{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, FunctionalDependencies, MultiParamTypeClasses, 
    RecordWildCards #-}

-- |
-- Module:      Network.Riak.Types.Internal
-- Copyright:   (c) 2011 MailRank, Inc.
-- License:     Apache
-- Maintainer:  Nathan Hunter <nhunter@janrain.com>
-- Stability:   experimental
-- Portability: portable
-- Basic types.

module Network.Riak.Types.Internal
    -- * Client management
    , Client(..)
    -- * Connection management
    , Connection(..)
    -- * Errors
    , RiakException(excModule, excFunction, excMessage)
    , netError
    , typeError
    , unexError
    -- * Data types
    , Bucket
    , Key
    , Tag
    , VClock(..)
    , Job(..)
    -- * Quorum management
    , Quorum(..)
    , DW
    , R
    , RW
    , W
    , fromQuorum
    , toQuorum
    -- * Message identification
    , Request(..)
    , Response
    , Exchange
    , MessageTag(..)
    , Tagged(..)
    ) where

import Control.Exception (Exception, throw)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.Digest.Pure.MD5 (md5)
import Data.IORef (IORef)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Network.Socket (HostName, ServiceName, Socket)
import Text.ProtocolBuffers (ReflectDescriptor, Wire)
-- | A client identifier.  This is used by the Riak cluster when
-- logging vector clock changes, and should be unique for each client.
type ClientID = ByteString

data Client = Client {
      host :: HostName
    -- ^ Name of the server to connect to.
    , port :: ServiceName
    -- ^ Port number to connect to (default is 8087).
    , clientID :: ClientID
    -- ^ Client identifier.
    } deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

-- | A connection to a Riak server.
data Connection = Connection {
      connSock :: Socket
    , connClient :: Client
    -- ^ The configuration we connected with.
    , connBuffer :: IORef ByteString
    -- ^ Received data that has not yet been consumed.
    } deriving (Eq)

-- | The main Riak exception type.
data RiakException = NetException {
      excModule :: String
    , excFunction :: String
    , excMessage :: String
    } | TypeException {
      excModule :: String
    , excFunction :: String
    , excMessage :: String
    } | UnexpectedResponse {
      excModule :: String
    , excFunction :: String
    , excMessage :: String
    }deriving (Eq, Typeable)

showRiakException :: RiakException -> String
showRiakException exc@NetException{..} =
    "Riak network error " ++ formatRiakException exc
showRiakException exc@TypeException{..} =
    "Riak type error " ++ formatRiakException exc
showRiakException exc@UnexpectedResponse{..} =
    "Riak server sent unexpected response " ++ formatRiakException exc

formatRiakException :: RiakException -> String
formatRiakException exc =
    "(" ++ excModule exc ++ "." ++ excFunction exc ++ "): " ++ excMessage exc

instance Show RiakException where
    show = showRiakException

instance Exception RiakException 

netError :: String -> String -> String -> a
netError modu func msg = throw (NetException modu func msg)

typeError :: String -> String -> String -> a
typeError modu func msg = throw (TypeException modu func msg)

unexError :: String -> String -> String -> a
unexError modu func msg = throw (UnexpectedResponse modu func msg)

instance Show Connection where
    show conn = show "Connection " ++ host c ++ ":" ++ port c
        where c = connClient conn

-- | A Bucket is a container and keyspace for data stored in Riak,
-- with a set of common properties for its contents (the number of
-- replicas, for instance).
type Bucket = ByteString

-- | Keys are unique object identifiers in Riak and are scoped within
-- buckets.
type Key = ByteString

-- | An application-specific identifier for a link.  See
-- <http://wiki.basho.com/Links.html> for details.
type Tag = ByteString

-- | A specification of a MapReduce
-- job. <http://wiki.basho.com/MapReduce.html>.
data Job = JSON ByteString
         | Erlang ByteString
           deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

-- | An identifier for an inbound or outbound message.
data MessageTag = ErrorResponse
                | PingRequest
                | PingResponse
                | GetClientIDRequest
                | GetClientIDResponse
                | SetClientIDRequest
                | SetClientIDResponse
                | GetServerInfoRequest
                | GetServerInfoResponse
                | GetRequest
                | GetResponse
                | PutRequest
                | PutResponse
                | DeleteRequest
                | DeleteResponse
                | ListBucketsRequest
                | ListBucketsResponse
                | ListKeysRequest
                | ListKeysResponse
                | GetBucketRequest
                | GetBucketResponse
                | SetBucketRequest
                | SetBucketResponse
                | MapReduceRequest
                | MapReduceResponse
                  deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Typeable)

-- | Messages are tagged.
class Tagged msg where
    messageTag :: msg -> MessageTag -- ^ Retrieve a message's tag.

instance Tagged MessageTag where
    messageTag m = m
    {-# INLINE messageTag #-}

-- | A message representing a request from client to server.
class (Tagged msg, ReflectDescriptor msg, Show msg, Wire msg) => Request msg
    where expectedResponse :: msg -> MessageTag

-- | A message representing a response from server to client.
class (Tagged msg, ReflectDescriptor msg, Show msg, Wire msg) => Response msg

class (Request req, Response resp) => Exchange req resp
    | req -> resp, resp -> req

instance (Tagged a, Tagged b) => Tagged (Either a b) where
    messageTag (Left l)  = messageTag l
    messageTag (Right r) = messageTag r
    {-# INLINE messageTag #-}

-- | A wrapper that keeps Riak vector clocks opaque.
newtype VClock = VClock {
      fromVClock :: ByteString
    -- ^ Unwrap the 'ByteString'.  (This is really only useful for
    -- printing the raw vclock string.)
    } deriving (Eq, Typeable)

instance Show VClock where
    show (VClock s) = "VClock " ++ show (md5 s)

-- | A read/write quorum.  The quantity of replicas that must respond
-- to a read or write request before it is considered successful. This
-- is defined as a bucket property or as one of the relevant
-- parameters to a single request ('R','W','DW','RW').
data Quorum = Default   -- ^ Use the default quorum settings for the bucket.
            | One       -- ^ Success after one server has responded.
            | Quorum    -- ^ Success after a quorum of servers has responded.
            | All       -- ^ Success after all servers have responded.
              deriving (Bounded, Eq, Enum, Ord, Show, Typeable)

-- | Read/write quorum.  How many replicas need to collaborate when
-- deleting a value.
type RW = Quorum

-- | Read quorum.  How many replicas need to agree when retrieving a
-- value.
type R  = Quorum

-- | Write quorum.  How many replicas to write to before returning a
-- successful response.
type W  = Quorum

-- | Durable write quorum.  How many replicas to commit to durable
-- storage before returning a successful response.
type DW = Quorum

fromQuorum :: Quorum -> Maybe Word32
fromQuorum Default = Just 4294967291
fromQuorum One     = Just 4294967294
fromQuorum Quorum  = Just 4294967293
fromQuorum All     = Just 4294967292
{-# INLINE fromQuorum #-}

toQuorum :: Word32 -> Maybe Quorum
toQuorum 4294967294 = Just One
toQuorum 4294967293 = Just Quorum
toQuorum 4294967292 = Just All
toQuorum 4294967291 = Just Default
toQuorum v          = error $ "invalid quorum value " ++ show v
{-# INLINE toQuorum #-}