-- | Internal module containing the view definitions
module React.Flux.Views where

import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)

import React.Flux.Store
import React.Flux.Internal

#ifdef __GHCJS__
import Control.DeepSeq
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import React.Flux.Export
import JavaScript.Array
import GHCJS.Foreign.Callback
import GHCJS.Types (JSRef, castRef, JSString)
import GHCJS.Marshal (ToJSRef(..))

type JSRef a = ()

-- | A view is conceptually a rendering function from @props@ and some internal state to a tree of elements.  The function
-- receives a value of type @props@ from its parent in the virtual DOM.  Additionally, the rendering
-- function can depend on some internal state or store data.  Based on the @props@ and the internal
-- state, the rendering function produces a virtual tree of elements which React then reconciles
-- with the browser DOM.
-- This module supports 3 kinds of views.  All of the views provided by this module are pure, in the
-- sense that the rendering function and event handlers cannot perform any IO.  All IO occurs inside
-- the 'transform' function of a store.
newtype ReactView props = ReactView { reactView :: ReactViewRef props }

--- Two versions of defineControllerView

-- | Event handlers in a controller-view and a view transform events into actions, but are not
-- allowed to perform any 'IO'.
type ViewEventHandler = [SomeStoreAction]

-- | A controller view provides the glue between a 'ReactStore' and the DOM.
-- The controller-view registers with the given store, and whenever the store is transformed the
-- controller-view re-renders itself.  Each instance of a controller-view also accepts properties of
-- type @props@ from its parent.  Whenever the parent re-renders itself, the new properties will be
-- passed down to the controller-view causing it to re-render itself.
-- Events registered on controller-views are expected to produce lists of 'SomeStoreAction'.  Since
-- lists of 'SomeStoreAction' are the output of the dispatcher, each event handler should just be a
-- call to a dispatcher function.  Once the event fires, the actions are executed causing the
-- store(s) to transform which leads to the controller-view(s) re-rendering.  This one-way flow of
-- data from actions to store to controller-views is central to the flux design.
-- It is recommended to have one controller-view for each
-- significant section of the page.  Controller-views deeper in the page tree can cause complexity
-- because data is now flowing into the page in multiple possibly conflicting places.  You must
-- balance the gain of encapsulated components versus the complexity of multiple entry points for
-- data into the page.  Note that multiple controller views can register with the same store.
-- >todoApp :: ReactView ()
-- >todoApp = defineControllerView "todo app" todoStore $ \todoState () ->
-- >    div_ $ do
-- >        todoHeader_
-- >        mainSection_ todoState
-- >        todoFooter_ todoState
defineControllerView :: (StoreData storeData, Typeable props)
                 => String -- ^ A name for this view, used only for debugging/console logging
                 -> ReactStore storeData -- ^ The store this controller view should attach to.
                 -> (storeData -> props -> ReactElementM ViewEventHandler ()) -- ^ The rendering function
                 -> ReactView props

#ifdef __GHCJS__

defineControllerView name (ReactStore store _) buildNode = unsafePerformIO $ do
    let render sd props = return $ buildNode sd props
    renderCb <- mkRenderCallback (js_ReactGetState >=> parseExport) runViewHandler render
    ReactView <$> js_createControllerView (toJSString name) store renderCb

-- | Transform a controller view handler to a raw handler.
runViewHandler :: ReactThis state props -> ViewEventHandler -> IO ()
runViewHandler _ handler = handler `deepseq` mapM_ executeAction handler


defineControllerView _ _ _ = ReactView (ReactViewRef ())


