name: rdf4h version: 5.1.0 synopsis: A library for RDF processing in Haskell description: 'RDF for Haskell' is a library for working with RDF in Haskell. It includes RDF parsers and serializers for N-Triples and Turtle, and an RDF parser for RDF/XML. It provides the ability to query for triples containing a particular subject, predicate, or object, or selecting triples that satisfy an arbitrary predicate function. It also supports IRI parsing and resolution, and compiled-time generation of Haskell modules from Turtle schema files. author: Rob Stewart, Pierre Le Marre, Slava Kravchenko, Calvin Smith, Fabian Meyer, koslambrou, Tim McIver copyright: (c) Rob Stewart, Calvin Smith maintainer: Rob Stewart homepage: bug-reports: license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE.txt cabal-version: >= 1.10 build-type: Simple category: RDF stability: stable tested-with: GHC==9.2.5 extra-tmp-files: test extra-source-files: examples/ParseURLs.hs , examples/ESWC.hs , examples/BuildRDFGraph.hs , resources/dcterms.ttl , resources/foaf.ttl , resources/skos.ttl , resources/owl.ttl , resources/rdfs.ttl , resources/rdf.ttl , resources/shacl.ttl , resources/vann.ttl , resources/xsd.ttl source-repository head type: git location: library default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Data.RDF , Data.RDF.BlankNode , Data.RDF.IRI , Data.RDF.Namespace , Data.RDF.Types , Data.RDF.Query , Data.RDF.Graph.AdjHashMap , Data.RDF.Graph.AlgebraicGraph , Data.RDF.Graph.TList , Data.RDF.State , Data.RDF.Vocabulary.Generator.VocabularyGenerator , Data.RDF.Vocabulary.DCTerms , Data.RDF.Vocabulary.OWL , Data.RDF.Vocabulary.RDF , Data.RDF.Vocabulary.XSD , Data.RDF.Vocabulary.VANN , Data.RDF.Vocabulary.SHACL , Data.RDF.Vocabulary.RDFS , Data.RDF.Vocabulary.FOAF , Data.RDF.Vocabulary.SKOS , Text.RDF.RDF4H.TurtleParser , Text.RDF.RDF4H.TurtleSerializer , Text.RDF.RDF4H.NTriplesParser , Text.RDF.RDF4H.NTriplesSerializer , Text.RDF.RDF4H.XmlParser , Text.RDF.RDF4H.XmlParser.Identifiers , Text.RDF.RDF4H.ParserUtils , Text.RDF.RDF4H.TurtleSerializer.Internal build-depends: attoparsec , base >= , bytestring , filepath , containers , parsec >= 3 -- , HTTP >= 4000.0.0 -- , hxt >= , text >= , algebraic-graphs >= 0.5 , unordered-containers >= , hashable , deepseq , binary , parsers , mtl , network-uri >= 2.6 -- , xmlbf >= 0.6 -- , xmlbf-xeno , lifted-base , http-conduit >= 2.2.0 , mmorph , exceptions , selective , html-entities , xeno , template-haskell >= 2.18.0 other-modules: Text.RDF.RDF4H.XmlParser.Xmlbf , Text.RDF.RDF4H.XmlParser.Xeno if impl(ghc < 7.6) build-depends: ghc-prim if !impl(ghc >= 8.0) build-depends: semigroups == 0.18.* ghc-options: -Wall -Wcompat -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wredundant-constraints executable rdf4h default-language: Haskell2010 main-is: src/Rdf4hParseMain.hs build-depends: base >= && < 6 , rdf4h , containers , text >= if impl(ghc < 7.6) build-depends: ghc-prim ghc-options: -Wall -Wcompat -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wredundant-constraints test-suite test-rdf4h default-language: Haskell2010 type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: Test.hs hs-source-dirs: testsuite/tests other-modules: Data.RDF.PropertyTests Data.RDF.GraphImplTests Data.RDF.IRITests Data.RDF.BlankNodeTests Text.RDF.RDF4H.TurtleSerializerTest Text.RDF.RDF4H.TurtleParser_ConformanceTest Text.RDF.RDF4H.XmlParser_Test W3C.Manifest W3C.NTripleTest W3C.TurtleTest W3C.RdfXmlTest W3C.W3CAssertions build-depends: base >= && < 6 , rdf4h , tasty , tasty-hunit , tasty-quickcheck , QuickCheck >= , HUnit >= , containers , text >= , filepath , directory , safe , temporary , bytestring if impl(ghc < 7.6) build-depends: ghc-prim if !impl(ghc >= 8.0) build-depends: semigroups == 0.18.* ghc-options: -Wall -Wcompat -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wredundant-constraints benchmark rdf4h-bench default-language: Haskell2010 type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: bench main-is: MainCriterion.hs build-depends: base >=, deepseq, criterion, rdf4h, text >= if !impl(ghc >= 8.0) build-depends: semigroups == 0.18.* ghc-options: -Wall -Wcompat -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wredundant-constraints