Regex Test Suite ================ All of the regex exampes are self-testing and together make up the regex test suite run during development and over each release of the test suite. But here we have the unit an small-check tests used to systematically probe the library for weak points and guard against regressions. \begin{code} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Main (main) where import Control.Exception import Data.Array import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS import qualified Data.Foldable as F import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Sequence as S import Data.String import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import Data.Typeable import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote import Prelude.Compat import Test.SmallCheck.Series import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.SmallCheck as SC import Text.Heredoc import qualified Text.Regex.PCRE as PCRE_ import qualified Text.Regex.TDFA as TDFA_ import Text.RE import Text.RE.Internal.AddCaptureNames import Text.RE.Internal.NamedCaptures import Text.RE.Internal.PreludeMacros import Text.RE.Internal.QQ import qualified Text.RE.PCRE as PCRE import Text.RE.TDFA as TDFA import Text.RE.TestBench import qualified Text.RE.PCRE.String as P_ST import qualified Text.RE.PCRE.ByteString as P_BS import qualified Text.RE.PCRE.ByteString.Lazy as PLBS import qualified Text.RE.PCRE.Sequence as P_SQ import qualified Text.RE.TDFA.String as T_ST import qualified Text.RE.TDFA.ByteString as T_BS import qualified Text.RE.TDFA.ByteString.Lazy as TLBS import qualified Text.RE.TDFA.Sequence as T_SQ import qualified Text.RE.TDFA.Text as T_TX import qualified Text.RE.TDFA.Text.Lazy as TLTX \end{code} \begin{code} main :: IO () main = defaultMain $ testGroup "Tests" [ prelude_tests , parsing_tests , core_tests , replaceMethodstests , options_tests , namedCapturesTestTree , many_tests , escapeTests , add_capture_names_tests , misc_tests ] \end{code} \begin{code} -- | check that our self-testing macro environments are good prelude_tests :: TestTree prelude_tests = testGroup "Prelude" [ tc TDFA.regexType TDFA.preludeEnv , tc PCRE.regexType PCRE.preludeEnv ] where tc rty m_env = testCase (show rty) $ do dumpMacroTable "macros" rty m_env assertBool "testMacroEnv" =<< testMacroEnv "prelude" rty m_env \end{code} Core Match/Replace Tests ------------------------

test vectors

The core tests rely on these simple test vectors. \begin{code} -- | our standard test strings str_, str' :: String str_ = "a bbbb aa b" str' = "foo" -- | standard test REs regex_, regex_alt :: RE regex_ = [re|(a+) (b+)|] regex_alt = [re|(a+)|(b+)|] -- | golden matches result 1 regex_str_matches :: Matches String regex_str_matches = Matches { matchesSource = str_ , allMatches = [ regex_str_match , regex_str_match_2 ] } -- | golden match result 1 regex_str_match :: Match String regex_str_match = Match { matchSource = str_ , captureNames = noCaptureNames , matchArray = array (0,2) [ (0,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "a bbbb", captureOffset = 0, captureLength = 6}) , (1,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "a" , captureOffset = 0, captureLength = 1}) , (2,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "bbbb" , captureOffset = 2, captureLength = 4}) ] } -- | golden match result 2 regex_str_match_2 :: Match String regex_str_match_2 = Match { matchSource = str_ , captureNames = noCaptureNames , matchArray = array (0,2) [ (0,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "aa b", captureOffset = 7 , captureLength = 4}) , (1,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "aa" , captureOffset = 7 , captureLength = 2}) , (2,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "b" , captureOffset = 10, captureLength = 1}) ] } -- | golden match result 2 regex_alt_str_matches :: Matches String regex_alt_str_matches = Matches { matchesSource = str_ , allMatches = [ Match { matchSource = str_ , captureNames = noCaptureNames , matchArray = array (0,2) [ (0,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "a", captureOffset = 0, captureLength = 1}) , (1,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "a", captureOffset = 0, captureLength = 1}) , (2,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "", captureOffset = -1, captureLength = 0}) ] } , Match { matchSource = str_ , captureNames = noCaptureNames , matchArray = array (0,2) [ (0,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "bbbb", captureOffset = 2 , captureLength = 4}) , (1,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "" , captureOffset = -1, captureLength = 0}) , (2,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "bbbb", captureOffset = 2 , captureLength = 4}) ] } , Match { matchSource = str_ , captureNames = noCaptureNames , matchArray = array (0,2) [ (0,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "aa", captureOffset = 7 , captureLength = 2}) , (1,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "aa", captureOffset = 7 , captureLength = 2}) , (2,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "" , captureOffset = -1, captureLength = 0}) ] } , Match { matchSource = str_ , captureNames = noCaptureNames , matchArray = array (0,2) [ (0,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "b", captureOffset = 10, captureLength = 1}) , (1,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "" , captureOffset = -1, captureLength = 0}) , (2,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "b", captureOffset = 10, captureLength = 1}) ] } ] } \end{code}

