name: re2 version: 0.1 license: MIT license-file: license.txt author: John Millikin maintainer: John Millikin copyright: lib/: John Millikin, third-party/: Google Inc. build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.8 category: Regex stability: experimental homepage: bug-reports: synopsis: Bindings to the re2 regular expression library description: re2 is a regular expression library offering predictable run-time and memory consumption. This package is a binding to re2. . Supported expression syntax is documented at . . >$ ghci -XOverloadedStrings >ghci> import Regex.RE2 > >ghci> find "\\w+" "hello world" >Just (Match [Just "hello"]) > >ghci> find "\\w+$" "hello world" >Just (Match [Just "world"]) > >ghci> find "^\\w+$" "hello world" >Nothing extra-source-files: cbits/ cbits/haskell-re2.h third-party/re2-20140304/util/*.h third-party/re2-20140304/re2/*.h third-party/re2-20140304/AUTHORS third-party/re2-20140304/CONTRIBUTORS third-party/re2-20140304/LICENSE third-party/re2-20140304/README source-repository head type: git location: source-repository this type: git location: tag: haskell-re2_0.1 library hs-source-dirs: lib ghc-options: -Wall -O2 cc-options: -Wall -O3 -pthread -Wno-sign-compare -DNDEBUG c-sources: cbits/ third-party/re2-20140304/util/ third-party/re2-20140304/util/ third-party/re2-20140304/util/ third-party/re2-20140304/util/ third-party/re2-20140304/util/ third-party/re2-20140304/util/ third-party/re2-20140304/util/ third-party/re2-20140304/re2/ third-party/re2-20140304/re2/ third-party/re2-20140304/re2/ third-party/re2-20140304/re2/ third-party/re2-20140304/re2/ third-party/re2-20140304/re2/ third-party/re2-20140304/re2/ third-party/re2-20140304/re2/ third-party/re2-20140304/re2/ third-party/re2-20140304/re2/ third-party/re2-20140304/re2/ third-party/re2-20140304/re2/ third-party/re2-20140304/re2/ third-party/re2-20140304/re2/ third-party/re2-20140304/re2/ third-party/re2-20140304/re2/ third-party/re2-20140304/re2/ third-party/re2-20140304/re2/ third-party/re2-20140304/re2/ include-dirs: third-party/re2-20140304/ extra-libraries: stdc++ pthread build-depends: -- On most platforms, loading C++ libraries requires GHC 7.8 or later. base >= 4.7 && < 5.0 , bytestring >= 0.10.2 , vector exposed-modules: Regex.RE2 test-suite tests type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: tests/Tests.hs ghc-options: -Wall -O2 build-depends: re2 , base >= 4.7 && < 5.0 , bytestring , chell >= 0.4 && < 0.5 , vector