The Regex Tutorial ================== This is a literate Haskell programme lightly processed to produce this web presentation and also to generate a test suite that verifies that each of the example calculations are generating the expected results. You can load it into ghci and try out the examples either by running _ghci_ itself from the root folder of the regex package: ```bash ghci examples/re-tutorial.lhs ``` or using `cabal repl`: ``` cabal configure --enable-tests cabal repl examples/re-tutorial.lhs ``` Depending upon how you have configured and run `ghci` you may need to set one of _ghci_'s interctive settings — the topic of the next section. Setting Up: The Pragmas ----------------------- Haskell programs typically start with a few compiler pragmas to switch on the language extensions needed by the module. Because regex uses Template Haskell to check regular expressions at compile time `QuasiQuotes` should be enabled. \begin{code} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} \end{code} Use this command to configure ghci accordingly (not necessary if you have launched ghci with `cabal repl`): ``` :seti -XQuasiQuotes ``` Because we are mimicking the REPL in this tutorial we will leave off the type signatures on the example calculations and disable the compiler warnings about missing type signatures. \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} \end{code} This pragma is a just technical pragma, combined with the `Prelude.Compat` import below used to avoid certain warnings while comiling against multiple versions of the compiler. It can be safely ignored. \begin{code} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} \end{code} Loading Up: The Imports ----------------------- \begin{code} module Main(main) where \end{code} ********************************************************* * * WARNING: this is generated from pp-tutorial-master.lhs * ********************************************************* We have two things to consider in the import to access the regex goodies, which will take the form: ```haskell import Text.RE..? ``` * Which [flavour of regular expressions]( do I need? + `PCRE` : [Perl-style]( regular expressions; + `TDFA`: [Posix-style]( regular expressions. * And which type of text am I matching? + `String` : low-performing, classic Haskell strings; + `ByteString` : raw bytestrings; + `ByteString.Lazy` : raw lazy bytestrings; + `Text`: efficient text (currently available for `TDFA` only); + `Text.Lazy` : efficient, lazy text (currently available for `TDFA` only); + polymorphic: if you need matching operators that work with all available text types then do not specify the `` in the import path. For this tutorial we will use classic Haskell strings but any application dealing with bulk text will probably want to choose one of the other options. \begin{code} import Text.RE.TDFA.String \end{code} If you are predominantly matching against a single type in your module then you will probably find it more convenient to use the relevant module rather than than the more polymorphic opertors but it is really a matter of convenience. We will also need access to a small selection of common libraries for our examples. \begin{code} import Control.Applicative import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T import Text.Printf \end{code} And finally we a special edition of the prelude (see the commentary for the pragma section above) and a small specail toolkit will be used to help manage the example calculations. \begin{code} import Prelude.Compat import TestKit \end{code} This allows simple calculations to be defined stylistically in the source program, presented as calculations when rendered in HTML and tested that they have the expected result. \begin{code} evalme_LOA_00 = checkThis "evalme_LOA_00" (0) $ length [] \end{code} This trivial example calculation will be tested for zero-ness. Matching with the regex-base Operators -------------------------------------- regex supports the regex-base polymorphic match operators. Used in a `Bool` context `=~` will evaluate to True iff the string on the left matches the RE on the right. \begin{code} evalme_TRD_00 = checkThis "evalme_TRD_00" (True) $ ("2016-01-09 2015-12-5 2015-10-05" =~ [re|[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}|] :: Bool) \end{code} Note that we enclose the RE itself in `[re|` ... `|]` quasi quote brackets, allowing the compiler to run some regex code at compile time