testing the compileRegex functions

\begin{code} parsing_tests :: TestTree parsing_tests = testGroup "Parsing" [ testCase "complete check (matchM/ByteString)" $ do r <- compileRegex () $ reSource regex_ assertEqual "Match" (B.pack <$> regex_str_match) $ B.pack str_ ?=~ r , testCase "matched (matchM/Text)" $ do r <- compileRegex () $ reSource regex_ assertEqual "matched" True $ matched $ T.pack str_ ?=~ r ] \end{code}

core tests

\begin{code} core_tests :: TestTree core_tests = testGroup "Match" [ testCase "text (=~~Text.Lazy)" $ do txt <- LT.pack str_ =~~ [re|(a+) (b+)|] :: IO (LT.Text) assertEqual "text" txt "a bbbb" , testCase "multi (=~~/String)" $ do let sm = str_ =~ regex_ :: Match String m = capture [cp|0|] sm assertEqual "captureSource" "a bbbb aa b" $ captureSource m assertEqual "capturedText" "a bbbb" $ capturedText m assertEqual "capturePrefix" "" $ capturePrefix m assertEqual "captureSuffix" " aa b" $ captureSuffix m , testCase "complete (=~~/ByteString)" $ do mtch <- B.pack str_ =~~ regex_ :: IO (Match B.ByteString) assertEqual "Match" mtch $ B.pack <$> regex_str_match , testCase "complete (all,String)" $ do let mtchs = str_ =~ regex_ :: Matches String assertEqual "Matches" mtchs regex_str_matches , testCase "complete (all,reg_alt)" $ do let mtchs = str_ =~ regex_alt :: Matches String assertEqual "Matches" mtchs regex_alt_str_matches , testCase "complete (=~~,all)" $ do mtchs <- str_ =~~ regex_ :: IO (Matches String) assertEqual "Matches" mtchs regex_str_matches , testCase "fail (all)" $ do let mtchs = str' =~ regex_ :: Matches String assertEqual "not.anyMatches" False $ anyMatches mtchs ] \end{code}

testing the replace functions at different types

\begin{code} replaceMethodstests :: TestTree replaceMethodstests = testGroup "Replace" [ testCase "String/single" $ do let m = str_ =~ regex_ :: Match String r = replaceCaptures ALL fmt m assertEqual "replaceCaptures" r "(0:0:(0:1:a) (0:2:bbbb)) aa b" , testCase "String/alt" $ do let ms = str_ =~ regex_ :: Matches String r = replaceAllCaptures ALL fmt ms chk r , testCase "String" $ do let ms = str_ =~ regex_ :: Matches String r = replaceAllCaptures ALL fmt ms chk r , testCase "ByteString" $ do let ms = B.pack str_ =~ regex_ :: Matches B.ByteString r = replaceAllCaptures ALL fmt ms chk r , testCase "LBS.ByteString" $ do let ms = LBS.pack str_ =~ regex_ :: Matches LBS.ByteString r = replaceAllCaptures ALL fmt ms chk r , testCase "Seq Char" $ do let ms = S.fromList str_ =~ regex_ :: Matches (S.Seq Char) f = \_ (Location i j) Capture{..} -> Just $ S.fromList $ "(" <> show i <> ":" <> show_co j <> ":" <> F.toList capturedText <> ")" r = replaceAllCaptures ALL f ms assertEqual "replaceAllCaptures" r $ S.fromList "(0:0:(0:1:a) (0:2:bbbb)) (1:0:(1:1:aa) (1:2:b))" , testCase "Text" $ do let ms = T.pack str_ =~ regex_ :: Matches T.Text r = replaceAllCaptures ALL fmt ms chk r , testCase "LT.Text" $ do let ms = LT.pack str_ =~ regex_ :: Matches LT.Text r = replaceAllCaptures ALL fmt ms chk r ] where chk r = assertEqual "replaceAllCaptures" r "(0:0:(0:1:a) (0:2:bbbb)) (1:0:(1:1:aa) (1:2:b))" fmt :: (IsString s,Replace s) => a -> Location -> Capture s -> Maybe s fmt _ (Location i j) Capture{..} = Just $ "(" <> packE (show i) <> ":" <> packE (show_co j) <> ":" <> capturedText <> ")" show_co (CaptureOrdinal j) = show j \end{code}

