module Text.Regex.TDFA.TNFA(patternToNFA
,QNFA(..),QT(..),QTrans,TagUpdate(..)) where
import Control.Monad(when)
import Control.Monad.State(State,runState,execState,get,put,modify)
import Data.Array.IArray(Array,array)
import Data.Char(toLower,toUpper,isAlpha,ord)
import Data.List(foldl')
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IMap(toAscList,null,unionWith,singleton,fromList,fromDistinctAscList)
import Data.IntMap.CharMap2(CharMap(..))
import qualified Data.IntMap.CharMap2 as Map(null,singleton,map)
import qualified Data.IntMap.EnumMap2 as EMap(null,keysSet,assocs)
import Data.IntSet.EnumSet2(EnumSet)
import qualified Data.IntSet.EnumSet2 as Set(singleton,toList,insert)
import Data.Maybe(catMaybes,isNothing)
import Data.Monoid(mempty,mappend)
import qualified Data.Set as S(Set,insert,toAscList,empty)
import Text.Regex.TDFA.Common(QT(..),QNFA(..),QTrans,TagTask(..),TagUpdate(..),DoPa(..)
import Text.Regex.TDFA.CorePattern(Q(..),P(..),OP(..),WhichTest,cleanNullView,NullView
import Text.Regex.TDFA.Pattern(Pattern(..),PatternSet(..),unSEC,PatternSetCharacterClass(..))
ecart :: String -> a -> a
ecart _ = id
err :: String -> a
err t = common_error "Text.Regex.TDFA.TNFA" t
debug :: (Show a) => a -> s -> s
debug _ s = s
qtwin,qtlose :: QT
qtwin = Simple {qt_win=[(1,PreUpdate TagTask)],qt_trans=mempty,qt_other=mempty}
qtlose = Simple {qt_win=mempty,qt_trans=mempty,qt_other=mempty}
patternToNFA :: CompOption
-> (Pattern,(GroupIndex, DoPa))
-> ((Index,Array Index QNFA)
,Array Tag OP
,Array GroupIndex [GroupInfo])
patternToNFA compOpt pattern =
let (q,tags,groups) = patternToQ compOpt pattern
msg = unlines [ show q ]
in debug msg (qToNFA compOpt q,tags,groups)
nullable :: Q -> Bool
nullable = not . null . nullQ
notNullable :: Q -> Bool
notNullable = null . nullQ
maybeOnlyEmpty :: Q -> Maybe WinTags
maybeOnlyEmpty (Q {nullQ = ((SetTestInfo sti,tags):_)}) = if EMap.null sti then Just tags else Nothing
maybeOnlyEmpty _ = Nothing
usesQNFA :: Q -> Bool
usesQNFA (Q {wants=WantsBoth}) = True
usesQNFA (Q {wants=WantsQNFA}) = True
usesQNFA _ = False
mkQNFA :: Index -> QT -> QNFA
mkQNFA i qt = debug ("\n>QNFA id="++show i) $
QNFA i (debug ("\ngetting QT for "++show i) qt)
mkTesting :: QT -> QT
mkTesting t@(Testing {qt_a=a,qt_b=b}) = if a==b then a else t
mkTesting t = t
nullQT :: QT -> Bool
nullQT (Simple {qt_win=w,qt_trans=t,qt_other=o}) = noWin w && Map.null t && IMap.null o
nullQT _ = False
listTestInfo :: QT -> EnumSet WhichTest -> EnumSet WhichTest
listTestInfo qt s = execState (helper qt) s
where helper (Simple {}) = return ()
helper (Testing {qt_test = wt, qt_a = a, qt_b = b}) = do
modify (Set.insert wt)
helper a
helper b
applyNullViews :: NullView -> QT -> QT
applyNullViews [] win = win
applyNullViews nvs win = foldl' (dominate win) qtlose (reverse $ cleanNullView nvs) where
preferNullViews :: NullView -> QT -> QT
preferNullViews [] win = win
preferNullViews nvs win = foldl' (dominate win) win (reverse $ cleanNullView nvs) where
dominate :: QT -> QT -> (SetTestInfo,WinTags) -> QT
dominate win lose x@(SetTestInfo sti,tags) = debug ("dominate "++show x) $
win' = prependTags' tags win