to verify that the RE conforms to the correct syntax for the chosen RE flavour of choice (`TDFA` in this case). The above expression should evaluate to `True` as the string contains a matching sub-string. Used in an `Int` context `=~` will count the number of matches in the target string. \begin{code} evalme_TRD_01 = checkThis "evalme_TRD_01" (2) $ ("2016-01-09 2015-12-5 2015-10-05" =~ [re|[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}|] :: Int) \end{code} To determine the string that has matched the monadic `=~~` operator can be used in a `Maybe` context. \begin{code} evalme_TRD_02 = checkThis "evalme_TRD_02" (Just "2016-01-09") $ ("2016-01-09 2015-12-5 2015-10-05" =~~ [re|[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}|] :: Maybe String) \end{code} A `=~` in a `[[String]]` extracts all of the matched substrings: \begin{code} evalme_TRD_04 = checkThis "evalme_TRD_04" ([["2016-01-09"],["2015-10-05"]]) $ ("2016-01-09 2015-12-5 2015-10-05" =~ [re|[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}|] :: [[String]]) \end{code} regex provides special operators and types for extracting the first match or all of the non-overlapping substrings matching a regular expression which provide a little more structure that the flexible, venerable regex-base match operators. Single Matches with `?=~` ------------------------- regex also provides two matching operators: one for looking for the first match in its search string and the other for finding all of the matches. The first-match operator, `?=~`, yields the result of attempting to find the first match. (It's result type will be explained below.) The boolean `matched` function can be used to test whether a match was found. \begin{code} evalme_SGL_01 = checkThis "evalme_SGL_01" (True) $ matched $ "2016-01-09 2015-12-5 2015-10-05" ?=~ [re|[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}|] \end{code} To get the matched text use `matchText`, which returns `Nothing` if no match was found in the search string. \begin{code} evalme_SGL_02 = checkThis "evalme_SGL_02" (Just "2016-01-09") $ matchedText $ "2016-01-09 2015-12-5 2015-10-05" ?=~ [re|[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}|] \end{code} Multiple Matches with `*=~` --------------------------- Use `*=~` to locate all of the non-overlapping substrings that matches a RE. `anyMatches` will return `True` iff any matches are found (and they will be). \begin{code} evalme_MLT_01 = checkThis "evalme_MLT_01" (True) $ anyMatches $ "2016-01-09 2015-12-5 2015-10-05" *=~ [re|[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}|] \end{code} `countMatches` will tell us how many sub-strings matched (2). \begin{code} evalme_MLT_02 = checkThis "evalme_MLT_02" (2) $ countMatches $ "2016-01-09 2015-12-5 2015-10-05" *=~ [re|[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}|] \end{code} `matches` will return all of the matches. \begin{code} evalme_MLT_03 = checkThis "evalme_MLT_03" (["2016-01-09","2015-10-05"]) $ matches $ "2016-01-09 2015-12-5 2015-10-05" *=~ [re|[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}|] \end{code} Simple Text Replacement ----------------------- regex supports the replacement of matched text with alternative text. This section will cover replacement text specified with templates. More flexible tools that allow functions calculate the replacement text are covered below. _Capture_ sub-expressions, whose matched text can be inserted into the replacement template, can be specified as follows: * `$(` ... `)` identifies a capture that can be identified by its left-to-right position relative to the other captures in the replacement template, with `$1` being used to represent the leftmost capture, `$2` the next leftmost capture, and so on; * `${foo}(` ... `)` can be used to identify a capture by name. Such captures can be identified either by their left-to-right position in the regular expression or by `${foo}` in the template. A function to convert ISO format dates into a UK-format date could be written thus: \begin{code} uk_dates :: String -> String uk_dates src = replaceAll "${d}/${m}/${y}" $ src *=~ [re|${y}([0-9]{4})-${m}([0-9]{2})-${d}([0-9]{2})|] \end{code} with \begin{code} evalme_RPL_01 = checkThis "evalme_RPL_01" ("09/01/2016 2015-12-5 05/10/2015") $ uk_dates "2016-01-09 2015-12-5 2015-10-05" \end{code} The same function written with numbered captures: \begin{code} uk_dates' :: String -> String uk_dates' src = replaceAll "$3/$2/$1" $ src *=~ [re|$([0-9]{4})-$([0-9]{2})-$([0-9]{2})|] \end{code} with \begin{code} evalme_RPL_02 = checkThis "evalme_RPL_02" ("09/01/2016 2015-12-5 05/10/2015") $ uk_dates' "2016-01-09 2015-12-5 2015-10-05" \end{code} yielding the same result. (Most regex conventions use plain parentheses, `(` ... `)`, to mark captures but we would like to reserve those exclusively for grouping in regex REs.) Matches/Match/Capture --------------------- The types returned by the `?=~` and `*=~` form the foundations of the package. Understandingv these simple types is the key to understanding the package. The type of `*=~` in this module (imported from `Text.RE.TDFA.String`) is:
