{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Graphics.Win32Extras where import Graphics.Win32 import System.Win32.DLL import Data.Int import Data.Word import Data.Bits import Foreign.ForeignPtr import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Storable import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc import Foreign.C.Types import Data.IORef import System.IO.Unsafe import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Loops import Codec.BMP foreign import stdcall "windows.h GetWindowTextW" c_GetWindowText :: HWND -> LPTSTR -> Int32 -> IO LRESULT -- | A wrapper for 'c_GetWindowText' which fails if the string is too long. getWindowText wnd = do fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes 1024 withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do pokeByteOff p 1021 '\0' failIfZero "GetWindowText" $ c_GetWindowText wnd p 1024 ch :: Word8 <- peekByteOff p 1021 failIf_ id "GetWindowText" $ return $ ch /= 0 -- Test if string was truncated peekTString p foreign import stdcall "windows.h GetClassNameW" c_GetClassName :: HWND -> LPTSTR -> Int32 -> IO LRESULT getClassName wnd = do fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes 1024 withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do pokeByteOff p 1021 '\0' failIfZero "GetClassName" $ c_GetClassName wnd p 1024 ch :: Word8 <- peekByteOff p 1021 failIf_ id "GetClassName" $ return $ ch /= 0 -- Test if string was truncated peekTString p foreign import stdcall "windows.h SetFocus" setFocus :: HWND -> IO HWND ------------------------------ -- Drawing foreign import stdcall unsafe "windows.h SetPixel" set :: HDC -> Int32 -> Int32 -> COLORREF -> IO COLORREF dT_TOP :: Word32 dT_TOP = 0 dT_LEFT :: Word32 dT_LEFT = 0 dT_CENTER :: Word32 dT_CENTER = 1 dT_RIGHT :: Word32 dT_RIGHT = 2 dT_VCENTER :: Word32 dT_VCENTER = 4 dT_BOTTOM :: Word32 dT_BOTTOM = 8 dT_WORDBREAK :: Word32 dT_WORDBREAK = 16 dT_SINGLELINE :: Word32 dT_SINGLELINE = 32 dT_EXPANDTABS :: Word32 dT_EXPANDTABS = 64 dT_TABSTOP :: Word32 dT_TABSTOP = 128 dT_NOCLIP :: Word32 dT_NOCLIP = 256 dT_EXTERNALLEADING :: Word32 dT_EXTERNALLEADING = 512 dT_CALCRECT :: Word32 dT_CALCRECT = 1024 dT_NOPREFIX :: Word32 dT_NOPREFIX = 2048 dT_INTERNAL :: Word32 dT_INTERNAL = 4096 dT_EDITCONTROL :: Word32 dT_EDITCONTROL = 8192 dT_PATH_ELLIPSIS :: Word32 dT_PATH_ELLIPSIS = 16384 dT_END_ELLIPSIS :: Word32 dT_END_ELLIPSIS = 32768 dT_MODIFYSTRING :: Word32 dT_MODIFYSTRING = 65536 dT_RTLREADING :: Word32 dT_RTLREADING = 131072 dT_WORD_ELLIPSIS :: Word32 dT_WORD_ELLIPSIS = 262144 dT_NOFULLWIDTHCHARBREAK :: Word32 dT_NOFULLWIDTHCHARBREAK = 524288 dT_HIDEPREFIX :: Word32 dT_HIDEPREFIX = 1048576 dT_PREFIXONLY :: Word32 dT_PREFIXONLY = 2097152 foreign import stdcall "windows.h DrawTextW" c_DrawText :: HDC -> LPTSTR -> Int32 -> LPRECT -> UINT -> IO Int32 drawText dc s rt format = withTString s $ \ps -> withRECT rt $ \pr -> failIfZero "DrawText" $ c_DrawText dc ps (-1) pr format