{-# NOINLINE defineControllerView #-}

--- Two versions of defineView

-- | A view is a re-usable component of the page which accepts properties of type @props@ from its
-- parent and re-renders itself whenever the properties change.
-- One option to implement views is to just use a Haskell function taking the @props@ as input and
-- producing a 'ReactElementM'.  For small views, such a Haskell function is ideal.
-- Using a 'ReactView' provides more than just a Haskell function when used with a key property with
-- 'viewWithKey'.  The key property allows React to more easily reconcile the virtual DOM with the
-- browser DOM.
-- The following is two example views: @mainSection_@ is just a Haskell function and @todoItem@
-- is a React view.  We use the convention that an underscore suffix signifies a combinator
-- which can be used in the rendering function.
-- >mainSection_ :: TodoState -> ReactElementM ViewEventHandler ()
-- >mainSection_ st = section_ ["id" $= "main"] $ do
-- >    input_ [ "id" $= "toggle-all"
-- >           , "type" $= "checkbox"
-- >           , "checked" $= if all (todoComplete . snd) $ todoList st then "checked" else ""
-- >           , onChange $ \_ -> dispatchTodo ToggleAllComplete
-- >           ]
-- >
-- >    label_ [ "htmlFor" $= "toggle-all"] "Mark all as complete"
-- >    ul_ [ "id" $= "todo-list" ] $ mapM_ todoItem_ $ todoList st
-- >
-- >todoItem :: ReactView (Int, Todo)
-- >todoItem = defineView "todo item" $ \(todoIdx, todo) ->
-- >    li_ [ "className" @= (unwords $ [ "completed" | todoComplete todo] ++ [ "editing" | todoIsEditing todo ])
-- >        , "key" @= todoIdx
-- >        ] $ do
-- >        
-- >        div_ [ "className" $= "view"] $ do
-- >            input_ [ "className" $= "toggle"
-- >                   , "type" $= "checkbox"
-- >                   , "checked" @= todoComplete todo
-- >                   , onChange $ \_ -> dispatchTodo $ TodoSetComplete todoIdx $ not $ todoComplete todo
-- >                   ]
-- >
-- >            label_ [ onDoubleClick $ \_ _ -> dispatchTodo $ TodoEdit todoIdx] $
-- >                elemText $ todoText todo
-- >
-- >            button_ [ "className" $= "destroy"
-- >                    , onClick $ \_ _ -> dispatchTodo $ TodoDelete todoIdx
-- >                    ] mempty
-- >
-- >        when (todoIsEditing todo) $
-- >            todoTextInput_ TextInputArgs
-- >                { tiaId = Nothing
-- >                , tiaClass = "edit"
-- >                , tiaPlaceholder = ""
-- >                , tiaOnSave = dispatchTodo . UpdateText todoIdx
-- >                , tiaValue = Just $ todoText todo
-- >                }
-- >
-- >todoItem_ :: (Int, Todo) -> ReactElementM eventHandler ()
-- >todoItem_ todo = viewWithKey todoItem (fst todo) todo mempty
defineView :: Typeable props
       => String -- ^ A name for this view, used only for debugging/console logging
       -> (props -> ReactElementM ViewEventHandler ()) -- ^ The rendering function
       -> ReactView props

#ifdef __GHCJS__

defineView name buildNode = unsafePerformIO $ do
    let render () props = return $ buildNode props
    renderCb <- mkRenderCallback (const $ return ()) runViewHandler render
    ReactView <$> js_createView (toJSString name) renderCb


defineView _ _ = ReactView (ReactViewRef ())


{-# NOINLINE defineView #-}

--- Two versions of defineStatefulView

-- | A stateful-view event handler produces a list of store actions and potentially a new state.  If
-- the new state is nothing, no change is made to the state (which allows an optimization in that we
-- do not need to re-render the view).
-- Changing the state causes a re-render which will cause a new event handler to be created.  If the
-- handler closes over the state passed into the rendering function, there is a race if multiple
-- events occur before React causes a re-render.  Therefore, the handler takes the current state as
-- input.  Your handlers therefore should ignore the state passed into the render function and
-- instead use the state passed directly to the handler.
type StatefulViewEventHandler state = state -> ([SomeStoreAction], Maybe state)

-- | A stateful view is a re-usable component of the page which keeps track of internal state.
-- Try to keep as many views as possible stateless.  The React documentation on
-- <https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/interactivity-and-dynamic-uis.html inteactivity and dynamic UIs>
-- has some discussion of what should and should not go into the state.
-- The rendering function is a pure function of the state and the properties from the parent.  The
-- view will be re-rendered whenever the state or properties change.  The only way to
-- transform the internal state of the view is via an event handler, which can optionally produce
-- new state.  Any more complicated state should be moved out into a (possibly new) store.
-- >data TextInputArgs = TextInputArgs {
-- >      tiaId :: Maybe String
-- >    , tiaClass :: String
-- >    , tiaPlaceholder :: String
-- >    , tiaOnSave :: String -> [SomeStoreAction]
-- >    , tiaValue :: Maybe String
-- >} deriving (Typeable)
-- >
-- >todoTextInput :: ReactView TextInputArgs
-- >todoTextInput = defineStatefulView "todo text input" "" $ \curText args ->
-- >    input_ $
-- >        maybe [] (\i -> ["id" @= i]) (tiaId args)
-- >        ++
-- >        [ "className" @= tiaClass args
-- >        , "placeholder" @= tiaPlaceholder args
-- >        , "value" @= curText
-- >        , "autoFocus" @= True
-- >        , onChange $ \evt _ -> ([], Just $ target evt "value")
-- >        , onBlur $ \_ _ curState ->
-- >             if not (null curState)
-- >                 then (tiaOnSave args curState, Just "")
-- >                 else ([], Nothing)
-- >        , onKeyDown $ \_ evt curState ->
-- >             if keyCode evt == 13 && not (null curState) -- 13 is enter
-- >                 then (tiaOnSave args curState, Just "")
-- >                 else ([], Nothing)
-- >        ]
-- >
-- >todoTextInput_ :: TextInputArgs -> ReactElementM eventHandler ()
-- >todoTextInput_ args = view todoTextInput args mempty
defineStatefulView :: (Typeable state, Typeable props)
               => String -- ^ A name for this view, used only for debugging/console logging
               -> state -- ^ The initial state
               -> (state -> props -> ReactElementM (StatefulViewEventHandler state) ()) -- ^ The rendering function
               -> ReactView props

