#!/usr/bin/env stack -- stack runghc --package reanimate {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} module Main (main) where import Reanimate import Reanimate.Povray (povraySlow) import Codec.Picture import Codec.Picture.Types import Control.Lens ((^.)) import Control.Monad import Data.Monoid import Data.String.Here import Data.Text (Text) import Graphics.SvgTree hiding (Text) import System.Random import System.Random.Shuffle main :: IO () main = reanimate $ parA bg $ sceneAnimation $ do zPos <- newVar 0 xRot <- newVar 0 zRot <- newVar 0 _ <- newSprite $ do transZ <- unVar zPos getX <- unVar xRot getZ <- unVar zRot t <- spriteT dur <- spriteDuration pure $ povraySlow [] $ script (svgAsPngFile (texture (t/dur))) transZ getX getZ wait 2 tweenVar zPos 9 (\t v -> fromToS v 8 (t/9)) tweenVar xRot 9 (\t v -> fromToS v 360 $ curveS 2 (t/9)) tweenVar zRot 9 (\t v -> fromToS v 360 $ curveS 2 (t/9)) wait 10 tweenVar zPos 2 (\t v -> fromToS v 0 $ curveS 3 (t/2)) wait 2 where bg = animate $ const $ mkBackgroundPixel $ PixelRGBA8 252 252 252 0xFF texture :: Double -> SVG texture t = frameAt (t*duration latexExample) latexExample script :: FilePath -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Text script png transZ rotX rotZ = [iTrim| #include "colors.inc" //Place the camera camera { perspective location <0,0,-9> look_at <0,0,0> up y right x*16/9 } //Ambient light to "brighten up" darker pictures global_settings { ambient_light White*3 } //Set a background color background { color rgbt <0, 0, 0, 1> } // transparent polygon { 4, <0, 0>, <0, 1>, <1, 1>, <1, 0> texture { pigment{ image_map{ png ${png} } } } translate <-1/2,-1/2> scale <16,9> rotate <0,${rotX},${rotZ}> translate <0,0,${transZ}> } |] ----------------------------------- -- COPIED FROM tut_glue_latex.hs -- latexExample :: Animation latexExample = sceneAnimation $ do -- Draw equation play $ drawAnimation strokedSvg sprites <- forM glyphs $ \(fn, _, elt) -> newSpriteA $ animate $ const $ fn elt -- Yoink each glyph forM_ (reverse sprites) $ \sprite -> do spriteE sprite (overBeginning 1 $ aroundCenterE $ highlightE) wait 0.5 -- Flash glyphs randomly with color forM_ (shuffleList (sprites++sprites)) $ \sprite -> do spriteE sprite (overBeginning 0.5 $ aroundCenterE $ flashE) wait 0.1 wait 0.5 mapM_ destroySprite sprites -- Undraw equations play $ drawAnimation' (Just 0xdeadbeef) 1 0.1 strokedSvg # reverseA where glyphs = svgGlyphs svg strokedSvg = withStrokeWidth (defaultStrokeWidth*0.5) $ withStrokeColor "black" svg svg = lowerTransformations $ simplify $ scale 2 $ center $ latexAlign "\\sum_{k=1}^\\infty {1 \\over k^2} = {\\pi^2 \\over 6}" shuffleList lst = shuffle' lst (length lst) (mkStdGen 0xdeadbeef) highlightE :: Effect highlightE d t = scale (1 + bellS 2 (t/d)*0.5) . rotate (wiggleS (t/d) * 20) flashE :: Effect flashE d t = withStrokeColor "black" . withStrokeWidth (defaultStrokeWidth*0.5*bellS 2 (t/d)) . withFillColorPixel (promotePixel $ turbo (t/d)) -- s-curve, sin, s-curve wiggleS :: Signal wiggleS t | t < 0.25 = curveS 2 (t*4) | t < 0.75 = sin ((t-0.25)*2*pi+pi/2) | otherwise = curveS 2 ((t-0.75)*4)-1 -- drawAnimation :: SVG -> Animation drawAnimation = drawAnimation' Nothing 0.5 0.3 drawAnimation' :: Maybe Int -> Double -> Double -> SVG -> Animation drawAnimation' mbSeed fillDur step svg = sceneAnimation $ do forM_ (zip [0..] $ shuf $ svgGlyphs svg) $ \(n, (fn, attr, tree)) -> do let sWidth = case toUserUnit defaultDPI <$> getLast (attr ^. strokeWidth) of Just (Num d) -> d _ -> defaultStrokeWidth fork $ do wait (n*step) play $ mapA fn $ (animate (\t -> withFillOpacity 0 $ partialSvg t tree) # applyE (overEnding fillDur $ fadeLineOutE sWidth)) fork $ do wait (n*step+(1-fillDur)) newSprite $ do t <- spriteT return $ withStrokeWidth 0 $ fn $ withFillOpacity (min 1 $ t/fillDur) tree where shuf lst = case mbSeed of Nothing -> lst Just seed -> shuffle' lst (length lst) (mkStdGen seed)