``` (*=~) :: String -> RE -> Matches String ```
with `Matches` defined in `Text.RE.Capture` thus: %include "Text/RE/Capture.lhs" "^data Matches " The critical component of the `Matches` type is the `[Match a]` in `allMatches`, containing the details all of each substring matched by the RE. The `matchSource` component also retains a copy of the original search string but the critical information is in `allmatches`. The type of `?=~` in this module (imported from `Text.RE.TDFA.String`) is:
``` (?=~) :: String -> RE -> Match String ```
with `Match` (referenced in the definition of `Matches` above) defined in `Text.RE.Capture` thus: %include "Text/RE/Capture.lhs" "^data Match " Like `matchesSource` above, `matchSource` retains the original search string, but also a `CaptureNames` field listing all of the capture names in the RE (needed by the text replacemnt tools). But the 'real' content of `Match` is to be found in the `MatchArray`, enumerating all of the substrings captured by this match, starting with `0` for the substring captured by the whole RE, `1` for the leftmost explicit capture in the RE, `2` for the next leftmost capture, and so on. Each captured substring is represented by the following `Capture` type: %include "Text/RE/Capture.lhs" "^data Capture " Here we list the whole original search string in `captureSource` and the text of the sub-string captured in `capturedText`. `captureOffset` contains the number of characters preceding the captured substring, or is negative if no substring was captured (which is a different situation from epsilon, the empty string, being captured). `captureLength` gives the length of the captured string in `capturedText`. The test suite in [examples/re-tests.lhs](re-tests.html) contains extensive worked-out examples of these `Matches`/`Match`/`Capture` types. Simple Options -------------- By default regular expressions are of the multi-line case-sensitive variety so this query \begin{code} evalme_SOP_01 = checkThis "evalme_SOP_01" (2) $ countMatches $ "0a\nbb\nFe\nA5" *=~ [re|[0-9a-f]{2}$|] \end{code} finds 2 matches, the '$' anchor matching each of the newlines, but only the first two lowercase hex numbers matching the RE. The case sensitivity and multiline-ness can be controled by selecting alternative parsers. +--------------------------+-------------+-----------+----------------+ | long name | short forms | multiline | case sensitive | +==========================+=============+===========+================+ | reMultilineSensitive | reMS, re | yes | yes | +--------------------------+-------------+-----------+----------------+ | reMultilineInsensitive | reMI | yes | no | +--------------------------+-------------+-----------+----------------+ | reBlockSensitive | reBS | no | yes | +--------------------------+-------------+-----------+----------------+ | reBlockInsensitive | reBI | no | no | +--------------------------+-------------+-----------+----------------+ So while the default setup \begin{code} evalme_SOP_02 = checkThis "evalme_SOP_02" (2) $ countMatches $ "0a\nbb\nFe\nA5" *=~ [reMultilineSensitive|[0-9a-f]{2}$|] \end{code} finds 2 matches, a case-insensitive RE \begin{code} evalme_SOP_03 = checkThis "evalme_SOP_03" (4) $ countMatches $ "0a\nbb\nFe\nA5" *=~ [reMultilineInsensitive|[0-9a-f]{2}$|] \end{code} finds 4 matches, while a non-multiline RE \begin{code} evalme_SOP_04 = checkThis "evalme_SOP_04" (0) $ countMatches $ "0a\nbb\nFe\nA5" *=~ [reBlockSensitive|[0-9a-f]{2}$|] \end{code} finds no matches but a non-multiline, case-insensitive match \begin{code} evalme_SOP_05 = checkThis "evalme_SOP_05" (1) $ countMatches $ "0a\nbb\nFe\nA5" *=~ [reBlockInsensitive|[0-9a-f]{2}$|] \end{code} finds the final match. For the hard of typing the shortforms are available. \begin{code} evalme_SOP_06 = checkThis "evalme_SOP_06" (True) $ matched $ "SuperCaliFragilisticExpialidocious" ?