> {- By Kenny Zhuo Ming Lu and Martin Sulzmann, 2013, BSD License -} A bytestring implementation of reg exp pattern matching using partial derivative / derivative The POSIX matching policy is implemented by following the 'structure' of the reg-exp. The pattern is follow annotated. We do not break part the sub-pattern of the original reg, they are always grouped under the same var pattern. > {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, > BangPatterns, > FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleContexts #-} > module Text.Regex.Deriv.ByteString.Posix > ( Regex > , CompOption(..) > , ExecOption(..) > , defaultCompOpt > , defaultExecOpt > , compile > , execute > , regexec > ) where > import System.IO.Unsafe > import Data.List > import Data.Char (ord) > import GHC.Int > import GHC.Arr > import qualified Data.IntMap as IM > import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S > import qualified Data.Map as M > import Control.Monad > import Text.Regex.Base(RegexOptions(..),RegexLike(..),MatchArray) > import Text.Regex.Deriv.RE > import Text.Regex.Deriv.Common (IsPhi(..), IsEpsilon(..)) > import Text.Regex.Deriv.Pretty (Pretty(..)) > import Text.Regex.Deriv.Common (Range(..), Letter, PosEpsilon(..), my_hash, my_lookup, GFlag(..), IsGreedy(..), preBinder, subBinder, mainBinder) > import Text.Regex.Deriv.IntPattern (Pat(..), toBinder, Binder(..), strip, listifyBinder, Key(..)) > import Text.Regex.Deriv.Parse > import qualified Text.Regex.Deriv.Dictionary as D (Dictionary(..), Key(..), insertNotOverwrite, lookupAll, empty, isIn, nub, member, lookup, insert) > logger io = unsafePerformIO io > type SRange = (Int,[Range]) > type CarryForward = IM.IntMap [Range] -- we only keep the first choice (i.e. the posix) hence it is always mapping one variable to one env > emptyCF = IM.empty > combineCF :: CarryForward -> CarryForward -> CarryForward > combineCF cf1 cf2 = IM.foldWithKey (\k r cf -> cf `seq` k `seq` r `seq` updateIfExist k r cf) cf2 cf1 > > updateIfExist :: IM.Key -> [Range] -> CarryForward -> CarryForward > updateIfExist k !r !cf = > case IM.lookup k cf of > { Just !r' -> IM.update (\_ -> Just (combineRange r r')) k cf > ; Nothing -> IM.insert k r cf } > combineRange :: [Range] -> [Range] -> [Range] > combineRange [] rs2 = rs2 > combineRange rs1 [] = rs1 > combineRange ((r1@(Range b1 e1)):rs1) ((r2@(Range b2 e2)):rs2) > | b1 == b2 && e1 >= e2 = -- keeping all the discontinuated binding of p* > {- > let rs = combineRange rs1 rs2 > in rs `seq` (r1:rs) > -} > -- keeping only the last binding > [r1] > | b1 == b2 && e2 >= e1 = -- keeping all the discontinuated binding of p* > {- > let rs = combineRange rs1 rs2 > in rs `seq` (r2:rs) > -} > -- keeping only the last binding > [r2] > | b1 == e2+1 = -- keeping all the discontinuated binding of p* > {- let r = Range b2 e1 > rs = combineRange rs1 rs2 > in r `seq` rs `seq` (r:rs) > -} > -- keeping only the last binding > [r1] > | b2 == e1+1 = -- keeping all the discontinuated binding of p* > {- let r = Range b1 e2 > rs = combineRange rs1 rs2 > in r `seq` rs `seq` (r:rs) > -} > -- keeping only the last binding > [r2] > | b1 > e2+1 = -- keeping all the discontinuated binding of p* > {- -- (Range b2 e2):(combineRange (r1:rs1) rs2) > let rs1' = (r1:rs1) > rs = rs1' `seq` combineRange rs1' rs2 > in rs `seq` (r2:rs) -} > -- keeping only the last binding > [r1] > | b2 > e1+1 = -- keeping all the discontinuated binding of p* > {- -- (Range b1 e1):(combineRange rs1 (r2:rs2)) > let rs2' = r2:rs2 > rs = rs2' `seq` combineRange rs1 rs2' > in rs `seq` (r1:rs) -} > -- keeping only the last binding > [r2] > | otherwise = [r1] -- IMPORTANT: the application of combineCF cf1 cf2 always maintain the order where cf1 is the left most choice > {- | b1 >= b2 && e1 <= e2 = [r2] > | b2 >= b1 && e2 <= e1 = [r1] > | otherwise = error $ "unhandle combineRange:" ++ show (r1:rs1) ++ " vs " ++ show (r2:rs2) -} > combineCFs :: [CarryForward] -> CarryForward > combineCFs cfs = foldl' (\cf1 cf2 -> cf1 `combineCF` cf2) emptyCF cfs > insertCF :: SRange -> CarryForward -> CarryForward > insertCF (x,r) cf = IM.insert x r cf > data SBinder = SChoice [SBinder] CarryForward > | SPair SBinder SBinder CarryForward > | SVar SRange SBinder CarryForward > | SStar CarryForward -- no need to store any SBinder, but > | SRE CarryForward > deriving Show > toSBinder :: Pat -> SBinder > toSBinder (PVar x w p) = SVar (x,[]) (toSBinder p) emptyCF > toSBinder (PE rs) = SRE emptyCF > toSBinder (PStar p g) = SStar emptyCF > toSBinder (PPair p1 p2) = SPair (toSBinder p1) (toSBinder p2) emptyCF > toSBinder (PChoice ps g) = SChoice (map toSBinder ps) emptyCF The invariance: The shapes of the input/output Pat and SBinder should be identical. > dPat0 :: Pat -> Char -> [(Pat, Int -> SBinder -> SBinder)] -- the result is always singleton or empty > dPat0 y@(PVar x w p) l = > do { (!p',!f) <- dPat0 p l > ; let f' !i !sb = {-# SCC "dPat0/f0" #-} case sb of > { SVar (!v,!r) !sb' !cf -> let sb'' = {-# SCC "dPat0/f0/sb''" #-} f i sb' > r' = {-# SCC "dPat0/f0/updateRange" #-} updateRange i r > r'' = {-# SCC "dPat0/f0/updateRange2" #-} r' `seq` r' > in {-# SCC "dPat0/f0/in" #-} sb'' `seq` r'' `seq` {-# SCC "dPat0/f0/in2" #-} SVar (v, r') sb'' cf > -- ; senv -> error $ "invariance is broken: " ++ show y ++ " vs " ++ show senv > } > ; (!p'',!f'') <- {-# SCC "dPat0/simpFix0" #-} simpFix (PVar x w p') > ; if {-# SCC "dPat0/eq" #-} (p'' == (PVar x w p')) > then return (PVar x w p', f') > else return (p'', (\i sb -> {-# SCC "dPat0/f0'" #-} > let sb' = sb `seq` i `seq` f' i sb > in sb' `seq` (f'' i sb'))) > } > dPat0 (PE rs) l = > let pds' = (concatMap (\r -> partDeriv r l) rs) > pds = pds' `seq` nub pds' > in pds `seq` > if null pds then mzero > else return (PE pds, (\_ !sb -> {-# SCC "dPat0/id0" #-} sb) ) > dPat0 (PStar p g) l = > do { (!p', !f) <- dPat0 p l > ; let emp = toSBinder p > ; emp `seq` > return (PPair p' (PStar p g), (\i sb -> {-# SCC "dPat0/f1" #-} i `seq` sb `seq` > case sb of { SStar !cf -> let sb' = f i emp > in sb' `seq` > SPair sb' sb cf} ) ) > } > dPat0 (PPair !p1 !p2) l > | (posEpsilon (strip p1)) = > let pf1 = dPat0 p1 l > pf2 = dPat0 p2 l > in case (pf1, pf2) of > { ([], []) -> mzero > ; ([], [(!p2',!f2')]) -> > let rm = extract p1 > f !i !sb = {-# SCC "dPat0/f3" #-} case sb of > { SPair !sb1 !sb2 !cf -> > let sb1' = {-# SCC "dPat0/f3/rm" #-}rm sb1 > cf' = {-# SCC "dPat0/f3/cf'" #-}sb1' `seq` combineCF sb1' cf > sb2' = {-# SCC "dPat0/f3/sb2'" #-}f2' i sb2 > in cf' `seq` sb2' `seq` {-# SCC "dPat0/f3/carryForward" #-} carryForward cf' sb2' } > in do { (!p2'',!f2'') <- simpFix p2' > ; if p2'' == p2' > then return (p2', f) > else return (p2'', \i sb -> {-# SCC "dPat0/f4" #-} > let sb' = i `seq` sb `seq` f i sb > in sb' `seq` (f2'' i sb')) > } > ; ([(!p1',!f1')], []) -> -- todo > let f !i !sb = case sb of > { SPair !sb1 !sb2 !cf -> {-# SCC "dPat0/f5" #-} > let sb1' = f1' i sb1 > in sb1' `seq` > SPair sb1' sb2 cf } > in do { (!p1'',!f1'') <- simpFix (PPair p1' p2) > ; if (p1'' == (PPair p1' p2)) > then return (PPair p1' p2, f) > else return (p1'', \i sb -> {-# SCC "dPat0/f6" #-} > let sb' = i `seq` sb `seq` f i sb > in sb' `seq` (f1'' i sb')) > } > ; _ | isGreedy p1 -> do > { (!p1',!f1) <- dPat0 p1 l > ; (!p2',!f2) <- dPat0 p2 l > ; let rm = extract p1 > f !i !sb = {-# SCC "dPat0/f7" #-} case sb of > { SPair !sb1 !sb2 !cf -> > let sb1' = {-# SCC "dPat0/f7/rm" #-} rm sb1 > sb1'' = {-# SCC "dPat0/f7/f1" #-} f1 i sb1 > cf' = {-# SCC "dPat0/f7/combineCF" #-}sb1' `seq` sb1' `combineCF` cf > sb2' = {-# SCC "dPat0/f7/f2" #-}f2 i sb2 > sb2'' = {-# SCC "dPat0/f7/carryForward" #-}sb2' `seq` cf' `seq` carryForward cf' sb2' > in {-# SCC "dPat0/f7/in" #-} sb1'' `seq` cf `seq` sb2 `seq` sb2'' `seq` SChoice [ SPair sb1'' sb2 cf, sb2'' ] emptyCF } > ; (!p',!f') <- simpFix (PChoice [PPair p1' p2, p2'] Greedy) > ; if (p' == (PChoice [PPair p1' p2, p2'] Greedy)) > then return (PChoice [PPair p1' p2, p2'] Greedy, f) > else return (p', \i sb -> {-# SCC "dPat0/f8" #-} > let sb' = i `seq` sb `seq` f i sb > in sb' `seq` (f' i sb')) > } > | otherwise -> do > { (!p1',!f1) <- dPat0 p1 l > ; (!p2',!f2) <- dPat0 p2 l > ; let rm = extract p1 > f !i !sb = {-# SCC "dPat0/f9" #-} case sb of > { SPair !sb1 !sb2 !cf -> > let sb1' = rm sb1 > sb2' = f2 i sb2 > cf1' = sb1' `seq` cf `seq` > sb1' `combineCF` cf > sb1'' = f1 i sb1 > sb2'' = cf1' `seq` sb2' `seq` carryForward cf1' sb2' > in sb2'' `seq` sb1'' `seq` sb2 `seq` > SChoice [sb2'', SPair sb1'' sb2 cf ] emptyCF } > ; (!p',!f') <- simpFix (PChoice [p2' , PPair p1' p2] Greedy) > ; if (p' == (PChoice [p2' , PPair p1' p2] Greedy)) > then return (PChoice [p2' , PPair p1' p2] Greedy, f) > else return (p', \i sb -> {-# SCC "dPat0/f10" #-} let sb' = i `seq` sb `seq` f i sb > in sb' `seq` (f' i sb')) > } > } > | otherwise = > do { (!p1',!f1) <- dPat0 p1 l > ; let f !i !sb = {-# SCC "dPat0/f11" #-} case sb of { SPair !sb1 !sb2 !cf -> > let sb1' = f1 i sb1 > in sb1' `seq` sb2 `seq` SPair sb1' sb2 cf } > ; (!p',!f') <- simpFix (PPair p1' p2) > ; if (p' == (PPair p1' p2)) > then return (PPair p1' p2, f) > else return (p', \i sb -> {-# SCC "dPat0/f12" #-} > let sb' = i `seq` sb `seq` f i sb > in sb' `seq` (f' i sb')) > } > dPat0 (PChoice [] g) l = mzero > dPat0 y@(PChoice [!p] g) l = do > { (!p',!f') <- dPat0 p l > ; let f !i !sb = {-# SCC "dPat0/f13" #-} > case sb of { SChoice [!sb'] !cf -> let sb'' = (f' i sb') in sb'' `seq` carryForward cf sb'' > ; senv -> error $ "invariance is broken: " ++ pretty y ++ " vs " ++ show senv > } > ; (!p'',!f'') <- simpFix p' > ; if (p'' == p') > then return (p', f) > else return (p'', \i sb -> {-# SCC "dPat0/f14" #-} > let sb' = i `seq` sb `seq` f i sb > in sb' `seq` (f'' i sb')) > } > dPat0 (PChoice !ps g) l = > let pfs = map (\p -> p `seq` dPat0 p l) ps > nubPF :: [[(Pat, Int -> SBinder -> SBinder)]] -> [(Pat, Int -> SBinder -> SBinder)] > nubPF pfs = nub2Choice pfs M.empty > in do > { (!p,!f) <- pfs `seq` nubPF pfs > ; (!p',!f') <- simpFix p > ; if (p' == p) > then return (p, f) > else return (p', \i sb -> {-# SCC "dPat0/f15" #-} > let sb' = i `seq` sb `seq` f i sb > in sb' `seq` (f' i sb')) > } nub2Choice: turns a list of pattern x coercion pairs into a pchoice and a func, duplicate patterns (hence conflicting matches) are removed. e.g. *Text.Regex.Deriv.ByteString.Posix> matchInner [(testp, toSBinder testp)] (zip "ABAA" [1..]) [((0:(1:(2:(3:({(9:|[([<'A','C'>,'C'])]|),(9:|['C']|)}))))), SVar (0,[Range 1 4]) (SVar (1,[Range 1 4]) (SVar (2,[Range 1 4]) (SVar (3,[Range 1 4]) (SChoice [SVar (9,[]) (SRE (fromList [])) (fromList [(5,[Range 1 4]),(7,[Range 1 1]),(8,[Range 2 4])]) ,SVar (9,[Range 4 4]) (SRE (fromList [])) (fromList [(5,[Range 1 3]),(7,[Range 1 2]),(8,[Range 3 3])])] (fromList [])) (fromList [])) (fromList [])) (fromList [])) (fromList []))] We match one more C, The intermediate step was [((0:(1:(2:(3:({(9:|[([<>]|),(9:|[<>]|)}))))), SVar (0,[Range 1 4]) (SVar (1,[Range 1 4]) (SVar (2,[Range 1 4]) (SVar (3,[Range 1 4]) (SChoice [SVar (9,[Range 5 5]) (SRE (fromList [])) (fromList [(5,[Range 1 4]),(7,[Range 1 1]),(8,[Range 2 4])]) ,SVar (9,[Range 4 5]) (SRE (fromList [])) (fromList [(5,[Range 1 3]),(7,[Range 1 2]),(8,[Range 3 3])])] (fromList [])) (fromList [])) (fromList [])) (fromList [])) (fromList []))] *Text.Regex.Deriv.ByteString.Posix> matchInner [(testp, toSBinder testp)] (zip "ABAAC" [1..]) [((0:(1:(2:(3:(9:|[<>]|))))), SVar (0,[Range 1 5]) (SVar (1,[Range 1 5]) (SVar (2,[Range 1 5]) (SVar (3,[Range 1 5]) (SVar (9,[Range 5 5]) (SRE (fromList [])) (fromList [(5,[Range 1 4]),(7,[Range 1 1]),(8,[Range 2 4])])) (fromList [])) (fromList [])) (fromList [])) (fromList []))] The first arg is a list of list of pair, because of the list monad generated by dPat0, each non-empty sub list is a singleton list. The resulting func accept a SChoice pattern (cf to the input list of pattern). ----------------------------------- {}, d |-nub PChoice {}, \i -> id pfs .... todo -------------------------------------------- {[]}\cup pfs , d |-nub PChoice {}, \i -> id > nub2Choice :: [[(Pat, Int -> SBinder -> SBinder)]] -> M.Map Pat (Int -> SBinder -> SBinder) -> [(Pat, Int -> SBinder -> SBinder)] -- the return type is a singleton list. > nub2Choice [] pDict = return (PChoice [] Greedy, (\i !sb -> {-# SCC "nubChoice/id0" #-} sb )) -- the base case is the identity > nub2Choice ([]:pfs) pDict = do > { (PChoice !ps !g, !f'') <- nub2Choice pfs pDict > ; let f' !i !sb = {-# SCC "nub2Choice/f1" #-} case sb of > { SChoice (s:ss) !cf -> ss `seq` > f'' i $! (SChoice ss cf) > ; _ -> error "nub2Choice coercion is applied to a non SChoice" > } > ; return (PChoice ps g, f') > } > nub2Choice ([(!p,!f)]:pfs) !pDict -- recall the invarance of nub2Choice and dPat0, the return value of f shares the same shape of p > | isPhi (strip p) || {-# SCC "nub2Choice/member" #-} p `M.member` pDict = do -- simplification > { (PChoice !ps !g, !f'') <- nub2Choice pfs pDict > ; let f' !i !sb = {-# SCC "nub2Choice/f2" #-} case sb of > { SChoice (s:ss) !cf -> ss `seq` > f'' i $! (SChoice ss cf) > ; _ -> error "nub2Choice coercion is applied to a non SChoice" > } > ; return (PChoice ps g, f') > } > | otherwise = > case p of > { PChoice !ps' !g' -> do > { let fs' :: [Int -> SBinder -> SBinder] > fs' = repeat (\i !sb -> {-# SCC "nubChoice/id1" #-} sb ) -- identity functions > pfs' = zip ps' fs' > pfs'' = pfs' `seq` map (\x -> [x]) pfs' > pfs''' = pfs'' `seq` pfs'' ++ pfs > --; (p', f'') <- nub2Choice ((map (\x -> [x]) (zip ps' fs'))++pfs) pDict > ; (!p', !f'') <- pfs''' `seq` nub2Choice pfs''' pDict > ; let f' !i !sb = {-# SCC "nub2Choice/f3" #-} case sb of > { (SChoice (s:ss) !cf) -> s `seq` ss `seq` > case (f i s) of > { SChoice !ss'' !cf' -> let ss''' = map (\x -> x `seq` carryForward cf' x) ss'' > ss'''' = ss''' `seq` (ss''' ++ ss) > in ss'''' `seq` f'' i $ (SChoice ss'''' cf) > ; _ -> error "nub2Choice coercion is applied to a non SChoice" } > ; _ -> error "nub2Choice coercion is applied to a non SChoice" } > ; return (p', f') > } > ; _ -> > do > { let pDict' = M.insert p f pDict > ; (PChoice !ps !g, !f'') <- pfs `seq` pDict' `seq` nub2Choice pfs pDict' > ; let f' !i !sb = {-# SCC "nub2Choice/f4" #-} case sb of > { SChoice (s:ss) !cf -> s `seq` ss `seq` > let (SChoice !ss' !cf') = f'' i $ (SChoice ss cf) > s' = f i s > ss'' = s' `seq` ss' `seq` (s':ss') > in ss'' `seq` cf' `seq` SChoice ss'' cf' > ; _ -> error "nub2Choice coercion is applied to a non SChoice" > } > ; let ps' = (p:ps) > ; ps' `seq` return (PChoice ps' g, f') > } > } simplification > simpFix :: Pat -> [(Pat, Int -> SBinder -> SBinder)] > simpFix p = simp p -- simpFix' p (\i -> id) -- simpfix' seems not neccessary > simpFix' p f = > case simp p of > { [] -> [] > ; [(!p',!f')] -> > if p' == p > then [(p,f)] > else simpFix' p' (\i sb -> let sb' = i `seq` sb `seq` f i sb > in sb' `seq` (f' i sb)) > } invariance: input / outoput of Int -> SBinder -> SBinder agree with simp's Pat input/ output > simp :: Pat -> [(Pat, Int -> SBinder -> SBinder)] -- the output list is singleton > simp (PVar !x w !p) = do > { (!p',!f') <- simp p > ; case p' of > { _ | p == p' -> return (PVar x w p,\_ !sb -> {-# SCC "simp/id0" #-} sb) > | isPhi (strip p') -> mzero > | otherwise -> let f i sb = {-# SCC "simp/f0" #-} i `seq` sb `seq` case sb of > { SVar !vr !sb' !cf -> let sb'' = f' i sb' > in sb'' `seq` SVar vr sb'' cf > } > in return (PVar x w p', f) > } > } > simp y@(PPair !p1 !p2) = do > { (!p1',!f1') <- simp p1 > ; (!p2',!f2') <- simp p2 > ; case (p1',p2') of > { _ | isPhi p1' || isPhi p2' -> mzero > | isEpsilon p1' -> > let !rm = extract p1 > f !i !sb = {-# SCC "simp/f1" #-} case sb of > { SPair !sb1 !sb2 !cf -> let cf' = {-# SCC "simp/f1/rm" #-} rm sb1 > cf'' = {-# SCC "simp/f1/combineCF" #-} cf' `seq` cf' `combineCF` cf > sb2' = {-# SCC "simp/f1/f2'" #-}sb2 `seq` f2' i sb2 > in {-# SCC "simp/f1/in" #-} cf'' `seq` sb2' `seq` carryForward cf'' sb2' } > in return (p2',f) > | isEpsilon p2' -> > let !rm = extract p2 > f !i !sb = {-# SCC "simp/f2" #-} case sb of > { SPair !sb1 !sb2 !cf -> let cf' = rm sb2 > cf'' = cf' `seq` (cf' `combineCF` cf) > sb1' = f1' i sb1 > in cf'' `seq` sb1' `seq` carryForward cf'' sb1' } > in return (p1',f) > | otherwise -> > let f !i !sb = {-# SCC "simp/f3" #-} case sb of > { SPair !sb1 !sb2 !cf -> let sb1' = (f1' i sb1) > sb2' = (f2' i sb2) > in sb1' `seq` sb2' `seq` SPair sb1' sb2' cf > ; senv -> error $ "invariance broken: " ++ pretty y ++ " vs " ++ show senv } > in return (PPair p1' p2', f) > } > } > simp (PChoice [] g) = mzero > simp (PChoice [!p] !g) = do > { (!p',!f') <- simp p > ; if isPhi p' > then mzero > else > let f !i !sb = {-# SCC "simp/f4" #-} > case sb of { SChoice [!sb'] !cf -> let sb'' = f' i sb' > in sb'' `seq` carryForward cf sb'' } > in return (p',f) > } > simp (PChoice !ps !g) = > let pfs = map simp ps > nubPF :: [[(Pat, Int -> SBinder -> SBinder)]] -> [(Pat, Int -> SBinder -> SBinder)] > nubPF pfs = nub2Choice pfs M.empty > in pfs `seq` nubPF pfs > simp p = return (p,\_ !sb -> {-# SCC "simp/id1" #-} sb) > carryForward :: CarryForward -> SBinder -> SBinder > carryForward sr (SVar (v, r) sb' cf) = let cf' = combineCF cf sr > in cf' `seq` SVar (v, r) sb' cf' > carryForward sr (SRE cf) = let cf' = combineCF cf sr in cf' `seq` SRE cf' > carryForward sr (SStar cf) = let cf' = combineCF cf sr in cf' `seq` SStar cf' > carryForward sr (SPair sb1 sb2 cf) = let cf' = combineCF cf sr