{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveAnyClass, FlexibleInstances, DeriveGeneric, BangPatterns, TemplateHaskell #-} module Main (main) where import Control.DeepSeq (NFData) import Control.Monad import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Maybe import Debug.Trace import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Data.Time (UTCTime(..), fromGregorian) import React.Flux import React.Flux.Lifecycle import React.Flux.Addons.React import React.Flux.Addons.Intl import qualified Data.Text as T import GHCJS.Types (JSVal, JSString) import GHCJS.Marshal (fromJSVal) import qualified Data.JSString.Text as JSS foreign import javascript unsafe "(function(x) { \ \ if (!window.test_client_output) window.test_client_output = []; \ \ window.test_client_output.push(x); \ \})($1)" js_output :: JSString -> IO () data OutputStoreData = OutputStoreData deriving (Show, Typeable) instance StoreData OutputStoreData where type StoreAction OutputStoreData = [T.Text] -- log both to the console and to js_output transform ss OutputStoreData = do mapM_ (js_output . JSS.textToJSString) ss trace (unlines $ map T.unpack ss) $ return OutputStoreData outputStore :: ReactStore OutputStoreData outputStore = mkStore OutputStoreData output :: [T.Text] -> [SomeStoreAction] output s = [SomeStoreAction outputStore s] outputIO :: [T.Text] -> IO () outputIO ss = void $ transform ss OutputStoreData -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Events -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- logM :: (T.Text -> Bool) -> T.Text logM f = "alt modifier: " <> (T.pack $ show (f "Alt")) logT :: EventTarget -> T.Text logT t = eventTargetProp t "id" tshow :: Show a => a -> T.Text tshow = T.pack . show rawShowView :: ReactView Int rawShowView = defineView "raw show view" elemShow eventsView :: ReactView () eventsView = defineView "events" $ \() -> div_ $ do p_ $ input_ [ "type" $= "text" , "id" $= "keyinput" , "placeholder" $= "onKeyDown" , onKeyDown $ \e k -> output [ "keydown" , tshow e , tshow k , logM (keyGetModifierState k) , logT (evtTarget e) , logT (evtCurrentTarget e) ] , onFocus $ \e _ -> output [ "focus" , tshow e --, logT $ focusRelatedTarget f ] ] p_ $ label_ [ "id" $= "clickinput" , onClick $ \e m -> output [ "click" , tshow e , tshow m , logM (mouseGetModifierState m) --, logT (mouseRelatedTarget m) ] ] "onClick" p_ $ label_ [ "id" $= "touchinput" , onTouchStart $ \e t -> output [ "touchstart" , tshow e , tshow t , logM (touchGetModifierState t) , logT (touchTarget $ head $ touchTargets t) , "endtouch" ] ] "onTouchStart" p_ $ a_ [ "id" $= "some-link" , "href" $= "http://www.haskell.org" , onClick $ \e _ -> output ["Click some-link"] ++ [preventDefault e] ] "Testing preventDefault" div_ $ div_ [ "id" $= "outer-div" , onClick $ \_ _ -> output ["Click on outer div"] , capturePhase $ onDoubleClick $ \e _ -> output ["Double click outer div"] ++ [stopPropagation e] ] $ do span_ [ "id" $= "inner-span" , onClick $ \e _ -> output ["Click inner span"] ++ [stopPropagation e] , onDoubleClick $ \_ _ -> output ["Double click inner span"] ] "Testing stopPropagation" p_ [ "id" $= "raw-show-view"] $ view rawShowView 42 mempty eventsView_ :: ReactElementM eventHandler () eventsView_ = view eventsView () mempty -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Lifecycle -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- logPandS :: LPropsAndState T.Text Int -> IO () logPandS ps = do p <- lGetProps ps st <- lGetState ps outputIO ["Current props and state: " <> p <> ", " <> (T.pack $ show st)] foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.id" js_domGetId :: JSVal -> IO JSVal logDOM :: LDOM -> IO () logDOM dom = do this <- lThis dom >>= js_domGetId >>= fromJSVal x <- lRef dom "refSt" >>= js_domGetId >>= fromJSVal y <- lRef dom "refProps" >>= js_domGetId >>= fromJSVal outputIO [ "this id = " <> fromMaybe "Nothing" this , "refStr id = " <> fromMaybe "Nothing" x , "refProps id = " <> fromMaybe "Nothing" y ] testLifecycle :: ReactView T.Text testLifecycle = defineLifecycleView "testlifecycle" (12 :: Int) lifecycleConfig { lRender = \s p -> p_ ["id" $= "lifecycle-p"] $ do span_ "Current state: " span_ ["ref" $= "refSt", "id" $= "hello"] (elemShow s) span_ ["ref" $= "refProps", "id" $= "world"] $ elemText $ "Current props: " <> p button_ [ "id" $= "increment-state" , onClick $ \_ _ st -> ([], Just $ st + 1) ] "Incr" , lComponentWillMount = Just $ \pAndS setStateFn -> do outputIO ["will mount"] logPandS pAndS setStateFn 100 , lComponentDidMount = Just $ \pAndS dom _setStateFn -> do outputIO ["did mount"] logPandS pAndS logDOM dom , lComponentWillReceiveProps = Just $ \pAndS _dom _setStateFn newProps -> do outputIO ["will recv props"] logPandS pAndS outputIO ["New props: " <> newProps] , lComponentWillUpdate = Just $ \pAndS _dom newProps newState -> do outputIO ["will update"] logPandS pAndS outputIO ["New props: " <> newProps, "New state: " <> tshow newState] , lComponentDidUpdate = Just $ \pAndS _dom _setStateFn oldProps oldState -> do outputIO ["did update"] logPandS pAndS outputIO ["Old props: " <> oldProps, "Old state: " <> tshow oldState] , lComponentWillUnmount = Just $ \pAndS _dom -> do outputIO ["will unmount"] logPandS pAndS } testLifecycle_ :: T.Text -> ReactElementM eventHandler () testLifecycle_ s = view testLifecycle s $ span_ ["id" $= "child-passed-to-view"] "I am a child!!!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Children passed to view -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- displayChildren :: ReactView String displayChildren = defineView "display children" $ \ident -> span_ [classNames [("display-children", True), ("missing-name", False)], "id" @= ident] childrenPassedToView displayChildren_ :: String -> ReactElementM handler () -> ReactElementM handler () displayChildren_ = view displayChildren displayChildrenSpec :: ReactElementM handler () displayChildrenSpec = ul_ $ do li_ $ displayChildren_ "empty-children" mempty li_ $ displayChildren_ "single-child-wrapper" $ span_ ["id" $= "single-child"] "Single Child!!" li_ $ displayChildren_ "multi-child" $ span_ ["id" $= "child1"] "Child 1" <> span_ ["id" $= "child2"] "Child 2" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- CSS Transitions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cssTransitions :: ReactView [T.Text] cssTransitions = defineView "css transitions" $ \items -> div_ ["id" $= "css-transitions"] $ cssTransitionGroup ["transitionName" $= "example"] $ forM_ (zip items [(0 :: Int)..]) $ \(txt, key) -> div_ ["key" @= key] $ span_ ["className" $= "css-transition-entry"] $ elemText txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- shouldComponentUpdate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data ShouldComponentUpdateData = ShouldComponentUpdateData Int String deriving (Typeable, Show) -- | The data in the store is four 'ShouldComponentUpdateData's. The reason is we test -- views with tuples of size up to 3, and so we want 4 entries in the store to be able to -- test editing the store but not changing anything that is passed to a view, to test that -- the shouldComponentUpdate function is working properly. data ShouldComponentUpdate = ShouldComponentUpdate { scu1 :: !ShouldComponentUpdateData -- ^ passed to all three views , scu2 :: !ShouldComponentUpdateData -- ^ only passed to the pair view , scu3 :: !ShouldComponentUpdateData -- ^ only passed to the triple view , scu4 :: !ShouldComponentUpdateData -- ^ not passed to any view } deriving (Typeable, Show) data SCUIndex = SCU1 | SCU2 | SCU3 | SCU4 deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable, Generic, NFData, Bounded, Enum) data ShouldComponentUpdateAction = IncrementAllSCUData SCUIndex | IncrementFirstSCUData SCUIndex | NoChangeToSCUData deriving (Show, Typeable, Generic, NFData) toggleSCU :: ShouldComponentUpdateData -> ShouldComponentUpdateData toggleSCU (ShouldComponentUpdateData i s) = ShouldComponentUpdateData (i+1) s instance StoreData [ShouldComponentUpdate] where type StoreAction [ShouldComponentUpdate] = ShouldComponentUpdateAction transform _ [] = error "Will never happen" transform action ds@(first:rest) = pure $ case action of NoChangeToSCUData -> ds (IncrementAllSCUData SCU1) -> [ShouldComponentUpdate (toggleSCU s1) s2 s3 s4 | ShouldComponentUpdate s1 s2 s3 s4 <- ds] (IncrementAllSCUData SCU2) -> [ShouldComponentUpdate s1 (toggleSCU s2) s3 s4 | ShouldComponentUpdate s1 s2 s3 s4 <- ds] (IncrementAllSCUData SCU3) -> [ShouldComponentUpdate s1 s2 (toggleSCU s3) s4 | ShouldComponentUpdate s1 s2 s3 s4 <- ds] (IncrementAllSCUData SCU4) -> [ShouldComponentUpdate s1 s2 s3 (toggleSCU s4) | ShouldComponentUpdate s1 s2 s3 s4 <- ds] (IncrementFirstSCUData SCU1) -> first { scu1 = toggleSCU $ scu1 first } : rest (IncrementFirstSCUData SCU2) -> first { scu2 = toggleSCU $ scu2 first } : rest (IncrementFirstSCUData SCU3) -> first { scu3 = toggleSCU $ scu3 first } : rest (IncrementFirstSCUData SCU4) -> first { scu4 = toggleSCU $ scu4 first } : rest shouldComponentUpdateStore :: ReactStore [ShouldComponentUpdate] shouldComponentUpdateStore = mkStore [ ShouldComponentUpdate (mkS 1 "Quick Ben") (mkS 2 "Whiskeyjack") (mkS 3 "Fiddler") (mkS 4 "Kellanved") , ShouldComponentUpdate (mkS 5 "Karsa") (mkS 6 "Tehol") (mkS 7 "Tayschrenn") (mkS 8 "Kruppe") , ShouldComponentUpdate (mkS 9 "Anomander Rake") (mkS 10 "Iskaral Pust") (mkS 11 "Dujek") (mkS 12 "Tavore") ] where mkS = ShouldComponentUpdateData -- | This will log wheenver componentWillUpdate lifecycle event occurs logComponentWillUpdate :: ReactView ShouldComponentUpdateData logComponentWillUpdate = defineLifecycleView "shouldComponentUpdate single spec" () lifecycleConfig { lRender = \() (ShouldComponentUpdateData i s) -> span_ (elemShow i) <> span_ (elemString s) , lComponentWillUpdate = Just $ \curProps _ (ShouldComponentUpdateData newI newS) () -> do ShouldComponentUpdateData curI curS <- lGetProps curProps outputIO [ "Component will update single" , "current props: " <> tshow curI <> " " <> T.pack curS , "new props: " <> tshow newI <> " " <> T.pack newS ] } logComp1_ :: ShouldComponentUpdateData -> Int -> ReactElementM handler () logComp1_ !sc i = viewWithKey logComponentWillUpdate i sc mempty logComponentWillUpdatePair :: ReactView (ShouldComponentUpdateData, ShouldComponentUpdateData) logComponentWillUpdatePair = defineLifecycleView "shouldComponentUpdate pair spec" () lifecycleConfig { lRender = \() (ShouldComponentUpdateData i1 s1, ShouldComponentUpdateData i2 s2) -> span_ (elemShow i1) <> span_ (elemString s1) <> span_ (elemShow i2) <> span_ (elemString s2) , lComponentWillUpdate = Just $ \curProps _ (ShouldComponentUpdateData newI1 newS1, ShouldComponentUpdateData newI2 newS2) () -> do (ShouldComponentUpdateData curI1 curS1, ShouldComponentUpdateData curI2 curS2) <- lGetProps curProps outputIO [ "Component will update for pair input view" , T.pack $ "current props: " ++ show curI1 ++ " " ++ curS1 ++ " " ++ show curI2 ++ " " ++ curS2 , T.pack $ "new props: " ++ show newI1 ++ " " ++ newS1 ++ " " ++ show newI2 ++ " " ++ newS2 ] } logComp2_ :: ShouldComponentUpdateData -> ShouldComponentUpdateData -> Int -> ReactElementM handler () logComp2_ !sc1 !sc2 i = viewWithKey logComponentWillUpdatePair i (sc1, sc2) mempty logComponentWillUpdateTriple :: ReactView (ShouldComponentUpdateData, ShouldComponentUpdateData, ShouldComponentUpdateData) logComponentWillUpdateTriple = defineLifecycleView "shouldComponentUpdate triple spec" () lifecycleConfig { lRender = \() (ShouldComponentUpdateData i1 s1, ShouldComponentUpdateData i2 s2, ShouldComponentUpdateData i3 s3) -> span_ (elemShow i1) <> span_ (elemString s1) <> span_ (elemShow i2) <> span_ (elemString s2) <> span_ (elemShow i3) <> span_ (elemString s3) , lComponentWillUpdate = Just $ \curProps _ (ShouldComponentUpdateData newI1 newS1, ShouldComponentUpdateData newI2 newS2, ShouldComponentUpdateData newI3 newS3) () -> do (ShouldComponentUpdateData curI1 curS1, ShouldComponentUpdateData curI2 curS2, ShouldComponentUpdateData curI3 curS3) <- lGetProps curProps outputIO [ "Component will update for triple input view" , T.pack $ "current props: " ++ show curI1 ++ " " ++ curS1 ++ " " ++ show curI2 ++ " " ++ curS2 ++ " " ++ show curI3 ++ " " ++ curS3 , T.pack $ "new props: " ++ show newI1 ++ " " ++ newS1 ++ " " ++ show newI2 ++ " " ++ newS2 ++ " " ++ show newI3 ++ " " ++ newS3 ] } logComp3_ :: ShouldComponentUpdateData -> ShouldComponentUpdateData -> ShouldComponentUpdateData -> Int -> ReactElementM handler () logComp3_ !sc1 !sc2 !sc3 i = viewWithKey logComponentWillUpdateTriple i (sc1, sc2, sc3) mempty shouldComponentUpdateSpec :: ReactView () shouldComponentUpdateSpec = defineControllerView "should component update" shouldComponentUpdateStore $ \ds () -> div_ ["id" $= "should-component-update"] $ do ul_ ["id" $= "should-component-update-single"] $ forM_ (zip ds [(0 :: Int)..]) $ \(d,i) -> li_ $ logComp1_ (scu1 d) i ul_ ["id" $= "should-component-update-pair"] $ forM_ (zip ds [(0 :: Int)..]) $ \(d,i) -> li_ $ logComp2_ (scu1 d) (scu2 d) i ul_ ["id" $= "should-component-update-triple"] $ forM_ (zip ds [(0 :: Int)..]) $ \(d, i) -> li_ $ logComp3_ (scu1 d) (scu2 d) (scu3 d) i button_ ["id" $= "no-change-scu", onClick $ \_ _ -> [SomeStoreAction shouldComponentUpdateStore NoChangeToSCUData]] "No change to data" forM_ [minBound..maxBound] $ \idx -> do button_ ["id" @= ("change-all-scu-" ++ show idx), onClick $ \_ _ -> [SomeStoreAction shouldComponentUpdateStore $ IncrementAllSCUData idx]] $ elemString $ "Increment all " ++ show idx button_ ["id" @=("increment-first-scu" ++ show idx), onClick $ \_ _ -> [SomeStoreAction shouldComponentUpdateStore $ IncrementFirstSCUData idx]] $ elemString $ "Increment first entry's integer" ++ show idx -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Callback returning view -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data CallbackViewProps = CallbackViewProps Int String deriving (Show, Typeable) callbackArgsToProps :: Int -> String -> ReturnProps CallbackViewProps callbackArgsToProps i s = ReturnProps $ CallbackViewProps i s callbackViewTest :: ReactView CallbackViewProps callbackViewTest = defineView "callback view props test" $ \(CallbackViewProps i s) -> p_ [ "id" $= "callback-view-props-test"] $ elemString $ "Props are " ++ show i ++ " and " ++ s foreign import javascript unsafe "React['createClass']({'displayName':'callback wrapper', 'render': function() { \ \ return React['createElement']('div', {}, [React.createElement('p', {}, 'From Callback'), this.props.foo(5, 'Hello World')]); \ \ }})" js_createWrapperClass :: JSVal callbackViewWrapper :: ReactView () callbackViewWrapper = defineView "callback view wrapper" $ \() -> div_ ["id" $= "callback-view-wrapper"] $ foreignClass js_createWrapperClass [ callbackViewWithProps "foo" callbackViewTest callbackArgsToProps ] mempty -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Intl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreign import javascript unsafe "{'with_trans': 'message from translation {abc}'}" js_translations :: JSVal intlSpec :: ReactView () intlSpec = defineView "intl" $ \() -> intlProvider_ "en" (Just js_translations) Nothing $ view intlSpecBody () mempty intlSpecBody :: ReactView () intlSpecBody = defineView "intl body" $ \() -> div_ ["id" $= "intl-spec"] $ ul_ $ do li_ ["id" $= "f-number"] $ formattedNumber_ [ "value" @= (0.9 :: Double), "style" $= "percent" ] li_ ["id" $= "f-int"] $ int_ 100000 li_ ["id" $= "f-double"] $ double_ 40000.2 li_ ["id" $= "f-number-prop"] $ input_ [formattedNumberProp "placeholder" (123456 :: Int) []] let moon = fromGregorian 1969 7 20 fullDayF = DayFormat { weekdayF = Just "long", eraF = Just "short", yearF = Just "2-digit", monthF = Just "long", dayF = Just "2-digit" } li_ ["id" $= "f-shortday"] $ day_ shortDate moon li_ ["id" $= "f-fullday"] $ day_ fullDayF moon li_ ["id" $= "f-date"] $ formattedDate_ (Left moon) [ "weekday" $= "short", "month" $= "short", "day" $= "numeric", "year" $= "2-digit" ] li_ ["id" $= "f-date-prop"] $ input_ [formattedDateProp "placeholder" (Left moon) []] let step = UTCTime moon (2*60*60 + 56*60) -- 1969-7-20 02:56 UTC fullT = (fullDayF, TimeFormat { hourF = Just "numeric", minuteF = Just "2-digit", secondF = Just "numeric", timeZoneNameF = Just "long" }) li_ ["id" $= "f-shorttime"] $ utcTime_ shortDateTime step li_ ["id" $= "f-fulltime"] $ utcTime_ fullT step li_ ["id" $= "f-time"] $ formattedDate_ (Right step) [ "year" $= "2-digit", "month" $= "short", "day" $= "numeric" , "hour" $= "numeric", "minute" $= "2-digit", "second" $= "numeric" , "timeZoneName" $= "short" , "timeZone" $= "Pacific/Tahiti" ] li_ ["id" $= "f-time-prop"] $ input_ [formattedDateProp "placeholder" (Right step) [ "year" `iprop` ("2-digit" :: String) , "month" `iprop` ("short" :: String) , "day" `iprop` ("2-digit" :: String) , "hour" `iprop` ("numeric" :: String) , "timeZone" `iprop` ("Pacific/Tahiti" :: String) ] ] li_ ["id" $= "f-relative"] $ relativeTo_ step li_ ["id" $= "f-relative-days"] $ formattedRelative_ step [ "units" $= "day" ] li_ ["id" $= "f-plural"] $ plural_ [ "value" @= (100 :: Int), "one" $= "plural one", "other" $= "plural other"] li_ ["id" $= "f-plural-prop"] $ input_ [pluralProp "placeholder" (100 :: Int) ["one" `iprop` ("plural one" :: String), "other" `iprop` ("plural other" :: String)]] li_ ["id" $= "f-msg"] $ $(message "photos" "{name} took {numPhotos, plural, =0 {no photos} =1 {one photo} other {# photos}} {takenAgo}.") [ "name" $= "Neil Armstrong" , "numPhotos" @= (100 :: Int) , elementProperty "takenAgo" $ span_ ["id" $= "takenAgoSpan"] "years ago" ] li_ ["id" $= "f-msg-prop"] $ input_ [ $(messageProp "placeholder" "photosprop" "{name} took {numPhotos, plural, =0 {no photos} =1 {one photo} other {# photos}}") [ "name" `iprop` ("Neil Armstrong" :: String) , "numPhotos" `iprop` (100 :: Int) ] ] li_ ["id" $= "f-msg-with-trans"] $ $(message "with_trans" "this is not used {abc}") ["abc" $= "xxx"] li_ ["id" $= "f-msg-with-descr"] $ $(message' "photos2" "How many photos?" "{name} took {numPhotos, plural, =0 {no photos} =1 {one photo} other {# photos}}.") [ "name" $= "Neil Armstrong" , "numPhotos" @= (0 :: Int) ] li_ ["id" $= "f-msg-prop-with-descr"] $ input_ [$(messageProp' "placeholder" "photosprop2" "How many photos?" "{name} took {numPhotos, number} photos") [ "name" `iprop` ("Neil Armstrong" :: String) , "numPhotos" `iprop` (0 :: Int) ] ] li_ ["id" $= "f-html-msg"] $ $(htmlMsg "html1" "{num} is the answer to life, the universe, and everything") [ "num" @= (42 :: Int) ] li_ ["id" $= "f-html-msg-with-descr"] $ $(htmlMsg' "html2" "Hitchhiker's Guide" "{num} is the answer to life, the universe, and everything") [ "num" @= (42 :: Int) ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Main -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Test a lifecycle view with all lifecycle methods nothing testClient :: ReactView () testClient = defineLifecycleView "app" "Hello" lifecycleConfig { lRender = \s () -> do eventsView_ when (s /= "") $ testLifecycle_ s button_ [ "id" $= "add-app-str" , onClick $ \_ _ s' -> ([], Just $ s' <> "o") ] "Add o" button_ [ "id" $= "clear-app-str" , onClick $ \_ _ _ -> ([], Just "") ] "Clear" displayChildrenSpec view cssTransitions ["A", "B"] mempty view shouldComponentUpdateSpec () mempty view callbackViewWrapper () mempty view intlSpec () mempty } main :: IO () main = reactRender "app" testClient () writeIntlMessages (intlFormatJson "test/client/msgs/jsonmsgs.json") writeIntlMessages (intlFormatJsonWithoutDescription "test/client/msgs/jsonnodescr.json") writeIntlMessages (intlFormatAndroidXML "test/client/msgs/android.xml")