-- | Emulating locking primitives
module Database.Redis.Utils.Lock ( acquire, acquire', acquireOnce, release )

import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Database.Redis.Redis
import System.Time

-- | Acquire lock. This function is not reentrant so thread can be
-- locked by itself if it try to acquire the same lock before it was
-- released.
acquire :: Redis
        -> String               -- ^ The lock's name
        -> Int                  -- ^ Timeout in milliseconds.
        -> Int                  -- ^ Time interval between attempts to lock on
        -> IO Bool              -- ^ True if lock was acquired
acquire r name 0 _ = acquireOnce r name
acquire r name timeout retry_timeout = do res <- acquireOnce r name
                                          if res then return True else getClockTime >>= trylock

    where trylock t = do now <- getClockTime
                         if diffClockTimesMs t now >= timeout
                           then return False
                           else do res <- acquireOnce r name
                                   if res
                                     then return True
                                     else threadDelay rt >> trylock t

          rt = retry_timeout * 1000

-- | acquire with default last parameter set to 50 milliseconds
acquire' r name timeout = acquire r name timeout 50

-- | Try to acquire lock once and return result without any timeout
acquireOnce r name = do res <- setNx r name "1" >>= fromRInt
                        return (res == 1)

-- | Release lock. There is no any guarantees that lock was acquired
-- in this thread. Just release this lock and go forth.
release :: Redis -> String -> IO ()
release r name = del r name >>= noError

diffClockTimesMs :: ClockTime -> ClockTime -> Int
diffClockTimesMs (TOD t1s t1m) (TOD t2s t2m) = fromIntegral $ (t2s - t1s) * 1000 + (t2m - t1m) `div` 1000000000