module Reactive.Banana.MIDI.Pattern where import qualified Reactive.Banana.MIDI.Note as Note import qualified Reactive.Banana.MIDI.KeySet as KeySet import qualified Reactive.Banana.MIDI.DeBruijn as DeBruijn import qualified Reactive.Banana.MIDI.Pitch as Pitch import Reactive.Banana.MIDI.Common (splitFraction, ) import qualified Reactive.Banana.MIDI.Utility as RBU import qualified Reactive.Banana.Combinators as RB import Reactive.Banana.Combinators ((<@>), ) import qualified Sound.MIDI.Message.Channel.Voice as VoiceMsg import Sound.MIDI.Message.Channel.Voice (Velocity, ) import qualified Data.EventList.Absolute.TimeBody as AbsEventList import qualified Data.EventList.Relative.TimeBody as EventList import qualified Data.EventList.Relative.TimeMixed as EventListTM import Data.EventList.Relative.MixedBody ((/.), (./), ) import qualified Numeric.NonNegative.Wrapper as NonNegW import qualified Data.List.HT as ListHT import qualified Data.List as List import qualified System.Random as Rnd import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as MS import qualified Data.Traversable as Trav import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold import Control.Monad (guard, ) import Control.Applicative (Applicative, pure, (<*>), ) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, maybeToList, ) import Data.Bool.HT (if', ) import Data.Ord.HT (comparing, ) import Prelude hiding (init, filter, reverse, ) -- * reactive patterns type T t time set key value = RB.Behavior t (set key value) -> RB.Event t time -> RB.Event t [Note.Boundary key value] mono :: (KeySet.C set) => Selector set key Velocity i -> RB.Behavior t (set key Velocity) -> RB.Event t i -> RB.Event t [Note.Boundary key Velocity] mono select pressed pattern = fst $ RBU.sequence [] $ pure (\set i -> do off <- MS.get let mnote = select i set on = fmap (\(key, vel) -> Note.Boundary key vel True) mnote MS.put $ fmap (\(key, _vel) -> Note.Boundary key VoiceMsg.normalVelocity False) mnote return $ off ++ on) <*> pressed <@> pattern poly :: (KeySet.C set) => Selector set key Velocity i -> RB.Behavior t (set key Velocity) -> RB.Event t [IndexNote i] -> RB.Event t [Note.Boundary key Velocity] poly select pressed pattern = fst $ RBU.sequence EventList.empty $ pure (\set is -> do off <- MS.get let (nowOff, laterOff) = EventListTM.splitAtTime 1 off sel = concatMap (Trav.traverse (flip select set)) is on = fmap (\(IndexNote _ (key, vel)) -> Note.Boundary key vel True) sel MS.put $ EventList.mergeBy (\ _ _ -> False) laterOff $ EventList.fromAbsoluteEventList $ AbsEventList.fromPairList $ List.sortBy (comparing fst) $ map (\(IndexNote dur (key, _vel)) -> (dur, Note.Boundary key VoiceMsg.normalVelocity False)) sel return $ Fold.toList nowOff ++ on) <*> pressed <@> pattern -- * selectors type Selector set key value i = i -> set key value -> [(key, value)] data IndexNote i = IndexNote NonNegW.Int i deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) instance Functor IndexNote where fmap f (IndexNote d i) = IndexNote d $ f i instance Fold.Foldable IndexNote where foldMap = Trav.foldMapDefault instance Trav.Traversable IndexNote where sequenceA (IndexNote d i) = fmap (IndexNote d) i item :: i -> Int -> IndexNote i item i n = IndexNote (NonNegW.fromNumberMsg "Pattern.item" n) i data Poly set key value i = Poly (Selector set key value i) (EventList.T Int [IndexNote i]) {- | Generate notes according to the key set, where notes for negative and too large indices are padded with keys that are transposed by octaves. -} selectFromOctaveChord :: (KeySet.C set, Ord pitch, Pitch.C pitch) => Selector set pitch value Int selectFromOctaveChord d chord = maybeToList $ do let size = KeySet.size chord guard (size>0) let (q,r) = divMod d size (pc, vel) <- KeySet.index r chord pcTrans <- Pitch.increase (12*q) pc return (pcTrans, vel) selectFromChord :: (KeySet.C set, Ord key) => Selector set key value Int selectFromChord n chord = maybeToList $ KeySet.index n chord selectFromChordRatio :: (KeySet.C set, Ord key) => Selector set key value Double selectFromChordRatio d chord = selectFromChord (floor $ d * fromIntegral (KeySet.size chord)) chord selectInversion :: (KeySet.C set, Pitch.C pitch) => Selector set pitch value Double selectInversion d chord = let makeNote octave (pc, vel) = fmap (\pcTrans -> (pcTrans, vel)) (Pitch.increase (octave*12) pc) (oct,p) = splitFraction d pivot = floor (p * fromIntegral (KeySet.size chord)) (low,high) = splitAt pivot $ KeySet.toList chord in mapMaybe (makeNote oct) high ++ mapMaybe (makeNote (oct+1)) low -- * patterns {- | See Haskore/FlipSong flipSeq m !! n = cross sum of the m-ary representation