{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | The views for the TODO app module TodoViews where import Control.Monad (when) import React.Flux import TodoDispatcher import TodoStore import TodoComponents -- | The controller view and also the top level of the TODO app. This controller view registers -- with the store and will be re-rendered whenever the store changes. todoApp :: ReactView () todoApp = defineControllerView "todo app" todoStore $ \todoState () -> div_ $ do todoHeader_ mainSection_ todoState todoFooter_ todoState -- | The TODO header as a React view with no properties. todoHeader :: ReactView () todoHeader = defineView "header" $ \() -> header_ ["id" $= "header"] $ do h1_ "todos" todoTextInput_ TextInputArgs { tiaId = Just "new-todo" , tiaClass = "new-todo" , tiaPlaceholder = "What needs to be done?" , tiaOnSave = dispatchTodo . TodoCreate , tiaValue = Nothing } -- | A combinator for the header suitable for use inside the 'todoApp' rendering function. todoHeader_ :: ReactElementM eventHandler () todoHeader_ = view todoHeader () mempty -- | A view that does not use a ReactView and is instead just a Haskell function. -- Note how we use an underscore to signal that this is directly a combinator that can be used -- inside the rendering function. mainSection_ :: TodoState -> ReactElementM ViewEventHandler () mainSection_ st = section_ ["id" $= "main"] $ do labeledInput_ "toggle-all" "Mark all as complete" [ "type" $= "checkbox" , "checked" $= if all (todoComplete . snd) $ todoList st then "checked" else "" , onChange $ \_ -> dispatchTodo ToggleAllComplete ] ul_ [ "id" $= "todo-list" ] $ mapM_ todoItem_ $ todoList st -- | A view for each todo item. We specifically use a ReactView here to take advantage of the -- ability for React to only re-render the todo items that have changed. Care is taken in the -- transform function of the store to not change the Haskell object for the pair (Int, Todo), and -- in this case React will not re-render the todo item. For more details, see the "Performance" -- section of the React.Flux documentation. todoItem :: ReactView (Int, Todo) todoItem = defineView "todo item" $ \(todoIdx, todo) -> li_ [ classNames [("completed", todoComplete todo), ("editing", todoIsEditing todo)] , "key" @= todoIdx ] $ do cldiv_ "view" $ do input_ [ "className" $= "toggle" , "type" $= "checkbox" , "checked" @= todoComplete todo , onChange $ \_ -> dispatchTodo $ TodoSetComplete todoIdx $ not $ todoComplete todo ] label_ [ onDoubleClick $ \_ _ -> dispatchTodo $ TodoEdit todoIdx] $ elemText $ todoText todo clbutton_ "destroy" (dispatchTodo $ TodoDelete todoIdx) mempty when (todoIsEditing todo) $ todoTextInput_ TextInputArgs { tiaId = Nothing , tiaClass = "edit" , tiaPlaceholder = "" , tiaOnSave = dispatchTodo . UpdateText todoIdx , tiaValue = Just $ todoText todo } -- | A combinator for a todo item to use inside rendering functions todoItem_ :: (Int, Todo) -> ReactElementM eventHandler () todoItem_ todo = viewWithKey todoItem (fst todo) todo mempty -- | A view for the footer, taking the entire state as the properties. This could alternatively -- been modeled as a controller-view, attaching directly to the store. todoFooter :: ReactView TodoState todoFooter = defineView "footer" $ \(TodoState todos) -> let completed = length (filter (todoComplete . snd) todos) itemsLeft = length todos - completed in footer_ [ "id" $= "footer"] $ do span_ [ "id" $= "todo-count" ] $ do strong_ $ elemShow itemsLeft elemText $ if itemsLeft == 1 then " item left" else " items left" when (completed > 0) $ do button_ [ "id" $= "clear-completed" , onClick $ \_ _ -> dispatchTodo ClearCompletedTodos ] $ elemText $ "Clear completed (" ++ show completed ++ ")" -- | A render combinator for the footer todoFooter_ :: TodoState -> ReactElementM eventHandler () todoFooter_ s = view todoFooter s mempty