=~ [reMI|supercalifragilisticexpialidocious|] \end{code} Using Functions to Replace Text ------------------------------- Sometimes you will need to process each string captured by an RE with a function. `replaceAllCaptures` takes a `Context`, a substitution function and a `Matches` and applies the function to each captured substring according to the `Context`, as we can see in the following example function to clean up all of the mis-formatted dates in the argument string, \begin{code} fixup_dates :: String -> String fixup_dates src = replaceAllCaptures SUB phi $ src *=~ [re|([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)|] where phi _ loc cap = Just $ case locationCapture loc of 1 -> printf "%04d" (read s :: Int) 2 -> printf "%02d" (read s :: Int) 3 -> printf "%02d" (read s :: Int) _ -> error "fixup_dates" where s = capturedText cap \end{code} which will fix up our running example \begin{code} evalme_RPF_01 = checkThis "evalme_RPF_01" ("2016-01-09 2015-12-05 2015-10-05") $ fixup_dates "2016-01-09 2015-12-5 2015-10-05" \end{code} The `replaceAllCaptures` function is of type %include "Text/RE/Replace.lhs" "replaceAllCaptures ::" and the `Context` and `Location` types are defined in `Text.RE.Replace` as follows, %include "Text/RE/Replace.lhs" "^data Context" The processing function gets applied to the captures specified by the `Context`, which can be directed to process `ALL` of the captures, including the substring captured by the whole RE and all of the subsidiary capture, or just the `TOP`, `0` capture that the whole RE matches, or just the `SUB` (subsidiary) captures, as was the case above. The substitution function takes the `Match` corresponding to the current redex being processed, the `Location` information specifying redex _n_ redex and capure _i_, and the `Capure` being substituted. Our substitution function didn't need the `Match` context so it ignored it. The substition function either return `Nothing` to indicate that no substitution should be made or the replacement text. The above fixup function could be extended to enclose whole date in square brackets by specifing an `ALL` context and a `0` case for the substitution function. \begin{code} fixup_and_reformat_dates :: String -> String fixup_and_reformat_dates src = replaceAllCaptures ALL f $ src *=~ [re|([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)|] where f _ loc cap = Just $ case locationCapture loc of 0 -> printf "[%s]" txt 1 -> printf "%04d" (read txt :: Int) 2 -> printf "%02d" (read txt :: Int) 3 -> printf "%02d" (read txt :: Int) _ -> error "fixup_date" where txt = capturedText cap \end{code} The `fixup_and_reformat_dates` applied to our running example, \begin{code} evalme_RPF_02 = checkThis "evalme_RPF_02" ("[2016-01-09] [2015-12-05] [2015-10-05]") $ fixup_and_reformat_dates "2016-01-09 2015-12-5 2015-10-05" \end{code} `Text.RE.Replace` provides analagous functions for replacing the test of a single `Match` returned from `?=~`. Macros and Parsers ------------------ regex supports macros in regular expressions. There are a bunch of standard macros and you can define your own. RE macros are enclosed in `@{` ... '}'. By convention the macros in the standard environment start with a '%'. `@{%date}` will match an ISO 8601 date, this \begin{code} evalme_MAC_00 = checkThis "evalme_MAC_00" (2) $ countMatches $ "2016-01-09 2015-12-5 2015-10-05" *=~ [re|@{%date}|] \end{code} picking out the two dates. See the tables listing the standard macros in the tables folder of the distribution. See the log-processor example and the `Text.RE.TestBench` for more on how you can develop, document and test RE macros with the regex test bench. Compiling REs with the Complete Options --------------------------------------- Each type of RE — TDFA and PCRE — has it own complile-time options and execution-time options, called in each case `CompOption` and `ExecOption`. The above simple options selected with the RE parser (`reMultilineSensitive`, etc.) configures the RE backend accordingly so that you don't have to, but you may need full access to you chosen back end's options, or you may need to supply a different set of macros to those provided in the standard environment. In which case you will need to know about the `Options` type, defined by each of the back ends in terms of the `Options_` type of `Text.RE.Options` as follows.
