# request ![](https://miro.medium.com/max/1200/1*5KglaZoNp4fNpNHUao5u5w.jpeg) HTTP client for haskell, inpired by [requests](https://requests.readthedocs.io/) and [http-dispatch](https://github.com/owainlewis/http-dispatch). ## Installation This pacakge is published on [hackage](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/request) with the same name `request`, you can install it with cabal or stack or nix as any other hackage packages. ## Usage You can try this in haskell REPL once you have `request` installed: ```haskell import Network.HTTP.Request resp <- get "https://api.leancloud.cn/1.1/date" print $ requestStatus resp ``` ## Core API Request's API has three core concepts: `Request` record type, `Response` record type, `send` function. ### Request `Request` is all about the information you will send to the target URL. ```haskell data Request = Request { requestMethod :: Method , requestUrl :: String , requestHeaders :: Headers , requestBody :: Maybe Data.ByteString.ByteString } deriving (Show) ``` ### send Once you have constructed your own `Request` record, you can call the `send` function to send it to the server. The `send` function's type is: ```haskell send :: Request -> IO Response ``` ### Response `Response` is what you got from the server URL. ```haskell data Response = Response { responseStatus :: Int , responseHeaders :: Headers , responseBody :: Data.ByteString.ByteString } deriving (Show) ``` ### Example ```haskell :set -XOverloadedStrings import Network.HTTP.Request -- Construct a Request record. let req = Request GET "https://api.leancloud.cn/1.1/date" [] Nothing -- Send it. res <- send req -- access the fields on Response. print $ requestStatus resp ``` ## Shortcuts As you expected, there are some shortcuts for the most used scenarios. ```haskell get :: String -> IO Response get url = send $ Request GET url [] Nothing delete :: String -> IO Response delete url = send $ Request DELETE url [] Nothing post :: (String, Maybe Data.ByteString.ByteString) -> IO Response post (url, body) = send $ Request POST url [] body put :: (String, Maybe Data.ByteString.ByteString) -> IO Response put (url, body) = send $ Request PUT url [] body ``` These shortcuts' definitions are simple and direct. You are encouraged to add your own if the built-in does not match your use cases, like add custom headers in every request. ## API Documents See the hackage page: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/request/docs/Network-HTTP-Request.html ## About the Project Request is © 2020-2021 by [aisk](https://github.com/aisk). ### License Request is distributed by a [BSD license](https://github.com/aisk/request/tree/master/LICENSE).