{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module Tests.Control.Retry ( tests -- * Used to test UnliftIO versions of the same functions , recoveringTestsWith , maskingStateTestsWith , quadraticDelayTestsWith , recoveringTest , testHandlers , testHandlersDynamic ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.STM as STM import qualified Control.Exception as EX import Control.Monad.Catch import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Identity import Control.Monad.IO.Class as MIO import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict import Data.Either import Data.IORef import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Time.LocalTime () import Data.Typeable import Hedgehog as HH import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range import System.IO.Error import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.Hedgehog import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( assertBool, assertFailure , testCase, (@=?), (@?=) ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Retry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Control.Retry" [ recoveringTests , monoidTests , retryStatusTests , quadraticDelayTests , policyTransformersTests , maskingStateTests , capDelayTests , limitRetriesByCumulativeDelayTests , overridingDelayTests , resumableTests , retryOnErrorTests ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recoveringTests :: TestTree recoveringTests = recoveringTestsWith recovering recoveringTestsWith :: Monad m => (RetryPolicyM m -> [RetryStatus -> Handler IO Bool] -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> TestTree recoveringTestsWith recovering' = testGroup "recovering" [ testProperty "recovering test without quadratic retry delay" $ property $ do startTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime timeout <- forAll (Gen.int (Range.linear 0 15)) retries <- forAll (Gen.int (Range.linear 0 50)) res <- liftIO $ try $ recovering' (constantDelay timeout <> limitRetries retries) testHandlers (const $ throwM (userError "booo")) endTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime HH.assert (isLeftAnd isUserError res) let ms' = (fromInteger . toInteger $ (timeout * retries)) / 1000000.0 HH.assert (diffUTCTime endTime startTime >= ms') , testGroup "exception hierarchy semantics" [ testCase "does not catch async exceptions" $ do counter <- newTVarIO (0 :: Int) done <- newEmptyMVar let work = atomically (modifyTVar' counter succ) >> threadDelay 1000000 tid <- forkIO $ recoverAll (limitRetries 2) (const work) `finally` putMVar done () atomically (STM.check . (== 1) =<< readTVar counter) EX.throwTo tid EX.UserInterrupt takeMVar done count <- atomically (readTVar counter) count @?= 1 , testCase "recovers from custom exceptions" $ do f <- mkFailN Custom1 2 res <- try $ recovering' (constantDelay 5000 <> limitRetries 3) [const $ Handler $ \ Custom1 -> return shouldRetry] f (res :: Either Custom1 ()) @?= Right () , testCase "fails beyond policy using custom exceptions" $ do f <- mkFailN Custom1 3 res <- try $ recovering' (constantDelay 5000 <> limitRetries 2) [const $ Handler $ \ Custom1 -> return shouldRetry] f (res :: Either Custom1 ()) @?= Left Custom1 , testCase "recoverAll won't catch exceptions which are not decendants of SomeException" $ do f <- mkFailN Custom1 4 res <- try $ recoverAll (constantDelay 5000 <> limitRetries 3) f (res :: Either Custom1 ()) @?= Left Custom1 , testCase "does not recover from unhandled exceptions" $ do f <- mkFailN Custom2 2 res <- try $ recovering' (constantDelay 5000 <> limitRetries 5) [const $ Handler $ \ Custom1 -> return shouldRetry] f (res :: Either Custom2 ()) @?= Left Custom2 , testCase "recovers in presence of multiple handlers" $ do f <- mkFailN Custom2 2 res <- try $ recovering' (constantDelay 5000 <> limitRetries 5) [ const $ Handler $ \ Custom1 -> return shouldRetry , const $ Handler $ \ Custom2 -> return shouldRetry ] f (res :: Either Custom2 ()) @?