``` type Options = Options_ RE CompOption ExecOption ```
(Bear in mind that `CompOption` and `ExecOption` will be different types for each back end.) The `Options_` type is defined in `Text.RE.Options` as follows: %include "Text/RE/Options.lhs" "data Options_" * `optionsMode` is an experimental feature that controls the RE parser. * `optionsMacs` contains the macro definitions used to compile the REs (see above Macros section); * `optionsComp` contains the back end compile-time options; * `optionsExec` contains the back end execution-time options. (For more information on the options provided by the back ends see the decumentation for `regex-tdfa` and `regex-pcre` as apropriate.) Each backend provides a function to compile REs from some options and a string containing the RE as follows:
``` compileRegex :: ( IsOption o RE CompOption ExecOption , Functor m , Monad m ) => o -> String -> m RE ```
where `o` is some type that is recognised as a type that can configure REs. Your configuration-type options are: * `()` (the unit type) means just use the default multi-line case-sensitive that we get with the `re` parser. * `SimpleRegexOptions` this is just a simple enum type that we use to encode the standard options: %include "Text/RE/Options.lhs" "^data SimpleRegexOptions" * `Mode`: you can specify the parser mode; * `Macros RE`: you can specify the macros use instead of the standard environment; * `CompOption`: you can specify the compile-time options for the back end; * `ExecOption`: you can specify the execution-time options for the back end; * `Options`: you can specify all of the options. The compilation may fail so it is expressed monadically. For the following examples we will use the following helper to just `error` the failure. \begin{code} check_for_failure :: Either String a -> a check_for_failure = either error id \end{code} \begin{code} evalme_OPT_00 = checkThis "evalme_OPT_00" (2) $ countMatches $ "2016-01-09 2015-12-5 2015-10-05" *=~ check_for_failure (compileRegex () "@{%date}") \end{code} \begin{code} evalme_OPT_01 = checkThis "evalme_OPT_01" (1) $ countMatches $ "0a\nbb\nFe\nA5" *=~ check_for_failure (compileRegex BlockInsensitive "[0-9a-f]{2}$") \end{code} This will allow you to compile regular expressions when the either the text to be compiled or the options have been dynamically determined. Specifying Options with `re_` ----------------------------- If you just need to specify some non-standard options while statically checking the validity of the RE (with the default options) then you can use the `re_` parser: \begin{code} evalme_REU_01 = checkThis "evalme_REU_01" (1) $ countMatches $ "0a\nbb\nFe\nA5" *=~ [re_|[0-9a-f]{2}$|] BlockInsensitive \end{code} Any option `o` such that `IsOption o RE CompOption ExecOption` (i.e., any option type accepted by `compileRegex` above) can be used with `[re_` ..`|]`. The Tools: 'grep', 'lex' and 'sed' ---------------------------------- The classic tools assocciated with regular expressions have inspired some regex conterparts. * [Text.RE.Tools.Grep](Grep.html): takes a regular expression and a file or lazy ByteString (depending upon the variant) and returns all of the matching lines. (Used in the [include](re-include.html) example.) * [Text.RE.Tools.Lex](Lex.html): takes an association list of REs and token-generating functions and the input text and returns a list of tokens. This should never be used where performance is important (use Alex), except as a development prototype (used internally in [Text.RE.Internal.NamedCaptures](NamedCaptures.html)). * [Text.RE.Tools.Sed](Sed.html) using [Text.RE.Edit](Edit.html): takes an association list of regular expressions and substitution actions, some input text and invokes the associated action on each line of the file that matches one of the REs, substituting the text returned from the action in the output stream. (Used in the [include](re-include.html), [gen-modules](re-gen-modules.html), [log-processor](re-nginx-log-processor.html) and [tutorial-pp](re-prep) examples.) The Examples ------------ The remaining sections have been given over to various standalone examples. All bar the first are taken from the package itself, each contributing to either the API or the tools used to prepare the documentation and test suites. Example: log processor: development with macros ----------------------------------------------- To test regex at scale — which is to say, developing with relatively complex REs — [a preprocessor](re-nginx-log-processor.html) for parsing NGINX access and error logs has been written. Each line of input may be either a line from an NGINX access log or the event log, producing a standard-format event log on the output. As a taster, here is the main script, where each type of line is recognised by a high-level macro. %include "examples/re-nginx-log-processor.lhs" "script ::" Thes macros are based on the standard macros, using `Text.RE.TestBench` to build the up into the above high-level scanners with the apropriate [tests and documentation]( The RE for recognising the access-log lines is built up here. %include "examples/re-nginx-log-processor.lhs" "access_re ::" (N.B., The