winTests = listTestInfo win $ mempty
allTests = (listTestInfo lose $ winTests) `mappend` (EMap.keysSet sti)
useTest _ [] w _ = w
useTest (aTest:tests) allD@((dTest,dopas):ds) w l =
let (wA,wB,wD) = branches w
(lA,lB,lD) = branches l
branches qt@(Testing {}) | aTest==qt_test qt = (qt_a qt,qt_b qt,qt_dopas qt)
branches qt = (qt,qt,mempty)
in if aTest == dTest
then Testing {qt_test = aTest
,qt_dopas = (dopas `mappend` wD) `mappend` lD
,qt_a = useTest tests ds wA lA
,qt_b = lB}
else Testing {qt_test = aTest
,qt_dopas = wD `mappend` lD
,qt_a = useTest tests allD wA lA
,qt_b = useTest tests allD wB lB}
useTest [] _ _ _ = err "This case in dominate.useText cannot happen: second argument would have to have been null and that is checked before this case"
in useTest (Set.toList allTests) (EMap.assocs sti) win' lose
applyTest :: TestInfo -> QT -> QT
applyTest (wt,dopa) qt | nullQT qt = qt
| otherwise = applyTest' qt where
applyTest' :: QT -> QT
applyTest' q@(Simple {}) =
mkTesting $ Testing {qt_test = wt
,qt_dopas = Set.singleton dopa
,qt_a = q
,qt_b = qtlose}
applyTest' q@(Testing {qt_test=wt'}) =
case compare wt wt' of
LT -> Testing {qt_test = wt
,qt_dopas = Set.singleton dopa
,qt_a = q
,qt_b = qtlose}
EQ -> q {qt_dopas = Set.insert dopa (qt_dopas q)
,qt_b = qtlose}
GT -> q {qt_a = applyTest' (qt_a q)
,qt_b = applyTest' (qt_b q)}
mergeQT_2nd,mergeAltQT,mergeQT :: QT -> QT -> QT
mergeQT_2nd q1 q2 | nullQT q1 = q2
| otherwise = mergeQTWith (\_ w2 -> w2) q1 q2
mergeAltQT q1 q2 | nullQT q1 = q2
| otherwise = mergeQTWith (\w1 w2 -> if noWin w1 then w2 else w1) q1 q2
mergeQT q1 q2 | nullQT q1 = q2
| nullQT q2 = q1
| otherwise = mergeQTWith mappend q1 q2
mergeQTWith :: (WinTags -> WinTags -> WinTags) -> QT -> QT -> QT
mergeQTWith mergeWins = merge where
merge :: QT -> QT -> QT
merge (Simple w1 t1 o1) (Simple w2 t2 o2) =
let w' = mergeWins w1 w2
t' = fuseQTrans t1 o1 t2 o2
o' = mergeQTrans o1 o2
in Simple w' t' o'
merge t1@(Testing _ _ a1 b1) s2@(Simple {}) = mkTesting $
t1 {qt_a=(merge a1 s2), qt_b=(merge b1 s2)}
merge s1@(Simple {}) t2@(Testing _ _ a2 b2) = mkTesting $
t2 {qt_a=(merge s1 a2), qt_b=(merge s1 b2)}
merge t1@(Testing wt1 ds1 a1 b1) t2@(Testing wt2 ds2 a2 b2) = mkTesting $
case compare wt1 wt2 of
LT -> t1 {qt_a=(merge a1 t2), qt_b=(merge b1 t2)}
EQ -> Testing {qt_test = wt1
,qt_dopas = mappend ds1 ds2
,qt_a = merge a1 a2
,qt_b = merge b1 b2}
GT -> t2 {qt_a=(merge t1 a2), qt_b=(merge t1 b2)}
fuseQTrans :: (CharMap QTrans) -> QTrans
-> (CharMap QTrans) -> QTrans
-> CharMap QTrans
fuseQTrans (CharMap t1) o1 (CharMap t2) o2 = CharMap (IMap.fromDistinctAscList (fuse l1 l2)) where
l1 = IMap.toAscList t1
l2 = IMap.toAscList t2
fuse [] y = mapSnd (mergeQTrans o1) y
fuse x [] = mapSnd (mergeQTrans o2) x
fuse x@((xc,xa):xs) y@((yc,ya):ys) =
case compare xc yc of
LT -> (xc,mergeQTrans xa o2) : fuse xs y
EQ -> (xc,mergeQTrans xa ya) : fuse xs ys
GT -> (yc,mergeQTrans o1 ya) : fuse x ys
mergeQTrans :: QTrans -> QTrans -> QTrans
mergeQTrans = IMap.unionWith mappend
prependPreTag :: Maybe Tag -> QT -> QT
prependPreTag Nothing qt = qt
prependPreTag (Just tag) qt = prependTags' [(tag,PreUpdate TagTask)] qt
