{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-} import Reflex.Network import Reflex.Process import Reflex.Process.GHCi import Reflex.Vty import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Monad (void, (<=<)) import qualified Graphics.Vty.Input as V import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.Process (shell) import Options.Applicative data GhciArg = GhciArg { _ghciArg_replCommand :: String , _ghciArg_execCommand :: Maybe String } ghciArg :: Parser GhciArg ghciArg = GhciArg <$> strOption ( long "command" <> short 'c' <> help "The ghci/cabal repl command to run" <> showDefault <> value "cabal repl" <> metavar "COMMAND" ) <*> optional (strOption ( long "expression" <> short 'e' <> help "The optional expression to evaluate once modules have successfully loaded" <> metavar "EXPR" )) main :: IO () main = do let opts = info (ghciArg <**> helper) $ mconcat [ fullDesc , progDesc "Run a Haskell REPL that automatically reloads when source files change." , header "Welcome to reflex-ghci!" ] GhciArg { _ghciArg_replCommand = cmd, _ghciArg_execCommand = expr } <- execParser opts mainWidget $ do exit <- keyCombo (V.KChar 'c', [V.MCtrl]) g <- ghciWatch (shell cmd) $ T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack <$> expr pb <- getPostBuild let ghciExit = _process_exit (_ghci_process g) ghciExited <- hold False $ True <$ ghciExit let ghciLoadStatus = col $ do fixed 3 $ boxStatic def $ text <=< hold "" $ leftmost [ statusMessage <$> updated (_ghci_status g) , statusMessage <$> tag (current $ _ghci_status g) pb , ("Command exited with " <>) . T.pack . show <$> ghciExit ] out <- moduleOutput (not <$> ghciExited) g (dh, scroll) <- stretch $ do dh <- displayHeight scroll <- scrollableText never $ T.decodeUtf8 <$> current out return (dh, scroll) fixed 1 $ text $ (\h (ix, n) -> if n - ix + 1 > h then "↓ More ↓" else "") <$> current dh <*> scroll ghciExecOutput = do out <- (T.decodeUtf8 <$>) <$> execOutput (not <$> ghciExited) g let scrollingOutput = do dh <- displayHeight rec scroll <- scrollableText (tagMaybe (scrollBy <$> current dh <*> scroll) $ updated out) $ current out let scrollBy h (ix, n) = if | ix == 0 && n <= h -> Nothing -- Scrolled to the top and we don't have to scroll down | n > h && n - ix - h == 0 -> Just 1 | otherwise -> Nothing return () -- Rebuild the entire output widget so that we don't have to worry about resetting scroll state _ <- networkHold scrollingOutput $ ffor (_ghci_reload g) $ \_ -> scrollingOutput return () case expr of Nothing -> ghciLoadStatus Just _ -> void $ splitVDrag (hRule doubleBoxStyle) ghciLoadStatus ghciExecOutput return $ () <$ exit test :: IO () test = do let go :: Int -> IO () go n = putStrLn ("Iteration No. " <> show n) >> threadDelay 1000000 >> go (n+1) -- error "asdf" -- Just n <- return (Nothing :: Maybe Int) go 1 -- putStrLn "Done"