Test Bench currently requires that we write our REs in Haskell strings.) See [the log-processor program sources](re-nginx-log-processor.html) for details. Example: Scanning REs: Named Captures ------------------------------------- This package needs to recognise all captures in a regular expression so that it can associate the named captures with their cature ordinal. Here is the prototype scanner. %include "Text/RE/Internal/NamedCaptures.lhs" "scan ::" Once the package has stabilised it should be rewritten with Alex. See [Text.RE.Internal.NamedCaptures](NamedCaptures.html) for details. Anti-Example: Scanning REs in the TestBench ------------------------------------------- The [Text.RE.TestBench](TestBench.html) contains an almost identical parser to the above, written with recursive functions. %include "Text/RE/TestBench.lhs" "scan_re ::" Once some technical issues have been ersolved it will use the above scanner in [Text.RE.Internal.NamedCaptures](NamedCaptures.html). Example: filename analysis -------------------------- The preprocessor used to prepare the literate programs for this package's website uses the following 'gen_all' diriver which uses REs to analyse file paths. %include "examples/re-prep.lhs" "^gen_all ::" See [examples/re-prep.lhs](re-prep.html) Example: parsing RE macros -------------------------- The regex RE macros are parsed with code that looks similar to this. \begin{code} -- | expand the @{..} macos in the argument string using the given -- function expandMacros_ :: (MacroID->Maybe String) -> String -> String expandMacros_ lu = fixpoint e_m where e_m re_s = replaceAllCaptures TOP phi $ re_s *=~ [re|@$(@|\{${name}([^{}]+)\})|] phi mtch _ cap = case txt == "@@" of True -> Just "@" False -> Just $ fromMaybe txt $ lu ide where txt = capturedText cap ide = MacroID $ capturedText $ capture [cp|name|] mtch fixpoint :: (Eq a) => (a->a) -> a -> a fixpoint f = chk . iterate f where chk (x:x':_) | x==x' = x chk xs = chk $ tail xs \end{code} For example: \begin{code} evalme_PMC_00 = checkThis "evalme_PMC_00" ("foo MacroID {getMacroID = \"bar\"} baz") $ expandMacros_ (Just . show) "foo @{bar} baz" \end{code} See [Text.RE.Replace](Replace.html) for details. Example: Parsing Replace Templates ---------------------------------- The regex replacement templates are parsed with code similar to this. \begin{code} type Template = String parseTemplateE' :: Template -> Match String -> Location -> Capture String -> Maybe String parseTemplateE' tpl mtch _ _ = Just $ replaceAllCaptures TOP phi $ tpl *=~ [re|\$${arg}(\$|[0-9]+|\{${name}([^{}]+)\})|] where phi t_mtch _ _ = case t_mtch !$? [cp|name|] of Just cap -> this $ IsCaptureName $ CaptureName txt where txt = T.pack $ capturedText cap Nothing -> case t == "$" of True -> Just t False -> this $ IsCaptureOrdinal $ CaptureOrdinal $ read t where t = capturedText $ capture [cp|arg|] t_mtch this cid = capturedText <$> mtch !$? cid my_replace :: RE -> Template-> String -> String my_replace rex tpl src = replaceAllCaptures TOP (parseTemplateE' tpl) $ src *=~ rex \end{code} It can be tested with our date-reformater example. \begin{code} date_reformat :: String -> String date_reformat = my_replace [re|${y}([0-9]{4})-${m}([0-9]{2})-${d}([0-9]{2})|] "${y}/${m}/${d}" \end{code} This should yield `"2016/01/11"`: \begin{code} evalme_TPL_00 = checkThis "evalme_TPL_00" ("2016/01/11") $ date_reformat "2016-01-11" \end{code} See [Text.RE.Replace](Replace.html) Example: include preprocessor ----------------------------- The 'include' preprocessor for extracting literate programming fragments (used in this and most of the other sections of the tutorial) has been lifted out of the main preprocessor into its own example. Here is sed script that makes up the main loop. %include "examples/re-include.lhs" "loop ::" The `extract` action takes the path to the file containing the fragment and the RE that will match a line in the fragment and returns the text of the fragment (wrapped in a simple styling div). %include "examples/re-include.lhs" "extract ::" And here is the scanner for recognising the literate fragments. %include "examples/re-include.lhs" "scan ::" See [examples/re-include.lhs](re-include.html) Example: literate preprocessor ------------------------------ The preprocessor that converts this literate Haskell program into a web page and a test suite that makes plenty of use of regex is in [examples/re-prep.lhs](re-prep.html). Example: gen-modules -------------------- The many TDFA and PCRE API modules (but _not_ the `RE` modules) are all generated from `Text.RE.TDFA.ByteString.Lazy` with [examples/re-gen-modules.lhs](re-gen-modules.html) which is also an application of regex. \begin{code} main :: IO () main = runTests [ evalme_TPL_00 , evalme_PMC_00 , evalme_REU_01 , evalme_OPT_01 , evalme_OPT_00 , evalme_MAC_00 , evalme_RPF_02 , evalme_RPF_01 , evalme_SOP_06 , evalme_SOP_05 , evalme_SOP_04 , evalme_SOP_03 , evalme_SOP_02 , evalme_SOP_01 , evalme_RPL_02 , evalme_RPL_01 , evalme_MLT_03 , evalme_MLT_02 , evalme_MLT_01 , evalme_SGL_02 , evalme_SGL_01 , evalme_TRD_04 , evalme_TRD_02 , evalme_TRD_01 , evalme_TRD_00 , evalme_LOA_00 ] \end{code}