prependGroupResets :: [Tag] -> QT -> QT
prependGroupResets [] qt = qt
prependGroupResets tags qt = prependTags' [(tag,PreUpdate ResetGroupStopTask)|tag<-tags] qt
prependTags' :: TagList -> QT -> QT
prependTags' [] qt = qt
prependTags' tcs' qt@(Testing {}) = qt { qt_a = prependTags' tcs' (qt_a qt)
, qt_b = prependTags' tcs' (qt_b qt) }
prependTags' tcs' (Simple {qt_win=w,qt_trans=t,qt_other=o}) =
Simple { qt_win = if noWin w then w else tcs' `mappend` w
, qt_trans = prependQTrans t
, qt_other = prependQTrans o }
where prependQTrans = fmap (map (\(d,tcs) -> (d,tcs' `mappend` tcs)))
type S = State (Index
type E = (TagTasks
,Either QNFA QT)
type ActCont = ( E
, Maybe E
, Maybe (TagTasks,QNFA))
newQNFA :: String -> QT -> S QNFA
newQNFA s qt = do
(thisI,oldQs) <- get
let futureI = succ thisI in seq futureI $ debug (">newQNFA< "++s++" : "++show thisI) $ do
let qnfa = mkQNFA thisI qt
put $! (futureI, oldQs . ((thisI,qnfa):))
return qnfa
fromQNFA :: QNFA -> E
fromQNFA qnfa = (mempty,Left qnfa)
fromQT :: QT -> E
fromQT qt = (mempty,Right qt)
asQNFA :: String -> E -> S E
asQNFA _ x@(_,Left _) = return x
asQNFA s (tags,Right qt) = do qnfa <- newQNFA s qt
return (tags, Left qnfa)
getQNFA :: String -> E -> S QNFA
getQNFA _ ([],Left qnfa) = return qnfa
getQNFA s (tags,Left qnfa) = newQNFA s (prependTags' (promoteTasks PreUpdate tags) (q_qt qnfa))
getQNFA s (tags,Right qt) = newQNFA s (prependTags' (promoteTasks PreUpdate tags) qt)
getQT :: E -> QT
getQT (tags,cont) = prependTags' (promoteTasks PreUpdate tags) (either q_qt id cont)
addTest :: TestInfo -> E -> E
addTest ti (tags,cont) = (tags, Right . applyTest ti . either q_qt id $ cont)
promoteTasks :: (TagTask->TagUpdate) -> TagTasks -> TagList
promoteTasks promote tags = map (\(tag,task) -> (tag,promote task)) tags
demoteTags :: TagList -> TagTasks
demoteTags = map helper
where helper (tag,PreUpdate tt) = (tag,tt)
helper (tag,PostUpdate tt) = (tag,tt)
addWinTags :: WinTags -> (TagTasks,a) -> (TagTasks,a)
addWinTags wtags (tags,cont) = (demoteTags wtags `mappend` tags
addTag' :: Tag -> (TagTasks,a) -> (TagTasks,a)
addTag' tag (tags,cont) = ((tag,TagTask):tags
addTag :: Maybe Tag -> E -> E
addTag Nothing e = e
addTag (Just tag) e = addTag' tag e
addGroupResets :: (Show a) => [Tag] -> (TagTasks,a) -> (TagTasks,a)
addGroupResets [] x = x
addGroupResets tags (tags',cont) = (foldr (:) tags' . map (\tag -> (tag,ResetGroupStopTask)) $ tags
addGroupSets :: (Show a) => [Tag] -> (TagTasks,a) -> (TagTasks,a)
addGroupSets [] x = x
addGroupSets tags (tags',cont) = (foldr (:) tags' . map (\tag -> (tag,SetGroupStopTask)) $ tags
getE :: ActCont -> E
getE (_,_,Just (tags,qnfa)) = (tags, Left qnfa)
getE (eLoop,Just accepting,_) = fromQT (mergeQT (getQT eLoop) (getQT accepting))
getE (eLoop,Nothing,_) = eLoop
addTestAC :: TestInfo -> ActCont -> ActCont
addTestAC ti (e,mE,_) = (addTest ti e
,fmap (addTest ti) mE
addTagAC :: Maybe Tag -> ActCont -> ActCont
addTagAC Nothing ac = ac
addTagAC (Just tag) (e,mE,mQNFA) = (addTag' tag e
,fmap (addTag' tag) mE
,fmap (addTag' tag) mQNFA)
addGroupResetsAC :: [Tag] -> ActCont -> ActCont
addGroupResetsAC [] ac = ac