= Right () , testCase "general exceptions catch specific ones" $ do f <- mkFailN Custom2 2 res <- try $ recovering' (constantDelay 5000 <> limitRetries 5) [ const $ Handler $ \ (_::SomeException) -> return shouldRetry ] f (res :: Either Custom2 ()) @?= Right () , testCase "(redundant) even general catchers don't go beyond policy" $ do f <- mkFailN Custom2 3 res <- try $ recovering' (constantDelay 5000 <> limitRetries 2) [ const $ Handler $ \ (_::SomeException) -> return shouldRetry ] f (res :: Either Custom2 ()) @?= Left Custom2 , testCase "rethrows in presence of failed exception casts" $ do f <- mkFailN Custom2 3 final <- try $ do res <- try $ recovering' (constantDelay 5000 <> limitRetries 2) [ const $ Handler $ \ (_::SomeException) -> return shouldRetry ] f (res :: Either Custom1 ()) @?= Left Custom1 final @?= Left Custom2 ] ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- monoidTests :: TestTree monoidTests = testGroup "Policy is a monoid" [ testProperty "left identity" $ property $ propIdentity (\p -> mempty <> p) id , testProperty "right identity" $ property $ propIdentity (\p -> p <> mempty) id , testProperty "associativity" $ property $ propAssociativity (\x y z -> x <> (y <> z)) (\x y z -> (x <> y) <> z) ] where propIdentity left right = do retryStatus <- forAll genRetryStatus fixedDelay <- forAll (Gen.maybe (Gen.int (Range.linear 0 maxBound))) let calculateDelay _rs = fixedDelay let applyPolicy' f = getRetryPolicyM (f $ retryPolicy calculateDelay) retryStatus validRes = maybe True (>= 0) l <- liftIO $ applyPolicy' left r <- liftIO $ applyPolicy' right if validRes r && validRes l then l === r else return () propAssociativity left right = do retryStatus <- forAll genRetryStatus let genDelay = Gen.maybe (Gen.int (Range.linear 0 maxBound)) delayA <- forAll genDelay delayB <- forAll genDelay delayC <- forAll genDelay let applyPolicy' f = liftIO $ getRetryPolicyM (f (retryPolicy (const delayA)) (retryPolicy (const delayB)) (retryPolicy (const delayC))) retryStatus res <- liftIO (liftA2 (==) (applyPolicy' left) (applyPolicy' right)) assert res ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- retryStatusTests :: TestTree retryStatusTests = testGroup "retry status" [ testCase "passes the correct retry status each time" $ do let policy = limitRetries 2 <> constantDelay 100 rses <- gatherStatuses policy rsIterNumber <$> rses @?= [0, 1, 2] rsCumulativeDelay <$> rses @?= [0, 100, 200] rsPreviousDelay <$> rses @?= [Nothing, Just 100, Just 100] ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- policyTransformersTests :: TestTree policyTransformersTests = testGroup "policy transformers" [ testProperty "always produces positive delay with positive constants (no rollover)" $ property $ do delay <- forAll (Gen.int (Range.linear 0 maxBound)) let res = runIdentity (simulatePolicy 1000 (exponentialBackoff delay)) delays = catMaybes (snd <$> res) mnDelay = if null delays then Nothing else Just (minimum delays) case mnDelay of Nothing -> return () Just n -> do footnote (show n ++ " is not >= 0") HH.assert (n >= 0) , testProperty "positive, nonzero exponential backoff is always incrementing" $ property $ do delay <- forAll (Gen.int (Range.linear 1 maxBound)) let res = runIdentity (simulatePolicy 1000 (limitRetriesByDelay maxBound (exponentialBackoff delay))) delays = catMaybes (snd <$> res) sort delays === delays length (group delays) === length delays ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maskingStateTests :: TestTree maskingStateTests = maskingStateTestsWith recovering maskingStateTestsWith :: Monad m => (RetryPolicyM m -> [RetryStatus -> Handler IO Bool] -> (a -> IO b) -> IO ()) -> TestTree maskingStateTestsWith recovering' = testGroup "masking state" [ testCase "shouldn't change masking state in a recovered action" $ do maskingState <- EX.getMaskingState final <- try $ recovering' retryPolicyDefault testHandlers $ const $ do maskingState' <- EX.getMaskingState maskingState' @?