{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- | Example application for the @gloss@ wrapper. module Main where -- base import Data.Maybe (maybeToList) -- rhine-gloss import FRP.Rhine.Gloss -- | Calculate a gear wheel rotated by a certain angle. gears :: Float -> Picture gears angle = color green $ pictures $ circleSolid 60 : [rotate (angle + 45 * n) $ rectangleSolid 20 150 | n <- [0 .. 3]] {- | Rotate the gear with a constant angular velocity. Disregards all events. -} sim :: (Monad m) => BehaviourF m Float [Event] Picture sim = timeInfoOf sinceInit >>> arr (* 50) >>> arr gears main :: IO () main = do putStrLn "Please choose between the pure (1), the pure combined (2), and the IO backend (3):" n <- readLn case n of 1 -> flowGlossClSF defaultSettings pureClSF 2 -> flowGloss defaultSettings pureRhine 3 -> flowGlossIO defaultSettings ioRhine _ -> error "Invalid input" -- | Run the gears simulation with the pure backend synchronously. pureClSF = currentEvent >>> arr maybeToList >>> sim {- | Run the gears simulation with the pure backend with two subsystems, one at the rate of events, one at the rate of simulation. -} pureRhine = tagS @@ glossEventClock >-- collect --> sim >-> arrMCl paintAll @@ glossSimulationClock -- | Run the gears simulation with the 'IO' backend. ioRhine = tagS @@ GlossEventClockIO >-- collect --> sim >-> arrMCl paintAllIO @@ GlossSimClockIO