addGroupResetsAC tags (e,mE,mQNFA) = (addGroupResets tags e
,fmap (addGroupResets tags) mE
,fmap (addGroupResets tags) mQNFA)
addGroupSetsAC :: [Tag] -> ActCont -> ActCont
addGroupSetsAC [] ac = ac
addGroupSetsAC tags (e,mE,mQNFA) = (addGroupSets tags e
,fmap (addGroupSets tags) mE
,fmap (addGroupSets tags) mQNFA)
addWinTagsAC :: WinTags -> ActCont -> ActCont
addWinTagsAC wtags (e,mE,mQNFA) = (addWinTags wtags e
,fmap (addWinTags wtags) mE
,fmap (addWinTags wtags) mQNFA)
qToNFA :: CompOption -> Q -> (Index,Array Index QNFA)
qToNFA compOpt qTop = (q_id startingQNFA
,array (0,pred lastIndex) (table [])) where
(startingQNFA,(lastIndex,table)) =
runState (getTrans qTop (fromQT $ qtwin) >>= getQNFA "top level") startState
startState = (0,id)
getTrans,getTransTagless :: Q -> E -> S E
getTrans qIn@(Q {preReset=resets,postSet=sets,preTag=pre,postTag=post,unQ=pIn}) e = debug (">< getTrans "++show qIn++" <>") $
case pIn of
OneChar pat -> newTrans "getTrans/OneChar" resets pre pat . addTag post . addGroupSets sets $ e
Empty -> return . addGroupResets resets . addTag pre . addTag post . addGroupSets sets $ e
Test ti -> return . addGroupResets resets . addTag pre . addTest ti . addTag post . addGroupSets sets $ e
_ -> return . addGroupResets resets . addTag pre =<< getTransTagless qIn (addTag post . addGroupSets sets $ e)
getTransTagless qIn e = debug (">< getTransTagless "++show qIn++" <>") $
case unQ qIn of
Seq q1 q2 -> getTrans q1 =<< getTrans q2 e
Or [] -> return e
Or [q] -> getTrans q e
Or qs -> do
eqts <- if usesQNFA qIn
then do
eQNFA <- asQNFA "getTransTagless/Or/usesQNFA" e
sequence [ getTrans q eQNFA | q <- qs ]
else sequence [ getTrans q e | q <- qs ]
let qts = map getQT eqts
return (fromQT (foldr1 mergeAltQT qts))
Star mOrbit resetTheseOrbits mayFirstBeNull q ->
let (e',clear) =
if notNullable q then (e,True)
else if null resetTheseOrbits && isNothing mOrbit
then case maybeOnlyEmpty q of
Just [] -> (e,True)
Just tagList -> (addWinTags tagList e,False)
_ -> (fromQT . preferNullViews (nullQ q) . getQT $ e,False)
else (fromQT . resetOrbitsQT resetTheseOrbits . enterOrbitQT mOrbit
. preferNullViews (nullQ q) . getQT . leaveOrbit mOrbit $ e,False)
in if cannotAccept q then return e' else mdo
mqt <- inStar q this
(this,ans) <- case mqt of
Nothing -> err ("Weird pattern in getTransTagless/Star: " ++ show (qTop,qIn))
Just qt -> do
let qt' = resetOrbitsQT resetTheseOrbits . enterOrbitQT mOrbit $ qt
thisQT = mergeQT qt' . getQT . leaveOrbit mOrbit $ e
ansE = fromQT . mergeQT qt' . getQT $ e'
thisE <- if usesQNFA q
then return . fromQNFA =<< newQNFA "getTransTagless/Star" thisQT
else return . fromQT $ thisQT
return (thisE,ansE)
return (if mayFirstBeNull then (if clear then this
else ans)
else this)
NonEmpty q -> ecart ("\n> getTransTagless/NonEmpty"++show qIn) $ do
when (cannotAccept q) (err $ "getTransTagless/NonEmpty : provided with a *cannotAccept* pattern: "++show (qTop,qIn))
when (mustAccept q) (err $ "getTransTagless/NonEmpty : provided with a *mustAccept* pattern: "++show (qTop,qIn))
let e' = case maybeOnlyEmpty qIn of
Just [] -> e
Just _wtags -> e
