{- | Interactive machine learning example. In this example, you will find the following: * A stochastic movement of a ball in heat bath, where the ball is kicked around in Brownian motion * A noisy sensor observing the ball * Particle filter inference trying to recover the actual (latent) position of the ball, as well as the temperature * Visualization of the simulation and the inference result * Two different architectures for the whole application: * A simple, noninteractive architecture where simulation, inference and visualization all run synchronously * A more scalable, modular, interactive architecture, where all these three systems run on separate clocks, and the user can interactively change the temperature of the heat bath -} module Main where -- base import Control.Monad (replicateM, void) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Monoid (Product (Product, getProduct)) import GHC.Float (double2Float, float2Double) import Text.Printf (printf) -- transformers import Control.Monad.Trans.Class -- time import Data.Time (addUTCTime, getCurrentTime) -- mmorph import Control.Monad.Morph -- log-domain import Numeric.Log hiding (sum) -- monad-bayes import Control.Monad.Bayes.Class hiding (posterior, prior) import Control.Monad.Bayes.Population hiding (hoist) import Control.Monad.Bayes.Sampler.Strict -- rhine import FRP.Rhine -- rhine-gloss import FRP.Rhine.Gloss.IO -- rhine-bayes import FRP.Rhine.Bayes import FRP.Rhine.Gloss.Common type Temperature = Double type Pos = (Double, Double) type Sensor = Pos -- * Model -- ** Prior -- | Harmonic oscillator with white noise prior1d :: (MonadDistribution m, Diff td ~ Double) => -- | Starting position Double -> -- | Starting velocity Double -> BehaviourF m td Temperature Double prior1d initialPosition initialVelocity = feedback 0 $ proc (temperature, position') -> do impulse <- arrM (normal 0) -< temperature let acceleration = (-3) * position' + impulse -- Integral over roughly the last 100 seconds, dying off exponentially, as to model a small friction term velocity <- arr (+ initialVelocity) <<< decayIntegral 10 -< acceleration position <- integralFrom initialPosition -< velocity returnA -< (position, position) -- | 2D harmonic oscillator with noise prior :: (MonadDistribution m, Diff td ~ Double) => BehaviourF m td Temperature Pos prior = prior1d 10 0 &&& prior1d 0 10 -- ** Observation -- | An integral where the integrated value dies of exponentially decayIntegral :: (VectorSpace v (Diff td), Monad m, Floating (Diff td)) => Diff td -> BehaviourF m td v v decayIntegral timeConstant = (timeConstant *^) <$> average timeConstant -- | The assumed standard deviation of the sensor noise sensorNoiseTemperature :: Double sensorNoiseTemperature = 1 -- | A generative model of the sensor noise noise :: MonadDistribution m => Behaviour m td Pos noise = whiteNoise sensorNoiseTemperature &&& whiteNoise sensorNoiseTemperature -- | A generative model of the sensor position, given the noise generativeModel :: (MonadDistribution m, Diff td ~ Double) => BehaviourF m td Pos Sensor generativeModel = proc latent -> do noiseNow <- noise -< () returnA -< latent ^+^ noiseNow {- | This remodels the distribution defined by `noise` as a PDF, as to be used in the inference later. -} sensorLikelihood :: Pos -> Sensor -> Log Double sensorLikelihood (posX, posY) (sensorX, sensorY) = normalPdf posX sensorNoiseTemperature sensorX * normalPdf posY sensorNoiseTemperature sensorY -- ** User behaviour -- | The initial value for the temperature, and also the initial guess for the temperature inference initialTemperature :: Temperature initialTemperature = 7 -- | We assume the user changes the temperature randomly every 3 seconds. temperatureProcess :: (MonadDistribution m, Diff td ~ Double) => BehaviourF m td () Temperature temperatureProcess = -- Draw events from a Poisson process with a rate of one event per 3 seconds poissonHomogeneous 3 -- For every event, draw a number from a normal distribution >>> arrMCl (flip replicateM $ normal 0 0.2) -- Sum the numbers and log-transform then into the positive reals >>> arr (exp . sum) -- Multiply original temperature with the random temperature changes >>> accumulateWith (*) initialTemperature -- | Auxiliary conversion function belonging to the log-domain library, see https://github.com/ekmett/log-domain/issues/38 