module Reflex.Dom.Xhr.Foreign where
import Control.Lens.Indexed
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import System.Glib.FFI
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.WebView
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.JavaScriptCore.JSBase
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.JavaScriptCore.JSObjectRef
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.JavaScriptCore.JSStringRef
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.JavaScriptCore.JSValueRef
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.JavaScriptCore.WebFrame
data XMLHttpRequest
= XMLHttpRequest { xhrValue :: JSValueRef
, xhrContext :: JSContextRef
deriving (Eq, Ord)
toJSObject :: JSContextRef -> [Ptr OpaqueJSValue] -> IO JSObjectRef
toJSObject ctx args = do
o <- jsobjectmake ctx nullPtr nullPtr
iforM_ args $ \n a -> do
prop <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring $ show n
jsobjectsetproperty ctx o prop a 1 nullPtr
return o
responseTextToText :: Maybe String -> Maybe Text
responseTextToText = fmap T.pack
stringToJSValue :: JSContextRef -> String -> IO JSValueRef
stringToJSValue ctx s = jsvaluemakestring ctx =<< jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring s
toResponseType :: a -> a
toResponseType = id
xmlHttpRequestNew :: WebView -> IO XMLHttpRequest
xmlHttpRequestNew wv = do
wf <- webViewGetMainFrame wv
jsContext <- webFrameGetGlobalContext wf
xhrScript <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "new XMLHttpRequest()"
xhr' <- jsevaluatescript jsContext xhrScript nullPtr nullPtr 1 nullPtr
jsvalueprotect jsContext xhr'
return $ XMLHttpRequest xhr' jsContext
xmlHttpRequestOpen :: XMLHttpRequest -> String -> String -> Bool -> String -> String -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestOpen xhr method url async user password = do
let c = xhrContext xhr
method' <- stringToJSValue c method
url' <- stringToJSValue c url
async' <- jsvaluemakeboolean (xhrContext xhr) async
user' <- stringToJSValue c user
password' <- stringToJSValue c password
o <- toJSObject c [xhrValue xhr, method', url', async', user', password']
script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this[0].open(this[1], this[2], this[3], this[4], this[5])"
_ <- jsevaluatescript c script o nullPtr 1 nullPtr
return ()
foreign import ccall "wrapper"
wrapper :: JSObjectCallAsFunctionCallback' -> IO JSObjectCallAsFunctionCallback
xmlHttpRequestOnreadystatechange :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO () -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestOnreadystatechange xhr userCallback = do
let c = xhrContext xhr
fp <- wrapper $ \_ _ _ _ _ _ -> do
jsvaluemakeundefined c
cb <- jsobjectmakefunctionwithcallback c nullPtr fp
o <- toJSObject c [xhrValue xhr, cb]
script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this[0].onreadystatechange=this[1]"
_ <- jsevaluatescript c script o nullPtr 1 nullPtr
return ()
xmlHttpRequestGetReadyState :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO Word
xmlHttpRequestGetReadyState xhr = do
let c = xhrContext xhr
script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this.readyState"
rs <- jsevaluatescript c script (xhrValue xhr) nullPtr 1 nullPtr
d <- jsvaluetonumber c rs nullPtr
return $ truncate d
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseText :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO (Maybe String)
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseText xhr = do
let c = xhrContext xhr
script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this.responseText"
t <- jsevaluatescript c script (xhrValue xhr) nullPtr 1 nullPtr
isNull <- jsvalueisnull c t
case isNull of
True -> return Nothing
False -> do
j <- jsvaluetostringcopy c t nullPtr
l <- jsstringgetmaximumutf8cstringsize j
s <- allocaBytes (fromIntegral l) $ \ps -> do
_ <- jsstringgetutf8cstring'_ j ps (fromIntegral l)
peekCString ps
return $ Just s
xmlHttpRequestSend :: XMLHttpRequest -> Maybe String -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestSend xhr payload = do
let c = xhrContext xhr
(o,s) <- case payload of
Nothing -> do
o <- toJSObject c [xhrValue xhr]
s <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this[0].send();"
return (o,s)
Just payload' -> do
d <- stringToJSValue c payload'
o <- toJSObject c [xhrValue xhr, d]
s <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this[0].send(this[1])"
return (o,s)
_ <- jsevaluatescript c s o nullPtr 1 nullPtr
return ()
xmlHttpRequestSetRequestHeader :: XMLHttpRequest -> String -> String -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestSetRequestHeader xhr header value = do
let c = xhrContext xhr
header' <- stringToJSValue c header
value' <- stringToJSValue c value
o <- toJSObject c [xhrValue xhr, header', value']
script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this[0].setRequestHeader(this[1], this[2])"
_ <- jsevaluatescript c script o nullPtr 1 nullPtr
return ()
xmlHttpRequestSetResponseType :: XMLHttpRequest -> String -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestSetResponseType xhr t = do
let c = xhrContext xhr
t' <- stringToJSValue c t
o <- toJSObject c [xhrValue xhr, t']
script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this[0].responseType = this[1]"
_ <- jsevaluatescript c script o nullPtr 1 nullPtr
return ()
xmlHttpRequestGetStatus :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO Word
xmlHttpRequestGetStatus xhr = do
let c = xhrContext xhr
script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this.status"
s <- jsevaluatescript c script (xhrValue xhr) nullPtr 1 nullPtr
d <- jsvaluetonumber c s nullPtr
return $ truncate d
xmlHttpRequestGetStatusText :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO String
xmlHttpRequestGetStatusText xhr = do
let c = xhrContext xhr
script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this.statusText"
t <- jsevaluatescript c script (xhrValue xhr) nullPtr 1 nullPtr
j <- jsvaluetostringcopy c t nullPtr
l <- jsstringgetmaximumutf8cstringsize j
s <- allocaBytes (fromIntegral l) $ \ps -> do
_ <- jsstringgetutf8cstring'_ j ps (fromIntegral l)
peekCString ps
return s