of n modulo m. For m=2 this yields -} flipSeq :: Int -> [Int] flipSeq n = let incList m = map (\x -> mod (x+m) n) recourse y = let z = concatMap (flip incList y) [1 .. n-1] in z ++ recourse (y++z) in [0] ++ recourse [0] cycleUpIndex, cycleDownIndex, pingPongIndex :: RB.Behavior t Int -> RB.Event t time -> RB.Event t Int cycleUpIndex numbers times = fst $ RB.mapAccum 0 $ pure (\number _time i -> (i, mod (succ i) (max 1 number))) <*> numbers <@> times cycleDownIndex numbers times = RB.accumE 0 $ pure (\number _time i -> mod (pred i) (max 1 number)) <*> numbers <@> times pingPongIndex numbers times = fst $ RB.mapAccum (0,1) $ pure (\number _time (i,d0) -> (i, let j = i+d0 d1 = if' (j>=number) (-1) $ if' (j<0) 1 d0 in (i+d1, d1))) <*> numbers <@> times crossSumIndex :: RB.Behavior t Int -> RB.Event t time -> RB.Event t Int crossSumIndex numbers times = pure (\number i -> let m = fromIntegral number in if m <= 1 then 0 else fromInteger $ flip mod m $ sum $ decomposePositional m i) <*> numbers <@> fromList [0..] times crossSumStaticIndex :: Int -> RB.Event t time -> RB.Event t Int crossSumStaticIndex number = fromList (flipSeq number) fromList :: [a] -> RB.Event t time -> RB.Event t a fromList xs times = RB.filterJust $ fst $ RB.mapAccum xs $ fmap (\_time xs0 -> case xs0 of [] -> (Nothing, []) x:xs1 -> (Just x, xs1)) times cycleUp, cycleDown, pingPong, crossSum :: (KeySet.C set, Ord key) => RB.Behavior t Int -> T t time set key Velocity cycleUp numbers sets times = mono selectFromChord sets (cycleUpIndex numbers times) cycleDown numbers sets times = mono selectFromChord sets (cycleDownIndex numbers times) pingPong numbers sets times = mono selectFromChord sets (pingPongIndex numbers times) crossSum numbers sets times = mono selectFromChord sets (crossSumIndex numbers times) bruijn :: (KeySet.C set, Ord key) => Int -> Int -> T t time set key Velocity bruijn n k sets times = mono selectFromChord sets $ fromList (cycle $ DeBruijn.lexLeast n k) times binaryStaccato, binaryLegato, binaryAccident :: (KeySet.C set, Ord key) => T t time set key Velocity {- binary number Pattern.T: 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 2 0 1 2 3 -} binaryStaccato sets times = poly selectFromChord sets (flip fromList times $ map (map (IndexNote 1 . fst) . List.filter ((/=0) . snd) . zip [0..] . decomposePositional 2) [0..]) binaryLegato sets times = poly selectFromChord sets (flip fromList times $ map (\m -> map (uncurry IndexNote) $ List.filter (\(p,_i) -> mod m p == 0) $ takeWhile ((<=m) . fst) $ zip (iterate (2*) 1) [0..]) [0..]) {- This was my first try to implement binaryLegato. It was not what I wanted, but it sounded nice. -} binaryAccident sets times = poly selectFromChord sets (flip fromList times $ map (zipWith IndexNote (iterate (2*) 1) . map fst . List.filter ((/=0) . snd) . zip [0..] . decomposePositional 2) [0..]) -- cf. htam:NumberTheory decomposePositional :: Integer -> Integer -> [Integer] decomposePositional b = let recourse 0 = [] recourse x = let (q,r) = divMod x b in r : recourse q in recourse cycleUpOctave :: (KeySet.C set, Ord pitch, Pitch.C pitch) => RB.Behavior t Int -> T t time set pitch Velocity cycleUpOctave numbers sets times = mono selectFromOctaveChord sets (cycleUpIndex numbers times) random :: (KeySet.C set, Ord key) => T t time set key Velocity random sets times = mono selectFromChordRatio sets $ fst $ RB.mapAccum (Rnd.mkStdGen 42) $ fmap (const $ Rnd.randomR (0,1)) times randomInversions :: (KeySet.C set, Pitch.C pitch) => T t time set pitch Velocity randomInversions = inversions $ map sum $ ListHT.sliceVertical 3 $ Rnd.randomRs (-1,1) $ Rnd.mkStdGen 42 cycleUpInversions :: (KeySet.C set, Pitch.C pitch) => Int -> T t time set pitch Velocity cycleUpInversions n = inversions $ cycle $ take n $ map (\i -> fromInteger i / fromIntegral n) [0..] inversions :: (KeySet.C set, Pitch.C pitch) => [Double] -> T t time set pitch Velocity inversions rs sets times = mono selectInversion sets (fromList rs times) -- * tests {- We cannot use cycle function here, because we need to cycle a Body-Time list which is incompatible to a Body-Body list, even if the end is never reached. -} examplePolyTempo0 :: EventList.T Int [IndexNote Int] examplePolyTempo0 = let pat = [item 0 1] ./ 1 /. [item 1 1, item 2 1] ./ 2 /. [item 1 1, item 2 1] ./ 1 /. [item 0 1] ./ 2 /. pat in 0 /. pat examplePolyTempo1 :: EventList.T Int [IndexNote Int] examplePolyTempo1 = let pat = [item 0 1] ./ 1 /. [item 2 1, item 3 1, item 4 1] ./ 1 /. [item 2 1, item 3 1, item 4 1] ./ 1 /. [item 1 1] ./ 1 /. [item 2 1, item 3 1, item 4 1] ./ 1 /. [item 2 1, item 3 1, item 4 1] ./ 1 /. pat in 0 /. pat