#!/usr/bin/env stack -- stack runghc --package reanimate {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-} module Main(main) where import Codec.Picture import Reanimate import Reanimate.Interpolate import Reanimate.Morph.Common import Reanimate.Morph.Linear bgColor :: PixelRGBA8 bgColor = PixelRGBA8 252 252 252 0xFF main :: IO () main = reanimate $ addStatic (mkBackgroundPixel bgColor) $ setDuration 5 $ mapA (withStrokeWidth 0) $ mapA (withFillOpacity 1) $ sceneAnimation $ do doMorph yellow blue doMorph blue yellow where doMorph from to = play $ pauseAtEnd 0.5 $ animate $ \t -> mkGroup [ translate (-screenWidth/2 + screenWidth/6*(n*2+1)) 0 $ mkGroup [ translate 0 3 $ scale 1.5 $ center $ latex label , translate 0 (-0.5) $ morph conf from to t ] | conf <- [ linear , linear{morphColorComponents=xyzComponents} , linear{morphColorComponents=hsvComponents}] | label <- ["LAB", "XYZ", "HSV"] | n <- [0..] ] radius = 2.5 yellow = withFillColor "yellow" $ mkCircle radius blue = withFillColor "blue" $ mkCircle radius -- green = withFillColor "green" $ mkCircle radius -- pink = withFillColor "pink" $ mkCircle radius -- red = withFillColor "red" $ mkCircle radius -- purple = withFillColor "purple" $ mkCircle radius