Testing The Options

\begin{code} options_tests :: TestTree options_tests = testGroup "Simple Options" [ testGroup "TDFA Simple Options" [ testCase "default (MultilineSensitive)" $ assertEqual "#" 2 $ countMatches $ s TDFA.*=~ [|[0-9a-f]{2}$|] , testCase "MultilineSensitive" $ assertEqual "#" 2 $ countMatches $ s TDFA.*=~ [TDFA.reMultilineSensitive|[0-9a-f]{2}$|] , testCase "MultilineInsensitive" $ assertEqual "#" 4 $ countMatches $ s TDFA.*=~ [TDFA.reMultilineInsensitive|[0-9a-f]{2}$|] , testCase "BlockSensitive" $ assertEqual "#" 0 $ countMatches $ s TDFA.*=~ [TDFA.reBlockSensitive|[0-9a-f]{2}$|] , testCase "BlockInsensitive" $ assertEqual "#" 1 $ countMatches $ s TDFA.*=~ [TDFA.reBlockInsensitive|[0-9a-f]{2}$|] ] , testGroup "PCRE Simple Options" [ testCase "default (MultilineSensitive)" $ assertEqual "#" 2 $ countMatches $ s PCRE.*=~ [|[0-9a-f]{2}$|] , testCase "MultilineSensitive" $ assertEqual "#" 2 $ countMatches $ s PCRE.*=~ [PCRE.reMultilineSensitive|[0-9a-f]{2}$|] , testCase "MultilineInsensitive" $ assertEqual "#" 4 $ countMatches $ s PCRE.*=~ [PCRE.reMultilineInsensitive|[0-9a-f]{2}$|] , testCase "BlockSensitive" $ assertEqual "#" 0 $ countMatches $ s PCRE.*=~ [PCRE.reBlockSensitive|[0-9a-f]{2}$|] , testCase "BlockInsensitive" $ assertEqual "#" 1 $ countMatches $ s PCRE.*=~ [PCRE.reBlockInsensitive|[0-9a-f]{2}$|] ] ] where s = "0a\nbb\nFe\nA5" :: String \end{code}