foreign import stdcall "windows.h SetDIBitsToDevice" c_SetDIBitsToDevice :: HDC -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Ptr CChar -> LPBITMAPINFO -> Word32 -> IO Int32 withBITMAP :: BitmapInfo -> (Ptr () -> IO a) -> IO a withBITMAP (InfoV3 bi) f = do fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes 40 withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do pokeByteOff p 0 (dib3Size bi) pokeByteOff p 4 (dib3Width bi) pokeByteOff p 8 (dib3Height bi) pokeByteOff p 12 (dib3Planes bi) pokeByteOff p 14 (dib3BitCount bi) pokeByteOff p 16 bI_RGB pokeByteOff p 20 (dib3ImageSize bi) pokeByteOff p 24 (dib3PelsPerMeterX bi) pokeByteOff p 28 (dib3PelsPerMeterY bi) pokeByteOff p 32 (dib3ColorsUsed bi) pokeByteOff p 36 (dib3ColorsImportant bi) f p type XFORM = Ptr () foreign import stdcall "windows.h SetWorldTransform" setWorldTransform :: HDC -> XFORM -> IO Bool withXFORM :: (Float, Float, Float, Float, Float, Float) -> (XFORM -> IO t) -> IO t withXFORM (eM11, eM12, eM21, eM22, eDx, eDy) f = do fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes 24 withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do pokeByteOff p 0 eM11 pokeByteOff p 4 eM12 pokeByteOff p 8 eM21 pokeByteOff p 12 eM22 pokeByteOff p 16 eDx pokeByteOff p 20 eDy f p oDT_BUTTON :: Word32 oDT_BUTTON = 4 oDA_DRAWENTIRE :: Word32 oDA_DRAWENTIRE = 1 oDA_SELECT :: Word32 oDA_SELECT = 2 oDA_FOCUS :: Word32 oDA_FOCUS = 4 oDS_SELECTED :: Word32 oDS_SELECTED = 1 oDS_DISABLED :: Word32 oDS_DISABLED = 4 oDS_FOCUS :: Word32 oDS_FOCUS = 16 foreign import stdcall "windows.h DrawFocusRect" c_DrawFocusRect :: HDC -> LPRECT -> IO Bool drawFocusRect dc rt = withRECT rt $ c_DrawFocusRect dc foreign import stdcall "windows.h SetWindowPos" c_SetWindowPos :: HWND -> HWND -> LONG -> LONG -> LONG -> LONG -> Word32 -> IO Bool setWindowPos hwnd hwndAfter x y wd ht flags = failIfFalse_ "SetWindowPos" $ c_SetWindowPos hwnd hwndAfter x y wd ht flags foreign import stdcall "windows.h SetWindowLongW" setWindowLong :: HWND -> LONG -> LONG -> IO LONG ------------------------------ -- Scroll bars foreign import stdcall "windows.h SetScrollInfo" c_SetScrollInfo :: HWND -> Int32 -> Ptr SCROLLINFO -> BOOL -> IO BOOL foreign import stdcall "windows.h GetScrollInfo" c_GetScrollInfo :: HWND -> Int32 -> Ptr SCROLLINFO -> IO Int32 setScrollInfo wnd bar si = withSCROLLINFO si $ \p -> c_SetScrollInfo wnd bar p True getScrollInfo wnd bar = withSCROLLINFO (SCROLLINFO sIF_ALL 0 0 0 0 0) $ \p -> do c_GetScrollInfo wnd bar p readSCROLLINFO p data SCROLLINFO = SCROLLINFO { fMask :: Word32, nMin :: Int32, nMax :: Int32, nPage :: Word32, nPos :: Int32, nTrackPos :: Int32 } deriving (Eq, Show) withSCROLLINFO :: SCROLLINFO -> (Ptr SCROLLINFO -> IO t) -> IO t withSCROLLINFO si f = do fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes 28 withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do pokeByteOff p 0 (28 :: Word32) pokeByteOff p 4 (fMask si) pokeByteOff