module Test.MultiCommands where import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Exception import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Test.HUnit import Database.Redis.Redis import Test.Setup import Test.Utils tests = TestList [TestLabel "multi and exec" test_multi_exec, TestLabel "multi and discard" test_multi_discard, TestLabel "run_multi" test_run_multi, TestLabel "run_multi with exception" test_run_multi_exception] test_multi_exec = TestCase $ testRedis2 $ do r1 <- ask r2 <- ask2 addStr liftIO $ do foo <- get r2 "foo" >>= fromRBulk :: IO (Maybe String) exists r2 "baz" >>= fromRInt >>= assertEqual "" 0 multi r1 set r1 "foo" "cool" >>= assertRQueued "" set r1 "baz" "baz" >>= assertRQueued "" get r2 "foo" >>= fromRBulk >>= assertEqual "exec was not called yet" foo exists r2 "baz" >>= fromRInt >>= assertEqual "exec was not called yet" 0 (exec r1 :: IO (Reply String)) >>= fromRMulti >>= assertEqual "" (Just [ROk, ROk]) get r2 "foo" >>= fromRBulk >>= assertEqual "now foo got a new value" (Just "cool") exists r2 "baz" >>= fromRInt >>= assertEqual "now baz is exists" 1 test_multi_discard = TestCase $ testRedis2 $ do r1 <- ask r2 <- ask2 addStr liftIO $ do foo <- get r2 "foo" >>= fromRBulk :: IO (Maybe String) exists r2 "baz" >>= fromRInt >>= assertEqual "" 0 multi r1 set r1 "foo" "cool" >>= assertRQueued "" set r1 "baz" "baz" >>= assertRQueued "" get r2 "foo" >>= fromRBulk >>= assertEqual "exec was not called yet" foo exists r2 "baz" >>= fromRInt >>= assertEqual "exec was not called yet" 0 discard r1 >>= assertEqual "" ROk get r2 "foo" >>= fromRBulk >>= assertEqual "statements was discarder" foo exists r2 "baz" >>= fromRInt >>= assertEqual "statements was discarded" 0 test_run_multi = TestCase $ testRedis2 $ let act r = do (set r "foo" "cool" :: IO (Reply ())) >>= assertRQueued "" (set r "baz" "baz" :: IO (Reply ())) >>= assertRQueued "" threadDelay 2000 in do r1 <- ask r2 <- ask2 addStr liftIO $ do foo <- get r2 "foo" >>= fromRBulk :: IO (Maybe String) exists r2 "baz" >>= fromRInt >>= assertEqual "" 0 v <- later 1000 $ get r2 "foo" >>= fromRBulk run_multi r1 act :: IO (Reply ()) takeMVar v >>= assertEqual "exec was not called yet" foo get r2 "foo" >>= fromRBulk >>= assertEqual "now foo got a new value" (Just "cool") exists r2 "baz" >>= fromRInt >>= assertEqual "now baz is exists" 1 test_run_multi_exception = TestCase $ testRedis2 $ let act r = do (set r "foo" "cool" :: IO (Reply ())) >>= assertRQueued "" (set r "baz" "baz" :: IO (Reply ())) >>= assertRQueued "" threadDelay 2000 error "bang!" in do r1 <- ask r2 <- ask2 addStr liftIO $ do foo <- get r2 "foo" >>= fromRBulk :: IO (Maybe String) exists r2 "baz" >>= fromRInt >>= assertEqual "" 0 v <- later 1000 $ get r2 "foo" >>= fromRBulk assertRaises "" (ErrorCall undefined) $ (run_multi r1 act :: IO (Reply ())) >> return () takeMVar v >>= assertEqual "exec was not called yet" foo get r2 "foo" >>= fromRBulk >>= assertEqual "exception catched and multi statement was discarder" foo exists r2 "baz" >>= fromRInt >>= assertEqual "exception catched and multi statement was discarder" 0