#!/usr/bin/env stack -- stack runghc --package reanimate module Main where import Codec.Picture.Types import Control.Lens import Control.Monad import Data.List import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Tuple import qualified Data.Vector as V import Linear.V2 import Linear.Vector import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra as Matrix import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.HMatrix (Matrix, linearSolve, toLists, (><)) import Reanimate import Reanimate.Math.Common import Reanimate.Math.Polygon bgColor :: PixelRGBA8 bgColor = PixelRGBA8 252 252 252 0xFF type Points = V.Vector (V2 Double) type Edges = [(Int, Int, Int)] data Mesh = Mesh { meshPoints :: Points, meshEdges :: Edges } data MeshPair = MeshPair Points Points Edges -- The points in a RelMesh are: -- relMeshStatic ++ x where Ax = B data RelMesh = RelMesh { relMeshStatic :: Points , relMeshEdges :: Edges , relMeshA :: Matrix Double , relMeshB :: Matrix Double } data RelMeshPair = RelMeshPair Points Edges (Matrix Double) (Matrix Double) (Matrix Double) (Matrix Double) -- Linear interpolation on RelMesh gives smooth morph. -- solveMesh :: RelMesh -> Mesh -- mkRelative :: Mesh -> RelMesh -- mkRelativePair :: MeshPair -> RelMeshPair -- triangulate :: Polygon -> Polygon -> MeshPair ? -- embed :: MeshPair -> MeshPair -- compatible :: Mesh -> Mesh -> Maybe MeshPair -- linearInterpolate :: MeshPair -> Double -> Mesh -- convexInterpolate :: RelMeshPair -> Double -> RelMesh meshToPolygon :: Mesh -> Polygon meshToPolygon mesh = pScale 2 $ mkPolygon $ V.fromList [ realToFrac <$> (meshPoints mesh V.! (n-1)) | n <- polygonNodes ] where polygonNodes :: [Int] polygonNodes = [5,8,9,7,4,6] main :: IO () main = reanimate morphAnimation genTrails :: (Double -> Mesh) -> SVG genTrails mkMesh = withFillOpacity 0 $ withStrokeWidth (defaultStrokeWidth*0.5) $ withStrokeColor "black" $ withStrokeDashArray [0.1,0.1] $ mkGroup $ map mkTrail $ transpose [ V.toList $ V.map (fmap realToFrac) $ polygonPoints $ meshToPolygon mesh | n <- [0..steps] , let mesh = mkMesh (fromIntegral n / fromIntegral steps) ] where steps = 100 :: Int mkTrail lst =mkLinePath [ (x,y) | V2 x y <- lst ] morphAnimation :: Animation morphAnimation = playThenReverseA $ pauseAround 1 1 $ addStatic (mkBackgroundPixel bgColor) $ signalA (curveS 2) $ mkAnimation 5 $ \t -> lowerTransformations $ scale 3 $ pathify $ mkGroup [ translate (-1.5) 0 $ withFillColor "lightgreen" $ mkGroup [ withStrokeWidth defaultStrokeWidth $ withStrokeColor "black" $ polygonShape $ meshToPolygon $ linearInterpolate meshPair t , linearTrails , polygonNumDots (meshToPolygon $ linearInterpolate meshPair t) 0 ] , translate 1 0 $ withFillColor "cyan" $ mkGroup [ withStrokeWidth defaultStrokeWidth $ withStrokeColor "black" $ polygonShape $ meshToPolygon $ solveMesh $ convexInterpolate relPair t , curveTrails , polygonNumDots (meshToPolygon $ solveMesh $ convexInterpolate relPair t) 0 ] ] where linearTrails = genTrails (linearInterpolate meshPair) curveTrails = genTrails (solveMesh . convexInterpolate