: B.ByteString yamlTestCase = C8.pack $ unlines [ "environ:", " values:", " SOME: somevar", " OTHER: othervar", " mappings:", " FOO: SOME", " prefixes:", " NEW_: [PREFIXED_]" ] jsonTestCase :: B.ByteString jsonTestCase = C8.pack $ unlines [ "{", " \"environ\": {", " \"values\": {", " \"SOME\": \"somevar\",", " \"OTHER\": \"othervar\"", " },", " \"mappings\": {", " \"FOO\": \"SOME\"", " },", " \"prefixes\": {", " \"NEW_\": [\"PREFIXED_\"]", " }", " }", "}" ] fileTestsBaseEnv :: Environment fileTestsBaseEnv = [("SOME", "bar"), ("OTHER", "othervar"), ("PREFIXED_VAR", "content"), ("PREFIXED_VAR2", "content2")] fileTestsCaseExpected :: Environment fileTestsCaseExpected = [ ("FOO", "bar"), ("OTHER", "othervar"), ("SOME", "somevar"), ("NEW_VAR", "content"), ("NEW_VAR2", "content2") ]