{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} module Control.Monad.Schedule where -- base import Control.Concurrent -- transformers import Control.Monad.IO.Class -- free import Control.Monad.Trans.Free -- TODO Implement Time via StateT {- | A functor implementing a syntactical "waiting" action. * 'diff' represents the duration to wait. * 'a' is the encapsulated value. -} data Wait diff a = Wait diff a deriving Functor {- | Values in @ScheduleT diff m@ are delayed computations with side effects in 'm'. Delays can occur between any two side effects, with lengths specified by a 'diff' value. These delays don't have any semantics, it can be given to them with 'runScheduleT'. -} type ScheduleT diff = FreeT (Wait diff) -- | The side effect that waits for a specified amount. wait :: Monad m => diff -> ScheduleT diff m () wait diff = FreeT $ return $ Free $ Wait diff $ return () -- | Supply a semantic meaning to 'Wait'. -- For every occurrence of @Wait diff@ in the @ScheduleT diff m a@ value, -- a waiting action is executed, depending on 'diff'. runScheduleT :: Monad m => (diff -> m ()) -> ScheduleT diff m a -> m a runScheduleT waitAction = iterT $ \(Wait n ma) -> waitAction n >> ma -- | Run a 'ScheduleT' value in a 'MonadIO', -- interpreting the times as milliseconds. runScheduleIO :: (MonadIO m, Integral n) => ScheduleT n m a -> m a runScheduleIO = runScheduleT $ liftIO . threadDelay . (* 1000) . fromIntegral -- TODO The definition and type signature are both a mouthful. Is there a simpler concept? -- | Runs two values in 'ScheduleT' concurrently -- and returns the first one that yields a value -- (defaulting to the first argument), -- and a continuation for the other value. race :: (Ord diff, Num diff, Monad m) => ScheduleT diff m a -> ScheduleT diff m b -> ScheduleT diff m (Either ( a, ScheduleT diff m b) (ScheduleT diff m a, b) ) race (FreeT ma) (FreeT mb) = FreeT $ do -- Perform the side effects to find out how long each 'ScheduleT' values need to wait. aWait <- ma bWait <- mb case aWait of -- 'a' doesn't need to wait. Return immediately and leave the continuation for 'b'. Pure a -> return $ Pure $ Left (a, FreeT $ return bWait) -- 'a' needs to wait, so we need to inspect 'b' as well and see which one needs to wait longer. Free (Wait aDiff aCont) -> case bWait of -- 'b' doesn't need to wait. Return immediately and leave the continuation for 'a'. Pure b -> return $ Pure $ Right (wait aDiff >> aCont, b) -- Both need to wait. Which one needs to wait longer? Free (Wait bDiff bCont) -> if aDiff <= bDiff -- 'a' yields first, or both are done simultaneously. then runFreeT $ do -- Perform the wait action that we've deconstructed wait aDiff -- Recurse, since more wait actions might be hidden in 'a' and 'b'. 'b' doesn't need to wait as long, since we've already waited for 'aDiff'. race aCont $ wait (bDiff - aDiff) >> bCont -- 'b' yields first. Analogously. else runFreeT $ do wait bDiff race (wait (aDiff - bDiff) >> aCont) bCont -- | Runs both schedules concurrently and returns their results at the end. async :: (Ord diff, Num diff, Monad m) => ScheduleT diff m a -> ScheduleT diff m b -> ScheduleT diff m (a, b) async aSched bSched = do ab <- race aSched bSched case ab of Left (a, bCont) -> do b <- bCont return (a, b) Right (aCont, b) -> do a <- aCont return (a, b)