{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies       #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Generics.Regular.Rewriting.Representations
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2008 Universiteit Utrecht
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  generics@haskell.org
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- Summary: Types for structural representation.

module Generics.Regular.Rewriting.Representations (

  -- * Functorial structural representation types.
  K (..),
  Id (..),
  Unit (..),
  (:+:) (..),
  (:*:) (..),
  Con (..),

  -- * Fixed-point type.
  Fix (..),

  -- * Type class capturing the structural representation of a type and the
  -- | corresponding embedding-projection pairs.
  Regular (..)
) where

-- Functorial structural representation types.

-- | Structure type for constant values.
data K a r      = K a

-- | Structure type for recursive values.
data Id r       = Id r

-- | Structure type for empty constructors.
data Unit r     = Unit

-- | Structure type for alternatives in a type.
data (f :+: g) r  = L (f r) | R (g r)

-- | Structure type for fields of a constructor.
data (f :*: g) r = f r :*: g r

-- | Structure type to store the name of a constructor.
data Con f r    = Con String (f r)

infixr 6 :+:
infixr 7 :*:

-- Fixed-point type.

-- | The well-known fixed-point type.
newtype Fix f = In (f (Fix f))

-- Type class capturing the structural representation of a type and the
-- | corresponding embedding-projection pairs.

-- | The type class @Regular@ captures the structural representation of a 
-- type and the corresponding embedding-projection pairs.
-- To be able to use the rewriting functions, the user is required to provide
-- an instance of this type class.
class Functor (PF a) => Regular a where
  type PF a :: * -> *
  from      :: a -> PF a a
  to        :: PF a a -> a