in cf' `seq` SPair sb1 sb2 cf' > carryForward sr (SChoice sbs cf) = let cf' = combineCF cf sr in cf' `seq` SChoice sbs cf' > carryForward sr sb2 = error ("trying to carry forward into a non-annotated pattern binder " ++ (show sb2)) > instance Ord Pat where > compare (PVar x1 _ p1) (PVar x2 _ p2) > | x1 == x2 = compare p1 p2 > | otherwise = compare x1 x2 > compare (PE r1) (PE r2) = compare r1 r2 > compare (PStar p1 _) (PStar p2 _) = compare p1 p2 > compare (PPair p1 p2) (PPair p3 p4) = let r = compare p1 p3 in case r of > { EQ -> compare p2 p4 > ; _ -> r } > compare (PChoice ps1 _) (PChoice ps2 _) = > compare ps1 ps2 > compare p1 p2 = compare (assignInt p1) (assignInt p2) > where assignInt (PVar _ _ _) = 0 > assignInt (PE _) = 1 > assignInt (PStar _ _) = 2 > assignInt (PPair _ _) = 3 > assignInt (PChoice _ _) = 4 extract a carry forward from the sbinder > extract :: Pat -> SBinder -> CarryForward > extract (PVar !x w !p) (SVar (_,!b) !sb !cf) > | posEpsilon (strip p) = let cf' = extract p sb > cf'' = cf' `seq` insertCF (x,b) cf' > in cf'' `seq` (cf'' `combineCF` cf) > | otherwise = IM.empty -- cf? > extract (PE rs) (SRE !cf) = cf > extract (PStar p g) (SStar !cf) = cf > extract (PPair !p1 !p2) (SPair !sb1 !sb2 !cf) = let cf1 = (extract p1 sb1) > cf2 = (extract p2 sb2) > cf' = cf1 `seq` cf2 `seq` (combineCF cf1 cf2) > in cf' `seq` (cf' `combineCF` cf) > extract (PChoice !ps !g) (SChoice !sbs !cf) = let psbs = zip ps sbs > cf' = psbs `seq` (combineCFs $! map (\(!p,!sb) -> extract p sb) psbs) > in cf' `seq` (cf' `combineCF` cf) > extract p sb = error $ "Error: trying to extract" ++ (show sb) ++ " from " ++ (show p) > updateRange :: Int -> [Range] -> [Range] > updateRange !pos (rs_@((Range !b !e):rs)) = > let e' = e + 1 > in e' `seq` case e' of > _ | pos == e' -> let r = Range b e' in r `seq` rs `seq` (r:rs) > | pos > e' -> -- keeping all the discontinuated binding of p* > -- let r = Range pos pos in r `seq` (r:rs_) > -- only keep the last binding > let r = Range pos pos in r `seq` [r] > | otherwise -> error "impossible, the current letter position is smaller than the last recorded letter" > updateRange !pos [] = let r = Range pos pos in r `seq` [r] > matchInner :: [(Pat, SBinder)] -> [(Char,Int)] -> [(Pat, SBinder)] > matchInner pb [] = pb > matchInner pb (l:ls) = > do { (p,sb) <- pb > ; (p',f) <- dPat0 p (fst l) > ; matchInner [(p', f (snd l) sb)] ls > } > type Env = [SRange] > match :: Pat -> [Char] -> [Env] > match p w = do { (p',sb) <- matchInner [(p, toSBinder p)] (zip w [1..]) > ; sbinderToEnv p' sb } > posixMatch :: Pat -> [Char] -> Maybe Env > posixMatch p w = case match p w of > { (e:_) -> Just e ; _ -> Nothing } > match2 :: (Pat,FollowBy,IM.IntMap()) -> [Char] -> [MatchArray] > match2 (p,fb,posixBinder) w = > map (\env -> sbinderToMatchArray (length w) fb posixBinder (IM.fromList env)) (match p w) get all envs from the sbinder > sbinderToEnv :: Pat -> SBinder -> [Env] > sbinderToEnv p sb = > let cfs = {-# SCC "sbinderToEnv/sbinderToEnv'" #-} sbinderToEnv' p sb > in map IM.toList cfs > sbinderToEnv' :: Pat -> SBinder -> [CarryForward] > sbinderToEnv' _ (SChoice [] _) = [] > sbinderToEnv' (PChoice (p:ps) g) (SChoice (sb:sbs) cf) > | posEpsilon (strip p) = > do { cf' <- sbinderToEnv' p sb > ; cf `seq` cf' `seq` return (combineCF cf cf') } > | otherwise = sbinderToEnv' (PChoice ps g) (SChoice sbs cf) > sbinderToEnv' (PPair p1 p2) (SPair sb1 sb2 cf) = > do { cf1 <- sbinderToEnv' p1 sb1 > ; cf2 <- sbinderToEnv' p2 sb2 > ; cf1 `seq` cf2 `seq` cf `seq` return (combineCFs [cf1,cf2,cf]) } > sbinderToEnv' (PVar x _ p) (SVar sr sb cf) > | posEpsilon (strip p) = do { cf' <- sbinderToEnv' p sb > ; let cf'' = cf' `seq` sr `seq` insertCF sr cf' > ; cf `seq` cf'' `seq` return (cf `combineCF` cf'') } > | otherwise = [] > sbinderToEnv' (PStar _ _) (SStar cf) = return cf > sbinderToEnv' (PE _) (SRE cf) = return cf > sbinderToEnv' p sb = error $ (pretty p) ++ " and " ++ (show sb) > type DfaTable = IM.IntMap (Int, Int -> SBinder -> SBinder, SBinder -> [Env]) > compilePat :: Pat -> (DfaTable,SBinder, SBinder -> [Env], [Int]) > compilePat p = let (t, sb, toEnv, finals) = buildDfaTable p > in (t, sb, toEnv, finals) > buildDfaTable :: Pat -> (DfaTable, SBinder, SBinder -> [Env], [Int]) > buildDfaTable p = > let sig = sigmaRE (strip p) > init_dict = M.insert p 0 M.empty > (delta, mapping) = {-# SCC "buildDfaTable/builder" #-} builder sig [] init_dict 0 [p] -- 0 is already used by p > delta' = delta > table = {-# SCC "buildDfaTable/table" #-} IM.fromList (map (\ (s,c,d,f,sb2env) -> (my_hash s c, (d,f,sb2env))) delta') > finals = [] -- final is not needed, see the Arg below -- map snd (filter (\(p,i) -> posEpsilon $! strip p) ( M.toList mapping)) > in (table, toSBinder p, sbinderToEnv p, finals) testing > testp = > -- let (Right (pp,posixBnd)) = parsePatPosix "(...?.?)