This directory contains an example TODO application. The design is copied pretty much exactly from the [flux todo example]( It uses the same actions, same views, and produces the same DOM, so the design overview from the flux repository covers this example application as well. When reading the code for the example application, you should start with `TodoStore.hs`. Next, look at `TodoDispatcher.hs` and `TodoViews.hs`. Finally, you can look at `TodoComponents.hs` and `Main.hs`. # Build To build, you must pass the `-fexample` flag to cabal. ~~~ cabal configure -fexample cabal build ~~~ The result of this build is a file `dist/build/todo/todo.jsexe/all.js`. There is a file `example/todo-dev.html` which loads this `all.js` file directly from the `dist` directory, so you can open `todo-dev.html` after building. But to deploy a react-flux application, you should minimize it since the size of `all.js` is 1.8 mebibytes. To do so, there is a `Makefile` which calls closure. So if you have closure installed on your path, you can execute ~~~ cd example make ~~~ This produces a file `js-build/todo.min.js` which is only 500 kibibytes which when compressed with gzip is 124 kibibytes. # Testing Finally, you might be interested to look at [test/spec/TodoSpec.hs]( as it contains an [hspec-webdriver]( spec for the TODO example application.