= maskingState fail "Retrying..." assertBool ("Expected EX.IOException but didn't get one") (isLeft (final :: Either EX.IOException ())) , testCase "should mask asynchronous exceptions in exception handlers" $ do let checkMaskingStateHandlers = [ const $ Handler $ \(_ :: SomeException) -> do maskingState <- EX.getMaskingState maskingState @?= EX.MaskedInterruptible return shouldRetry ] final <- try $ recovering' retryPolicyDefault checkMaskingStateHandlers $ const $ fail "Retrying..." assertBool ("Expected EX.IOException but didn't get one") (isLeft (final :: Either EX.IOException ())) ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- capDelayTests :: TestTree capDelayTests = testGroup "capDelay" [ testProperty "respects limitRetries" $ property $ do retries <- forAll (Gen.int (Range.linear 1 100)) cap <- forAll (Gen.int (Range.linear 1 maxBound)) let policy = capDelay cap (limitRetries retries) let delays = runIdentity (simulatePolicy (retries + 1) policy) let Just lastDelay = lookup (retries - 1) delays let Just gaveUp = lookup retries delays let noDelay = 0 lastDelay === Just noDelay gaveUp === Nothing , testProperty "does not allow any delays higher than the given delay" $ property $ do cap <- forAll (Gen.int (Range.linear 1 maxBound)) baseDelay <- forAll (Gen.int (Range.linear 1 100)) basePolicy <- forAllWith (const "RetryPolicy") (genScalingPolicy baseDelay) let policy = capDelay cap basePolicy let delays = catMaybes (snd <$> runIdentity (simulatePolicy 100 policy)) let baddies = filter (> cap) delays baddies === [] ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Generates policies that increase on each iteration genScalingPolicy :: (Alternative m) => Int -> m (RetryPolicyM Identity) genScalingPolicy baseDelay = (pure (exponentialBackoff baseDelay) <|> pure (fibonacciBackoff baseDelay)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- limitRetriesByCumulativeDelayTests :: TestTree limitRetriesByCumulativeDelayTests = testGroup "limitRetriesByCumulativeDelay" [ testProperty "never exceeds the given cumulative delay" $ property $ do baseDelay <- forAll (Gen.int (Range.linear 1 100)) basePolicy <- forAllWith (const "RetryPolicy") (genScalingPolicy baseDelay) cumulativeDelayMax <- forAll (Gen.int (Range.linear 1 10000)) let policy = limitRetriesByCumulativeDelay cumulativeDelayMax basePolicy let delays = catMaybes (snd <$> runIdentity (simulatePolicy 100 policy)) footnoteShow delays let actualCumulativeDelay = sum delays footnote (show actualCumulativeDelay <> " <= " <> show cumulativeDelayMax) HH.assert (actualCumulativeDelay <= cumulativeDelayMax) ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- quadraticDelayTests :: TestTree quadraticDelayTests = quadraticDelayTestsWith recovering quadraticDelayTestsWith :: Monad m => (RetryPolicyM m -> [RetryStatus -> Handler IO Bool] -> (a -> IO b) -> IO ()) -> TestTree quadraticDelayTestsWith recovering' = testGroup "quadratic delay" [ testProperty "recovering test with quadratic retry delay" $ property $ do startTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime timeout <- forAll (Gen.int (Range.linear 0 15)) retries <- forAll (Gen.int (Range.linear 0 8)) res <- liftIO $ try $ recovering' (exponentialBackoff timeout <> limitRetries retries) [const $ Handler (\(_::SomeException) -> return True)] (const $ throwM (userError "booo")) endTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime HH.assert (isLeftAnd isUserError res) let tmo = if retries > 0 then timeout * 2 ^ (retries - 1) else 0 let ms' = ((fromInteger . toInteger $ tmo) / 1000000.0) HH.assert (diffUTCTime endTime startTime >= ms') ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- overridingDelayTests :: TestTree overridingDelayTests = testGroup "overriding delay" [ testGroup "actual delays don't exceed specified delays" [ testProperty "retryingDynamic" $ testOverride retryingDynamic (\delays rs _ -> return $ ConsultPolicyOverrideDelay (delays !! rsIterNumber rs)) (\_ _ -> liftIO getCurrentTime >>= \time -> tell [time]) , testProperty "recoveringDynamic" $ testOverride recoveringDynamic (\delays -> [\rs -> Handler (\(_::SomeException) -> return $ ConsultPolicyOverrideDelay (delays !! rsIterNumber rs))]) (\delays rs -> do liftIO getCurrentTime >>= \time -> tell [time] if rsIterNumber rs < length delays then throwM (userError "booo") else return () ) ] ] where -- Transform a list of timestamps into a list of differences -- between adjacent timestamps. diffTimes = compareAdjacent (flip diffUTCTime) microsToNominalDiffTime = toNominal . picosecondsToDiffTime . (* 1000000) . fromIntegral toNominal :: DiffTime -> NominalDiffTime toNominal = realToFrac -- Generic test case used to test both "retryingDynamic" and "recoveringDynamic" testOverride retryer handler action = property $ do retryPolicy' <- forAll $ genPolicyNoLimit (Range.linear 1 1000000) delays <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 1 10) (Gen.int (Range.linear 10 1000)) (_, measuredTimestamps) <- liftIO $ runWriterT $ retryer -- Stop retrying when we run out of delays (retryPolicy' <> limitRetries (length delays)) (handler delays) (action delays) let expectedDelays = map microsToNominalDiffTime delays forM_ (zip (diffTimes measuredTimestamps) expectedDelays) $ \(actual, expected) -> diff actual (>=) expected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- resumableTests :: TestTree resumableTests = testGroup "resumable" [ testGroup "resumeRetrying" [ testCase "can resume" $ do retryingTest resumeRetrying (\_ _ -> pure shouldRetry) ] , testGroup "resumeRetryingDynamic" [ testCase "can resume" $ do retryingTest resumeRetryingDynamic (\_ _ -> pure $ ConsultPolicy) ] , testGroup "resumeRecovering" [ testCase "can resume" $ do recoveringTest resumeRecovering testHandlers ] , testGroup "resumeRecoveringDynamic" [ testCase "can resume" $ do recoveringTest resumeRecoveringDynamic testHandlersDynamic ] , testGroup "resumeRecoverAll" [ testCase "can resume" $ do recoveringTest (\status policy () action -> resumeRecoverAll status policy action) () ] ] retryingTest :: (RetryStatus -> RetryPolicyM IO -> p -> (RetryStatus -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> p -> IO () retryingTest resumableOp isRetryNeeded = do counterRef <- newIORef (0 :: Int) let go policy status = do atomicWriteIORef counterRef 0 resumableOp status policy isRetryNeeded (const $ atomicModifyIORef' counterRef $ \n -> (1 + n, ())) let policy = limitRetries 2 let nextStatus = nextStatusUsingPolicy policy go policy defaultRetryStatus (3 @=?) =<< readIORef counterRef go policy =<< nextStatus defaultRetryStatus (2 @=?) =<< readIORef counterRef go policy =<< nextStatus =<< nextStatus defaultRetryStatus (1 @=?) =<< readIORef counterRef recoveringTest :: (RetryStatus -> RetryPolicyM IO -> handlers -> (RetryStatus -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> handlers -> IO () recoveringTest resumableOp handlers = do counterRef <- newIORef (0 :: Int) let go policy status = do action <- do mkFailUntilIO (\_ -> atomicModifyIORef' counterRef $ \n -> (1 + n, False)) Custom1 try $ resumableOp status policy handlers action let policy = limitRetries 2 let nextStatus = nextStatusUsingPolicy policy do atomicWriteIORef counterRef 0 res <- go policy defaultRetryStatus res @?= Left Custom1 (3 @=?) =<< readIORef counterRef do atomicWriteIORef counterRef 0 res <- go policy =<< nextStatus defaultRetryStatus res @?= Left Custom1 (2 @=?) =<< readIORef counterRef do atomicWriteIORef counterRef 0 res <- go policy =<< nextStatus =<< nextStatus defaultRetryStatus res @?= Left Custom1 (1 @=?) =<< readIORef counterRef ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- retryOnErrorTests :: TestTree retryOnErrorTests = testGroup "retryOnError" [ testCase "passes in the error type" $ do errCalls <- newTVarIO [] let policy = limitRetries 2 let shouldWeRetry _retryStat e = do liftIO (atomically (modifyTVar' errCalls (++ [e]))) return True let action rs = (throwError ("boom" ++ show (rsIterNumber rs))) res <- runExceptT (retryOnError policy shouldWeRetry action) res @?= (Left "boom2" :: Either String ()) calls <- atomically (readTVar errCalls) calls @?