Nothing -> err $ "getTransTagless/NonEmpty is supposed to have an emptyNull nullView : "++show qIn
mqt <- inStar q e
return $ case mqt of
Nothing -> err ("Weird pattern in getTransTagless/NonEmpty: " ++ show (qTop,qIn))
Just qt -> fromQT . mergeQT_2nd qt . getQT $ e'
_ -> err ("This case in Text.Regex.TNFA.TNFA.getTransTagless cannot happen" ++ show (qTop,qIn))
inStar,inStarNullableTagless :: Q -> E -> S (Maybe QT)
inStar qIn@(Q {preReset=resets,postSet=sets,preTag=pre,postTag=post}) eLoop | notNullable qIn =
debug (">< inStar/1 "++show qIn++" <>") $
return . Just . getQT =<< getTrans qIn eLoop
| otherwise =
debug (">< inStar/2 "++show qIn++" <>") $
return . fmap (prependGroupResets resets . prependPreTag pre) =<< inStarNullableTagless qIn (addTag post . addGroupSets sets $ eLoop)
inStarNullableTagless qIn eLoop = debug (">< inStarNullableTagless "++show qIn++" <>") $ do
case unQ qIn of
Empty -> return Nothing
Or [] -> return Nothing
Or [q] -> inStar q eLoop
Or qs -> do
mqts <- if usesQNFA qIn
then do eQNFA <- asQNFA "inStarNullableTagless/Or/usesQNFA" eLoop
sequence [ inStar q eQNFA | q <- qs ]
else sequence [inStar q eLoop | q <- qs ]
let qts = catMaybes mqts
mqt = if null qts then Nothing else Just (foldr1 mergeAltQT qts)
return mqt
Seq q1 q2 -> do (_,meAcceptingOut,_) <- actNullable q1 =<< actNullable q2 (eLoop,Nothing,Nothing)
return (fmap getQT meAcceptingOut)
Star {} -> do (_,meAcceptingOut,_) <- actNullableTagless qIn (eLoop,Nothing,Nothing)
return (fmap getQT meAcceptingOut)
NonEmpty {} -> ecart ("\n> inStarNullableTagless/NonEmpty"++show qIn) $
do (_,meAcceptingOut,_) <- actNullableTagless qIn (eLoop,Nothing,Nothing)
return (fmap getQT meAcceptingOut)
Test {} -> return Nothing
OneChar {} -> err ("OneChar cannot have nullable True")
act :: Q -> ActCont -> S (Maybe E)
act qIn c | nullable qIn = fmap snd3 $ actNullable qIn c
| otherwise = debug (">< act "++show qIn++" <>") $ do
mqt <- return . Just =<< getTrans qIn ( getE $ c )
return mqt
actNullable,actNullableTagless :: Q -> ActCont -> S ActCont
actNullable qIn@(Q {preReset=resets,postSet=sets,preTag=pre,postTag=post,unQ=pIn}) ac =
debug (">< actNullable "++show qIn++" <>") $ do
case pIn of
Empty -> return . addGroupResetsAC resets . addTagAC pre . addTagAC post . addGroupSetsAC sets $ ac
Test ti -> return . addGroupResetsAC resets . addTagAC pre . addTestAC ti . addTagAC post . addGroupSetsAC sets $ ac
OneChar {} -> err ("OneChar cannot have nullable True ")
_ -> return . addGroupResetsAC resets . addTagAC pre =<< actNullableTagless qIn ( addTagAC post . addGroupSetsAC sets $ ac )
actNullableTagless qIn ac@(eLoop,mAccepting,mQNFA) = debug (">< actNullableTagless "++show (qIn)++" <>") $ do
case unQ qIn of
Seq q1 q2 -> actNullable q1 =<< actNullable q2 ac
Or [] -> return ac
Or [q] -> actNullableTagless q ac
Or qs -> do
cqts <- do
if all nullable qs
then sequence [fmap snd3 $ actNullable q ac | q <- qs]
else do
e' <- asQNFA "qToNFA/actNullableTagless/Or" . getE $ ac
let act' :: Q -> S (Maybe E)
act' q = return . Just =<< getTrans q e'
sequence [ if nullable q then fmap snd3 $ actNullable q ac else act' q | q <- qs ]
let qts = map getQT (catMaybes cqts)
