Regex Cabal Gen =============== This tool generates the cabal files for the regex and regex-examples packages as well as the cabal file for the development tree (contaiing the combined targets of both packages). In addition it contains scripts for bumping the version number and generating the Hackage releases. The tool is self-testing: run it with no arguments (or `cabal test`). \begin{code} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Main (main) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS import Data.Char import Data.IORef import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import Prelude.Compat import qualified Shelly as SH import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.IO import TestKit import Text.Printf import Text.RE.TDFA.ByteString.Lazy import Text.RE.TDFA.Text as T main :: IO () main = do (pn,as) <- (,) <$> getProgName <*> getArgs case as of [] -> test ["test"] -> test ["bump-version",vrn] -> bumpVersion vrn ["sdist"] -> sdist ["gen"] -> do gen "lib/cabal-masters/mega-regex.cabal" "lib/mega-regex.cabal" gen "lib/cabal-masters/regex.cabal" "lib/regex.cabal" gen "lib/cabal-masters/regex-with-pcre.cabal" "lib/regex-with-pcre.cabal" gen "lib/cabal-masters/regex-examples.cabal" "lib/regex-examples.cabal" establish "mega-regex" "regex" _ -> do let prg = ((" "++pn++" ")++) hPutStr stderr $ unlines [ "usage:" , prg "--help" , prg "[test]" , prg "bump-version " , prg "sdist" , prg "gen" ] exitWith $ ExitFailure 1 test :: IO () test = do createDirectoryIfMissing False "tmp" gen "lib/cabal-masters/mega-regex.cabal" "tmp/mega-regex.cabal" ok <- cmp "tmp/mega-regex.cabal" "lib/mega-regex.cabal" case ok of True -> return () False -> exitWith $ ExitFailure 1 gen :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () gen in_f out_f = do ctx <- setup LBS.writeFile out_f =<< sed' (gc_script ctx) =<< substVersion_ =<< include =<< LBS.readFile in_f data Ctx = Ctx { _ctx_w_error :: IORef Bool , _ctx_filter_pcre :: IORef Bool , _ctx_package_constraints :: IORef (Map.Map LBS.ByteString LBS.ByteString) , _ctx_test_exe :: IORef (Maybe TestExe) } data TestExe = TestExe { _te_test :: Bool , _te_exe :: Bool , _te_name :: LBS.ByteString , _te_text :: LBS.ByteString } deriving (Show) setup :: IO Ctx setup = Ctx <$> (newIORef True) <*> (newIORef False) <*> (newIORef Map.empty) <*> (newIORef Nothing) gc_script :: Ctx -> SedScript RE gc_script ctx = Select [ (,) [re|^%Werror$|] $ LineEdit $ w_error_gen ctx , (,) [re|^%Wwarn$|] $ LineEdit $ w_warn_gen ctx , (,) [re|^%filter-regex-with-pcre$|] $ LineEdit $ w_filter_pcre ctx , (,) [re|^%- +${pkg}(@{%id-}) +${cond}(.*)$|] $ LineEdit $ cond_gen ctx , (,) [re|^%build-depends +${list}(@{%id-}( +@{%id-})+)$|] $ LineEdit $ build_depends_gen ctx , (,) [re|^%test +${i}(@{%id-})$|] $ LineEdit $ test_exe_gen True False ctx , (,) [re|^%exe +${i}(@{%id-})$|] $ LineEdit $ test_exe_gen False True ctx , (,) [re|^%test-exe +${i}(@{%id-})$|] $ LineEdit $ test_exe_gen True True ctx , (,) [re|^.*$|] $ LineEdit $ default_gen ctx ] w_error_gen, w_warn_gen, w_filter_pcre, cond_gen, build_depends_gen, default_gen :: Ctx -> LineNo -> Matches LBS.ByteString -> IO (LineEdit LBS.ByteString) w_error_gen Ctx{..} _ _ = writeIORef _ctx_w_error True >> return Delete w_warn_gen Ctx{..} _ _ = writeIORef _ctx_w_error False >> return Delete w_filter_pcre Ctx{..} _ _ = writeIORef _ctx_filter_pcre True >> return Delete cond_gen Ctx{..} _ mtchs = do modifyIORef _ctx_package_constraints $ Map.insert pkg cond return Delete where pkg = captureText [cp|pkg|] mtch cond = captureText [cp|cond|] mtch mtch = allMatches mtchs !! 0 build_depends_gen ctx@Ctx{..} _ mtchs = do we <- readIORef _ctx_w_error fp <- readIORef _ctx_filter_pcre mp <- readIORef _ctx_package_constraints put ctx $ mk_build_depends we fp mp lst where lst = LBS.words $ captureText [cp|list|] mtch mtch = allMatches mtchs !! 0 default_gen ctx@Ctx{..} _ mtchs = do mb <- readIORef _ctx_test_exe case mb of Nothing -> return $ ReplaceWith ln Just te -> case isSpace $ LBS.head $ ln<>"\n" of True -> put ctx ln False -> adjust_le (<>ln) <$> close_test_exe ctx te where ln = matchSource mtch mtch = allMatches mtchs !! 