relPair) relPair = mkRelativePair meshPair meshPair = fromJust $ compatible example1 example2 mkLineP :: P -> P -> SVG mkLineP (V2 x1 y1) (V2 x2 y2) = mkLine (x1,y1) (x2,y2) -- FIXME: Check that the triangles are all anticlockwise. -- FIXME: Check that the edges connect all the points. -- FIXME: Check that the edgse leave no gaps. compatible :: Mesh -> Mesh -> Maybe MeshPair compatible a b = if meshEdges a == meshEdges b && V.length (meshPoints a) == V.length (meshPoints b) then Just $ MeshPair (meshPoints a) (meshPoints b) (meshEdges a) else Nothing linearInterpolate :: MeshPair -> Double -> Mesh linearInterpolate (MeshPair aP bP edges) t = Mesh { meshPoints = V.zipWith (lerp (1-t)) aP bP , meshEdges = edges } example1 :: Mesh example1 = Mesh points edges where points = V.fromList [ V2 1 0 , V2 (-1/2) (sqrt 3 / 2) , V2 (-1/2) (-sqrt 3 / 2) , 3 * points V.! 0 ^/ 4 , 3 * points V.! 1 ^/ 4 , 3 * points V.! 2 ^/ 4 , points V.! 0 ^/ 2 , points V.! 1 ^/ 2 , points V.! 2 ^/ 2 ] edges = [ (1,5,4), (1,2,5), (2,6,5), (2,3,6), (3,4,6), (3,1,4) , (4,8,7), (4,5,8), (5,9,8), (5,6,9), (6,7,9), (6,4,7), (7,8,9)] example2 :: Mesh example2 = Mesh points edges where points = V.fromList [ V2 1 0 , V2 (-1/2) (sqrt 3 / 2) , V2 (-1/2) (-sqrt 3 / 2) , 3 * points V.! 2 ^/ 4 , 3 * points V.! 0 ^/ 4 , 3 * points V.! 1 ^/ 4 , points V.! 1 ^/ 2 , points V.! 2 ^/ 2 , points V.! 0 ^/ 2 ] edges = meshEdges example1 -- T = (U, G) -- G = [Polygon] -- U = nub $ concat G findStarNeighbours :: Eq a => [(a,a,a)] -> a -> [(a, a)] findStarNeighbours allTrig self = [ (b,c) | (a,b,c) <- allTrig , self == a ] ++ [ (c,a) | (a,b,c) <- allTrig , self == b ] ++ [ (a,b) | (a,b,c) <- allTrig , self == c ] isInterior :: Eq a => [(a, a)] -> Bool isInterior = isJust . getExteriorPoly getExteriorPoly :: Eq a => [(a, a)] -> Maybe [a] getExteriorPoly [] = Nothing getExteriorPoly ((a,b):rest) = worker [a] a b rest where worker acc start this [] = do guard (start == this) return (reverse acc) worker acc start this xs = case lookup this xs of Just next -> worker (this:acc) start next (delete (this,next) xs) Nothing -> case lookup this (map swap xs) of Just next -> worker (this:acc) start next (delete (next, this) xs) Nothing -> Nothing convexInterpolate :: RelMeshPair -> Double -> RelMesh convexInterpolate (RelMeshPair static edges leftM leftB rightM rightB) t = RelMesh { relMeshStatic = static , relMeshEdges = edges , relMeshA = Matrix.scale (1-t) leftM + Matrix.scale t rightM , relMeshB = Matrix.scale (1-t) leftB + Matrix.scale t rightB } solveMesh :: RelMesh -> Mesh solveMesh (RelMesh static edges m b) = case linearSolve m b of Nothing -> error "Failed to solve mesh" Just ret -> Mesh (static <> V.fromList (worker (toLists ret))) edges where worker [] = [] worker ([x]:[y]:rest) = V2 x y : worker rest worker _ = error "invalid result" mkRelative :: Mesh -> RelMesh mkRelative (Mesh points edges) = RelMesh (V.fromList exteriorPoints) edges mM bM where mM = (s><1) b (s,exterior, (m, b)) = toParameters points edges exteriorPoints = [ points V.! (i-1) | i <- exterior ] mkRelativePair :: MeshPair -> RelMeshPair mkRelativePair (MeshPair p1 p2 edges) = let RelMesh static _ leftM leftB = mkRelative (Mesh p1 edges) RelMesh _ _ rightM rightB = mkRelative (Mesh p2 edges) in RelMeshPair static edges leftM leftB rightM rightB toParameters :: (Ord b, Fractional b) => V.Vector (V2 b) -> [(Int, Int, Int)] -> (Int, [Int], ([[b]], [b])) toParameters points groups = (length interior*2,exterior,unzip $ concat [ let lst = [(if i == j then -1 else t) | j <- interior , let t = fromMaybe 0 $ lookup (i,j) lam_ij_cache ] pos = negate $ sum [ pj ^* t | j <- exterior , let t = fromMaybe 0 $ lookup (i,j) lam_ij_cache pj = points V.! (j-1) ] in [ (dupX lst, pos ^. _x) , (dupY lst, pos ^. _y)] | i <- interior ]) where lam_ij_cache = lam_ij points groups dupX [] = [] dupX (x:xs) = x:0:dupX xs dupY [] = [] dupY (x:xs) = 0:x:dupY xs (interior, exterior) = partition (isInterior . findStarNeighbours groups) [1 .. length points] lam_ij :: (Ord b, Fractional b) => V.Vector (V2 b) -> [(Int, Int, Int)] -> [((Int, Int), b)] lam_ij points groups = [ ((i, j), t) | i <- [1..V.length points] , (j, t) <- lam_j points groups i ] lam_j :: (Ord b, Fractional b) => V.Vector (V2 b) -> [(Int, Int, Int)] -> Int -> [(Int, b)] lam_j points groups p = [ (nP, sum [ t | (j,_k,t) <- mu, j == nP ] / fromIntegral (length nPoints)) | let n = findStarNeighbours groups p nPoints = fromMaybe [] $ getExteriorPoly n mu = calcMu points groups p , nP <- nPoints ] calcMu :: (Ord c, Fractional c) => V.Vector (V2 c) -> [(Int, Int, Int)] -> Int -> [(Int, Int, c)] calcMu points groups p = concat [ [ (nP, nP, t1) , (a, nP, t2) , (b, nP, t3) ] -- (nP, a, b) | {-p <- [1..length points]-} let selfVert = points V.! (p-1) n = findStarNeighbours groups p nPoints :: [Int] nPoints = fromMaybe [] $ getExteriorPoly n , nP <- nPoints , let vert = points V.! (nP-1) , let line = (vert, selfVert) , let (a,b,aP,bP) = head $ [ (_a,_b,_aP,_bP) | (_a,_b) <- n , let _aP = points V.! (_a-1) _bP = points V.! (_b-1) segment = (points V.! (_a-1), points V.! (_b-1)) , case rayIntersect line segment of Nothing -> False Just u -> isBetween u segment , _a /= nP , _b /= nP ] -- , b == (nPoints ++ nPoints) !! i , let (t1,t2,t3) = barycentricCoords vert aP bP selfVert ] genColor :: Int -> Int -> PixelRGBA8 genColor n m = promotePixel $ parula (fromIntegral (n+offset) / fromIntegral (m+offset)) where offset = 5 polygonNumDots :: Polygon -> Double -> SVG polygonNumDots p t = mkGroup $ reverse [ mkGroup [ colored n $ withStrokeWidth (defaultStrokeWidth*0.5) $ withStrokeColor "black" $ translate x y $ mkCircle circR , withFillColor "black" $ translate x y $ ppNum n ] | n <- [0..pSize p-1] , let a = realToFrac <$> pAccess p n b = realToFrac <$> pAccess p (pNext p n) V2 x y = lerp t b a ] where circR = 0.1 colored n = let c = genColor n (pSize p-1) in withFillColorPixel c ppNum n = scaleToHeight (circR*1.5) $ center $ latex $ T.pack $ "\\texttt{" ++ show n ++ "}" polygonShape :: Polygon -> SVG polygonShape p = mkLinePathClosed [ (x,y) | V2 x y <- map (fmap realToFrac) $ V.toList (polygonPoints p) ]