#ifdef __GHCJS__

defineStatefulView name initial buildNode = unsafePerformIO $ do
    initialRef <- export initial
    let render state props = return $ buildNode state props
    renderCb <- mkRenderCallback (js_ReactGetState >=> parseExport) runStateViewHandler render
    ReactView <$> js_createStatefulView (toJSString name) initialRef renderCb

-- | Transform a stateful view event handler to a raw event handler
runStateViewHandler :: Typeable state
                    => ReactThis state props -> StatefulViewEventHandler state -> IO ()
runStateViewHandler this handler = do
    st <- js_ReactGetState this >>= parseExport

    let (actions, mNewState) = handler st

    case mNewState of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just newState -> do
            newStateRef <- export newState
            js_ReactUpdateAndReleaseState this newStateRef

    -- nothing above here should block, so the handler callback should still be running syncronous,
    -- so the deepseq of actions should still pick up the proper event object.
    actions `deepseq` mapM_ executeAction actions


defineStatefulView _ _ _ = ReactView (ReactViewRef ())


{-# NOINLINE defineStatefulView #-}

--- Class

--- Various GHCJS only utilities

#ifdef __GHCJS__

newtype ReactThis state props = ReactThis (JSRef ())

foreign import javascript unsafe
    js_ReactGetState :: ReactThis state props -> IO (Export state)

foreign import javascript unsafe
    js_ReactGetProps :: ReactThis state props -> IO (Export props)

foreign import javascript unsafe
    js_ReactGetChildren :: ReactThis state props -> IO (JSArray)

foreign import javascript unsafe
    js_ReactUpdateAndReleaseState :: ReactThis state props -> Export state -> IO ()

foreign import javascript unsafe
    js_ReactFindDOMNode :: ReactThis state props -> IO (JSRef a)

foreign import javascript unsafe
    js_ReactGetRef :: ReactThis state props -> JSString -> IO (JSRef a)

newtype RenderCbArg = RenderCbArg (JSRef ())

foreign import javascript unsafe
    "$1.newCallbacks = $2; $1.elem = $3;"
    js_RenderCbSetResults :: RenderCbArg -> JSRef [Callback (JSRef () -> IO ())] -> ReactElementRef -> IO ()

foreign import javascript unsafe
    "hsreact$mk_ctrl_view($1, $2, $3)"
    js_createControllerView :: JSString
                            -> ReactStoreRef storeData
                            -> Callback (JSRef () -> JSRef () -> IO ())
                            -> IO (ReactViewRef props)

-- | Create a view with no state.
foreign import javascript unsafe
    "hsreact$mk_view($1, $2)"
    js_createView :: JSString
                  -> Callback (JSRef () -> JSRef () -> IO ())
                  -> IO (ReactViewRef props)

