# reflex-dom-ace ## Overview Basic support for using the Ace editor with Reflex. This package provides a Reflex wrapper around the Ace editor. It is somewhat incomplete and was derived from [code written for hsnippet](https://github.com/mightybyte/hsnippet/blob/64cc17d2bf2bcce219f3ab8e96b7fd6071d5b56b/frontend/src/ACE.hs). This is also intended to serve as an example of how to structure FFI packages that rely on external JS packages. ## Example Usage with Obelisk ### Add Dependency to Obelisk #### Hackage As per the [Obelisk FAQ](https://github.com/obsidiansystems/obelisk/blob/master/FAQ.md#how-do-i-declare-a-new-haskell-dependency), modify `default.nix` to look like: ``` # ... project ./. ({ pkgs, ... }: { # ... overrides = self: super: { reflex-dom-ace = self.callHackageDirect { pkg = "reflex-dom-ace"; ver = ""; sha256 = "0kbd3kqmsx4115a39a984m62kgc9s96586c5yx80nijman8j0zlw"; } {}; }; # ... ``` Change the `ver` to match the desired version and leave the `sha256`. Then let `ob run` fail with the expected `sha256` and update the value accordingly. #### GitHub As per the [Obelisk FAQ](https://github.com/obsidiansystems/obelisk/blob/master/FAQ.md#how-do-i-declare-a-new-haskell-dependency), modify `default.nix` to look like: ``` # ... project ./. ({ pkgs, ... }: { # ... overrides = self: super: let aceSrc = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "SlimTim10"; repo = "reflex-dom-ace"; rev = "5d086c871892b9ebf7c66ad2d4d4f84023bea9b2"; sha256 = "0vizlf691s1rbkilhf23c79vkb6pns2x4b6b94szn9wd8mjizxyc"; }; in { reflex-dom-ace = self.callCabal2nix "reflex-dom-ace" aceSrc {}; }; # ... ``` Change the `rev` to match the latest commit hash and leave the `sha256`. Then let `ob run` fail with the expected `sha256` and update the value accordingly. ### Get Ace Editor Get the `src-noconflict` package from [ace-builds](https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace-builds) (tested with [package version 06.7.20](https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace-builds/tree/53be42342df216d2d25dc60a12dfcb263c6f0592/src-noconflict)). Move the `src-noconflict` contents to the project directory `static/ace/`. E.g., ``` $ cd ~ $ git clone https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace-builds $ mv ~/ace-builds/src-noconflict ~/my-obelisk-project/static/ace ``` ### Editor.hs ``` module Editor ( widget ) where import Data.Text (Text) import Control.Monad (void) import Data.Functor ((<&>)) import qualified Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Types as JS import qualified Reflex.Dom.Ace as Ace import qualified Reflex.Dom.Core as R import Reflex.Dom.Core ((=:)) widget :: forall t m. ( R.DomBuilder t m , R.TriggerEvent t m , JS.MonadJSM (R.Performable m) , JS.MonadJSM m , R.PerformEvent t m , R.PostBuild t m , R.MonadHold t m ) => m (R.Dynamic t Text) widget = do let containerId = "editor" void $ R.elAttr "div" ( "id" =: containerId ) R.blank (script, _) <- R.elAttr' "script" ( "src" =: "/static/ace/ace.js" <> "type" =: "text/javascript" <> "charset" =: "utf-8" ) R.blank let scriptLoaded = () <$ R.domEvent R.Load script let loading = R.el "p" $ R.text "Loading editor..." <&> const (R.constDyn "") dt :: R.Dynamic t (R.Dynamic t Text) <- R.widgetHold loading $ R.ffor scriptLoaded $ const $ do ace <- do let cfg = R.def { Ace._aceConfigMode = Just "latex" } Ace.aceWidget cfg (Ace.AceDynConfig (Just Ace.AceTheme_Clouds)) R.never containerId "" R.never return $ Ace.aceValue ace R.holdDyn "" . R.switchDyn $ R.updated <$> dt ``` ### Frontend.hs ``` module Frontend where import Obelisk.Frontend import Obelisk.Configs import Obelisk.Route import Obelisk.Generated.Static import Reflex.Dom.Core import Common.Api import Common.Route import qualified Editor frontend :: Frontend (R FrontendRoute) frontend = Frontend { _frontend_head = do el "title" $ text "Obelisk Minimal Example" elAttr "link" ("href" =: static @"main.css" <> "type" =: "text/css" <> "rel" =: "stylesheet") blank , _frontend_body = do prerender_ blank $ do editorContents :: Dynamic t Text <- Editor.widget -- Do something with editorContents return () } ``` ## Important Notes This currently does not work if your app is using reflex-dom's mainWidgetWithHead or mainWidgetWithCss.