runLogDomain :: Log Double -> Double runLogDomain = exp . ln -- * Filtering {- | Generate a random position and sensor value, given a temperature. Used for simulating a situation upon which we will perform inference. -} genModelWithoutTemperature :: (MonadDistribution m, Diff td ~ Double) => BehaviourF m td Temperature (Sensor, Pos) genModelWithoutTemperature = proc temperature -> do latent <- prior -< temperature sensor <- generativeModel -< latent returnA -< (sensor, latent) {- | Given sensor data, sample a latent position and a temperature, and weight them according to the likelihood of the observed sensor position. Used to infer position and temperature. -} posteriorTemperatureProcess :: (MonadMeasure m, Diff td ~ Double) => BehaviourF m td Sensor (Temperature, Pos) posteriorTemperatureProcess = proc sensor -> do temperature <- temperatureProcess -< () latent <- prior -< temperature arrM score -< sensorLikelihood latent sensor returnA -< (temperature, latent) -- | A collection of all displayable inference results data Result = Result { temperature :: Temperature , measured :: Sensor , latent :: Pos , particles :: [((Temperature, Pos), Log Double)] } deriving (Show) -- | The number of particles used in the filter. Change according to available computing power. nParticles :: Int nParticles = 100 -- * Visualization -- | Internal utility because `gloss` operates on floats double2FloatTuple :: (Double, Double) -> (Float, Float) double2FloatTuple = double2Float *** double2Float {- | The monad in which our program will run. 'SamplerIO' is for the probabilistic effects from @monad-bayes@, while 'GlossConcT' adds interactive effects from @gloss@. -} type App = GlossConcT SamplerIO -- | Draw the results of the simulation and inference visualisation :: Diff td ~ Double => BehaviourF App td Result () visualisation = proc Result {temperature, measured, latent, particles} -> do constMCl clearIO -< () time <- sinceInitS -< () arrMCl paintIO -< toThermometer $ pictures [ translate 0 (-40) $ scale 0.2 0.2 $ color white $ pictures $ do (n, message) <- zip [0 ..] [ printf "Temperature: %.2f" temperature , printf "Particles: %i" $ length particles , printf "Time: %.1f" time ] return $ translate 0 ((-150) * n) $ text message , color red $ rectangleUpperSolid thermometerWidth $ double2Float temperature * thermometerScale ] drawBall -< (measured, 0.3, red) drawBall -< (latent, 0.3, green) drawParticles -< particles -- ** Parameters for the temperature display thermometerPos :: (Float, Float) thermometerPos = (-300, -300) toThermometer :: Picture -> Picture toThermometer = uncurry translate thermometerPos thermometerScale :: Float thermometerScale = 20 thermometerWidth :: Float thermometerWidth = 20 -- ** Helpers for drawing elements of the visualization drawBall :: BehaviourF App td (Pos, Double, Color) () drawBall = proc (position, width, theColor) -> do arrMCl paintIO -< scale 20 20 $ uncurry translate (double2FloatTuple position) $ color theColor $ circleSolid $ double2Float width drawParticle :: BehaviourF App td ((Temperature, Pos), Log Double) () drawParticle = proc ((temperature, position), probability) -> do drawBall -< (position, 0.1, withAlpha (double2Float $ exp $ 0.2 * ln probability) white) arrMCl paintIO -< toThermometer $ translate 0 (double2Float temperature * thermometerScale) $ color (withAlpha (double2Float $ exp $ 0.2 * ln probability) white) $ rectangleSolid thermometerWidth 2 drawParticles :: BehaviourF App td [((Temperature, Pos), Log Double)] () drawParticles = proc particles -> do case particles of [] -> returnA -< () p : ps -> do drawParticle -< p drawParticles -< ps glossSettings :: GlossSettings glossSettings = defaultSettings { display = InWindow "rhine-bayes" (1024, 960) (10, 10) } -- * Integration -- | There are different architectural choices for the whole application, these can be tested against each other mains :: [(String, IO ())] mains = [ ("single rate", mainSingleRate) , ("multi rate, temperature process", mainMultiRate) ] main :: IO () main = do putStrLn $ ("Choose between: " ++) $ unwords $ zipWith (\n (title, _program) -> "\n" ++ show n ++ ": " ++ title) [1 ..] mains choice <- read <$> getLine map snd mains !! (choice - 1) -- ** Single-rate : One simulation step = one inference step = one display step {- | Given