module Reanimate.Render ( render , renderSvgs , renderSnippets , Format(..) , Raster(..) , Width, Height, FPS , applyRaster ) where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception import Control.Monad (forM_, void) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Graphics.SvgTree (Number (..)) import Numeric import Reanimate.Animation import Reanimate.Misc import System.FilePath (()) import System.FilePath (replaceExtension) import System.Exit import System.IO import Text.Printf (printf) renderSvgs :: Animation -> IO () renderSvgs ani = do print frameCount lock <- newMVar () handle errHandler $ concurrentForM_ (frameOrder rate frameCount) $ \nth -> do let -- frame = frameAt (recip (fromIntegral rate-1) * fromIntegral nth) ani now = (duration ani / (fromIntegral frameCount-1)) * fromIntegral nth frame = frameAt (if frameCount<=1 then 0 else now) ani svg = renderSvg Nothing Nothing frame _ <- evaluate (length svg) withMVar lock $ \_ -> do putStr (show nth) T.putStrLn $ T.concat . T.lines . T.pack $ svg hFlush stdout where rate = 60 frameCount = round (duration ani * fromIntegral rate) :: Int errHandler (ErrorCall msg) = do hPutStrLn stderr msg exitWith (ExitFailure 1) -- XXX: Merge with 'renderSvgs' renderSnippets :: Animation -> IO () renderSnippets ani = forM_ [0..frameCount-1] $ \nth -> do let now = (duration ani / (fromIntegral frameCount-1)) * fromIntegral nth frame = frameAt now ani svg = renderSvg Nothing Nothing frame putStr (show nth) T.putStrLn $ T.concat . T.lines . T.pack $ svg where frameCount = 50 :: Integer frameOrder :: Int -> Int -> [Int] frameOrder fps nFrames = worker [] fps where worker _seen 0 = [] worker seen nthFrame = filterFrameList seen nthFrame nFrames ++ worker (nthFrame : seen) (nthFrame `div` 2) filterFrameList :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int] filterFrameList seen nthFrame nFrames = filter (not.isSeen) [0, nthFrame .. nFrames-1] where isSeen x = any (\y -> x `mod` y == 0) seen data Raster = RasterNone | RasterAuto | RasterInkscape | RasterRSvg | RasterConvert deriving (Show) data Format = RenderMp4 | RenderGif | RenderWebm deriving (Show) type Width = Int type Height = Int type FPS = Int render :: Animation -> FilePath -> Raster -> Format -> Width -> Height -> FPS -> IO () render ani target raster format width height fps = do printf "Starting render of animation: %.1f\n" (duration ani) ffmpeg <- requireExecutable "ffmpeg" generateFrames raster ani width height fps $ \template -> withTempFile "txt" $ \progress -> writeFile progress "" >> case format of RenderMp4 -> runCmd ffmpeg ["-r", show fps, "-i", template, "-y" , "-c:v", "libx264", "-vf", "fps="++show fps , "-preset", "slow" , "-crf", "18" , "-movflags", "+faststart" , "-progress", progress , "-pix_fmt", "yuv420p", target] RenderGif -> withTempFile "png" $ \palette -> do runCmd ffmpeg ["-i", template, "-y" ,"-vf", "fps="++show fps++",scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos,palettegen" ,"-t", showFFloat Nothing (duration ani) "" , palette ] runCmd ffmpeg ["-framerate", show fps,"-i", template, "-y" ,"-i", palette ,"-progress", progress ,"-filter_complex" ,"fps="++show fps++",scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos[x];[x][1:v]paletteuse" ,"-t", showFFloat Nothing (duration ani) "" , target] RenderWebm -> runCmd ffmpeg ["-r", show fps, "-i", template, "-y" ,"-progress", progress , "-c:v", "libvpx-vp9", "-vf", "fps="++show fps , target] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helpers generateFrames :: Raster -> Animation -> Width -> Height -> FPS -> (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a generateFrames raster ani width_ height_ rate action = withTempDir $ \tmp -> do done <- newMVar (0::Int) let frameName nth = tmp printf nameTemplate nth putStr $ "\r0/" ++ show frameCount hFlush stdout handle h $ concurrentForM_ frames $ \n -> do writeFile (frameName n) $ renderSvg width height $ nthFrame n applyRaster raster (frameName n) modifyMVar_ done $ \nDone -> do putStr $ "\r" ++ show (nDone+1) ++ "/" ++ show frameCount hFlush stdout return (nDone+1) putStrLn "\n" action (tmp rasterTemplate raster) where width = Just $ Px $ fromIntegral width_ height = Just $ Px $ fromIntegral height_ h UserInterrupt = do hPutStrLn stderr "\nCtrl-C detected. Trying to generate video with available frames. \ \Hit ctrl-c again to abort." return () h other = throwIO other frames = [0..frameCount-1] nthFrame nth = frameAt (recip (fromIntegral rate) * fromIntegral nth) ani frameCount = round (duration ani * fromIntegral rate) :: Int nameTemplate :: String nameTemplate = "render-%05d.svg" rasterTemplate :: Raster -> String rasterTemplate RasterNone = "render-%05d.svg" rasterTemplate _ = "render-%05d.png" applyRaster :: Raster -> FilePath -> IO () applyRaster RasterNone _ = return () applyRaster RasterAuto _ = return () applyRaster RasterInkscape path = runCmd "inkscape" [ "--without-gui" , "--file=" ++ path , "--export-png=" ++ replaceExtension path "png" ] applyRaster RasterRSvg path = runCmd "rsvg-convert" [ path , "--unlimited" , "--output", replaceExtension path "png" ] applyRaster RasterConvert path = runCmd "convert" [ path , replaceExtension path "png" ] concurrentForM_ :: [a] -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO () concurrentForM_ lst action = do n <- getNumCapabilities sem <- newQSemN n eVar <- newEmptyMVar forM_ lst $ \elt -> do waitQSemN sem 1 emp <- isEmptyMVar eVar if emp then void $ forkIO (catch (action elt) (void . tryPutMVar eVar) `finally` signalQSemN sem 1) else signalQSemN sem 1 waitQSemN sem n mbE <- tryTakeMVar eVar case mbE of Nothing -> return () Just e -> throwIO (e :: SomeException)