module Data.Array.Repa.Specialised.Dim2
( isInside2
, isOutside2
, clampToBorder2
, makeBordered2)
import Data.Array.Repa.Index
import Data.Array.Repa.Base
import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.Partitioned
import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.Undefined
:: DIM2
-> DIM2
-> Bool
isInside2 ex = not . isOutside2 ex
:: DIM2
-> DIM2
-> Bool
isOutside2 (_ :. yLen :. xLen) (_ :. yy :. xx)
| xx < 0 = True
| xx >= xLen = True
| yy < 0 = True
| yy >= yLen = True
| otherwise = False
:: DIM2
-> DIM2
-> DIM2
clampToBorder2 (_ :. yLen :. xLen) (sh :. j :. i)
= clampX j i
clampX !y !x
| x < 0 = clampY y 0
| x >= xLen = clampY y (xLen 1)
| otherwise = clampY y x
clampY !y !x
| y < 0 = sh :. 0 :. x
| y >= yLen = sh :. (yLen 1) :. x
| otherwise = sh :. y :. x
:: (Source r1 a, Source r2 a)
=> DIM2
-> Int
-> Array r1 DIM2 a
-> Array r2 DIM2 a
-> Array (P r1 (P r2 (P r2 (P r2 (P r2 X))))) DIM2 a
makeBordered2 sh@(_ :. aHeight :. aWidth) bWidth arrInternal arrBorder
= checkDims `seq`
!inX = bWidth
!inY = bWidth
!inW = aWidth 2 * bWidth
!inH = aHeight 2 * bWidth
inInternal (Z :. y :. x)
= x >= inX && x < (inX + inW)
&& y >= inY && y < (inY + inH)
inBorder = not . inInternal
APart sh (Range (Z :. inY :. inX) (Z :. inH :. inW ) inInternal) arrInternal
$ APart sh (Range (Z :. 0 :. 0) (Z :. bWidth :. aWidth) inBorder) arrBorder
$ APart sh (Range (Z :. inY + inH :. 0) (Z :. bWidth :. aWidth) inBorder) arrBorder
$ APart sh (Range (Z :. inY :. 0) (Z :. inH :. bWidth) inBorder) arrBorder
$ APart sh (Range (Z :. inY :. inX + inW) (Z :. inH :. bWidth) inBorder) arrBorder
$ AUndefined sh
= if (extent arrInternal) == (extent arrBorder)
then ()
else error "makeBordered2: internal and border arrays have different extents"