eLoop' = case maybeOnlyEmpty qIn of
Just wtags -> addWinTags wtags eLoop
Nothing -> fromQT $ applyNullViews (nullQ qIn) (getQT eLoop)
mAccepting' = if null qts
then fmap (fromQT . applyNullViews (nullQ qIn) . getQT) mAccepting
else Just (fromQT $ foldr1 mergeAltQT qts)
mQNFA' = if null qts
then case maybeOnlyEmpty qIn of
Just wtags -> fmap (addWinTags wtags) mQNFA
Nothing -> Nothing
else Nothing
return (eLoop',mAccepting',mQNFA')
Star mOrbit resetTheseOrbits mayFirstBeNull q -> do
let (ac0@(_,mAccepting0,_),clear) =
if notNullable q
then (ac,True)
else if null resetTheseOrbits && isNothing mOrbit
then case maybeOnlyEmpty q of
Just [] -> (ac,True)
Just wtags -> (addWinTagsAC wtags ac,False)
_ -> let nQ = fromQT . preferNullViews (nullQ q) . getQT
in ((nQ eLoop,fmap nQ mAccepting,Nothing),False)
else let nQ = fromQT . resetOrbitsQT resetTheseOrbits . enterOrbitQT mOrbit
. preferNullViews (nullQ q) . getQT . leaveOrbit mOrbit
in ((nQ eLoop,fmap nQ mAccepting,Nothing),False)
if cannotAccept q then return ac0 else mdo
mChildAccepting <- act q (this,Nothing,Nothing)
(thisAC@(this,_,_),ansAC) <-
case mChildAccepting of
Nothing -> err $ "Weird pattern in getTransTagless/Star: " ++ show (qTop,qIn)
Just childAccepting -> do
let childQT = resetOrbitsQT resetTheseOrbits . enterOrbitQT mOrbit . getQT $ childAccepting
thisQT = mergeQT childQT . getQT . leaveOrbit mOrbit . getE $ ac
thisAccepting =
case mAccepting of
Just futureAccepting -> Just . fromQT . mergeQT childQT . getQT $ futureAccepting
Nothing -> Just . fromQT $ childQT
thisAll <- if usesQNFA q
then do thisQNFA <- newQNFA "actNullableTagless/Star" thisQT
return (fromQNFA thisQNFA, thisAccepting, Just (mempty,thisQNFA))
else return (fromQT thisQT, thisAccepting, Nothing)
let skipQT = mergeQT childQT . getQT . getE $ ac0
skipAccepting =
case mAccepting0 of
Just futureAccepting0 -> Just . fromQT . mergeQT childQT . getQT $ futureAccepting0
Nothing -> Just . fromQT $ childQT
ansAll = (fromQT skipQT, skipAccepting, Nothing)
return (thisAll,ansAll)
return (if mayFirstBeNull then (if clear then thisAC else ansAC)
else thisAC)
NonEmpty q -> ecart ("\n> actNullableTagless/NonEmpty"++show qIn) $ do
when (mustAccept q) (err $ "actNullableTagless/NonEmpty : provided with a *mustAccept* pattern: "++show (qTop,qIn))
when (cannotAccept q) (err $ "actNullableTagless/NonEmpty : provided with a *cannotAccept* pattern: "++show (qTop,qIn))
let (clearE,_,_) = case maybeOnlyEmpty qIn of
Just [] -> ac
Just _wtags -> ac
Nothing -> err $ "actNullableTagless/NonEmpty is supposed to have an emptyNull nullView : "++show (qTop,qIn)
(_,mChildAccepting,_) <- actNullable q ac
case mChildAccepting of
Nothing -> err $ "Weird pattern in actNullableTagless/NonEmpty: " ++ show (qTop,qIn)
Just childAccepting -> do
let childQT = getQT childAccepting
thisAccepting = case mAccepting of
Nothing -> Just . fromQT $ childQT
Just futureAcceptingE -> Just . fromQT . mergeQT childQT . getQT $ futureAcceptingE
return (clearE,thisAccepting,Nothing)
_ -> err $ "This case in Text.Regex.TNFA.TNFA.actNullableTagless cannot happen: "++show (qTop,qIn)
resetOrbitsQT :: [Tag] -> QT -> QT
