module Record.Parser where import BasePrelude hiding (takeWhile, exp) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Attoparsec.Text import qualified Data.Text as T data Type = Type_App Type Type | Type_Var Text | Type_Con Text | Type_Tuple Int | Type_Arrow | Type_List | Type_Record RecordType type QualifiedName = [Text] type RecordType = [(Text, Type)] run :: Parser a -> Text -> Either String a run p t = onResult $ parse p t where onResult = \case Fail _ contexts message -> Left $ showString message . showString ". Contexts: " . shows contexts $ "." Done _ a -> Right a Partial c -> onResult (c "") -- | -- Run a parser on a given input, -- lifting its errors to the context parser. -- -- Consider it a subparser. parser :: Parser a -> Text -> Parser a parser p t = either fail return $ run p t labeled :: String -> Parser a -> Parser a labeled = flip () qq :: Parser a -> Parser a qq p = skipSpace *> p <* skipSpace <* endOfInput type' :: Parser Type type' = labeled "type'" $ appType <|> nonAppType where appType = fmap (foldl1 Type_App) $ sepBy1 nonAppType (skipMany1 space) nonAppType = varType <|> conType <|> tupleConType <|> tupleType <|> listConType <|> listType <|> arrowType <|> (Type_Record <$> recordType) <|> inBraces type' where varType = fmap Type_Var $ lowerCaseName conType = fmap Type_Con $ upperCaseName tupleConType = fmap Type_Tuple $ char '(' *> (length <$> many1 (skipSpace *> char ',')) <* skipSpace <* char ')' tupleType = fmap (\l -> foldl Type_App (Type_Tuple (length l)) l) $ char '(' *> skipSpace *> sepBy1 type' (skipSpace *> char ',' <* skipSpace) <* skipSpace <* char ')' listType = fmap (Type_App Type_List) $ char '[' *> skipSpace *> type' <* skipSpace <* char ']' listConType = Type_List <$ string "[]" arrowType = Type_Arrow <$ string "->" recordType :: Parser RecordType recordType = labeled "recordType" $ char '{' *> skipSpace *> sepBy1' field (skipSpace *> char ',' <* skipSpace) <* skipSpace <* char '}' where field = (,) <$> (lowerCaseName <* skipSpace <* string "::" <* skipSpace) <*> type' qualifiedName1 :: Parser QualifiedName qualifiedName1 = ((\a b -> a <> pure b) <$> many1 (upperCaseName <* char '.') <*> lowerCaseName) <|> (pure <$> lowerCaseName) inBraces :: Parser a -> Parser a inBraces p = char '(' *> skipSpace *> p <* skipSpace <* char ')' lowerCaseName :: Parser Text lowerCaseName = labeled "lowerCaseName" $ T.cons <$> satisfy (\c -> isLower c || c == '_') <*> takeWhile (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c == '\'' || c == '_') upperCaseName :: Parser Text upperCaseName = labeled "upperCaseName" $ T.cons <$> satisfy (\c -> isUpper c || c == '_') <*> takeWhile (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c == '\'' || c == '_') symbolicIdent :: Parser Text symbolicIdent = labeled "symbolicIdent" $ (\t -> "(" <> t <> ")") <$> (char '(' *> takeWhile1 isSymbol <* char ')') where isSymbol = flip elem ("!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~" :: [Char]) stringLit :: Parser Text stringLit = quoted '"' where quoted q = T.pack <$> (char q *> content <* char q) where content = many char' where char' = (char '\\' *> (char q <|> char '\\')) <|> (notChar q) charLit :: Parser Char charLit = char '\'' *> ((char '\\' *> (char '\'' <|> char '\\')) <|> notChar '\'') <* char '\'' type Lens = [Text] lens :: Parser Lens lens = labeled "lens" $ sepBy1 (lowerCaseName <|> takeWhile1 isDigit) (char '.') data Exp = Exp_Record RecordExp | Exp_Var Text | Exp_Con Text | Exp_TupleCon Int | Exp_Nil | Exp_Lit Lit | Exp_App Exp Exp | Exp_List [Exp] | Exp_Sig Exp Type type RecordExp = [(Text, Exp)] data Lit = Lit_Char Char | Lit_String Text | Lit_Integer Integer | Lit_Rational Rational deriving (Show) exp :: Parser Exp exp = labeled "exp" $ sig <|> nonSig where sig = Exp_Sig <$> nonSig <*> (skipSpace *> string "::" *> skipSpace *> type') nonSig = app <|> nonApp where app = fmap (foldl1 Exp_App) $ sepBy1 nonApp (skipMany1 space) nonApp = record <|> var <|> con <|> tupleCon <|> nil <|> Exp_Lit <$> lit <|> tuple <|> list <|> inBraces exp where record = Exp_Record <$> (char '{' *> skipSpace *> fields <* skipSpace <* char '}') where fields = sepBy1 field (skipSpace *> char ',' <* skipSpace) where field = (,) <$> lowerCaseName <*> (skipSpace *> char '=' *> skipSpace *> exp) var = Exp_Var <$> (lowerCaseName <|> symbolicIdent) con = Exp_Con <$> (upperCaseName <|> symbolicIdent) tupleCon = Exp_TupleCon . length <$> (char '(' *> many1 (char ',') <* char ')') nil = Exp_Nil <$ string "[]" tuple = fmap (\l -> foldl Exp_App (Exp_TupleCon (length l)) l) $ char '(' *> skipSpace *> sepBy1 exp (skipSpace *> char ',' <* skipSpace) <* skipSpace <* char ')' list = fmap Exp_List $ char '[' *> skipSpace *> sepBy1 exp (skipSpace *> char ',' <* skipSpace) <* skipSpace <* char ']' -- | -- -- Integers get parsed as integers: -- -- >>> run lit "2" -- Right (Lit_Integer 2) -- -- Rationals get parsed as rationals: -- -- >>> run lit "2.0" -- Right (Lit_Rational (2 % 1)) -- -- >>> run lit "3e2" -- Right (Lit_Rational (300 % 1)) lit :: Parser Lit lit = Lit_Char <$> charLit <|> Lit_String <$> stringLit <|> Lit_Rational <$> rationalNotDecimal <|> Lit_Integer <$> decimal where rationalNotDecimal = match rational >>= \(t, r) -> case run (decimal <* endOfInput) t of Left _ -> return r _ -> mzero