Exercising Our Many APIs

\begin{code} many_tests :: TestTree many_tests = testGroup "Many Tests" [ testCase "PCRE a" $ test (PCRE.*=~) (PCRE.?=~) (PCRE.=~) (PCRE.=~~) matchOnce matchMany id re_pcre , testCase "PCRE ByteString" $ test (P_BS.*=~) (P_BS.?=~) (P_BS.=~) (P_BS.=~~) matchOnce matchMany B.pack re_pcre , testCase "PCRE ByteString.Lazy" $ test (PLBS.*=~) (PLBS.?=~) (PLBS.=~) (PLBS.=~~) matchOnce matchMany LBS.pack re_pcre , testCase "PCRE Sequence" $ test (P_SQ.*=~) (P_SQ.?=~) (P_SQ.=~) (P_SQ.=~~) matchOnce matchMany S.fromList re_pcre , testCase "PCRE String" $ test (P_ST.*=~) (P_ST.?=~) (P_ST.=~) (P_ST.=~~) matchOnce matchMany id re_pcre , testCase "TDFA a" $ test (TDFA.*=~) (TDFA.?=~) (TDFA.=~) (TDFA.=~~) matchOnce matchMany id re_tdfa , testCase "TDFA ByteString" $ test (T_BS.*=~) (T_BS.?=~) (T_BS.=~) (T_BS.=~~) matchOnce matchMany B.pack re_tdfa , testCase "TDFA ByteString.Lazy" $ test (TLBS.*=~) (TLBS.?=~) (TLBS.=~) (TLBS.=~~) matchOnce matchMany LBS.pack re_tdfa , testCase "TDFA Sequence" $ test (T_SQ.*=~) (T_SQ.?=~) (T_SQ.=~) (T_SQ.=~~) matchOnce matchMany S.fromList re_tdfa , testCase "TDFA String" $ test (T_ST.*=~) (T_ST.?=~) (T_ST.=~) (T_ST.=~~) matchOnce matchMany id re_tdfa , testCase "TDFA Text" $ test (T_TX.*=~) (T_TX.?=~) (T_TX.=~) (T_TX.=~~) matchOnce matchMany T.pack re_tdfa , testCase "TDFA Text.Lazy" $ test (TLTX.*=~) (TLTX.?=~) (TLTX.=~) (TLTX.=~~) matchOnce matchMany LT.pack re_tdfa ] where test :: (Show s,Eq s) => (s->r->Matches s) -> (s->r->Match s) -> (s->r->Matches s) -> (s->r->Maybe(Match s)) -> (r->s->Match s) -> (r->s->Matches s) -> (String->s) -> r -> Assertion test (%*=~) (%?=~) (%=~) (%=~~) mo mm inj r = do 2 @=? countMatches mtchs Just txt' @=? matchedText mtch mtchs @=? mtchs' mb_mtch @=? Just mtch mtch @=? mtch'' mtchs @=? mtchs'' where mtchs = txt %*=~ r mtch = txt %?=~ r mtchs' = txt %=~ r mb_mtch = txt %=~~ r mtch'' = mo r txt mtchs'' = mm r txt txt = inj "2016-01-09 2015-12-5 2015-10-05" txt' = inj "2016-01-09" re_pcre = fromMaybe oops $ PCRE.compileRegex () "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}" re_tdfa = fromMaybe oops $ TDFA.compileRegex () "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}" oops = error "many_tests" \end{code} Testing the RE Escape Functions ------------------------------- \begin{code} escapeTests :: TestTree escapeTests = testGroup "Escape Tests" [ testGroup "PCRE" [ testCase "Escaping empty string" $ assertBool "empty string" $ tst P_ST.escape (P_ST.?=~) "" , testCase "Escaping RE metacharacters" $ assertBool "metacharacters" $ tst P_ST.escape (P_ST.?=~) metacharacters , localOption (SmallCheckDepth 6) $ SC.testProperty "matched $ ?=~ [re|^escape()$|]" $ tst P_ST.escape (P_ST.?=~) ] , testGroup "TDFA" [ testCase "Escaping empty string" $ assertBool "empty string" $ tst T_ST.escape (T_ST.?=~) "" , testCase "Escaping RE metacharacters" $ assertBool "metacharacters" $ tst T_ST.escape (T_ST.?=~) metacharacters , localOption (SmallCheckDepth 6) $ SC.testProperty "matched $ ?=~ [re|^escape()$|]" $ tst T_ST.escape (T_ST.?=~) ] ] where tst :: ((String->String)->String->a) -> (String->a->Match String) -> String -> Bool tst esc (%=~) s = matched $ s %=~ esc (("^" ++) . (++ "$")) s metacharacters :: String metacharacters = "^\\.|*+?