{-| Module: Reflex.Process Description: Run interactive shell commands in reflex -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} module Reflex.Process ( createProcess , createRedirectedProcess , Process(..) , ProcessConfig(..) ) where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, killThread) import Control.Exception (mask_) import Control.Monad (void, when) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8 import Data.Default import qualified GHC.IO.Handle as H import GHC.IO.Handle (Handle) import System.Exit (ExitCode) import qualified System.Posix.Signals as P import qualified System.Process as P import System.Process hiding (createProcess) import Reflex -- | The inputs to a process data ProcessConfig t i = ProcessConfig { _processConfig_stdin :: Event t i -- ^ "stdin" input to be fed to the process , _processConfig_signal :: Event t P.Signal -- ^ Signals to send to the process } instance Reflex t => Default (ProcessConfig t i) where def = ProcessConfig never never -- | The output of a process data Process t o e = Process { _process_handle :: P.ProcessHandle , _process_stdout :: Event t o -- ^ Fires whenever there's some new stdout output. Depending on the buffering strategy of the implementation, this could be anything from whole lines to individual characters. , _process_stderr :: Event t e -- ^ Fires whenever there's some new stderr output. See note on '_process_stdout'. , _process_exit :: Event t ExitCode , _process_signal :: Event t P.Signal -- ^ Fires when a signal has actually been sent to the process (via '_processConfig_signal'). } -- | Runs a process and uses the given input and output handler functions to -- interact with the process via the standard streams. Used to implement -- 'createProcess'. -- -- NB: The 'std_in', 'std_out', and 'std_err' parameters of the -- provided 'CreateProcess' are replaced with new pipes and all output is redirected -- to those pipes. createRedirectedProcess :: (MonadIO m, TriggerEvent t m, PerformEvent t m, MonadIO (Performable m)) => (Handle -> IO (i -> IO ())) -- ^ Builder for the standard input handler -> (Handle -> (o -> IO ()) -> IO (IO ())) -- ^ Builder for the standard output handler -> (Handle -> (e -> IO ()) -> IO (IO ())) -- ^ Builder for the standard error handler -> CreateProcess -> ProcessConfig t i -> m (Process t o e) createRedirectedProcess mkWriteStdInput mkReadStdOutput mkReadStdError p (ProcessConfig input signal) = do let redirectedProc = p { std_in = CreatePipe , std_out = CreatePipe , std_err = CreatePipe } po@(mi, mout, merr, ph) <- liftIO $ P.createProcess redirectedProc case (mi, mout, merr) of (Just hIn, Just hOut, Just hErr) -> do writeInput <- liftIO $ mkWriteStdInput hIn performEvent_ $ liftIO . writeInput <$> input sigOut <- performEvent $ ffor signal $ \sig -> liftIO $ do mpid <- P.getPid ph case mpid of Nothing -> return Nothing Just pid -> do P.signalProcess sig pid >> return (Just sig) let output h = do (e, trigger) <- newTriggerEvent reader <- liftIO $ mkReadStdOutput h trigger t <- liftIO $ forkIO reader return (e, t) let err_output h = do (e, trigger) <- newTriggerEvent reader <- liftIO $ mkReadStdError h trigger t <- liftIO $ forkIO reader return (e, t) (out, outThread) <- output hOut (err, errThread) <- err_output hErr (ecOut, ecTrigger) <- newTriggerEvent void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ waitForProcess ph >>= \ec -> mask_ $ do ecTrigger ec P.cleanupProcess po killThread outThread killThread errThread return $ Process { _process_exit = ecOut , _process_stdout = out , _process_stderr = err , _process_signal = fmapMaybe id sigOut , _process_handle = ph } _ -> error "Reflex.Vty.Process.createRedirectedProcess: Created pipes were not returned by System.Process.createProcess." -- | Run a shell process, feeding it input using an 'Event' and exposing its output -- 'Event's representing the process exit code, stdout and stderr. -- -- The input 'Handle' is not buffered and the output 'Handle's are line-buffered. -- -- NB: The 'std_in', 'std_out', and 'std_err' parameters of the -- provided 'CreateProcess' are replaced with new pipes and all output is redirected -- to those pipes. createProcess :: (MonadIO m, TriggerEvent t m, PerformEvent t m, MonadIO (Performable m)) => CreateProcess -> ProcessConfig t ByteString -> m (Process t ByteString ByteString) createProcess = createRedirectedProcess input output output where input h = do H.hSetBuffering h H.NoBuffering let go b = do open <- H.hIsOpen h when open $ do writable <- H.hIsWritable h when writable $ Char8.hPutStrLn h b return go output h trigger = do H.hSetBuffering h H.LineBuffering let go = do open <- H.hIsOpen h when open $ do readable <- H.hIsReadable h when readable $ do out <- BS.hGetSome h 32768 if BS.null out then return () else do void $ trigger out go return go