p 8 (nMin si) pokeByteOff p 12 (nMax si) pokeByteOff p 16 (nPage si) pokeByteOff p 20 (nPos si) pokeByteOff p 24 (nTrackPos si) f p readSCROLLINFO :: Ptr SCROLLINFO -> IO SCROLLINFO readSCROLLINFO p = do fMask <- peekByteOff p 4 nMin <- peekByteOff p 8 nMax <- peekByteOff p 12 nPage <- peekByteOff p 16 nPos <- peekByteOff p 20 nTrackPos <- peekByteOff p 24 return (SCROLLINFO fMask nMin nMax nPage nPos nTrackPos) sB_HORZ :: Int32 sB_HORZ = 0 sB_VERT :: Int32 sB_VERT = 1 sB_CTL :: Word32 sB_CTL = 2 sIF_ALL :: Word32 sIF_ALL = 31 sB_PAGEDOWN :: Word32 sB_PAGEDOWN = 3 sB_PAGEUP :: Word32 sB_PAGEUP = 2 sB_LINEUP :: Word32 sB_LINEUP = 0 sB_LINEDOWN :: Word32 sB_LINEDOWN = 1 sB_BOTTOM :: Word32 sB_BOTTOM = 7 sB_TOP :: Word32 sB_TOP = 6 sB_THUMBPOSITION :: Word32 sB_THUMBPOSITION = 4 sB_THUMBTRACK :: Word32 sB_THUMBTRACK = 5 loWord x = x .&. 65535 hiWord x = shiftR x 16 foreign import stdcall "windows.h CallWindowProcW" callWindowProc :: FunPtr WindowClosure -> HWND -> UINT -> WPARAM -> LPARAM -> IO LRESULT gWLP_WNDPROC :: Int32 gWLP_WNDPROC = -4 gWLP_WNDPARENT :: Int32 gWLP_WNDPARENT = -8 gWLP_ID :: Int32 gWLP_ID = -12 gWLP_USERDATA :: Int32 gWLP_USERDATA = -21 gWLP_STYLE :: Int32 gWLP_STYLE = -16 cB_ADDSTRING :: Word32 cB_ADDSTRING = 323 cB_GETCURSEL :: Word32 cB_GETCURSEL = 327 cB_SETCURSEL :: Word32 cB_SETCURSEL = 334 -- ... sIF_RANGE :: Word32 sIF_RANGE = 1 sIF_POS :: Word32 sIF_POS = 2 sIF_PAGE :: Word32 sIF_PAGE = 4 -------------------------------- -- System colors foreign import stdcall "windows.h GetSysColorBrush" getSysColorBrush :: Word32 -> IO HBRUSH foreign import stdcall "windows.h GetSysColor" getSysColor :: Word32 -> IO Word32 foreign import stdcall "windows.h GetDeviceCaps" getDeviceCaps :: HDC -> Int32 -> IO Int32 lOGPIXELSX :: Int32 lOGPIXELSX = 88 lOGPIXELSY :: Int32 lOGPIXELSY = 90 dLGC_WANTCHARS :: Int32 dLGC_WANTCHARS = 128 dLGC_WANTARROWS :: Int32 dLGC_WANTARROWS = 1 dLGC_DEFPUSHBUTTON :: Int32 dLGC_DEFPUSHBUTTON = 16 wM_CTLCOLORSTATIC :: Word32 wM_CTLCOLORSTATIC = 312 ------------------------------ -- Threads foreign import stdcall "windows.h GetCurrentThreadId" getCurrentThreadId :: IO DWORD foreign import stdcall "windows.h PostThreadMessageW" postThreadMessage :: DWORD -> UINT -> WPARAM -> LPARAM -> IO Bool foreign import stdcall "windows.h MsgWaitForMultipleObjects" c_MsgWaitForMultipleObjects :: DWORD -> Ptr HANDLE -> Bool -> DWORD -> DWORD -> IO DWORD msgWaitForMultipleObjects :: [HANDLE] -> Bool -> DWORD -> DWORD -> IO DWORD msgWaitForMultipleObjects handles b n1 n2 = do fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (4 * length handles) withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do mapM_ (\(n, hdl) -> pokeByteOff p n hdl) (zip [0,4..] handles) c_MsgWaitForMultipleObjects (fromIntegral $ length handles) p b n1 n2 wAIT_TIMEOUT :: DWORD wAIT_TIMEOUT = 258 pM_NOREMOVE :: DWORD pM_NOREMOVE = 0 pM_REMOVE :: DWORD pM_REMOVE = 1 pM_NOYIELD :: DWORD pM_NOYIELD = 