-- | Create a view which tracks its own state.  Similar releasing needs to happen for callbacks and
-- properties as for controller views.
foreign import javascript unsafe
    "hsreact$mk_stateful_view($1, $2, $3)"
    js_createStatefulView :: JSString
                          -> Export state
                          -> Callback (JSRef () -> JSRef () -> IO ())
                          -> IO (ReactViewRef props)

foreign import javascript unsafe
    "hsreact$mk_lifecycle_view($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)"
    js_makeLifecycleView :: JSString -> Export state -> Callback (JSRef () -> JSRef () -> IO ())
                         -> JSRef a -> JSRef b -> JSRef c -> JSRef d -> JSRef e -> JSRef f -> IO (ReactViewRef props)

mkRenderCallback :: Typeable props
                 => (ReactThis state props -> IO state) -- ^ parse state
                 -> (ReactThis state props -> eventHandler -> IO ()) -- ^ execute event args
                 -> (state -> props -> IO (ReactElementM eventHandler ())) -- ^ renderer
                 -> IO (Callback (JSRef () -> JSRef () -> IO ()))
mkRenderCallback parseState runHandler render = syncCallback2 ContinueAsync $ \thisRef argRef -> do
    let this = ReactThis thisRef
        arg = RenderCbArg argRef
    state <- parseState this
    props <- js_ReactGetProps this >>= parseExport
    node <- render state props

    let getPropsChildren = do childRef <- js_ReactGetChildren this
                              let childArr = toList childRef
                              return $ map ReactElementRef childArr

    (element, evtCallbacks) <- mkReactElement (runHandler this) getPropsChildren node

    evtCallbacksRef <- toJSRef evtCallbacks
    js_RenderCbSetResults arg evtCallbacksRef element

parseExport :: Typeable a => Export a -> IO a
parseExport a = do
    mdata <- derefExport a
    maybe (error "Unable to load export from javascript") return mdata


--- Element creation for views

-- | Create an element from a view.  I suggest you make a combinator for each of your views, similar
-- to the examples above such as @todoItem_@.
view :: Typeable props
     => ReactView props -- ^ the view
     -> props -- ^ the properties to pass into the instance of this view
     -> ReactElementM eventHandler a -- ^ The children of the element
     -> ReactElementM eventHandler a
view rc props (ReactElementM child) =
    let (a, childEl) = runWriter child
     in elementToM a $ ViewElement (reactView rc) (Nothing :: Maybe Int) props childEl

-- | Create an element from a view, and also pass in a key property for the instance.  Key
-- properties speed up the <https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/reconciliation.html reconciliation>
-- of the virtual DOM with the DOM.  The key does not need to be globally unqiue, it only needs to
-- be unique within the siblings of an element.
viewWithKey :: (Typeable props, ReactViewKey key)
            => ReactView props -- ^ the view
            -> key -- ^ A value unique within the siblings of this element
            -> props -- ^ The properties to pass to the view instance
            -> ReactElementM eventHandler a -- ^ The children of the view
            -> ReactElementM eventHandler a
viewWithKey rc key props (ReactElementM child) =
    let (a, childEl) = runWriter child
     in elementToM a $ ViewElement (reactView rc) (Just key) props childEl

-- | Create a 'ReactElement' for a class defined in javascript.  For example, if you would like to
-- use <https://github.com/JedWatson/react-select react-select>, you could do so as follows:
-- >foreign import javascript unsafe
-- >    "window['Select']"
-- >    js_ReactSelectClass :: JSRef ()
-- >
-- >reactSelect_ :: [PropertyOrHandler eventHandler] -> ReactElementM eventHandler ()
-- >reactSelect_ props = foreignClass js_ReactSelectClass props mempty
-- >
-- >onSelectChange :: FromJSON a
-- >               => (a -> handler) -- ^ receives the new value and performs an action.
-- >               -> PropertyOrHandler handler
-- >onSelectChange f = callback "onChange" (f . parse)
-- >    where
-- >        parse v =
-- >            case fromJSON v of
-- >                Error err -> error $ "Unable to parse new value for select onChange: " ++ err
-- >                Success e -> e
-- This could then be used as part of a rendering function like so:
-- >reactSelect_
-- >    [ "name" $= "form-field-name"
-- >    , "value" $= "one"
-- >    , "options" @= [ object [ "value" .= "one", "label" .= "One" ]
-- >                   , object [ "value" .= "two", "label" .= "Two" ]
-- >                   ]
-- >    , onSelectChange dispatchSomething
-- >    ]
foreignClass :: JSRef cl -- ^ The javascript reference to the class
             -> [PropertyOrHandler eventHandler] -- ^ properties and handlers to pass when creating an instance of this class.
             -> ReactElementM eventHandler a -- ^ The child element or elements
             -> ReactElementM eventHandler a

#if __GHCJS__

foreignClass name attrs (ReactElementM child) =
    let (a, childEl) = runWriter child
     in elementToM a $ ForeignElement (Right $ ReactViewRef $ castRef name) attrs childEl

foreignClass _ _ x = x