This directory contains three example applications. # Todo Example This is the simpler of the two examples, and you should start here. The design is copied pretty much exactly from the [flux todo example]( It uses the same actions, same views, and produces the same DOM, so the design overview from the flux repository covers this example application as well. When reading the code for the example application, you should start with `TodoStore.hs`. Next, look at `TodoDispatcher.hs` and `TodoViews.hs`. Finally, you can look at `TodoComponents.hs` and `Main.hs` and `NodeMain.hs`. ### Build To build, run `stack build` followed by `make` in the top-level directory. The makefile sets up a symbolic link to the stack output directory and also compresses the resulting javascript using closure. ### TODO in the browser A result of the build is in the directory `js-build/install-root/bin/todo.jsexe`. There is a file `example/todo/todo-dev.html` which loads this `all.js` file from this directory, so you can open `todo-dev.html` after building. But to deploy a react-flux application, you should minimize it since the size of `all.js` is 1.8 mebibytes. To do so, the `Makefile` calls closure to produce a file `js-build/todo.min.js`. Then the `todo.html` references this minimized javascript file, which is only 500 kibibytes which when compressed with gzip is 124 kibibytes. ### TODO in node `NodeMain.hs` is a separate main module which instead of rendering the TODO example application into the DOM, it renders it to a string and then displays it. To execute this, run ~~~ cd example/todo npm install react@0.14.6 node run-in-node.js ~~~ ### Testing Finally, you might be interested to look at [test/spec/TodoSpec.hs]( as it contains an [hspec-webdriver]( spec for the TODO example application. # PureCSS The second example application shows building a [responsive side menu]( using [PureCSS]( A similar technique with slightly different CSS classes can be used to create any of the menu [layouts]( The code is ogranzied as: * `NavStore.hs` contains a store which stores the current page being viewed and a boolean if the responsive side menu is open or closed. * `Dispatcher.hs` contains a function `changePageTo` which allows changing the page. In a larger application, `Dispatcher.hs` should also contain functions to dispatch to the other stores containing the actual page data. * `PageViews.hs` contains the actual page content. In a real application, each page should probably be split into its own module and be a controller view for the content store. * `App.hs` contains the layout for the entire application, with the navigation bar and header. * `Main.hs` renders the application into the DOM. It uses the browser [history API]( which might not work if you open `index.html` directly from the filesystem (depends on browser settings). Instead, the index.html file can be served and the history API always works. ~~~ cd example/purecss-side-menu ln -s ../../js-build/install-root/bin/purecss-side-menu.jsexe/all.js purecss-side-menu.js python3 -m http.server 8000 ~~~ Then open your browser to `localhost:8000`. # Routing Example The third example application shows routing with the [web-routes]( package.