2 qS_ALLEVENTS :: DWORD qS_ALLEVENTS = 1215 ------------------------------ -- Common dialog boxes foreign import stdcall "windows.h ChooseColorW" c_ChooseColor :: Ptr () -> IO Bool cC_ANYCOLOR :: Word32 cC_ANYCOLOR = 256 cC_FULLOPEN :: Word32 cC_FULLOPEN = 2 cC_PREVENTFULLOPEN :: Word32 cC_PREVENTFULLOPEN = 4 cC_RGBINIT :: Word32 cC_RGBINIT = 1 cC_SHOWHELP :: Word32 cC_SHOWHELP = 8 cC_SOLIDCOLOR :: Word32 cC_SOLIDCOLOR = 128 type CHOOSECOLOR = () foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkFinalizer :: (Ptr a -> IO ()) -> IO (FinalizerPtr a) allocaChooseColor :: Word32 -> Word32 -> IO (ForeignPtr CHOOSECOLOR) allocaChooseColor clr flags = do hdl <- getModuleHandle Nothing cc <- mallocForeignPtrBytes 36 p2 <- mallocBytes 64 withForeignPtr cc $ \p -> do pokeByteOff p 0 (36 :: Word32) pokeByteOff p 4 (0 :: Word32) pokeByteOff p 8 hdl pokeByteOff p 12 clr pokeByteOff p 16 p2 pokeByteOff p 20 flags pokeByteOff p 24 (0 :: Word32) pokeByteOff p 28 (0 :: Word32) pokeByteOff p 32 (0 :: Word32) fin <- mkFinalizer (\_ -> free p2) addForeignPtrFinalizer fin cc return cc -- | Open a choose colour dialog. Use 'allocaChooseColor' to create the parameter structure. chooseColor :: HWND -> ForeignPtr CHOOSECOLOR -> IO (Maybe COLORREF) chooseColor wnd fp = do withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do b <- c_ChooseColor p if b then do clr <- peekByteOff p 12 return (Just clr) else return Nothing type OPENFILENAME = () foreign import stdcall "windows.h GetOpenFileNameW" getOpenFileName :: Ptr OPENFILENAME -> IO Bool foreign import stdcall "windows.h GetSaveFileNameW" getSaveFileName :: Ptr OPENFILENAME -> IO Bool oFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT :: Word32 oFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT = 512 oFN_CREATEPROMPT :: Word32 oFN_CREATEPROMPT = 8192 oFN_DONTADDTORECENT :: Word32 oFN_DONTADDTORECENT = 33554432 oFN_EXPLORER :: Word32 oFN_EXPLORER = 524288 oFN_FILEMUSTEXIST :: Word32 oFN_FILEMUSTEXIST = 4096 oFN_HIDEREADONLY :: Word32 oFN_HIDEREADONLY = 4 oFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT :: Word32 oFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT = 2 --etc.. data Action = Open | Save deriving Eq -- | Open or save a file. fileOpenOrSave :: Action -> HWND -> String -> String -> IO (Maybe String) fileOpenOrSave action wnd filter extension = do hdl <- getModuleHandle Nothing fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes 76 fp2 <- mallocForeignPtrBytes 1000 withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> withForeignPtr fp2 $ \p2 -> withTString filter $ \flt -> withTString extension $ \ext -> do pokeByteOff p2 0 (0 :: Word16) pokeByteOff p 0 (76 :: Word32) pokeByteOff p 4 wnd pokeByteOff p 8 hdl pokeByteOff p 12 flt pokeByteOff p 16 nullPtr pokeByteOff p 24 (1 :: Word32) pokeByteOff p 28 p2 pokeByteOff p 32 (1000 :: Word32) pokeByteOff p 36 nullPtr pokeByteOff p 44 nullPtr pokeByteOff p 48 nullPtr pokeByteOff p 52 (oFN_EXPLORER .