## [2023-02-27] * Support `th-abstraction-` or later. ## * Workaround for https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/18320, which was preventing code calling makeBaseFunctor from being profiled. ## * Support GHC-9.0 and GHC-9.2 ## * Fix build issue regarding `Setup.hs`. See #120. ## 5.2.2 * More Mendler-style recursion-schemes: `mpara`, `mzygo`, `mana`, `mapo`, and `mfutu`. * `makeBaseFunctor` no longer generates warnings when combined with DerivingStrategies. ## 5.2.1 [2020-10-04] * Allow building with `template-haskell-` (GHC 9.0). ## 5.2 * Add instances for `Tree` (from `containers`) * Add some haddocks and basic examples * Generalize the type of `makeBaseFunctor(With)`, such that it can take also `Dec`. This way you may supply context for `Recursive` and `Corecursive` instances. * Depend on `data-fix` package for fixed point types. ## 5.1.3 [2019-04-26] * Support `th-abstraction-` or later. ## 5.1.2 * Make the `Generic`-based instances to also support data constructors with zero arguments (and datatypes with zero constructors). ## * Invalid release ## 5.1.1 * Add `cotransverse` * Add `Generic` based default implementation to `embed` and `project`. `Recursive` and `Corecursive` can be `DeriveAnyClass`-derived now, if you write the base functor by hand. ## 5.1 * Export gfutu * `distGHisto`, `ghisto`, and `gchrono` now use `Cofree (Base t)` * `distGFutu`, `gfutu`, and `gchrono` now use `Free (Base t)` * Add `hoist`, `hoistMu` and `hoistNu` * Add `transverse` and `cataA` ## 5.0.3 [2018-07-01] * Make the Template Haskell machinery look through type synonyms. * Avoid incurring some dependencies when using recent GHCs. ## 5.0.2 * Support GHC-8.2.1 * Fix Template Haskell derivation with non-default type renamer. * Add `Recursive` and `Corecursive Natural` instances, with `Base Natural = Maybe`. ## 5.0.1 * Add `Data.Functor.Foldable.TH` module, which provides derivation of base functors via Template Haskell. ## 5 * Renamed `Foldable` to `Recursive` and `Unfoldable` to `Corecursive`. With `Foldable` in `Prelude` in GHC 7.10+, having a needlessly conflicting name seemed silly. * Add support for GHC-8.0.1 * Use `Eq1`, `Ord1`, `Show1`, `Read1` to derive `Fix`, `Nu` and `Mu` `Eq`, `Ord` `Show` and `Read` instances * Remove `Prim` data family. `ListF` as a new name for `Prim [a]`, with plenty of instances, e.g. `Traversable`. * Export `unfix` * Add chronomorphisms: `chrono` and `gchrono`. * Add `distGApoT` ## 4.1.2 * Support for `free` 4.12.1 ## 4.1.1 * Support for GHC 7.10 * Fixed `para`. ## 4.1 * Support for GHC 7.7+'s generalized `Typeable`. * Faster `gapo` and `para` by exploiting sharing. ## 4.0 * Compatibility with `comonad` and `free` version 4.0 ## 3.0 * Compatibility with `transformers` 0.3 * Resolved deprecation warnings caused by changes to `Data.Typeable`