resetOrbitsQT | lastStarGreedy compOpt = const id
| otherwise = (\tags -> prependTags' [(tag,PreUpdate ResetOrbitTask)|tag<-tags])
enterOrbitQT :: Maybe Tag -> QT -> QT
enterOrbitQT | lastStarGreedy compOpt = const id
| otherwise = maybe id (\tag->prependTags' [(tag,PreUpdate EnterOrbitTask)])
leaveOrbit :: Maybe Tag -> E -> E
leaveOrbit | lastStarGreedy compOpt = const id
| otherwise = maybe id (\tag->(\(tags,cont)->((tag,LeaveOrbitTask):tags,cont)))
newTrans :: String
-> [Tag]
-> Maybe Tag
-> Pattern
-> E
-> S E
newTrans s resets mPre pat (tags,cont) = do
i <- case cont of
Left qnfa -> return (q_id qnfa)
Right qt -> do qnfa <- newQNFA s qt
return (q_id qnfa)
let post = promoteTasks PostUpdate tags
pre = promoteTasks PreUpdate ([(tag,ResetGroupStopTask) | tag<-resets] ++ maybe [] (\tag -> [(tag,TagTask)]) mPre)
return . fromQT $ acceptTrans pre pat post i
acceptTrans :: TagList -> Pattern -> TagList -> Index -> QT
acceptTrans pre pIn post i =
let target = IMap.singleton i [(getDoPa pIn,pre++post)]
in case pIn of
PChar _ char ->
let trans = toMap target [char]
in Simple { qt_win = mempty, qt_trans = trans, qt_other = mempty }
PEscape _ char ->
let trans = toMap target [char]
in Simple { qt_win = mempty, qt_trans = trans, qt_other = mempty }
PDot _ -> Simple { qt_win = mempty, qt_trans = dotTrans, qt_other = target }
PAny _ ps ->
let trans = toMap target . S.toAscList . decodePatternSet $ ps
in Simple { qt_win = mempty, qt_trans = trans, qt_other = mempty }
PAnyNot _ ps ->
let trans = toMap mempty . S.toAscList . addNewline . decodePatternSet $ ps
in Simple { qt_win = mempty, qt_trans = trans, qt_other = target }
_ -> err ("Cannot acceptTrans pattern "++show (qTop,pIn))
toMap :: IntMap [(DoPa,[(Tag, TagUpdate)])] -> [Char]
-> CharMap (IntMap [(DoPa,[(Tag, TagUpdate)])])
toMap dest | caseSensitive compOpt = CharMap . IMap.fromDistinctAscList . map (\c -> (ord c,dest))
| otherwise = CharMap . IMap.fromList . ($ [])
. foldr (\c dl -> if isAlpha c
then (dl.((ord (toUpper c),dest):)
.((ord (toLower c),dest):)
else (dl.((ord c,dest):))
) id
addNewline | multiline compOpt = S.insert '\n'
| otherwise = id
dotTrans | multiline compOpt = Map.singleton '\n' mempty
| otherwise = mempty
decodePatternSet :: PatternSet -> S.Set Char
decodePatternSet (PatternSet msc mscc _ msec) =
let baseMSC = maybe S.empty id msc
withMSCC = foldl (flip S.insert) baseMSC (maybe [] (concatMap decodeCharacterClass . S.toAscList) mscc)
withMSEC = foldl (flip S.insert) withMSCC (maybe [] (concatMap unSEC . S.toAscList) msec)
in withMSEC
decodeCharacterClass :: PatternSetCharacterClass -> String
decodeCharacterClass (PatternSetCharacterClass s) =
case s of
"alnum" -> ['0'..'9']++['a'..'z']++['A'..'Z']
"digit" -> ['0'..'9']
"punct" -> ['\33'..'\47']++['\58'..'\64']++['\91'..'\95']++"\96"++['\123'..'\126']
"alpha" -> ['a'..'z']++['A'..'Z']
"graph" -> ['\41'..'\126']
"space" -> "\t\n\v\f\r "
"blank" -> "\t "
"lower" -> ['a'..'z']
"upper" -> ['A'..'Z']
"cntrl" -> ['\0'..'\31']++"\127"
"print" -> ['\32'..'\126']
"xdigit" -> ['0'..'9']++['a'..'f']++['A'..'F']
"word" -> ['0'..'9']++['a'..'z']++['A'..'Z']++"_"
_ -> []