()[]{}$" \end{code} Named Capture Tests ------------------- \begin{code} namedCapturesTestTree :: TestTree namedCapturesTestTree = localOption (SmallCheckDepth 4) $ testGroup "NamedCaptures" [ formatScanTestTree , analyseTokensTestTree ] instance Monad m => Serial m Token formatScanTestTree :: TestTree formatScanTestTree = testGroup "FormatToken/Scan Properties" [ localOption (SmallCheckDepth 4) $ SC.testProperty "formatTokens == formatTokens0" $ \tks -> formatTokens tks == formatTokens0 tks , localOption (SmallCheckDepth 4) $ SC.testProperty "scan . formatTokens' idFormatTokenOptions == id" $ \tks -> all validToken tks ==> scan (formatTokens' idFormatTokenOptions tks) == tks ] analyseTokensTestTree :: TestTree analyseTokensTestTree = testGroup "Analysing [Token] Unit Tests" [ tc [here|foobar|] [] , tc [here||] [] , tc [here|$([0-9]{4})|] [] , tc [here|${x}()|] [(1,"x")] , tc [here|${}()|] [] , tc [here|${}()${foo}()|] [(2,"foo")] , tc [here|${x}(${y()})|] [(1,"x")] , tc [here|${x}(${y}())|] [(1,"x"),(2,"y")] , tc [here|${a}(${b{}())|] [(1,"a")] , tc [here|${y}([0-9]{4})-${m}([0-9]{2})-${d}([0-9]{2})|] [(1,"y"),(2,"m"),(3,"d")] , tc [here|@$(@|\{${name}([^{}]+)\})|] [(2,"name")] , tc [here|${y}[0-9]{4}|] [] , tc [here|${}([0-9]{4})|] [] ] where tc s al = testCase s $ assertEqual "CaptureNames" (xnc s) (HM.fromList [ (CaptureName $ T.pack n,CaptureOrdinal i) | (i,n)<-al ] ) xnc = either oops fst . extractNamedCaptures where oops = error "analyseTokensTestTree: unexpected parse failure" \end{code} AddCaptureNames Tests --------------------- \begin{code} add_capture_names_tests :: TestTree add_capture_names_tests = testGroup "AddCaptureNames Tests" [ test_add_capture_name "Match String" test_match regex_str_match , test_add_capture_name "Matches String" test_matches regex_str_matches , test_add_capture_name "Match B.ByteString" test_match $ B.pack <$> regex_str_match , test_add_capture_name "Matches B.ByteString" test_matches $ B.pack <$> regex_str_matches , test_add_capture_name "Match LBS.ByteString" test_match $ LBS.pack <$> regex_str_match , test_add_capture_name "Matches LBS.ByteString" test_matches $ LBS.pack <$> regex_str_matches , test_add_capture_name "Match T.Text" test_match $ T.pack <$> regex_str_match , test_add_capture_name "Matches T.Text" test_matches $ T.pack <$> regex_str_matches , test_add_capture_name "Match LT.Text" test_match $ LT.pack <$> regex_str_match , test_add_capture_name "Matches LT.Text" test_matches $ LT.pack <$> regex_str_matches , test_add_capture_name "Match (Seq Char)" test_match $ S.fromList <$> regex_str_match , test_add_capture_name "Matches (Seq Char)" test_matches $ S.fromList <$> regex_str_matches ] test_matches :: CaptureNames -> Matches a -> Bool test_matches cnms = all (test_match cnms) . allMatches test_match :: CaptureNames -> Match a -> Bool test_match cnms mtch = captureNames mtch == cnms test_add_capture_name :: Typeable a => String -> (CaptureNames->a->Bool) -> a -> TestTree test_add_capture_name lab tst x = testCase lab $ assertBool lab $ tst cnms $ addCaptureNames cnms x where cnms = HM.fromList [ (CaptureName "x",1) , (CaptureName "y",2) ] \end{code} The Miscelaneous Tests ---------------------- \begin{code} misc_tests :: TestTree misc_tests = testGroup "Miscelaneous Tests" [ testGroup "QQ" [ qq_tc "expression" quoteExp , qq_tc "pattern" quotePat , qq_tc "type" quoteType , qq_tc "declaration" quoteDec ] , testGroup "PreludeMacros" [ valid_string "preludeMacroTable" preludeMacroTable , valid_macro "preludeMacroSummary" preludeMacroSummary , valid_string "preludeMacroSources" preludeMacroSources , valid_macro "preludeMacroSource" preludeMacroSource ] -- because HPC can't measure our testing of [re|..