= ["boom0", "boom1", "boom2"] ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nextStatusUsingPolicy :: RetryPolicyM IO -> RetryStatus -> IO RetryStatus nextStatusUsingPolicy policy status = do applyPolicy policy status >>= \case Nothing -> do assertFailure "applying policy produced no new status" Just status' -> do pure status' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- isLeftAnd :: (a -> Bool) -> Either a b -> Bool isLeftAnd f ei = case ei of Left v -> f v _ -> False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testHandlers :: [a -> Handler IO Bool] testHandlers = [const $ Handler (\(_::SomeException) -> return shouldRetry)] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testHandlersDynamic :: [a -> Handler IO RetryAction] testHandlersDynamic = [const $ Handler (\(_::SomeException) -> return ConsultPolicy)] -- | Apply a function to adjacent list items. -- -- Ie.: -- > compareAdjacent f [a0, a1, a2, a3, ..., a(n-2), a(n-1), an] = -- > [f a0 a1, f a1 a2, f a2 a3, ..., f a(n-2) a(n-1), f a(n-1) an] -- -- Not defined for lists of length < 2. compareAdjacent :: (a -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] compareAdjacent f lst = reverse . snd $ foldl (\(a1, accum) a2 -> (a2, f a1 a2 : accum)) (head lst, []) (tail lst) data Custom1 = Custom1 deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable) data Custom2 = Custom2 deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable) instance Exception Custom1 instance Exception Custom2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- genRetryStatus :: MonadGen m => m RetryStatus genRetryStatus = do n <- Gen.int (Range.linear 0 maxBound) d <- Gen.int (Range.linear 0 maxBound) l <- Gen.maybe (Gen.int (Range.linear 0 d)) return $ defaultRetryStatus { rsIterNumber = n , rsCumulativeDelay = d , rsPreviousDelay = l} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Generate an arbitrary 'RetryPolicy' without any limits applied. genPolicyNoLimit :: forall mg mr. (MonadGen mg, MIO.MonadIO mr) => Range Int -> mg (RetryPolicyM mr) genPolicyNoLimit durationRange = Gen.choice [ genConstantDelay , genExponentialBackoff , genFullJitterBackoff , genFibonacciBackoff ] where genDuration = Gen.int durationRange -- Retry policies genConstantDelay = fmap constantDelay genDuration genExponentialBackoff = fmap exponentialBackoff genDuration genFullJitterBackoff = fmap fullJitterBackoff genDuration genFibonacciBackoff = fmap fibonacciBackoff genDuration -- Needed to generate a 'RetryPolicyM' using 'forAll' instance Show (RetryPolicyM m) where show = const "RetryPolicyM" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Create an action that will fail exactly N times with the given -- exception and will then return () in any subsequent calls. mkFailN :: (Exception e) => e -> Int -> IO (s -> IO ()) mkFailN e n = mkFailUntil (\iter -> iter >= n) e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Create an action that will fail with the given exception until the given -- iteration predicate returns 'True', at which point the action will return -- '()' in any subsequent calls. mkFailUntil :: (Exception e) => (Int -> Bool) -> e -> IO (s -> IO ()) mkFailUntil p = mkFailUntilIO (pure . p) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The same as 'mkFailUntil' but allows doing IO in the predicate. mkFailUntilIO :: (Exception e) => (Int -> IO Bool) -> e -> IO (s -> IO ()) mkFailUntilIO p e = do r <- newIORef 0 return $ const $ do old <- atomicModifyIORef' r $ \ old -> (old+1, old) p old >>= \case True -> return () False -> throwM e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gatherStatuses :: MonadIO m => RetryPolicyM (WriterT [RetryStatus] m) -> m [RetryStatus] gatherStatuses policy = execWriterT $ retrying policy (\_ _ -> return shouldRetry) (\rs -> tell [rs]) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Just makes things a bit easier to follow instead of a magic value -- of @return True@ shouldRetry :: Bool shouldRetry = True