|. if action == Open then oFN_FILEMUSTEXIST else oFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT) pokeByteOff p 60 ext b <- (if action == Open then getOpenFileName else getSaveFileName) p if b then do liftM Just (peekTString p2) else return Nothing fileOpen = fileOpenOrSave Open fileSave = fileOpenOrSave Save -- | Display a message box. This fixes the Win32 package MessageBox. messageBox' :: HWND -> String -> String -> MBStyle -> IO MBStatus messageBox' wnd text caption style = withTString text $ \ c_text -> withTString caption $ \ c_caption -> failIfZero "MessageBox" $ c_MessageBox' wnd c_text c_caption style foreign import stdcall safe "windows.h MessageBoxW" c_MessageBox' :: HWND -> LPCTSTR -> LPCTSTR -> MBStyle -> IO MBStatus ------------------------------ -- Printing foreign import stdcall "windows.h GlobalUnlock" globalUnlock' :: HANDLE -> IO Bool foreign import stdcall "windows.h OpenPrinterW" openPrinter :: LPTSTR -> Ptr HANDLE -> Ptr () -> IO Bool foreign import stdcall "windows.h DocumentPropertiesW" documentProperties :: HWND -> HANDLE -> LPTSTR -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> Word32 -> IO LONG foreign import stdcall "windows.h CreateDCW" createDC :: LPCTSTR -> LPCTSTR -> LPCSTR -> Ptr () -> IO HDC foreign import stdcall "windows.h StartDocW" startDoc :: HDC -> Ptr () -> IO Int32 foreign import stdcall "windows.h EndDoc" endDoc :: HDC -> IO Int32 foreign import stdcall "windows.h StartPage" startPage :: HDC -> IO Int32 foreign import stdcall "windows.h EndPage" endPage :: HDC -> IO Int32 foreign import stdcall "windows.h ClosePrinter" closePrinter :: HANDLE -> IO Bool foreign import stdcall "windows.h GetDefaultPrinterW" getDefaultPrinter :: LPTSTR -> Ptr DWORD -> IO Bool dM_OUT_BUFFER :: Word32 dM_OUT_BUFFER = 2 dM_IN_PROMPT :: Word32 dM_IN_PROMPT = 4 -- etc.. foreign import stdcall "windows.h PostMessageW" postMessage :: HWND -> WindowMessage -> WPARAM -> LPARAM -> IO Bool eN_GETSEL :: Word32 eN_GETSEL = 176 eN_SETSEL :: Word32 eN_SETSEL = 177 eN_UPDATE :: Word32 eN_UPDATE = 1024 cBN_EDITUPDATE :: Word32 cBN_EDITUPDATE = 6 cBN_SELENDOK :: Word32 cBN_SELENDOK = 9 lBN_SELCHANGE :: Word32 lBN_SELCHANGE = 1 bN_PUSHED :: Word32 bN_PUSHED = 2 bN_CLICKED :: Word32 bN_CLICKED = 0 hTBOTTOM :: Word32 hTBOTTOM = 15 hTBOTTOMLEFT :: Word32 hTBOTTOMLEFT = 16 hTBOTTOMRIGHT :: Word32 hTBOTTOMRIGHT = 17 hTCAPTION :: Word32 hTCAPTION = 2 hTLEFT :: Word32 hTLEFT = 10 hTRIGHT :: Word32 hTRIGHT = 11 hTTOP :: Word32 hTTOP = 12 hTTOPLEFT :: Word32 hTTOPLEFT = 13 hTTOPRIGHT :: Word32 hTTOPRIGHT = 14 hTCLOSE :: Word32 hTCLOSE = 20 hTMAXBUTTON :: Word32 hTMAXBUTTON = 9 hTMINBUTTON :: Word32 hTMINBUTTON = 8 foreign import stdcall "windows.h SetCapture" setCapture :: HWND -> IO HWND foreign import stdcall "windows.h ReleaseCapture" releaseCapture :: IO Bool sS_OWNERDRAW :: Word32 sS_OWNERDRAW = 13 foreign import stdcall "windows.h EnableWindow" enableWindow' :: HWND -> Bool -> IO Bool ------------------------------ -- Menus -- | Fixes TrackPopupMenu to supply the selection as a return value. foreign import stdcall "windows.h TrackPopupMenu" trackPopupMenu' :: HMENU -> UINT -> LONG -> LONG -> LONG -> HWND -> Ptr RECT -> IO LONG ------------------------------ -- Common controls wC_LISTVIEW = "SysListView32" lVS_REPORT :: Word32 lVS_REPORT = 1 lVS_SINGLESEL :: Word32 lVS_SINGLESEL = 4 wC_TREEVIEW = "SysTreeView32" lVM_FIRST :: Word32 lVM_FIRST = 4096 lVM_GETITEMCOUNT = lVM_FIRST + 4 lVM_DELETEITEM = lVM_FIRST + 8 lVM_INSERTITEM = lVM_FIRST + 77 lVM_GETITEMSTATE = lVM_FIRST + 44 lVM_GETITEMTEXT = lVM_FIRST + 45 lVM_SETITEMTEXT = lVM_FIRST + 116 lVM_GETCOLUMN = lVM_FIRST + 95 lVM_DELETECOLUMN = lVM_FIRST + 28 lVM_INSERTCOLUMN = lVM_FIRST + 97 lVM_SETCOLUMN = lVM_FIRST + 26 lVIF_STATE :: Word32 lVIF_STATE = 8 lVIF_TEXT :: Word32 lVIF_TEXT = 1 lVCF_TEXT :: Word32 lVCF_TEXT = 4 lVCF_WIDTH :: Word32 lVCF_WIDTH = 2 lVIS_SELECTED :: Word32 lVIS_SELECTED = 2 tVM_FIRST :: Word32 tVM_FIRST = 4352 tVM_INSERTITEM = tVM_FIRST + 50 tVM_DELETEITEM = tVM_FIRST + 1 tVM_GETNEXTITEM = tVM_FIRST + 10 tVM_GETITEM = tVM_FIRST + 62 tVM_SETITEM = tVM_FIRST + 63 tVGN_NEXT :: Word32 tVGN_NEXT = 1 tVGN_CHILD :: Word32 tVGN_CHILD = 4 tVIF_TEXT :: Word32 tVIF_TEXT = 1 tVIF_HANDLE :: Word32 tVIF_HANDLE = 16 tVS_HASLINES :: Word32 tVS_HASLINES = 2 foreign import stdcall "windows.h InitCommonControls" initCommonControls :: IO () foreign import stdcall "windows.h TranslateAccelerator" translateAccelerator :: HGLOBAL -> HWND -> LPMSG -> IO Bool foreign import stdcall "windows.h GetWindowLongW" c_GetWindowLong :: HWND -> LONG -> IO LONG type LPCTBBUTTON = Ptr () tb_addbuttons_size :: UINT tb_addbuttons_size = 20 tB_ADDBITMAP :: UINT tB_ADDBITMAP = wM_USER + 19 tB_ADDBUTTONSA :: UINT tB_ADDBUTTONSA = wM_USER + 20 tB_INSERTBUTTONA :: UINT tB_INSERTBUTTONA = wM_USER + 21 tB_DELETEBUTTON :: UINT tB_DELETEBUTTON = wM_USER + 22 tB_REPLACEBITMAP :: UINT tB_REPLACEBITMAP = wM_USER + 46 tB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE :: UINT tB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE = wM_USER + 30 tB_SETBUTTONSIZE :: UINT tB_SETBUTTONSIZE = wM_USER + 31 tB_SETBITMAPSIZE :: UINT tB_SETBITMAPSIZE = wM_USER + 32 tB_AUTOSIZE :: UINT tB_AUTOSIZE = wM_USER + 33 tB_BUTTONCOUNT :: UINT tB_BUTTONCOUNT = wM_USER + 24 tB_SETIMAGELIST :: UINT tB_SETIMAGELIST = wM_USER + 48 tB_GETTOOLTIPS :: UINT tB_GETTOOLTIPS = wM_USER + 35 tB_SETTOOLTIPS :: UINT tB_SETTOOLTIPS = wM_USER + 36 foreign import stdcall "mmsystem.h timeBeginPeriod" timeBeginPeriod :: UINT -> IO UINT foreign import stdcall "mmsystem.h timeEndPeriod" timeEndPeriod :: UINT -> IO UINT foreign import stdcall "mmsystem.h timeSetEvent" timeSetEvent :: UINT -> UINT -> LPVOID -> UINT -> UINT -> IO UINT foreign import stdcall "windows.h CreateEventW" createEvent :: LPVOID -> BOOL -> BOOL -> LPTSTR -> IO HANDLE tIMER_ONESHOT :: UINT tIMER_ONESHOT = 1 tIMER_PERIODIC :: UINT tIMER_PERIODIC = 64 tIME_CALLBACK_FUNCTION :: UINT tIME_CALLBACK_FUNCTION = 0 tIME_CALLBACK_EVENT_SET :: UINT tIME_CALLBACK_EVENT_SET = 16 tIME_CALLBACK_EVENT_PULSE :: UINT tIME_CALLBACK_EVENT_PULSE = 32 --- The following functions are utilities, not part of the Win32 API. -- | Helper to add buttons from a bitmap already present. {- addExistingBitmaps :: HWND -> [(LONG, UINT, BYTE)] -> IO () addExistingBitmaps toolbar whichbuttons = do let nButtons = length whichbuttons fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (8 `max` (nButtons * tb_addbuttons_size)) withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do mapM_ (\(i, (n, id, state)) -> do pokeByteOff p i n pokeByteOff p (i + 4) id pokeByteOff p (i + 8) 0 pokeByteOff (castPtr p) (i + 8) state pokeByteOff p (i + 16) 0) whichbuttons sendMessage toolbar tB_ADDBUTTONSA nButtons (toLPARAM p) sendMessage toolbar tB_AUTOSIZE 0 0 addButtonsFromModule :: HINSTANCE -> HWND -> HRESOURCE -> [(LONG, UINT, BYTE)] -> IO () addButtonsFromModule mod toolbar bitmap whichbuttons = do sendMessage toolbar tB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE tb_addbuttons_size 0 fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes 8 withForeignPtr fp $ \p => do pokeByteOff p 0 mod pokeByteoff p 4 bitmap sendMessage toolbar tB_ADDBITMAP (maximum whichbuttons + 1) (toLPARAM p) addExistingButtons toolbar whichbuttons clearToolbar -- | Add buttons to a toolbar directly out of a resource. The elements of the third -- parameter indicate for each button, its position in the bitmap, its control ID, -- and its button state respectively. addButtons :: HWND -> HRESOURCE -> [(LONG, UINT, BYTE)] -> IO () addButtons toolbar bitmap whichbuttons = do mod <- getModuleHandle nullPtr addButtonsFromModule mod toolbar bitmap whichbuttons -- | Remove all buttons from a toolbar. clearToolbar toolbar = whileM_ (return ()) (liftM (/=0) $ sendMessage toolbar tB_DELETEBUTTON 0 0) -- | Add toolbar buttons from an imagelist. Returns the former imagelist. setImageList :: HWND -> HIMAGELIST -> [(LONG, UINT, BYTE)] -> IO HIMAGELIST setImageList toolbar imagelist whichbuttons = do sendMessage toolbar tB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE tb_addbuttons_size 0 clearToolbar toolbar oldlist <- sendMessage toolbar tS_SETIMAGELIST 0 imagelist addExistingButtons toolbar whichbuttons return oldlist-} -- | Create a frame window with reasonable defaults. A null background brush is used to prevent flicker. frameWindow icon menu parent title closure = do hdl <- getModuleHandle Nothing cursor <- loadCursor Nothing iDC_ARROW null <- getStockBrush nULL_BRUSH let name = mkClassName "Frame" registerClass (0, hdl, icon, Just cursor, Just null, Nothing, name) createWindowEx 0 name title (wS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW .|. wS_VISIBLE .|. wS_CLIPCHILDREN) Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing menu parent closure