module Text.Regex.Do.TypeDo where

import Text.Regex.Base.RegexLike as R
import Text.Regex.Do.TypeRegex
import Data.ByteString

-- pcre
newtype GroupReplacer b = GroupReplacer (MatchArray -> ReplaceAcc b -> ReplaceAcc b) -- MatchArray -> acc -> acc

data ReplaceAcc b = ReplaceAcc {
    acc::b,   -- ^ content with some replacements made
    pos_adj::Int    {- ^ position adjustment: group replacement length may differ from replaced text length -}

-- | Needle
data Pattern a = Pattern a  deriving (Functor)          -- Bs, String, RegexPcre

-- | Haystack
data Body b = Body b deriving (Functor)                -- Bs, String

data Replacement r = Replacement r deriving (Functor)     --    Bs, String

-- | Offset, Length
type PosLen = (MatchOffset, MatchLength)

data ReplaceCase = Once     -- ^ may be omitted
                | All       -- ^ if both Once and All are passed, All prevails
                | Utf8
                | Multiline deriving Eq

type Opt_ a = R.RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption a
type Rx_ a b = (Regex_ a, R.Extract b, R.RegexLike Regex b)

class Regex_ a where
   r_::Pattern a -> Regex

instance Regex_ ByteString where
   r_ (Pattern p0) = R.makeRegex p0

instance Regex_ String where
   r_ (Pattern p0) = R.makeRegex p0

instance Regex_ Regex where
   r_ (Pattern p0) = p0