an actual temperature, simulate a latent position and measured sensor position, and based on the sensor data infer the latent position and the temperature. -} filtered :: Diff td ~ Double => BehaviourF App td Temperature Result filtered = proc temperature -> do (measured, latent) <- genModelWithoutTemperature -< temperature particles <- runPopulationCl nParticles resampleSystematic posteriorTemperatureProcess -< measured returnA -< Result { temperature , measured , latent , particles } -- | Run simulation, inference, and visualization synchronously mainClSF :: Diff td ~ Double => BehaviourF App td () () mainClSF = proc () -> do output <- filtered -< initialTemperature visualisation -< output -- | Rescale to the 'Double' time domain type GlossClock = RescaledClock GlossSimClockIO Double glossClock :: GlossClock glossClock = RescaledClock { unscaledClock = GlossSimClockIO , rescale = float2Double } mainSingleRate = void $ sampleIO $ launchGlossThread glossSettings $ reactimateCl glossClock mainClSF -- ** Multi-rate: Simulation, inference, display at different rates -- | Rescale the gloss clocks so they will be compatible with real 'UTCTime' (needed for compatibility with 'Millisecond') type GlossClockUTC cl = RescaledClockS (GlossConcT IO) cl UTCTime (Tag cl) glossClockUTC :: Real (Time cl) => cl -> GlossClockUTC cl glossClockUTC cl = RescaledClockS { unscaledClockS = cl , rescaleS = const $ do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime return (arr $ \(timePassed, event) -> (addUTCTime (realToFrac timePassed) now, event), now) } {- | The part of the program which simulates latent position and sensor, running 100 times a second. -} modelRhine :: Rhine (GlossConcT IO) (LiftClock IO GlossConcT (Millisecond 100)) Temperature (Temperature, (Sensor, Pos)) modelRhine = hoistClSF sampleIOGloss (clId &&& genModelWithoutTemperature) @@ liftClock waitClock -- | The user can change the temperature by pressing the up and down arrow keys. userTemperature :: ClSF (GlossConcT IO) (GlossClockUTC GlossEventClockIO) () Temperature userTemperature = tagS >>> arr (selector >>> fmap Product) >>> mappendS >>> arr (fmap getProduct >>> fromMaybe 1 >>> (* initialTemperature)) where selector (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyUp) Down _ _) = Just 1.2 selector (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyDown) Down _ _) = Just (1 / 1.2) selector _ = Nothing {- | This part performs the inference (and passes along temperature, sensor and position simulations). It runs as fast as possible, so this will potentially drain the CPU. -} inference :: Rhine (GlossConcT IO) (LiftClock IO GlossConcT Busy) (Temperature, (Sensor, Pos)) Result inference = hoistClSF sampleIOGloss inferenceBehaviour @@ liftClock Busy where inferenceBehaviour :: (MonadDistribution m, Diff td ~ Double, MonadIO m) => BehaviourF m td (Temperature, (Sensor, Pos)) Result inferenceBehaviour = proc (temperature, (measured, latent)) -> do particles <- runPopulationCl nParticles resampleSystematic posteriorTemperatureProcess -< measured returnA -< Result {temperature, measured, latent, particles} -- | Visualize the current 'Result' at a rate controlled by the @gloss@ backend, usually 30 FPS. visualisationRhine :: Rhine (GlossConcT IO) (GlossClockUTC GlossSimClockIO) Result () visualisationRhine = hoistClSF sampleIOGloss visualisation @@ glossClockUTC GlossSimClockIO {- FOURMOLU_DISABLE -} -- | Compose all four asynchronous components to a single 'Rhine'. mainRhineMultiRate = userTemperature @@ glossClockUTC GlossEventClockIO >-- keepLast initialTemperature -@- glossConcurrently --> modelRhine >-- keepLast (initialTemperature, (zeroVector, zeroVector)) -@- glossConcurrently --> inference >-- keepLast Result {temperature = initialTemperature, measured = zeroVector, latent = zeroVector, particles = []} -@- glossConcurrently --> visualisationRhine {- FOURMOLU_ENABLE -} mainMultiRate :: IO () mainMultiRate = void $ launchGlossThread glossSettings $ flow mainRhineMultiRate -- * Utilities instance MonadDistribution m => MonadDistribution (GlossConcT m) where random = lift random instance MonadFactor m => MonadFactor (GlossConcT m) where score = lift . score instance MonadMeasure m => MonadMeasure (GlossConcT m) sampleIOGloss :: App a -> GlossConcT IO a sampleIOGloss = hoist sampleIO