|] forms, -- we are eliminating them from our enquiries , testGroup "RE" [ valid_res TDFA.regexType [ , TDFA.reMS , TDFA.reMI , TDFA.reBS , TDFA.reBI , TDFA.reMultilineSensitive , TDFA.reMultilineInsensitive , TDFA.reBlockSensitive , TDFA.reBlockInsensitive , TDFA.re_ ] , testCase "TDFA.regexType" $ assertBool "TDFA" $ isTDFA TDFA.regexType , testCase "TDFA.reOptions" $ assert_empty_macs $ optionsMacs (TDFA.reOptions tdfa_re) , testCase "TDFA.makeOptions md" $ assert_empty_macs $ optionsMacs tdfa_opts , testCase "TDFA.preludeTestsFailing" $ [] @=? TDFA.preludeTestsFailing , ne_string "TDFA.preludeTable" TDFA.preludeTable , ne_string "TDFA.preludeSources" TDFA.preludeSources , testGroup "TDFA.preludeSummary" [ ne_string (presentPreludeMacro pm) $ TDFA.preludeSummary pm | pm <- tdfa_prelude_macros ] , testGroup "TDFA.preludeSource" [ ne_string (presentPreludeMacro pm) $ TDFA.preludeSource pm | pm <- tdfa_prelude_macros ] -- because HPC can't measure our testing of [re|..|] forms, -- we are eliminating them from our enquiries , valid_res PCRE.regexType [ , PCRE.reMS , PCRE.reMI , PCRE.reBS , PCRE.reBI , PCRE.reMultilineSensitive , PCRE.reMultilineInsensitive , PCRE.reBlockSensitive , PCRE.reBlockInsensitive , PCRE.re_ ] , testCase "PCRE.regexType" $ assertBool "PCRE" $ isPCRE PCRE.regexType , testCase "PCRE.reOptions" $ assert_empty_macs $ optionsMacs (PCRE.reOptions pcre_re) , testCase "PCRE.makeOptions md" $ assert_empty_macs $ optionsMacs pcre_opts , testCase "PCRE.preludeTestsFailing" $ [] @=? PCRE.preludeTestsFailing , ne_string "PCRE.preludeTable" PCRE.preludeTable , ne_string "PCRE.preludeTable" PCRE.preludeSources , testGroup "PCRE.preludeSummary" [ ne_string (presentPreludeMacro pm) $ PCRE.preludeSummary pm | pm <- pcre_prelude_macros ] , testGroup "PCRE.preludeSource" [ ne_string (presentPreludeMacro pm) $ PCRE.preludeSource pm | pm <- pcre_prelude_macros ] ] ] where tdfa_re = fromMaybe oops $ TDFA.compileRegex tdfa_opts ".*" pcre_re = fromMaybe oops $ PCRE.compileRegex pcre_opts ".*" tdfa_opts = makeOptions no_macs_t :: Options_ TDFA.RE TDFA_.CompOption TDFA_.ExecOption pcre_opts = makeOptions no_macs_p :: Options_ PCRE.RE PCRE_.CompOption PCRE_.ExecOption no_macs_t = HM.fromList [] :: Macros TDFA.RE no_macs_p = HM.fromList [] :: Macros PCRE.RE oops = error "misc_tests" assert_empty_macs = assertBool "macros not empty" . HM.null qq_tc :: String -> (QuasiQuoter->String->a) -> TestTree qq_tc sc prj = testCase sc $ try tst >>= either hdl (const $ assertFailure "qq0") where tst :: IO () tst = prj (qq0 "qq_tc") "" `seq` return () hdl :: QQFailure -> IO () hdl qqf = do "qq_tc" @=? _qqf_context qqf sc @=? _qqf_component qqf valid_macro :: String -> (RegexType->PreludeMacro->String) -> TestTree valid_macro label f = testGroup label [ valid_string (presentPreludeMacro pm) (flip f pm) | pm<-[minBound..maxBound] ] valid_string :: String -> (RegexType->String) -> TestTree valid_string label f = testGroup label [ ne_string (presentRegexType rty) $ f rty | rty<-[TDFA.regexType] -- until PCRE has a binding for all macros ] ne_string :: String -> String -> TestTree ne_string label s = testCase label $ assertBool "non-empty string" $ length s > 0 -- just evaluating quasi quoters to HNF for now -- they -- being tested everywhere [re|...|] (etc.) calculations -- are bings used but HPC isn't measuring this valid_res :: RegexType -> [QuasiQuoter] -> TestTree valid_res rty = testCase (show rty) . foldr seq (return ()) pcre_prelude_macros :: [PreludeMacro] pcre_prelude_macros = filter (/= PM_string) [minBound..maxBound] tdfa_prelude_macros :: [PreludeMacro] tdfa_prelude_macros = [minBound..maxBound] \end{code}