/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- * riak_search.proto: Protocol buffers for Riak Search (Legacy Search) * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * * NOTE: IMPORTANT * Any change to the definitions in this file REQUIRES the following * steps after: * * # Re-generate erlang source from changed .proto files: * make erl_protogen * * # Commit changed files: * git add -A; git commit -m 'Update erlang code from .proto files' */ // import "riak.proto"; // java package specifiers // option java_package = "com.basho.riak.protobuf"; // option java_outer_classname = "RiakSearchPB"; message RpbSearchDoc { repeated RpbPair fields = 1; } message RpbSearchQueryReq { required bytes q = 1; // Query string required bytes index = 2; // Index optional uint32 rows = 3; // Limit rows optional uint32 start = 4; // Starting offset optional bytes sort = 5; // Sort order optional bytes filter = 6; // Inline fields filtering query optional bytes df = 7; // Default field optional bytes op = 8; // Default op repeated bytes fl = 9; // Return fields limit (for ids only, generally) optional bytes presort = 10; // Presort (key / score) } message RpbSearchQueryResp { repeated RpbSearchDoc docs = 1; // Result documents optional float max_score = 2; // Maximum score optional uint32 num_found = 3; // Number of results }