Description: utilties for matching HTTP request methods

contains MethodMatcher and associated tools for routing based on the HTTP request method.

module Web.Respond.Method where

import Network.Wai
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map
import Control.Lens (at, (^.), (<&>), to)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

import Data.Monoid
import Data.Function (on)

import Web.Respond.Monad
import Web.Respond.Response

-- | Map from method to thing. use it as a monoid.
-- > onGET action1 <> onPUT action2
newtype MethodMatcher a = MethodMatcher { 
    getMethodMatcher :: Map.Map StdMethod a 

instance Monoid (MethodMatcher a) where
    mempty = MethodMatcher mempty
    mappend = (MethodMatcher .) . on mappend getMethodMatcher 

-- * using the method matcher

-- | look up the request method in the MethodMatcher map and run the
-- action; fall back on 'handleUnsupportedMethod' if the method cannot be
-- parsed or is not in the map.
matchMethod :: MonadRespond m => MethodMatcher (m ResponseReceived) -> m ResponseReceived
matchMethod dispatcher = getRequest <&> (parseMethod . requestMethod) >>= either (handleUnsupportedMethod supported) selectMethod
    supported = Map.keys (getMethodMatcher dispatcher)
    selectMethod mth = fromMaybe (handleUnsupportedMethod supported (renderStdMethod mth)) $ dispatcher ^. to getMethodMatcher . at mth

-- * prebuilt method matchers

-- | map a StdMethod to a thing.
onMethod :: StdMethod -> a -> MethodMatcher a
onMethod = (MethodMatcher .) . Map.singleton

onGET :: a -> MethodMatcher a
onGET = onMethod GET

onPOST :: a -> MethodMatcher a
onPOST = onMethod POST

onHEAD :: a -> MethodMatcher a
onHEAD = onMethod HEAD

onPUT :: a -> MethodMatcher a
onPUT = onMethod PUT

onDELETE :: a -> MethodMatcher a
onDELETE = onMethod DELETE

onTRACE :: a -> MethodMatcher a
onTRACE = onMethod TRACE

onCONNECT :: a -> MethodMatcher a

onOPTIONS :: a -> MethodMatcher a

onPATCH :: a -> MethodMatcher a
onPATCH = onMethod PATCH

-- * method matching shortcuts

-- | shortcut for when you want to run an inner action for just one http method
-- > matchOnlyMethod m = matchMethod . onMethod m
matchOnlyMethod :: MonadRespond m => StdMethod -> m ResponseReceived -> m ResponseReceived
matchOnlyMethod m = matchMethod . onMethod m

-- | shortcut for 'matchOnlyMethod' GET
matchGET :: MonadRespond m => m ResponseReceived -> m ResponseReceived
matchGET = matchOnlyMethod GET