*" > -- let (Right (pp,posixBnd)) = parsePatPosix "^(((A|AB)(BAA|A))(AC|C))$" > -- let (Right (pp,posixBnd)) = parsePatPosix "^((A)|(AB)|(B))*$" > let (Right (pp,posixBnd)) = parsePatPosix "^((a)|(bcdef)|(g)|(ab)|(c)|(d)|(e)|(efg)|(fg))*$"-- "X(.?){1,8}Y" > in pp > testp2 = > let (Right (pp,posixBnd)) = parsePatPosix "^(((A|AB)(BAA|A))(AC|C))$" -- "^((A)|(AB)|(B))*$" -- "^((a)|(bcdef)|(g)|(ab)|(c)|(d)|(e)|(efg)|(fg))*$"-- "X(.?){1,8}Y" > fb = followBy pp > in (pp,fb,posixBnd) let sig = sigmaRE (strip testp) let init_dict = M.insert testp (0::Int) M.empty let (delta, mapping) = builder sig [] init_dict (0::Int) [testp] let (allStates, delta, mapping) = builder sig [] [] init_dict (0::Int) [testp] mapM_ (\p -> putStrLn (show p)) (sort allStates) > builder :: [Char] > -> [ (Int,Char,Int,Int -> SBinder -> SBinder, SBinder -> [Env] ) ] > -> M.Map Pat Int > -> Int > -> [Pat] > -> ([ (Int,Char,Int,Int -> SBinder -> SBinder, SBinder -> [Env] ) ], M.Map Pat Int) > builder sig acc_delta dict max_id curr_pats > | null curr_pats = (acc_delta, dict) > | otherwise = > let > new_delta = {-# SCC "builder/new_delta" #-} [ p `seq` p' `seq` l `seq` f' `seq` g `seq` (p,l,p',f',g) | p <- curr_pats, > l <- sig, (p',f') <- {-# SCC "builder/dPat0" #-} dPat0 p l, let g = sbinderToEnv p' ] > new_pats = {-# SCC "builder/new_pats" #-} D.nub [ p' | (p,l,p',f',g) <- new_delta, not (p' `M.member` dict) ] > (dict',max_id') = {-# SCC "builder/dict'" #-} foldl' (\(d,id) p -> (M.insert p (id+1) d, id + 1)) (dict,max_id) new_pats > acc_delta_next = {-# SCC "builder/acc_delta_next" #-} acc_delta ++ (map (\(p,l,p',f,g) -> (getId dict' p, l, getId dict' p', f, g)) new_delta) > in {- io `seq` -} builder sig acc_delta_next dict' max_id' new_pats > where getId :: M.Map Pat Int -> Pat -> Int > getId m p = {-# SCC "getId/M.lookup" #-} case M.lookup p m of > { Just i -> i > ; Nothing -> error "getId failed: this should not happen" } > type Word = S.ByteString > execDfa :: Int -> DfaTable -> Word -> [(Int, SBinder, SBinder -> [Env])] -> [(Int,SBinder, SBinder -> [Env])] -- the list is always singleton, since it is a dfa > execDfa cnt dfaTable w' [] = [] > execDfa cnt dfaTable w' currDfaStateSBinders = > case {-# SCC "execDfa/uncons" #-} S.uncons w' of > Nothing -> currDfaStateSBinders > Just (l,w) -> > let ((i,sb,_):_) = {-# SCC "execDfa/currDfaStateSBinders" #-} currDfaStateSBinders > k = {-# SCC "execDfa/my_hash" #-} my_hash i l > in case {-# SCC "execDfa/IM.lookup" #-} IM.lookup k dfaTable of > { Nothing -> [] -- error (" k not found " ++ show i ++ " " ++ show l) > ; Just (j, f, sb2env) -> > let sb' = {-# SCC "execDfa/compute_sb" #-} {- cnt `seq` -} sb `seq` f cnt sb > nextDfaStateSBinders = {-# SCC "execDfa/nextDfaStateSBinders" #-} j `seq` sb' `seq` sb2env `seq` > [(j, sb',sb2env)] > cnt' = {-# SCC "execDfa/cnt'" #-} cnt + 1 > in nextDfaStateSBinders `seq` cnt' `seq` w `seq` > execDfa cnt' dfaTable w nextDfaStateSBinders > } x0 :: (x1 :: ( x2 :: (ab|a), x3 :: (baa|a)), x4 :: (ac|c)) > execPatMatch :: (DfaTable, SBinder, SBinder -> [Env], [Int], FollowBy, IM.IntMap ()) -> Word -> Maybe Env > execPatMatch (dt, init_sbinder, init_sb2env, finals, _, posixBinder) w = > let r = {-# SCC "execDfa" #-} dt `seq` execDfa 0 dt w [(0, init_sbinder, init_sb2env)] > in case r of > { [] -> Nothing > ; ((i,sb,sb2env):_) -> case (sb2env sb) of > -- Arg: why not i `elem` finals? > -- No, we don't need to, because if the var pattern is not empty, the binding will not be extracted into the environment see sbinderToEnv > { [] -> Nothing > ; (e:_) -> let e' = filter (\(x,_) -> x `IM.notMember` posixBinder) e > in Just e' > } } > p4 = PVar 0 [] (PPair (PVar 1 [] ((PPair p_x p_y))) p_z) > where p_x = PVar 2 [] (PE [(Choice [(L 'A'),(Seq (L 'A') (L 'B'))] Greedy)]) > p_y = PVar 3 [] (PE [(Choice [(Seq (L 'B') (Seq (L 'A') (L 'A'))), (L 'A')] Greedy)]) > p_z = PVar 4 [] (PE [(Choice [(Seq (L 'A') (L 'C')), (L 'C')] Greedy)]) x0 :: ( x1 :: ( x2 :: (x3:: a | x4 :: ab) | x5 :: b)* ) > p3 = PVar 0 [] (PStar ( PVar 1 [] ( PChoice [(PVar 2 [] (PChoice [p3,p4] Greedy)), p5] Greedy)) Greedy) > where p3 = PVar 3 [] (PE [(L 'A')]) > p4 = PVar 4 [] (PE [(Seq (L 'A') (L 'B'))]) > p5 = PVar 5 [] (PE [(L 'B')]) > -- | The Deriv backend spepcific 'Regex' type > -- | the IntMap keeps track of the auxillary binder generated because of posix matching, i.e. all sub expressions need to be tag > -- | the FollowBy keeps track of the order of the pattern binder > type Regex = (DfaTable, SBinder, SBinder -> [Env], [Int], FollowBy, IM.IntMap ()) -- todo: use the CompOption and ExecOption > compile :: CompOption -- ^ Flags (summed together) > -> ExecOption -- ^ Flags (summed together) > -> S.ByteString -- ^ The regular expression to compile > -> Either String Regex -- ^ Returns: the compiled regular expression > compile compOpt execOpt bs = > case {-# SCC "compile/parsePatPosix" #-} parsePatPosix (S.unpack bs) of > Left err -> Left ("parseRegex for Text.Regex.Deriv.ByteString failed:"++show err) > Right (pat,posixBnd) -> > Right (patToRegex pat posixBnd compOpt execOpt) > patToRegex p posixBnd compOpt execOpt = > let (t, sb, toEnv, finals) = {-# SCC "patToRegex/compilePat" #-} compilePat p > fb = {-# SCC "patToRegex/followBy" #-} followBy p > in t `seq` sb `seq` toEnv `seq` finals `seq` fb `seq` posixBnd `seq` (t, sb, toEnv, finals, fb, posixBnd) > execute :: Regex -- ^ Compiled regular expression > -> S.ByteString -- ^ ByteString to match against > -> Either String (Maybe Env) > execute r bs = Right (execPatMatch r bs) > regexec :: Regex -- ^ Compiled regular expression > -> S.ByteString -- ^ ByteString to match against > -> Either String (Maybe (S.ByteString, S.ByteString, S.ByteString, [S.ByteString])) > regexec r bs = > case execPatMatch r bs of > Nothing -> Right Nothing > Just env -> > let pre = case lookup preBinder env of { Just e -> rg_collect_many bs e ; Nothing -> S.empty } > post = case lookup subBinder env of { Just e -> rg_collect_many bs e ; Nothing -> S.empty } > full_len = S.length bs > pre_len = S.length pre > post_len = S.length post > main_len = full_len - pre_len - post_len > main_and_post = S.drop pre_len bs > main = main_and_post `seq` main_len `seq` S.take main_len main_and_post > matched = map ((rg_collect_many bs) . snd) (filter (\(v,w) -> v > mainBinder && v < subBinder ) env) > in -- logger (print (show env)) `seq` > Right (Just (pre,main,post,matched)) > rg_collect :: S.ByteString -> Range -> S.ByteString > rg_collect w (Range i j) = S.take (j' - i' + 1) (S.drop i' w) > where i' = fromIntegral i > j' = fromIntegral j > rg_collect_many w rs = foldl' S.append S.empty $ map (rg_collect w) rs > -- | Control whether the pattern is multiline or case-sensitive like Text.Regex and whether to > -- capture the subgroups (\1, \2, etc). Controls enabling extra anchor syntax. > data CompOption = CompOption { > caseSensitive :: Bool -- ^ True in blankCompOpt and defaultCompOpt > , multiline :: Bool > {- ^ False in blankCompOpt, True in defaultCompOpt. Compile for > newline-sensitive matching. "By default, newline is a completely ordinary > character with no special meaning in either REs or strings. With this flag, > inverted bracket expressions and . never match newline, a ^ anchor matches the > null string after any newline in the string in addition to its normal > function, and the $ anchor matches the null string before any newline in the > string in addition to its normal function." -} > , rightAssoc :: Bool -- ^ True (and therefore Right associative) in blankCompOpt and defaultCompOpt > , newSyntax :: Bool -- ^ False in blankCompOpt, True in defaultCompOpt. Add the extended non-POSIX syntax described in "Text.Regex.TDFA" haddock documentation. > , lastStarGreedy :: Bool -- ^ False by default. This is POSIX correct but it takes space and is slower. > -- Setting this to true will improve performance, and should be done > -- if you plan to set the captureGroups execoption to False. > } deriving (Read,Show) > data ExecOption = ExecOption { > captureGroups :: Bool -- ^ True by default. Set to False to improve speed (and space). > } deriving (Read,Show) > instance RegexOptions Regex CompOption ExecOption where > blankCompOpt = CompOption { caseSensitive = True > , multiline = False > , rightAssoc = True > , newSyntax = False > , lastStarGreedy = False > } > blankExecOpt = ExecOption { captureGroups = True } > defaultCompOpt = CompOption { caseSensitive = True > , multiline = True > , rightAssoc = True > , newSyntax = True > , lastStarGreedy = False > } > defaultExecOpt = ExecOption { captureGroups = True } > setExecOpts e r = undefined > getExecOpts r = undefined > instance RegexLike Regex S.ByteString where > -- matchAll :: regex -> source -> [MatchArray] > matchAll = execPatMatchArray > -- matchOnce :: regex -> source -> Maybe MatchArray > matchOnce = posixPatMatchArray > -- matchCount :: regex -> source -> Int > -- matchTest :: regex -> source -> Bool > -- matchAllText :: regex -> source -> [MatchText source] > -- matchOnceText :: regex -> source -> Maybe (source, MatchText source, source) > > instance RegexLike Regex String where > -- matchAll :: regex -> source -> [MatchArray] > matchAll r s = execPatMatchArray r (S.pack s) > -- matchOnce :: regex -> source -> Maybe MatchArray > matchOnce r s = posixPatMatchArray r (S.pack s) > -- matchCount :: regex -> source -> Int > -- matchTest :: regex -> source -> Bool > -- matchAllText :: regex -> source -> [MatchText source] > -- matchOnceText :: regex -> source -> Maybe (source, MatchText source, source) > execPatMatchArray :: (DfaTable, SBinder, SBinder -> [Env], [Int], FollowBy, IM.IntMap ()) -> Word -> [MatchArray] > execPatMatchArray (dt, init_sbinder, init_sb2env, finals, fb, posixBinder) w = > let r = execDfa 0 dt w [(0, init_sbinder, init_sb2env)] > in case r of > { [] -> [] > ; ((i,sb,sb2env):_) -> map (\ env -> sbinderToMatchArray (S.length w) fb posixBinder (IM.fromList env)) (sb2env sb) > } > updateEmptyBinder b fb = > let > up b (x,y) = case IM.lookup x b of > { Just (_:_) -> -- non-empty, nothing to do > b > ; Just [] -> -- lookup the predecessor > case IM.lookup y b of > { Just r@(_:_) -> let i = snd (last r) > in IM.update (\_ -> Just [(i,i)]) x b > ; _ -> b } > ; Nothing -> b } > in foldl' up b fb > sbinderToMatchArray l fb posixBnd b = > let -- b' = updateEmptyBinder b fb > subPatB = filter (\(x,_) -> x > mainBinder && x < subBinder && x `IM.notMember` posixBnd ) (listifyBinder b) > mbPrefixB = IM.lookup preBinder b > mbSubfixB = IM.lookup subBinder b > mainB = case (mbPrefixB, mbSubfixB) of > (Just [(Range _ x)], Just [(Range y _)]) -> (x, y - x) > (Just [(Range _ x)], _) -> (x, l - x) > (_, Just [(Range y _)]) -> (0, y) > (_, _) -> (0, l) > _ -> error (show (mbPrefixB, mbSubfixB) ) > rs = map snd subPatB > rs' = map lastNonEmpty rs > io = logger (print $ "\n" ++ show rs ++ " || " ++ show rs' ++ "\n") > in -- io `seq` > listToArray (mainB:rs') > where fromRange (Range b e) = (b, e-b+1) > -- chris' test cases requires us to get the last result even if it is a reset point, > -- e.g. input:"aaa" pattern:"((..)|(.))*" expected match:"(0,3)(2,3)(-1,-1)(2,3)" note that (..) matches with [(0,2),(2,2)], we return [(2,2)] > lastNonEmpty [] = (-1,0) > lastNonEmpty rs = fromRange (last rs) > listToArray l = listArray (0,length l-1) l > posixPatMatchArray :: (DfaTable, SBinder, SBinder -> [Env], [Int], FollowBy, IM.IntMap ()) -> Word -> Maybe MatchArray > posixPatMatchArray compiled w = > first (execPatMatchArray compiled w) > where > first (env:_) = return env > first _ = Nothing > -- | from FollowBy, we recover the right result of the variable that bound (-1,-1) to fit Chris' test case > > type FollowBy = [(Int,Int)] > followBy :: Pat -> FollowBy > followBy p = map (\p -> (snd p, fst p)) (fst $ buildFollowBy p ([],[])) > -- | describe the "followedBy" relation between two pattern variable > buildFollowBy :: Pat -> ([(Int,Int)], [Int]) -> ([(Int,Int)], [Int]) > buildFollowBy (PVar x w p) (acc, lefts) = let (acc', lefts') = buildFollowBy p (acc,lefts) > in ([ (l,x) | l <- lefts] ++ acc', [x]) > buildFollowBy (PE r) x = x > buildFollowBy (PStar p g) (acc, lefts) = buildFollowBy p (acc,lefts) > buildFollowBy (PPair p1 p2) (acc, lefts) = let (acc',lefts') = buildFollowBy p1 (acc,lefts) > in buildFollowBy p2 (acc',lefts') > buildFollowBy (PChoice ps _) (acc, lefts) = > foldl' (\(acc', lefts') p -> let (acc'', lefts'') = buildFollowBy p (acc',lefts) -- all choice share the same lefts comming from the parent > in (acc'', lefts' ++ lefts'')) (acc, []) ps