0 test_exe_gen :: Bool -> Bool -> Ctx -> LineNo -> Matches LBS.ByteString -> IO (LineEdit LBS.ByteString) test_exe_gen is_t is_e ctx _ mtchs = do mb <- readIORef (_ctx_test_exe ctx) le <- maybe (return Delete) (close_test_exe ctx) mb writeIORef (_ctx_test_exe ctx) $ Just $ TestExe { _te_test = is_t , _te_exe = is_e , _te_name = i , _te_text = "" } return le where i = captureText [cp|i|] mtch mtch = allMatches mtchs !! 0 close_test_exe :: Ctx -> TestExe -> IO (LineEdit LBS.ByteString) close_test_exe ctx@Ctx{..} te = do writeIORef _ctx_test_exe Nothing put ctx $ mconcat $ concat $ [ [ mk_test_exe False te "Executable" | _te_exe te ] , [ mk_test_exe True te "Test-Suite" | _te_test te ] ] put :: Ctx -> LBS.ByteString -> IO (LineEdit LBS.ByteString) put Ctx{..} lbs = do mb <- readIORef _ctx_test_exe case mb of Nothing -> return $ ReplaceWith lbs Just te -> do writeIORef _ctx_test_exe $ Just te { _te_text = _te_text te <> lbs <> "\n" } return Delete mk_test_exe :: Bool -> TestExe -> LBS.ByteString -> LBS.ByteString mk_test_exe is_t te te_lbs_kw = (<>_te_text te) $ LBS.unlines $ concat [ [ LBS.pack $ printf "%s %s" (LBS.unpack te_lbs_kw) nm ] , [ " type: exitcode-stdio-1.0" | is_t ] ] where nm = case is_t of True -> LBS.unpack $ _te_name te <> "-test" False -> LBS.unpack $ _te_name te mk_build_depends :: Bool -> Bool -> Map.Map LBS.ByteString LBS.ByteString -> [LBS.ByteString] -> LBS.ByteString mk_build_depends we fp mp pks0 = LBS.unlines $ [ " Default-Language: Haskell2010" , " GHC-Options:" , " -Wall" , " -fwarn-tabs" , " " <> w_error_or_warn , "" , " Build-depends:" ] ++ (map fmt $ zip (True : repeat False) $ L.sortBy comp pks) where w_error_or_warn = case we of True -> "-Werror" False -> "-Wwarn" pks = case fp of False -> pks0 True -> filter (/= "regex-with-pcre") pks0 fmt (isf,pk) = LBS.pack $ printf " %c %-20s %s" (if isf then ' ' else ',') (LBS.unpack pk) (maybe "" LBS.unpack $ Map.lookup pk mp) comp x y = case (x=="regex",y=="regex") of (True ,True ) -> EQ (True ,False) -> LT (False,True ) -> GT (False,False) -> case (x=="regex-with-pcre",y=="regex-with-pcre") of (True ,True ) -> EQ (True ,False) -> LT (False,True ) -> GT (False,False) -> compare x y adjust_le :: (LBS.ByteString->LBS.ByteString) -> LineEdit LBS.ByteString -> LineEdit LBS.ByteString adjust_le f le = case le of NoEdit -> error "adjust_le: not enough context" ReplaceWith lbs -> ReplaceWith $ f lbs Delete -> ReplaceWith $ f "" \end{code} \begin{code} sdist :: IO () sdist = do sdist' "regex" "lib/" sdist' "regex-with-pcre" "lib/" sdist' "regex-examples" "lib/" establish "mega-regex" "regex" vrn_t <- T.pack . presentVrn <$> readCurrentVersion smy_t <- summary SH.shelly $ SH.verbosely $ do SH.run_ "git" ["add","--all"] SH.run_ "git" ["commit","-m",vrn_t<>": "<>smy_t] SH.run_ "git" ["tag",vrn_t,"-m",smy_t] sdist' :: T.Text -> SH.FilePath -> IO () sdist' nm readme = do establish nm nm SH.shelly $ SH.verbosely $ do SH.cp readme "README.markdown" SH.run_ "stack" ["sdist","--stack-yaml","stack-8.0.yaml"] (pth,tb) <- analyse_so <$> SH.lastStderr SH.cp (SH.fromText $ pth) $ SH.fromText $ "releases/"<>tb where analyse_so so = (mtch!$$[cp|pth|],mtch!$$[cp|tb|]) where mtch = so T.?=~ [re|^.*Wrote sdist tarball to ${pth}(.*${tb}(regex-.*\.tar\.gz))$|] establish :: T.Text -> T.Text -> IO () establish nm nm' = SH.shelly $ SH.verbosely $ do SH.rm_f "mega-regex.cabal" SH.rm_f "regex-with-pcre.cabal" SH.rm_f "regex.cabal" SH.rm_f "regex-examples.cabal" SH.cp (SH.fromText sf) (SH.fromText df) where sf = "lib/"<>nm<>".cabal" df = nm'<>".cabal" summary :: IO T.Text summary = do vrn <- SH.liftIO readCurrentVersion let vrn_res = concat [ show $ _vrn_a vrn , "\\." , show $ _vrn_b vrn , "\\." , show $ _vrn_c vrn , "\\." , show $ _vrn_d vrn ] rex <- compileRegex () $ "- \\[[xX]\\] +@{%date} +v"++vrn_res++" +\\[?${smy}([^]]+)" lns <- linesMatched <$> grepLines rex "lib/md/" case lns of [Line _ (Matches _ [mtch])] -> return $ TE.decodeUtf8 $ LBS.toStrict $ mtch !$$ [cp|smy|] _ -> error "failed to locate the summary text in the roadmap" \end{code} let vrn_res = concat [ show $ _vrn_a vrn, "\\.", show $ _vrn_b vrn, "\\.", show $ _vrn_c vrn, "\\.", show $ _vrn_d vrn ]